Get notified when QQuickItem will need updating - qt

I have search high and low in the documentation but have not found anything regarding this. Is there anyway that an QML element I have created can get notified if one of it's children needs to be redrawn due to changes to it. Will the item send a signal or an event that the parent can connect/listen to. Preferably it would be emitted when the item is marked "dirty" and should be rendered again, but a signal like onPropertyChange would work also.
MyQmlItem {
Rectangle {
width: 50; height: 60
color: "blue"
Text {
text: "hello world"
If some code e.g changes the color of the Rectangle I would like the MyQmlItem to be notified about this change.

FWIIW i managed to find an acceptable solution to above. I added a boolean property "isDirty" to the MyQmlItem class, this emits a signal when it is set to true. Then each child needs to set this if it makes changes that needs redrawing, the QML above then becomes
MyQmlItem {
id: "topItem"
Rectangle {
width: 50; height: 60
color: "blue"
Text {
text: "hello world"
onTextChange: {
topItem.isDirty = true;
not perfect, but good enough


Crash in QQuickItem destructor / changeListeners when closing application (Qt 5.6)

We have a fairly big QtQuick application, with a lot of modal dialogs. All of these modals share a consistent look and behaviour, and have leftButtons, rightButtons, a content and additional warning widgets. We use the following base class (PFDialog.qml):
Window {
property alias content: contentLayout.children
ColumnLayout {
id: contentLayout
and declare dialogs in the following way (main.qml):
Window {
visible: true
property var window: PFDialog {
content: Text { text: "Foobar" }
The problem is that when the application is closed, a segfault happens in the QQuickItem destructor. This segfault is hard to reproduce, but here is a surefire way of making it happen: with visual studio in debug mode, freed memory is filled with 0xDDDDDDD with triggers the segfault every time.
Full example application can be found here:
The crash happens in QQuickItem::~QQuickItem:
for (int ii = 0; ii < d->changeListeners.count(); ++ii) {
QQuickAnchorsPrivate *anchor = d->>anchorPrivate();
if (anchor)
The reason for this is that the content of our dialog (the Text item in the example above) is a QObject child of the main Window, but a visual child of the dialog window. When closing the application, the dialog window is destroyed first, and at the time the Text item is deleted, the dialog window (still registered as a changeListener) is stale.
Now my question is:
is this a QtQuick bug? Should the dialog deregister itself as a changeListener for its children when it is destroyed (I think it should)
is our property alias content: layout.children pattern correct, or is there a better way to do this? This also happens when declaring a default property alias.
For the sake of completeness, here is how we hotfix it in our application. When content changes, we reparent all the items to the layout item. A of elegance, as you will all agree.
function reparentTo(objects, newParent) {
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
qmlHelpers.qml_SetQObjectParent(objects[i], newParent)
onContentChanged: reparentTo(content, contentLayout)
I have had this problem lots of times, I don't think it is a bug, more like a design limitation. The more implicit behavior you get, the less control you have, leading to inappropriate orders of object destruction and access to dangling references.
There are numerous situations where this can happen "on its own" as you exceed the bounds of a trivial "by the book" qml application, but in your case it is you who's doing it.
If you want proper ownership, don't use this:
property var window: PFDialog {
content: Text { text: "Foobar" }
Instead use this:
property Window window: dlg // if you need to access it externally
PFDialog {
id: dlg
content: Text { text: "Foobar" }
Here is a good reason why:
property var item : Item {
Item {
Component.onCompleted: console.log(parent) // qml: QQuickItem(0x4ed720) - OK
// vs
property var item : Item {
property var i: Item {
Component.onCompleted: console.log(parent) // qml: null - BAD
A child is not the same as a property. Properties are still collected but they are not parented.
As for achieving the "dynamic content" thingie, I've had good results with ObjectModel:
Window {
property ObjectModel layout
ListView {
width: contentItem.childrenRect.width // expand to content size
height: contentItem.childrenRect.height
model: layout
interactive: false // don't flick
orientation: ListView.Vertical
PFDialog {
layout: ObjectModel {
Text { text: "Foobar" }
// other stuff
Lastly, for the sake of doing explicit cleanups before closing the application, on your main QML file you can implement a handler:
onClosing: {
if (!canExit) doCleanup()
close.accepted = true
This ensures the window will not be destroyed without doing the cleanup first.
is our property alias content: layout.children pattern correct, or is
there a better way to do this? This also happens when declaring a
default property alias.
It wasn't last time I looked into it, but it was at least couple of years back. It would certainly be nice to have objects declared as children actually becoming children of some other object, but at the time this was not possible, and still may not be. Thus the need for the slightly more verbose solution involving the object model and the list view. If you investigate the matter and find something different, leave a comment to let me know.
I believe that you cannot declare a Window Object in a var. In my tests the SubWindow never open and sometimes broken on startup.
A Window can be declared inside an Item or inside another Window; in that case the inner Window will automatically become "transient for" the outer Window
Modify your code to this:
Window {
visible: true
PFDialog {
content: Text { text: "Foobar" }

