I am trying to pass all columns from a data.frame matching a criteria to a function within the summarize function of dplyr as follows:
df %>% group_by(Version, Type) %>%
summarize(mcll(TrueClass, starts_with("pred")))
Error: argument is of length zero
Is there a way to do this? A working example follows:
Build a simulated data.frame of sample predictions. These are interpreted as the output of a classification algorithm.
nrow <- 40
ncol <- 4
getProbs <- function(i) {
p <- runif(i)
return(p / sum(p))
df <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow, ncol))
for (i in seq(nrow)) df[i, ] <- getProbs(ncol)
names(df) <- paste0("pred.", seq(ncol))
add a column indicating the true class
df$TrueClass <- factor(ceiling(runif(nrow, min = 0, max = ncol)))
add categorical columns for sub-setting
df$Type <- c(rep("a", nrow / 2), rep("b", nrow / 2))
df$Version <- rep(1:4, times = nrow / 4)
now I want to calculate the Multiclass LogLoss for these predictions using the function below:
mcll <- function (act, pred)
if (class(act) != "factor") {
stop("act must be a factor")
pred[pred == 0] <- 1e-15
pred[pred == 1] <- 1 - 1e-15
dummies <- model.matrix(~act - 1)
if (nrow(dummies) != nrow(pred)) {
return(-1 * (sum(dummies * log(pred)))/length(act))
this is easily done with the entire data set
act <- df$TrueClass
pred <- df %>% select(starts_with("pred"))
mcll(act, pred)
but I want to use dplyr group_by to calculate mcll for each subset of the data
df %>% group_by(Version, Type) %>%
summarize(mcll(TrueClass, starts_with("pred")))
Ideally I could do this without changing the mcll() function, but I am open to doing that if it simplifies the other code.
EDIT: Note that the input to mcll is a vector of true values and a matrix of probabilities with one column for each "pred" column. For each subset of data, mcll should return a scalar. I can get exactly what I want with the code below, but I was hoping for something within the context of dplyr.
mcll_df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 8))
names(mcll_df) <- c("Type", "Version", "mcll")
count = 1
for (ver in unique(df$Version)) {
for (type in unique(df$Type)) {
subdat <- df %>% filter(Type == type & Version == ver)
val <- mcll(subdat$TrueClass, subdat %>% select(starts_with("pred")))
mcll_df[count, ] <- c(Type = type, Version = ver, mcll = val)
count = count + 1
Type Version mcll
1 a 1 1.42972507510096
2 b 1 1.97189000832723
3 a 2 1.97988830406062
4 b 2 1.21387875938737
5 a 3 1.30629638026735
6 b 3 1.48799237895462
This is easy to do using data.table:
setDT(df)[, mcll(TrueClass, .SD), by = .(Version, Type), .SDcols = grep("^pred", names(df))]
# Version Type V1
#1: 1 a 1.429725
#2: 2 a 1.979888
#3: 3 a 1.306296
#4: 4 a 1.668330
#5: 1 b 1.971890
#6: 2 b 1.213879
#7: 3 b 1.487992
#8: 4 b 1.171286
I had to change the mcll function a little bit but then it worked. The problem is occurring with the second if statement. You are telling the function to get nrow(pred), but if you are summarizing over multiple columns you are actually only supplying a vector each time (because each column gets analyzed separately). Additionally, I switched the order of the arguments being entered into the function.
mcll <- function (pred, act)
if (class(act) != "factor") {
stop("act must be a factor")
pred[pred == 0] <- 1e-15
pred[pred == 1] <- 1 - 1e-15
dummies <- model.matrix(~act - 1)
if (nrow(dummies) != length(pred)) { # the main change is here
return(-1 * (sum(dummies * log(pred)))/length(act))
From there we can use the summarise_each function.
df %>% group_by(Version,Type) %>% summarise_each(funs(mcll(., TrueClass)), matches("pred"))
Version Type pred.1 pred.2 pred.3 pred.4
(int) (chr) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl) (dbl)
1 1 a 1.475232 1.972779 1.743491 1.161984
2 1 b 2.030829 1.331629 1.397577 1.484865
3 2 a 1.589256 1.740858 1.898906 2.005511
I checked this against a subset of the data and it looks like it works.
mcll(df$pred.1[which(df$Type=="a" & df$Version==1)],
df$TrueClass[which(df$Type=="a" & df$Version==1)])
[1] 1.475232 #pred.1 mcll when Version equals 1 and Type equals a.
