Differentiate missing values from main data in a plot using R - r

I create a dummy timeseries xts object with missing data on date 2-09-2015 as:
seq <- seq(as.POSIXct("2015-09-01"),as.POSIXct("2015-09-02"), by = "1 hour")
ob1 <- xts(rnorm(length(seq),150,5),seq)
seq2 <- seq(as.POSIXct("2015-09-03"),as.POSIXct("2015-09-05"), by = "1 hour")
ob2 <- xts(rnorm(length(seq2),170,5),seq2)
final_ob <- rbind(ob1,ob2)
# with ggplot
df <- data.frame(time = index(final_ob), val = coredata(final_ob) )
ggplot(df, aes(time, val)) + geom_line()+ scale_x_datetime(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"))
After plotting my data looks like this:
The red coloured rectangular portion represents the date on which data is missing. How should I show that data was missing on this day in the main plot?
I think I should show this missing data with a different colour. But, I don't know how should I process data to reflect the missing data behaviour in the main plot.

Thanks for the great reproducible example.
I think you are best off to omit that line in your "missing" portion. If you have a straight line (even in a different colour) it suggests that data was gathered in that interval, that happened to fall on that straight line. If you omit the line in that interval then it is clear that there is no data there.
The problem is that you want the hourly data to be connected by lines, and then no lines in the "missing data section" - so you need some way to detect that missing data section.
You have not given a criteria for this in your question, so based on your example I will say that each line on the plot should consist of data at hourly intervals; if there's a break of more than an hour then there should be a new line. You will have to adjust this criteria to your specific problem. All we're doing is splitting up your dataframe into bits that get plotted by the same line.
So first create a variable that says which "group" (ie line) each data is in:
df$grp <- factor(c(0, cumsum(diff(df$time) > 1)))
Then you can use the group= aesthetic which geom_line uses to split up lines:
ggplot(df, aes(time, val)) + geom_line(aes(group=grp)) + # <-- only change
scale_x_datetime(labels = date_format("%Y-%m-%d"))


Stop graph touching zero in ggplot geom_freqpoly function

I am creating a frequency plot using the geom_freqpoly function in ggplot2. I have a large data set of social media comments across 14 months and am plotting the number of comments for each week of that data. I am using this code, first converting the UTC to POSIXct and the doing the frequency plot:
ggplot(data = TRP) +
geom_freqpoly(mapping = aes(x = created_utc), binwidth = 604800)
This is creating a plot that looks like this:
I want however to top and tail the plot, as it touches 'zero' at both the start and end, making it look like there was rapid growth and rapid decline. This is not the case as this is simply a snapshot of the data, which exists before and after my analysis. The data begins at the 4,000 mark and ends at around 2,000 and I want it represented like that. I have checked the 'pad' instruction and have insured it is set at FALSE.
Any help as to why this may be occurring would be greatly appreciated.
Rather than adjusting the geom_freqpoly to work differently than intended, it might be simpler to calculate the weekly totals yourself and use geom_line:
library(lubridate); library(dplyr)
df <- data.frame(
datetime = ymd_h(2018010101) + dhours(runif(1000, 0, 14*30*24))
df %>%
count(week_count = floor_date(datetime, "1 week")) %>%
ggplot(aes(week_count, n)) +