Setting activeFocus by clicking anywhere within an Item

I want to set the activeFocus for a FocusScope by clicking anywhere within an Item.
Is there a way to achieve this without having a MouseArea over the entire Item? Because it would have to overlay all elements within the Item, making them unclickable.
I'm pretty new to QtQuick/QML and have troubles understanding how to properly implement FocusScopes. I've read about propagating click signals, but couldn't get it to work.
Assuming I have something like this (no FocusScopes for readability):
id: outerRectangle
width: 1000
height: 1000
// various controls in here
id: innerRectangle
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 200
height: 200
// even more controls in here
I want the outerRectangle to get the activeFocus when I click anywhere on the outerRectangle and vice-versa for the innerRectangle. But all controls on both Rectangles still have to work properly.
How can I achieve this?
Surround your Item with FocusScope:
FocusScope {
Item {
focus: true
See Qt Doc

QML ListView method positionViewAtEnd() does exactly the opposite

I'm going crazy. I have a ListView inside a ScrollView, hooked up to a model that inherits QAbstractListModel. When objects are added to the model, the ListView shows them using a delegate. So far, so good.
But I really want the view to stay scrolled to the bottom (like a chat window), and I'm having a very difficult time making that happen. Here is the relevant QML code:
Rectangle {
ScrollView {
[anchor stuff]
ListView {
id: messageList
model: textMessageFiltered
delegate: messageDelegate
TextField {
id: messageEditor
[anchor stuff]
onAccepted: {
text = ""
/* This works. */
Component {
id: messageDelegate
Rectangle {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
color: "white"
height: nameText.height + 4
Text {
id: nameText
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
text: "<b>" + authorName + " (" + authorId + ")</b> " + message
[anchor stuff]
ListView.onAdd: {
console.log("This prints just fine!")
The really strange thing, is that messageList.positionViewAtEnd() (at the end of the file) actually jumps it to the beginning. Without the call, the view stays where it is, even as new entries appear in the list. And indeed, if you look at the Qt documentation for the ListView.positionViewAtEnd(), it says:
Positions the view at the beginning or end, taking into account ...
Is that a silly error in the documentation, or what? I've tried everything I can think of to make this work, particularly the positionViewAtIndex() method and using highlighters to force the scroll to happen. But nothing works. Note the /* This works. */ comment in the source code above. When that is enabled, it works totally fine! (except of course, it jumps to the ListView.count()-2 index, instead of the end of the list)
Does anyone have any idea what might be wrong here? Any examples I could try to prove that there's a terrible, terrible bug in QML?
I'm using Qt 5.3.1 with QtQuick 2.0 (or 2.1 or 2.2 fail too). I've tried many, many other configurations and code as well, so please ask if you need more info. I've completely exhausted my google-fu.
Edit 1
While the accepted answer does solve the above problem, it involves adding the Component.onCompleted to the delegate. This seems to cause problems when you scroll the list, because (I believe) the delegates are added to the view when you scroll up, causing the onCompleted trigger to be called even if the model item isn't new. This is highly undesirable. In fact, the application is freezing when I try to scroll up and then add new elements to the list.
It seems like I need a model.onAdd() signal instead of using the existence of a delegate instance to trigger the scroll. Any ideas?
Edit 2
And how does this NOT work?
ListView {
id: messageList
model: textMessageFiltered
delegate: messageDelegate
onCountChanged: {
console.log("This prints properly.")
The text "This prints properly" prints, so why doesn't it position? In fact, it appears to reset the position to the top. So I tried positionViewAtBeginning(), but that did the same thing.
I'm totally stumped. It feels like a bug.
You need to set the currentIndex as well.
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
ApplicationWindow {
title: qsTr("Hello World")
width: 300
height: 240
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
id: messageList
model: messageModel
delegate: Text { text: mytextrole }
highlight: Rectangle { color: "red" }
highlightMoveDuration: 0
onCountChanged: {
var newIndex = count - 1 // last index
currentIndex = newIndex
ListModel {
id: messageModel
ListElement { mytextrole: "Dog"; }
ListElement { mytextrole: "Cat"; }
Timer {
property int counter: 0
running: true
interval: 500
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
messageModel.append({"mytextrole": "Line" + (counter++)})
There is still some jumping to the first element and jumping back down for a fraction of a second.
There is a note in documentation:
Note: methods should only be called after the Component has completed. To position the view at startup, this method should be called by Component.onCompleted.
Change your ListView.onAdd: to
Component.onCompleted: {
console.log("This prints just fine!")
And it works well.
In your case, the ListView emits add signal before the new delegate is created and completed. The ListView is still working on something behind the scene, so positionViewAtEnd cannot work as expected. And /* This works. */ because it is called after the new delegate is completed. However, don't assume this always works. Simply follow the note, call positionViewAtEnd in Component.onCompleted, in documentation.