I want my function to be able to take a value or a column name. How can I do this with data.table?
df <- data.table(a = c(1:5),
b = c(5:1),
c = c(1, 3, 5, 3, 1))
myfunc <- function(val) {
df[a >= val]
# This works:
# This does not work:
If I define my function as:
myfunc <- function(val) {
df[a >= get(val)]
# This doesn't work:
# This works:
What is the best way to resolve this?
Edit: To be clear, I want to results to be the same as:
# myfunc(2)
df %>%
filter(a >= 2)
# myfunc("c")
df %>%
filter(a >= c)
Thanks all for the responses, I think I like dww's answer the best.
I wish it was as easy as in dplyr, where I can do:
myfunc <- function(val) {
df %>%
filter(a >= {{val}})
# Both work:
If you build and parse the whole expression, then you can evaluate it in its entirety. For example
myfunc <- function(val) {
df[eval(parse(text=paste("a >= ", val)))]
Though relying on a function that lets you mix values and variable names in the same parameter might be dangerous. Especially in the case where you actually wanted to match on character values rather than variable names. If you passed in the whole expression you could do
myfunc <- function(expr) {
expr <- substitute(expr)
The question did not actually define the desired behavior so we assume that df must be a data.table and if a character string is passed then the column of that name should be returned and if a number is passed then those rows whose a column exceed that number should be returned.
Define an S3 generic and methods for character and default.
myfunc <- function(x, data = df) UseMethod("myfunc")
myfunc.character <- function(x, data = df) data[[x]]
myfunc.default <- function(x, data = df) data[a > x]
## a b c
## 1: 3 3 5
## 2: 4 2 3
## 3: 5 1 1
## [1] 1 3 5 3 1
I am running a Montecarlo simulation of a multinomial logit. Therefore I have a function that generates the data and estimates the model. Additionally, I want to generate different datasets over a grid of values. In particular, changing both the number of individuals (n.indiv) and the number of answers by each individual (n.choices).
So far, I have managed to solve it, but at some point, I incurred into a nested for-loop structure over a grid search of the possible values for the number of individuals (n.indiv_list) and the number of answers by each individual(n.choices_list). Finally, I am quite worried about the efficiency of the usage of my last bit of code with the double for-loop structure running on the combinations of the possible values. Probably there is a vectorized way to do it that I am missing (or maybe not?).
Finally, and this is mostly a matter of style, I managed to arrive a multiples objects that contain the models from the combinations of the grid search with informative names, but also would be great if I could collapse all of them in a list but with the current structure, I am not sure how to do it. Thank you in advance!
1) Function that generates data and estimates the model.
#function that generates the data and estimates the model.
mlogit_sim_data <- function(...){
# generating number of (n.alter) X (n.choices)
df <- data.frame(id= rep(seq(1,n.choices ),n.alter ))
# id per individual
df <- df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(altern = sequence(n()))%>%
#Repeated scheme for each individual + id_ind
df <- cbind(df[rep(1:nrow(df), n.indiv), ], id_ind = rep(1:n.indiv, each = nrow(df)))
## creating attributes
df<- df %>%
group_by(altern) %>%
id_choice = sequence(n()))%>%
group_by(id_ind) %>%
z1 = rpois(1,lambda = 25),
z2 = rlnorm(1,meanlog = 5, sdlog = 0.5),
z3 = ifelse(runif(1, min = 0 , max = 1) > 0.5 , 1 , 0)
# Observed utility
df$V1 <- with(df, b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 )
#### Generate Response Variable ####
fn_choice_generator <- function(V){
U <- V + rgumbel(length(V), 0, 1)
1L * (U == max(U))
# Using fn_choice_generator to generate 'choice' columns
df <- df %>%
group_by(id_choice) %>%
fn_choice_generator, .names = "choice_{.col}")) %>% # generating choice(s)
select(-starts_with("V")) %>% ##drop V variables.