Plot multiple traces in R

I started learning R for data analysis and, most importantly, for data visualisation.
Since I am still in the switching process, I am trying to reproduce the activities I was doing with Graphpad Prism or Origin Pro in R. In most of the cases everything was smooth, but I could not find a smart solution for plotting multiple y columns in a single graph.
What I usually get from the softwares I use for data visualisations look like this:
Each single black trace is a measurement, and I would like to obtain the same plot in R. In Prism or Origin, this will take a single copy-paste in a XY graph.
I exported the matrix of data (one X, which indicates the time, and multiple Y values, which are the traces you see in the image).
I imported my data in R with the following commands:
library(ggplot2) #loaded ggplot2
Data <- read.csv("Directory/File.txt", header=F, sep="") #imported data
DF <- data.frame(Data) #transformed data into data frame
If I plot my data now, I obtain a series of columns, where the first one (called V1) is the X axis and all the others (V2 to V140) are the traces I want to put on the same graph.
To plot the data, I tried different solutions:
ggplot(data=DF, aes(x=DF$V1, y=DF[V2:V140]))+geom_line()+theme_bw() #did not work
plot(DF, xy.coords(x=DF$V1, y=DF$V2:V140)) #gives me an error
plot(DF, xy.coords(x=V1, y=c(V2:V10))) #gives me an error
I tried the matplot, without success, following the EZH guide:
The code I used is the following: matplot(x=DF$V1, type="l", lty = 2:100)
The only solution I found would be to individually plot a command for each single column, but it is a crazy solution. The number of columns varies among my data, and manually enter commands for 140 columns is insane.
What would you suggest?
Thank you in advance.
Here there are also some data attached.Data: single X, multiple Y
I tried using the matplot(). I used a very sample data which has no trend at all. so th eoutput from my code shall look terrible, but my main focus is on the code. Since you have already tried matplot() ,just recheck with below solution if you had done it right!
df = matrix(sample(1:685765,50000,replace = T),ncol = 100)
colnames(df)=c("x",paste0("y", 1:99))
matplot(dt[["x"]], y = dt[,c(paste0("y",1:99))], type = "l")
If you want to plot in base R, you have to make a plot and add lines one at a time, however that isn't hard to do.
we start by making some sample data. Since the data in the link seemed to all be on the same scale, I will assume your data frame only has y values and the x value is stored separately.
plotData <- as.data.frame(matrix(sort(rnorm(500)),ncol = 5))
xval <- sort(sample(200, 100))
Now we can initialize a plot with the first column.
plot(xval, plotData[[1]], type = "l",
ylim = c(min(plotData), max(plotData)))
type = "l" makes a line plot instead of a scatter plot
ylim = c(min(plotData), max(plotData)) makes sure the y-axis will fit all the data.
Now we can add the rest of the values.
apply(plotData[-1], 2, lines, x = xval)
plotData[-1] removes the column we already plotted,
apply function with 2 as the second parameter means we want to execute a function on every column,
lines defines the function we are applying to the columns. lines adds a new line to the current plot.
x = xval passes an extra parameter (x) to the lines function.
if you wat to plot the data using ggplot2, the data should be transformed to long format;
dat <- read.delim('AP.txt', header = F)
# plotting only first 9 traces
# my rstudio will crach if I plot the full data;
df <- melt(dat[1:10], id.vars = 'V1')
ggplot(df, aes(x = V1, y = value, color = variable)) + geom_line()
# if you want all traces to be in same colour, you can use
ggplot(df, aes(x = V1, y = value, group = variable)) + geom_line()

ggplot time series plotting: group by dates

I would like to plot several time series on the same panel graph, instead of in separate panels. I took the below R code from another stackoverflow post.
Please note how the 3 time series are in 3 different panels. How would I be able to layer the 3 time series on 1 panal, and each line can differ in color.
Time = Sys.time()+(seq(1,100)*60+c(rep(1,100)*3600*24, rep(2, 100)*3600*24, rep(3, 100)*3600*24))
Value = rnorm(length(Time))
Group = c(0, cumsum(diff(Time) > 1))
g <- ggplot(data.frame(Time, Value, Group)) +
geom_line (aes(x=Time, y=Value, color=Group)) +
facet_grid(~ Group, scales = "free_x")
If you run the above code, you get this:
When the facet_grid() part is eliminated, I get a graph that looks like this:
Basically, I would like ggplot to ignore the differences in the dates, and only consider the times. And then use group to identify the differing dates.
This problem could potentially be solved by creating a new column that only contains the times (eg. 22:01, format="%H:%M"). However, when as.POSIXct() function is used, I get a variable that contains both date and time. I can't seem to escape the date part.
Since the data file has different days for each group's time, one way to get all the groups onto the same plot is to just create a new variable, giving all groups the same "dummy" date but using the actual times collected.
experiment <- data.frame(Time, Value, Group) #creates a data frame
experiment$hms <- as.POSIXct(paste("2015-01-01", substr(experiment$Time, 12, 19))) # pastes dummy date 2015-01-01 onto the HMS of Time
Now that you have the times with all the same date, you then can plot them easily.
experiment$Grouping <- as.factor(experiment$Group) # gglot needed Group to be a factor, to give the lines color according to Group
ggplot(experiment, aes(x=hms, y=Value, color=Grouping)) + geom_line(size=2)
Below is the resulting image (you can change/modify the basic plot as you see fit):