New drag-and-drop mechanism does not work as expected in Qt-Quick (Qt 5.3)

I've tried to implement drag and drop in Qt 5.3 using the new QML types Drag, DragEvent and DropArea. This is the original example from the documentation of the QML Drag type with some small modifications:
import QtQuick 2.2
Item {
width: 800; height: 600
DropArea {
width: 100; height: 100; anchors.centerIn: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: parent.containsDrag ? "red" : "green"
onEntered: print("entered");
onExited: print("exited");
onDropped: print("dropped");
Rectangle {
x: 15; y: 15; width: 30; height: 30; color: "blue"
// Drag.dragType: Drag.Automatic
Drag.onDragStarted: print("drag started");
Drag.onDragFinished: print("drag finished");
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
anchors.fill: parent parent
Expected behaviour: The small blue rectangle (drag target) can be dragged around with the mouse. If dragged over the larger green rectangle in the center of the window, this rectangle turns red and back to green when leaving. In addition, the signals dragStarted, entered, exited, dropped and dragFinished are emitted in time and the corresponding signal handlers print out their messages.
Experienced behaviour:
Depends on Drag.dragType (see commented line above):
Drag.dragType is NOT set (default is Drag.Internal):
Drag and drop works as described, but only the signals entered and exited are emitted. The other signals (dragStarted, dragFinished and dropped) are suppressed. So there is no way to react to the drop in the DropArea.
Drag.dragType is set to Drag.Automatic:
All of the signals are emitted now, but the blue rectangle (drag target) does not move with the mouse. Instead, the mouse cursor changes its shape to visualize possible drop targets. After the mouse has been released, the blue rectangle jumps to the latest mouse position.
Neither of these two variants are pleasing. How can I get all signals and still be able to drag around the drag target? Unfortunately the documentation is everything but clear about drag-and-drop in QML, especially about the ominous Drag.dragType.
If you open the QQuickDrag source code and look at the differences between start(), which is used by Drag.Internal, and startDrag() which is used by Drag.Automatic, the difference is pretty obvious. start() sets up an event change listener, which it then uses to update the position of the attached object. startDrag() doesn't do this.
Why does it work this way? I have no idea! The QtQuick 2 drag and drop documentation certainly has room for improvement here.
There is a fairly simple workaround: take the best from both worlds. Use Drag.Automatic, but instead of setting, call start() and drop() manually. It won't invoke Drag.onDragStarted() and Drag.onDragFinished() but you essentially get those for free anyway by listening for a change in the MouseArea's
Here's the concept in action:
import QtQuick 2.0
Item {
width: 800; height: 600
DropArea {
width: 100; height: 100; anchors.centerIn: parent
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: parent.containsDrag ? "red" : "green"
onEntered: print("entered");
onExited: print("exited");
onDropped: print("dropped");
Rectangle {
x: 15; y: 15; width: 30; height: 30; color: "blue"
// I've added this property for simplicity's sake.
property bool dragActive:
// This can be used to get event info for drag starts and
// stops instead of onDragStarted/onDragFinished, since
// those will neer be called if we don't use
onDragActiveChanged: {
if (dragActive) {
print("drag started")
} else {
print("drag finished")
Drag.dragType: Drag.Automatic
// These are now handled above.
//Drag.onDragStarted: print("drag started");
//Drag.onDragFinished: print("drag finished");
MouseArea {
id: dragArea
anchors.fill: parent parent
I realize it's not a completely satisfying solution, but it does match your expected behavior.
This solution offers:
Notifications for all of the desired events: drag started, drag finished, enter drag area, exit drag area, and dropped in drag area.
The drag animation is automatically handled by QtQuick. The square doesn't freeze in place like it does when running the sample code with Drag.Automatic.
What it doesn't offer:
An explanation as to why QtQuick's drag and drop functionality works this way, or whether it's even the intended behavior by the developers. The current documentation seems ambiguous.
Just ran into this myself (using Qt 5.2, but the same problem exists there). I've got a 'slider box' on the X-axis and just wanted to know when the drag was finished... instead of responding to every position change along the way. My workaround involved hacking the states/transitions, with a ScriptAction to provide the logic. This is the simplified version for mimicking a response to the "onDragFinished" signal. So while it doesn't cover all your drag/drop signals, it might get you pointed in the right direction.
Rectangle {
id: sliderControl
height: coordinates.height
width: 80
color: "#F78181"
border.color: "#FE2E2E"
border.width: 1
opacity: 0.4
MouseArea {
id: mouseArea
anchors.fill: parent sliderControl
drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
drag.minimumX: 0
drag.maximumX: view.width - sliderControl.width
hoverEnabled: true
states: [
State {
name: "dragging"
State {
name: "finished_dragging"
when: !
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "dragging"
to: "finished_dragging"
ScriptAction {
script: console.log("finished dragging script");
ps - I know that such a 'workaround' doesn't qualify for the bounty parameters, but I was pretty bummed to find only your question (no solutions) when I searched for help on the issue. Hopefully anyone else stumbling down this path will find this useful. Unfortunately, I've got no clue what's going on with QML's Drag.dragType either.

