RS232 to UART using MAX232 and Arduino - arduino

I have a bar code reader/scanner with RS232 output. I have tried connecting to my PC using RS232 to USB cable (shown in bottom right of the bar code scanner image)
Then used Putty at COM11 and baud rate set to 9600bps.
I was able to scan bar codes with no errors.
The problem is when trying from RS232 to UART. i have used MAX232 and MAX3232 to be able to convert from RS232 to UART and read it using an arduino.
Using MAX3232 just gave no output at all (tried swapping TX and RX). Common ground is connected and tried connection and disconnecting VCC of the board and still no output
Using MAX232 did show some results in the arduino serial output when +5V is not connected and common ground is connected. (results)
Any help would be appreciated


SIM900 module not responding on hardware COM port

I've got my sim900 module working with arduino by using their software serial library, however, I want to eliminate arduino from the equation and have serial communication directly to sim900 module.
I'm using putty as my terminal emulator. It's serial is configured to COM1 19200 8 N 1 the same as device manager configuration for this port.
I connect straight from hardware serial on my PCs motherboard into serial-to-ttl interface board which connects to sim900 module. The board has 4 pins - VCC GND TX RX. They're all connected to my sim900 hardware serial as follows: VCC=5V GND=GND TX=TX RX=RX (Yes I know that it's always actually TX=RX and RX=TX, but when I connect it that way my interface board doesn't blink any led to indicate a transfer whereas it does when I connect TX=TX and RX=RX). The switch on the module is set to hardware serial pins as well.
So the only thing that happens when I send AT commands such as AT or ATI and press enter is that puttys cursor comes back to the beginning of command that I typed. No response.
I'm thinking that I'm not doing something that the arduinos software serial port is doing when it sends commands to sim900.
Can anyone help please ? It's literally been days of trying different configurations with no results.
In that time besides getting sim900 working with arduino software serial I verified that the hardware serial port on my motherboard is working correctly and the interface board is working correctly as well.

Sending Data from Arduino to Android using Bluetooth

I am trying to do a project based on arduino and Android in which I want to use ultrasonic sensors and Bluetooth module hc-05 . I want to detect any obstacle using ultrasonic and send it's distance to Android app using Bluetooth. I am completely new to arduino and have never used it before . How could I connect both the Bluetooth and ultrasonic sensor to arduino uno board without using breadboard? Is it possible to connect both of them without using breadboard and just the jumper wires?
You can connect the Bluetooth Module and Ultrasonic Sensor with jumper wires directly to the Arduino.
Depending upon the Ultrasonic Sensor you are interfacing, there must be a library or a sample code. You can tweak the code to get the distance in your desired format or variable.
As far as the Bluetooth is concerned, you can operate it at 3.3v or 5v depending upon the module you use. Most of the Bluetooth module support both 3.3v and 5v - as they have voltage regulators on their break out. I have used these and they work on 3.3v as well as 5v
For instance, check the Bluetooth HC - 05 Module in the below link :
For implementing the Bluetooth communication, prefer using the Software Serial. If you connect the Bluetooth HC 05's Rx and Tx to the Arduino's Hardware UART Pins, there can be unpredictable results. I have experienced that using HC05 with Software Serial is reliable. Additionally, you can use the Serial Monitor to debug your code at the same time. I mean, you can send the same data on Software Serial and the Serial port and check if things are as desired.
You can implement, the HC-05 Software Serial at 9600 baudrate. 9600 is the default baudrate on most HC 05 Modules.
For developing the Arduino code and testing it, you can use a terminal client like PuTTY on you computer. You need to establish a bluetooth connection between your computer and HC 05.
HC-05 runs at 3.3V, make sure you do level conversion from 5V to 3.3V using a zener diode. Or buy a level converter if you are new to electronics. If you don't, there is a good chance you will blow up the HC-05. If you could add a photo we can see if its already done on the Bluetooth module, then you need not worry about level conversion
HC-05 is basically a wireless serial port over bluetooh. On arduino create a software serial post using the library SoftwareSerial and send the sensor data to that serial port
There are libraries available for popular HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, if that is the sensor you are using.
For testing on android many app are availables like Bluetooh Terminal, you can receive the data sent from arduino.
Yes the whole project can be done without breadboard using connecting wires.

Is it possible to use Arduino 2560's serial/USB communication without Arduino bootloader?

I have an Arduino 2560 and would like to send serial data to my PC. However, I am currently not using the Arduino Bootloader because I wanted to use a program that I wrote for an Atmega644 before (as far as I understood, one has to use the Arduino language when using the Bootloader?).
Does anyone know if what I am trying to do is possible with reasonable effort?
Connection to PC via 2560's serial0 does not depend on bootloader (if you plan connection when main program is running). You need 16u2 running to bridge 5V serial UART to USB or you can of course use any other option (e.g. MAX232 or so) to convert 5V UART to USB or RS232. But in case of RS232 double check baud rate error because of 16MHz crystal for particular baudrate.
2560 bootloader just implements firmware flash.

Can not view serial data on Arduino Micro

I have written some serial code which justs outputs 'X'. Using the arduinos IdE Serial monitor I can view this very nicely.
I can not view this data on hyperserialterminal though, what could be the issue?
be sure tho choose the correct serial port, that nothing else is using that serial port (like serial monitor), to choose the matching baudrate and that other options are right (8n1)
The Arduino Micro requires the DTR and RTS pin of the comport to be ON, something the Arduino monitor does!
Hence with my serial interface i had to set the DTR and RTS ON, to beable to receive!
The issue is Out put of the Arduino pins of serial monitor are TTL output. If you use USB to TTL output can connect to tx and Rx pins . Then only you can see the terminal window.

Can't get serial output while using Ethernet

I started to experimenting with the Arduino Ethernet shield and got it working with not much effort. However, when I try to debug through the hardware serial port of the board, I get nothing, and though the program still runs, and I know it should be giving me something, it doesn't. Truth be told, I haven't got a clue of what's going on. How do I fix this problem?
P.S. I am using one of the example sketches included in the Arduino IDE.
The Ethernet shield does not use the RX and TX pins (0,1) and I have personally used Serial communication with the shield before.
So it definitely had to do with your code. Can you post your code?
Also have you connected anything to digital pins 0 and 1?
The Arduino Ethernet board is not equivalent to Arduino Uno + Etherent shield. In the Arduino Ethernet board the USB-to-serial chip is not present.
From the official Arduino Ethernet board page
The Ethernet differs from other boards in that it does not have an
onboard USB-to-serial driver chip, but has a Wiznet Ethernet
So I don't think you can print any values in the serial monitor.
You need an external FTDI adapter like get the serial communication between Arduino and your computer to work.