graphing multiple data series in R ggplot

I am trying to plot (on the same graph) two sets of data versus date from two different data frames. Both data frames have the same exact dates for each of the two measurements. I would like to plot these two sets of data on the same graph, with different colors. However, I can't get them on the same graph at all. R is already reading the date as date. I tried this:
qplot( date , NO3, data=qual.arn)
+ qplot( qual.arn$date , qual.arn$DIS.O2, "O2(aq)" , add=T)
and received this error.
Error in add_ggplot(e1, e2, e2name) :
argument "e2" is missing, with no default
I tried using the ggplot function instead of qplot, but I couldn't even plot one graph this way.
ggplot(date=qual.no3.s, aes(date,NO3))
Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class uneval
PLEASE HELP. Thank you!
Since you didn't provide any data (please do so in future), here's a made up dataset for demonstrate a solution. There are (at least) two ways to do this: the right way and the wrong way. Both yield equivalent results in this very simple case.
# set up minimum reproducible example
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example
dates <- seq(as.Date("2015-01-01"),as.Date("2015-06-01"), by=1)
df1 <- data.frame(date=dates, NO3=rpois(length(dates),25))
df2 <- data.frame(date=dates, DIS.O2=rnorm(length(dates),50,10))
ggplot is designed to use data in "long" format. This means that all the y-values (the concentrations) are in a single column, and there is separate column which identifies the corresponding category ("NO3" or "DIS.O2" in your case). So first we merge the two data-sets based on date, then use melt(...) to convert from "wide" (categories in separate columns) to "long" format. Then we let ggplot worry about legends, colors, etc.
library(reshape2) # for melt(...)
# The right way: combine the data-sets, then plot
df.mrg <- merge(df1,df2, by="date", all=TRUE)
gg.df <- melt(df.mrg, id="date", variable.name="Component", value.name="Concentration")
ggplot(gg.df, aes(x=date, y=Concentration, color=Component)) +
geom_point() + labs(x=NULL)
The "wrong" way to do this is by making separate calls to geom_point(...) for each layer. In your particular case this might be simpler, but in the long run it's better to use the other method.
# The wrong way: plot two sets of points
ggplot() +
geom_point(data=df1, aes(x=date, y=NO3, color="NO2")) +
geom_point(data=df2, aes(x=date, y=DIS.O2, color="DIS.O2")) +
scale_color_manual(name="Component",values=c("red", "blue")) +
labs(x=NULL, y="Concentration")

How to create histogram in R with CSV time data?

I have CSV data of a log for 24 hours that looks like this:
I read the data with tbl <- read.csv("logs.csv")
How can I plot this data in a histogram to see the number of hits per hour?
Ideally, I would get 4 bars representing hits per hour per srv01, srv02, srv03, srv04.
Thank you for helping me here!
I don't know if I understood you right, so I will split my answer in two parts. The first part is how to convert your time into a vector you can use for plotting.
a) Converting your data into hours:
#df being the dataframe
df$timestamp <- strptime(df$timestamp, format="%H:%M:%S")
df$hours <- as.numeric(format(df$timestamp, format="%H"))
This gives you a histogram of hits over all servers. If you want to split the histograms this is one way but of course there are numerous others:
b) Making a histogram with ggplot2
ggplot(data=df) + geom_histogram(aes(x=hours), bin=1) + facet_wrap(~ server)
# or use a color instead
ggplot(data=df) + geom_histogram(aes(x=hours, fill=server), bin=1)
c) You could also use another package:
l <- split(df$hours, f=df$server)
The examples are given below. The third makes comparison easier but ggplot2 simply looks better I think.
Here is how thes solutions would look like
first solution:
second solution:
third solution:
An example dataset:
dat = data.frame(server = paste("svr", round(runif(1000, 1, 10)), sep = ""),
time = Sys.time() + sort(round(runif(1000, 1, 36000))))
The trick I use is to create a new variable which only specifies in which hour the hit was recorded:
dat$hr = strftime(dat$time, "%H")
Now we can use some plyr magick:
hits_hour = count(dat, vars = c("server","hr"))
And create the plot:
ggplot(data = hits_hour) + geom_bar(aes(x = hr, y = freq, fill = server), stat="identity", position = "dodge")
Which looks like:
I don't really like this plot, I'd be more in favor of:
ggplot(data = hits_hour) + geom_line(aes(x = as.numeric(hr), y = freq)) + facet_wrap(~ server, nrow = 1)
Which looks like:
Putting all the facets in one row allows easy comparison of the number of hits between the servers. This will look even better when using real data instead of my random data.