QML signal executed twice

I'm new in QML and QML signals and I'm having this silly problem that I'm not being able to resolve by myself. I'm triggering an onTouch signal and is executing twice, generating a double response that crashes my app.
Here's my QML code:
import bb.cascades 1.0
Container {
property string labelText: "#"
property real width: 153.3
property real height: 102.5
property int labelPosX: 60
property int labelPosY: 25
property int labelTextFontWidth: 45
property string imgSrc: "asset:///images/keyboard_button.png"
layout: AbsoluteLayout {
preferredWidth: width
preferredHeight: height
objectName: "contTecla"
id: contTecla
ImageView {
objectName: "imgTecla"
id: imgTecla1
imageSource: imgSrc
preferredWidth: width
preferredHeight: height
onTouch: {
textFieldKey.text = textFieldKey.text + labelTecla.text;
Label {
objectName: "labelTecla"
id: labelTecla
text: labelText
textStyle {
color: Color.DarkYellow
size: labelTextFontWidth
layoutProperties: AbsoluteLayoutProperties {
positionX: labelPosX
positionY: labelPosY
I have this TextField whose id is textFieldKey in another QML where I'm including the one I post above. The main idea is simple, is a keyboard where each key is a component of the code above and it has to print the value of the key pressed in this TextField.
The problem is, as I said, the signals is being called twice, filling the TextField with two chars of the value each time.
Please help me I don't know if maybe I'm missing something in the proper way of using signals or something like that.
I figure it out. The touch signals has 4 differents states:
Down: Occurs when the user touches the screen.
Move: Occurs when the user moves a finger on the screen.
Up: Occurs when the user releases a finger.
Cancel: Occurs when an interaction is canceled.
Each one identify with a number from 0 to 3.
And when a touch signal is triggered two states are involved, Down and Up. You just need to make sure with wich one you want to work with and catch it inside the onTouch signal:
if (event.touchType == numberOfTheTouchState){
You want to use
objectName: "imgTecla"
id: imgTecla1
imageSource: imgSrc
preferredWidth: width
preferredHeight: height
textFieldKey.text = textFieldKey.text + labelTecla.text;
As was noted, without this you get both the up and down events
