Implementing fast numerical calculations in R - r

I was trying to do an extensive computation in R. Eighteen hours have passed but my RStudio seems to continue to work. I'm not sure if I could have written the script in a different way to make it faster. I was trying to implement a Crank–Nicolson type method over a 50000 by 350 matrix as shown below:
#defining the discretization of cells
#velocity & diffusion
#make the big matrix (all filled with zeros)
m <-, t/dt+1, z/dz+2)) #extra columns/rows for boundary conditions
#fill the first and last columns with constant boundary values
#implement the calculation
for(j in 2:(length(m[1,])-1)){
for(i in 2:length(m[[1]])){
Is there a way to know how long would it take for R to implement it? Is there a better way of constructing the numerical calculation? At this point, I feel like excel could have been faster!!

Just making a few simple optimisations really helps here. The original version code of your code would take ~ 5 days on my laptop. Using a matrix and calculating just once values that are reused in the loop, we bring this down to around 7 minutes
And think about messy constructions like
This is equivalent to
m[[i, j]]
which would be faster (as well as much easier to understand). Making this change further reduces the runtime by another factor of over 2, to around 3 minutes
Putting this together we have
#velocity & diffusion
#make the big matrix (all filled with zeros)
m <- (matrix(0, t/dt+1, z/dz+2)) #extra columns/rows for boundary conditions
# cache a few values that get reused many times
NC = NCOL(m)
NR = NROW(m)
C1 = D*dt / dz^2
C2 = v*dt / (2*dz)
#fill the first and last columns with constant boundary values
#implement the calculation
for(j in 2:(NC-1)){
for(i in 2:NR){
ma = m[i-1,]
ma.1 = ma[[j+1]]
ma.2 = ma[[j-1]]
m[[i,j]] <- ma[[j]] + C1*(ma.1 - 2*ma[[j]] + ma.2) - C2*(ma.1 - ma.2)
If you need to go even faster than this, you can try out some more optimisations. For example see here for how different ways of indexing the same element can have very different execution times. In general it is better to refer to column first, then row.
If all the optimisations you can do in R are not enough for your speed requirements, then you might implement the loop in RCpp instead.


Speed up for loop assigning data to matrix in R

I am simulating data and filling a matrix using a for loop in R. Currently the loop is running slower than I would like. I've done some work to vectorize some of the variables to improve the loops speed but it still taking some time. I believe the
mat[j,year] <- sum(vec==1)/x
part of the loop is slowing things down. I've looked into filling matrices more efficiently but could not find anything to help my current problem. Eventually this will be used as a part of a shiny app so all of variables I assign will need to be easily assigned different values.
Any advice to speed up the loop or more efficiently write this loop would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the loop:
#These variables are all specified because they need to change with different simulations
num.sims <- 20
time <- 50
mat <- matrix(nrow = num.sims, ncol = time)
x <- 1000
init <- 0.5*x
vec <- vector(length = x)
ratio <- 1
freq <- -0.4
freq.vec <- numeric(nrow(mat))
## start a loop
for (j in 1:num.sims) {
vec[1:init] <- 1; vec[(init+1):x] <- 2
year <- 2
freq.vec[j] <- sum(vec==1)/x
for (i in 1:(x*(time-1))) {
freq.1 <- sum(vec==1)/x; freq.2 <- 1 - freq.1
fit.ratio <- exp(freq*(freq.1-0.5) + log(ratio))
Pr.1 <- fit.ratio*freq.1/(fit.ratio*freq.1 + freq.2)
vec[ceiling(x*runif(1))] <- sample(c(1,2), 1, prob=c(Pr.1,1-Pr.1))
## record data
if (i %% x == 0) {
mat[j,year] <- sum(vec==1)/x
year <- year + 1
The inner loop is what is slowing you down. You're doing x number of iterations to update each cell in the matrix. Since each trip to modify vec depends on the previous iteration, this would be difficult to simplify. #Andrew Feierman is probably correct that this would benefit from being moved to C++, at least the four lines before the if statement.
Alternatively, this only takes 10-20 seconds to run. Unless you're going to scale this up or run it many times, it might not be worth the trouble to speed it up. If you do keep it as is, you could put a progress bar in Shiny to let the user know things are still working.
Depending on how often you will need to call this loop, it could be worth rewriting it in C++. R is built on C++, and any C++ will run many, many times faster than even efficient R code.
sourceCpp is a good package to start with:

