override mapping for a specific Entity class - symfony

I'm using a standard Symfony 2.8 framework with Doctrine.
My entities' mappings are all annotated, but I would need to map a single entity by using the PHP way (by defining loadMetadata static method) . I know there's a way to override a mapping Bundle configuration like explained here, but what I would like is specifying a single Entity. Is that possible? Thanks

No you can't mix the formats
A bundle can accept only one metadata definition format. For example, it's not possible to mix YAML metadata definitions with annotated PHP entity class definitions.
see doc here:
if you really need to change the mapping format then I suggest you create a new bundle for your specific entity. I also had this problem. I wished to have different mapping format (yml and annotation in my case) but I had to create a new bundle.


Override or extend serializer groups defined by annotation in Symfony2

I'm using JMS Serializer in a Symphony 2 project and I am using serializer groups defined in Annotations.
For one specific case, I would like to change or at least add one group depending on runtime parameters (i.e. checking user authorisation).
I am also using annotations to not interact directly with the serializer, my methods simply return the objects.
Is this possible? I found nothing in the documentation that makes me believe I can override the annotations.

how to use only annotation mapping in doctrine 2

-Is there a way to make doctrine neglect or don't look in entityxx.orm.xml mapping files and look only in annotation mapping in the entity class?
-I'm getting error when try to modify an entity without modifying it's underline xml mapping too so i have to modify both!,actually my entities was imported from database but now it's converted to annotation and i don't want to use xml any more .
it's impossible to use 2 differents method mapping for entity in symfony. Xml or annotation but not both in the same time.
You must delete xml mapping file if you want to use a annotation mapping.

Use FOSUserBundle in relation with yml-based Entities

I've started a Symfony2 project from scratch where I then installed FOSUserBundle.
Then, I have written (actually, generated with ORM Designer) some entities that need to have relations between them, and with the User entity.
I have Items belonging to Users, Collections belonging to Users that group Items, and so on.
Since I used FOSUserBundle I only have a basic User class (https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/index.md , step 3a) defined using annotations, no config/doctrine folder and no User.yml file in it.
I then created the MyBundle/Resources/config/doctrine folder and added the yml files mentioned above.
When I try to generate the entities with the command-line tool everything works fine: it will create the Entities from my yml files.
However, at this point, trying to load up in browsers the url where the login previously worked (when I only had the FOSUserBundle installed) will throw this error:
MappingException: No mapping file found named
for class 'X\MyBundle\Entity\User'.
Following actions, such as generating the CRUD logic, will not work as long as I have an *.orm.yml file in the config/doctrine folder. If I remove those, CRUD generation will work, but generation of actual mysql tables won't.
Juggling with these gets me to a point where I can also get the tables, but then the actual app doesn't work if I try to use any of the url's where the newly generated CRUD is involved because since the entities are based on yml (which I remove to get things "working") it won't have any mapping knowledge.
Is this inherently wrong? To have yml-based entities in relationship with an User entity based on the FOSUserBundle and still be able to get the nice command-line generation tools?
The problem you describe stems from mixing configuration formats (yaml and I assume annotations). You can easily fix this by ditching the annotations in your models and replacing them with yaml-files like you would do in your own models.
Unfortunately the FOSUserBundle-docs only show you how to use annotations, so here is a quick transformation into yaml format when your X\MyBundle\Entity\User extends FOSUSerBundle's UserEntity:
type: entity
table: fos_user
type: integer
strategy: { generator: "AUTO" }
The remaining stuff is taken care of by FOSUserBundle, as the BaseModel is a mapped-superclass and already describes the stuff in the User.orm.xml, but you could just as well replace the existing values or add additional values just like you would do with your own models.
If you don't use annotations throughout your app, you might also want to disable them in your app/config/config.yml to prevent side effects.

Generic comment system in Symfony2

I have in my Symfony 2.1 RC app a simple Comment model (using Doctrine 2). Every comment has a user and a message.
Currently, the CommentBundle manages comments on articles. I'd like it to be more generic to be able to comment any kind of entity without copying code across different bundles dedicated to comments...
For this to work, I also need a way to reference any entity from the comment one. I think having two fields entity_type and entity_id can be a nice solution. However, I can't get the object from these without mapping entity_type to classes manually and using the find method.
So how do I reference an entity from a comment ? And how can I create generic behavior working on several entities ?
You can create a abstract base class entity called Commentable and create entities that inherit Commentable such as Document or Post.
Since Document and Post are derived from Commentable, you can create a one to many relationship between the entities Commentable and Comment respectively.
Make sure to include in your base class ORM annotations for inheritance:
Examples can be found on Doctrine Project Inheritance Documentation

Configurable parameters in Symfony2 entity annotation

I'm trying to create a join across multiple databases (one of them belonging to a legacy application) as described in the Doctrine blog. However, the example suggests hardcoding the name of the database right into the schema, which I'd like to avoid for obvious reasons.
Is there a way to read parameters defined in parameters.ini or config.yml and use them as a value for the annotations, like this?
* #ORM\Table(name="%legacy_db_name%.%legacy_table_name%")
No, it's impossible. The "%key%" form is only available in the DIC.
Why would you put these data in a yml file? Would it be useful?