model_result <- mlogit(choice_V1 ~ 0 + x1 + x2 |1 ,
data = df,
idx = c("id_choice", "altern"))
error = function(e){
2) Grid search over possible combinations of the data
#List with the values that varies in the simulation
#number of individuals
n.indiv_list <- c(1, 15, 100, 500 )
#number of choice situations
n.choices_list <- c(1, 2, 4, 8, 10)
# Values that remains constant across simulations
#set number of alternatives
n.alter <- 3
## Real parameters
b1 <- 1
b2 <- 2
#Number of reps
nreps <- 10
#Set seed
#iteration over different values in the simulation
for(i in n.indiv_list) {
for(j in n.choices_list) {
n.indiv <- i
n.choices <- j
assign(paste0("m_ind_", i, "_choices_", j), lapply(X = 1:nreps, FUN = mlogit_sim_data))
You can vectorize using the map2 function of the purrr package:
n.indiv_list <- c(1, 15, 100, 500 )
#number of choice situations
n.choices_list <- c(1, 2, 4, 8, 10)
l1 <- length(n.indiv_list)
l2 <- length(n.choices_list)
v1 <- rep(n.indiv_list, each = l2)
v2 <- rep(n.choices_list, l1) #v1, v2 generate all pairs
> v1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 15 100 100 100 100 100 500 500 500 500 500
> v2
[1] 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10 1 2 4 8 10
result <- map2(v1, v2, function(v1, v2) assign(paste0("m_ind_", v1, "_choices_", v2), lapply(X = 1:nreps, FUN = mlogit_sim_data)))
result will be a list of your function outputs.
I want to lappy two functions on a data set conditional on the value of a specific variable.
first_function <- function(x) {return (x + 0)}
second_function <- function(x) {return (x + 1)}
df <- data.frame(Letters = c("A","B","B"), Numbers = 1:3)
Someting like:
df <- lapply(df, if(df$Letters=="A") first_function else second_function )
To produce:
df_desired <- data.frame(Letters = c("A","B","B"), Numbers = c(1,3,4))
You can do it with dplyr and purrr. Obviously this is a basic function, but you should be able to build on it for your needs:
calc <- function(y, x){
first_function <- function(x) {return (x + 0)}
second_function <- function(x) {return (x + 1)}
if(y == "A")
df <- data.frame(Letters = c("A","B","B"), Numbers = 1:3)
df %>%
mutate(Numbers = map2_dbl(Letters, Numbers, ~calc(.x,.y)))
Letters Numbers
1 A 1
2 B 3
3 B 4
>(df_desired <- data.frame(Letters = c("A","B","B"), Numbers = c(1,3,4)))
Letters Numbers
1 A 1
2 B 3
3 B 4
I am not a data.table expert (feel free to add), so did not incorporate here. But, #R Yoda is correct. Although it reads nicely and future you will find it easier to read and extend the function, the purrr solution is not that fast. I liked the ifelse approach, so added case_when which is easier to scale when dealing with multiple functions. Here are a couple solutions:
first_function <- function(x) {return (x + 0)}
second_function <- function(x) {return (x + 1)}
calc <- function(y, x){
if(y == "A")
df <- data.frame(Letters = rep(c("A","B","B"),1000), Numbers = 1:3)
basic <- function(){
data.frame(df$Letters, apply(df, 1, function(row) {
num <- as.numeric(row['Numbers'])
if (row['Letters'] == 'A') first_function(num) else second_function(num)
dplyr_purrr <- function(){
df %>%
mutate(Numbers = map2_dbl(Letters, Numbers, ~calc(.x,.y)))
dplyr_case_when <- function(){
df %>%
mutate(Numbers = case_when(
Letters == "A" ~ first_function(Numbers),
TRUE ~ second_function(Numbers)))
map_list <- function(){
data.frame(df$Letters, map2_dbl(df2$Letters, df2$Numbers, ~calc(.x, .y)))
within_mapply <- function(){
within(df, Numbers <- mapply(Letters, Numbers,
FUN = function(x, y){
"A" = first_function(y),
"B" = second_function(y))
within_ifelse <- function(){
within(df, Numbers <- ifelse(Letters == "A",
within_case_when <- function(){
within(df, Numbers <- case_when(
Letters == "A" ~ first_function(Numbers),
TRUE ~ second_function(Numbers)))
(mbm <- microbenchmark(
times = 1000
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
basic() 12816.427 24028.3375 27719.8182 26741.7770 29417.267 277756.650 1000 f
dplyr_purrr() 9682.884 17817.0475 20072.2752 19736.8445 21767.001 48344.265 1000 e