Double "for loops" in a dataframe in R

I need to do a quality control in a dataset with more than 3000 variables (columns). However, I only want to apply some conditions in a couple of them. A first step would be to replace outliers by NA. I want to replace the observations that are greater or smaller than 3 standard deviations from the mean by NA. I got it, doing column by column:
height = ifelse(abs(height-mean(height,na.rm=TRUE)) <
And I also want to create other variables based on different columns. For example:
data$CGmark = ifelse(!$mark) & !$height) ,
paste(data$age, data$mark,sep=""),NA)
An example of my dataset would be:
name = factor(c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","H"))
height = c(120,NA,150,170,NA,146,132,210,NA)
age = c(10,20,0,30,40,50,60,NA,130)
mark = c(100,0.5,100,50,90,100,NA,50,210)
data = data.frame(name=name,mark=mark,age=age,height=height)
I have tried this (for one condition):
list = c("age","height","mark")
for(i in 1:ntraits){
for (j in 1:nrows){
d2[j] = ifelse(abs(d2[j]-mean(d2,na.rm=TRUE)) < 3*sd(d2,na.rm=TRUE),d2[j],NA)
Someone told me that I am not storing d2. How can I create for loops to apply the conditions I want? I know that there are similar questions but i didnt get it yet. Thanks in advance.
You pretty much wrote the answer in your first line. You're overthinking this one.
First, it's good practice to encapsulate this kind of operation in a function. Yes, function dispatch is a tiny bit slower than otherwise, but the code is often easier to read and debug. Same goes for assigning "helper" variables like mean_x: the cost of assigning the variable is very, very small and absolutely not worth worrying about.
NA_outside_3s <- function(x) {
mean_x <- mean(x)
sd_x <- sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)
x_outside_3s <- abs(x - mean(x)) < 3 * sd_x
x[x_outside_3s] <- NA # no need for ifelse here
of course, you can choose any function name you want. More descriptive is better.
Then if you want to apply the function to very column, just loop over the columns. That function NA_outside_3s is already vectorized, i.e. it takes a logical vector as an argument and returns a vector of the same length.
cols_to_loop_over <- 1:ncol(my_data) # or, some subset of columns.
for (j in cols_to_loop_over) {
my_data[, j] <- NA_if_3_sd(my_data[, j])
I'm not sure why you wrote your code the way you did (and it took me a minute to even understand what you were trying to do), but looping over columns is usually straightforward.
In my comment I said not to worry about efficiency, but once you understand how the loop works, you should rewrite it using lapply:
my_data[cols_to_loop_over] <- lapply(my_data[cols_to_loop_over], NA_outside_3s)
Once you know how the apply family of functions works, they are very easy to read if written properly. And yes, they are somewhat faster than looping, but not as much as they used to be. It's more a matter of style and readability.
Also: do NOT name a variable list! This masks the function list, which is an R built-in function and a fairly important one at that. You also shouldn't generally name variables data because there is also a data function for loading built-in data sets.

R: create new matrix with outcomes from mathematical operations within another matrix through loops

I am trying to generate a function that conducts various mathematical operations within a matrix and stores the outcomes of these operations in a new matrix with similar dimensions.
Here's an example matrix (a lot of silly computations in it to get sufficient variability in the data)
test<-matrix(1:290,nrow=10,ncol=29) ; colnames(test)<-1979+seq(1,29)
test[c(3,5,9),]<-test[c(3,5,9),] * 1/2
I want for instance to be able to calculate the difference between the value in (a,1999) and the average of the 3 values before (a, 1999). This needs to be flexible and for every rowname (firm) and every column (year).
The code I am trying to build looks something like this (I guess):
for(year in 1:29)
for (k in 1:10)
qw<-matrix((test[k, year] + 1/3*(- test[k, year-1] - test[k,year -2] - test[k, year-3])), nrow=10, ncol=29)
When I run it, this code generates a matrix but the value in that matrix is always the one for the last calculation (i.e. 20 in my example) while every matrix value should be stored in qw.
Any suggestions on how I can achieve this (maybe via an apply function)?
Thanks in advance
You are creating a matrix qw in every iteration. Each new matrix overwrites the previous one. Here's how to do what I think you would like to do, altough I didn't know how you want to handle the first 3 years.
qw <- matrix(nrow=10, ncol=29)
for(year in 4:29){
for (k in 1:10){
qw[k, year] <- (test[k, year] + 1/3*(- test[k, year-1] - test[k,year -2] - test[k, year-3]))
In R, it is usually a bad idea to use loops, since there are much more efficient functions. Here is the R way of doing this, using the package zoo.
qw <- matrix(nrow=10, ncol=29)
qw[,4:29] <- test[,4:29]-t(head(rollmean(t(test), 3),-1))