dplyr_case_when() 1098.258 2096.2080 2426.7183 2325.7470 2625.439 9039.601 1000 b
map_list() 8764.319 16873.8670 18962.8540 18586.2790 20599.000 41524.564 1000 d
within_mapply() 6718.368 12397.1440 13806.1752 13671.8120 14942.583 24958.390 1000 c
within_ifelse() 279.796 586.6675 690.1919 653.3345 737.232 8131.292 1000 a
within_case_when() 470.155 955.8990 1170.4641 1070.5655 1219.284 46736.879 1000 a
The simple way to do this with *apply would be to put the whole logic (with the conditional and the two functions) into another function and use apply with MARGIN=1 to pass the data in row by row (lapply will pass in the data by column):
apply(df, 1, function(row) {
num <- as.numeric(row['Numbers'])
if (row['Letters'] == 'A') first_function(num) else second_function(num)
[1] 1 3 4
The problem with this approach, at #r2evans points out in the comment below, is that when you use apply with a heterogeneous data.frame (in this case, Letters is type factor while Numbers is type integer) each row passed into the applied function is passed as a vector which can only have a single type, so everything in the row is coerced to the same type (in this case character). This is why it's necessary to use as.numeric(row['Numbers']), to turn Numbers back into type numeric. Depending on your data, this could be a simple fix (as above) or it could make things much more complicated and bug-prone. Either way #akrun's solution is much better, since it preserves each variable's original data type.
lapply has difficulty in this case because it's column-based. However you can try transpose your data by t() and use lapply if you persist. Here I provide two ways which use mapply and ifelse :
df$Letters <- as.character(df$Letters)
# Method 1
within(df, Numbers <- mapply(Letters, Numbers, FUN = function(x, y){
switch(x, "A" = first_function(y),
"B" = second_function(y))
# Method 2
within(df, Numbers <- ifelse(Letters == "A",
Both above got the same outputs :
# Letters Numbers
# 1 A 1
# 2 B 3
# 3 B 4
Here a data.table variant for better performance in case of many data rows (but also showing an implicit conversion problem):
setDT(df) # fast convertion from data.frame to data.table
df[ Letters == "A", Numbers := first_function(Numbers) ]
df[!(Letters == "A"), Numbers := second_function(Numbers)] # issues a warning, see below
# Letters Numbers
# 1: A 1
# 2: B 3
# 3: B 4
The issued warning is:
Warning message: In [.data.table(df, !(Letters == "A"),
:=(Numbers, second_function(Numbers))) : Coerced 'double' RHS to
'integer' to match the column's type; may have truncated precision.
Either change the target column ['Numbers'] to 'double' first (by
creating a new 'double' vector length 3 (nrows of entire table) and
assign that; i.e. 'replace' column), or coerce RHS to 'integer' (e.g.
1L, NA_[real|integer]_, as.*, etc) to make your intent clear and for
speed. Or, set the column type correctly up front when you create the
table and stick to it, please.
The reason is that the data.frame column Numbers is an integer
> str(df)
'data.frame': 3 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Letters: Factor w/ 2 levels "A","B": 1 2 2
$ Numbers: int 1 2 3
but the functions return a double (for whatever reason):
> typeof(first_function(df$Numbers))
[1] "double"
I have two dataframes which have xy coordinates for different IDs at different timepoints. What I would like to do is identify which point in the previous year is closest to the point in current year and store that data in a list. So for this example data:
oldnames <- c('A', 'B', 'C')
oldx <- c(0,5,10)
oldy <- c(0,5,10)
olddf <- data.frame(oldnames, oldx, oldy)
newnames <- c('D','E','F')
newx <- c(1, 6, 11)
newy <- c(1, 6, 11)
newdf <- data.frame(newnames, newx, newy)
I would like to produce a list that looks like this:
names closest
I've been trying to do this using apply (as below), but at the moment it gives me an error message:
(Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) :
non-numeric argument to binary operator)
Does anyone have any ideas?