How to calculate Euclidean distance (and save only summaries) for large data frames

I've written a short 'for' loop to find the minimum euclidean distance between each row in a dataframe and all the other rows (and to record which row is closest). In theory this avoids the errors associated with trying to calculate distance measures for very large matrices. However, while not that much is being saved in memory, it is very very slow for large matrices (my use case of ~150K rows is still running).
I'm wondering whether anyone can advise or point me in the right direction in terms of vectorising my function, using apply or similar. Apologies for what may seem a simple question, but I'm still struggling to think in a vectorised way.
Thanks in advance (and for your patience).
df<-data.frame(matrix(runif(10*10),nrow=10,ncol=10), row.names=paste("site",seq(1:10)))
min.dist<-function(df) {
#df for results
#set up for loop
for(k in 1:nrow(df)) {
#calcuate dissimilarity between each row and all other rows
# find minimum distance
# get rowname for minimum distance (id of nearest point)
#combine outputs
dist=min.dist, closest_row=closest.row))
#return results
This should be a good start. It uses fast matrix operations and avoids the growing object construct, both suggested in the comments.
min.dist <- function(df) {
which.closest <- function(k, df) {
d <- colSums((df[, -k] - df[, k]) ^ 2)
m <- which.min(d)
data.frame(orig_row = row.names(df)[k],
dist = sqrt(d[m]),
closest_row = row.names(df)[-k][m])
}, lapply(1:nrow(df), which.closest, t(as.matrix(df))))
If this is still too slow, as a suggested improvement, you could compute the distances for k points at a time instead of a single one. The size of k will need to be a compromise between speed and memory usage.
Edit: Also read
Usually, built in functions are faster that coding it yourself (because coded in Fortran or C/C++ and optimized).
It seems that the function dist {stats} answers your question spot on:
This function computes and returns the distance matrix computed by using the specified distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.

R optimize script with a lot of loops

I have a list with hundreds of columns and rows. What I'm doing is looping through nearly every possible iteration of taking the difference between two columns. For example take the difference between 1st and 2nd column, 1st and 3rd column..1st and 500th column... 499th column and 500th column. Once I have those differences I compute some descriptive statistics (ie. mean, st dev, kurtosis, skewness, etc) for output. I know I can use lapply to calculate those statistics for each column individually but sd(x)-sd(y) <> sd(x-y) so it doesn't really cut down much on my looping. I can use avg(x)-avg(y)=avg(x-y) but that's the only statistic where I can use this property.
Here's some pseudo code that I have:
for (n1 in 1:(number of columns) {
for (n2 in n1:(number of columns) {
results[abc]<-(maxdrawdown,mean,skewness,kurtosis,count,st dev,
median, downsidedeviation)
Doing it this way can take literally days so I'm looking for some improvements. I'm already using Compiler with enableJIT(3) which actually does make it noticeably faster. I had a couple other ideas and any incites would be helpful. One is trying to utilize the snowfall package (still trying to get my head around how to implement it) with the thought that one core could compute skew and kurtosis while the other computes the other statistics. The other idea is creating big chunks of temp (ie. 1-2, 1-3, 1-4) as another data.frame (or list) so as to use lapply against it to knock out many iterations at once. Would this make much of a difference? Is there anything else I can do that I'm not even thinking of?
A reproducible example would really help, because the way you describe your problem are confusing (e.g. lists don't have rows/columns). My guess is that bigdata and results are data.frames, in which case converting each of them to a matrix will make your loops appreciably faster.
I don't know if it will be any faster, but the following might make the code a bit easier to read if not faster, although it should get a bit faster as well because you've eliminated the for() ....
Try using expand.grid(), which I tend to use less often than I probably should
For instance:
nC <- 3 # Num of cols
nR <- 4 # Num of cols
indices <- expand.grid(nC, nC)
# Now you can use apply cleanly
apply(indices, 1,
function(x) {
c1 <- x[1]; c2 <- x[2]
yourResult[c1,c2] <- doYourThing(bigData[,c1], bigData[,c2])
Well, you get the idea. :-)