closestdf <- data.frame()
apply(newdf, 1, function(row) {
name <- row["names"]
xID <- row["x"]
yID <- row["y"]
closest <- olddf %>%
mutate(length = sqrt((xID - oldx)^2 + (yID - oldy)^2)) %>%
mutate(rank = min_rank(length)) %>%
filter(rank == '1')%>%
mutate(total = '1')
closestdf <- rbind(closest, closestdf)
No need for apply calls, we can purrr inside the mutate instead:
newdf %>%
mutate(closest =
map2_chr(newx, newy,
~as.character(olddf$oldnames)[which.min((.x - olddf$oldx) ^ 2 + (.y - olddf$oldy) ^ 2)]
newnames newx newy closest
1 D 1 1 A
2 E 6 6 B
3 F 11 101 C
There is no reason to perform the square root operation if we don't need the actual distance.
Or more clear and verbose with intermediate steps:
newdf %>%
mutate(dists = map2(newx, newy, ~(.x - olddf$oldx) ^ 2 + (.y - olddf$oldy) ^ 2),
ids = map_dbl(dists, which.min),
closest = olddf$oldnames[ids])
newnames newx newy dists ids closest
1 D 1 1 2, 32, 162 1 A
2 E 6 6 72, 2, 32 2 B
3 F 11 101 10322, 9252, 8282 3 C
I am trying to write a function that will take a data.frame, a list (or a character vector) of variable names of the data.frame and create some new variables with names derived from the corresponding variable names in the list and values from the variables named in the list.
For example, if data.frame d has variable x, y, z, w, the list of names is c('x', 'z') the output maybe vectors with names x.cat, z.cat and values based on values of d$x and d$z.
I can do this with a loop
df <- data.frame(x = c(1 : 10), y = c(11 : 20), z = c(21 : 30), w = c(41: 50))
vnames <- c("x", "w")
loopfunc <- function(dat, vlst){
s <- paste(vlst, "cat", sep = ".")
for (i in 1:length(vlst)){
dat[s[i]] <- NA
dat[s[i]][dat[vlst[i]] %% 4 == 0 ] <- 0
dat[s[i]][dat[vlst[i]] %% 4 == 1 | dat[vlst[i]] %%4 == 3] <- 1
dat[s[i]][dat[vlst[i]] %% 4 == 2 ] <- 2
dout <- loopfunc(df, vnames)
This would output a 10x2 data.frame with columns x.cat and w.cat, the values of these are 0, 1, or 2 depending on the remainder of the corresponding values of df$x and df$w mod 4.
I would like to find a way to something like this without loop, maybe using the apply functions?
Here is a failed attempt
noloopfunc <- function(dat, l){
assign(l[2], NA)
assign(l[2][d[l[1]] %% 4 == 0], 0)
assign(l[2][d[l[1]] %% 4 == 2], 2)
assign(l[2][(d[l[1]] %% 4 == 1) | (d[l[1]] %% 4 == 3)], 1)
newvnames <- sapply(vnames, function(x){paste(x, "cat", sep = ".")})
vpairs <- mapply(c, vnames, newvnames, SIMPLIFY = F)
lapply(vpairs, noloopfunc, d <- df)
Here the formal argument l is supposed to represent vpairs[[1]] or vpairs[[2]], both string vectors of length 2.
I found several threads on Stackoverflow on converting strings to variable names but I couldn't find anything where it is used in this way where the variables have to be referred to subsequently and assigned values in a non interactive way.
Thanks for any help.
You can replace your loop with an apply variant
dout <- as.data.frame(sapply(vnames, function(x) {
out <- rep(NA, nrow(df))
out[df[,x] %% 4 == 0] <- 0
out[df[,x] %% 4 == 1 | df[,x] %% 4 == 3] <- 1
out[df[,x] %% 4 == 2] <- 2
names(dout) <- paste(vnames, "cat", sep=".")