OCaml: trying to count frequency of char in a string - count

let countA =0 in
let countC =0 in
let countG =0 in
let countT =0 in
let countChar x =
match x with
'A' -> countA = countA + 1
|'C'-> countC = countC + 1
|'G' -> countG = countG + 1
|'T'-> countT = countT + 1
I am getting a syntax error but I don't understand why, i'm still pretty new to Ocaml.

Your syntax error is caused by the fact that your last let doesn't have an in after it. This, in turn, is caused by the fact that your countChar function isn't defined at the outermost level (of a module). If you want to define a series of top-level names, you should define them all without in:
let countA = 0
let countC = 0
let countChar x = ...
So, that's your syntax problem. However, there are many other problems with this code.
The most obvious two are (A) you're expecting to be able to change the values of countA and so on. But they are immutable values, you can't change them. (B) You are using = as if it's an assignment operator. But in OCaml this is a comparison operator. Your code is just comparing countA against countA + 1. So of course the result is false.
It is definitely worth learning how to compute with immutable values, so I would try to fix this code by learning how to carry the cumulative counts as function parameters and return them at the end. But if you insist on coding imperatively, you will have to use references for your counts.
I also don't see any code that works on a string. Your countChar function (as the name implies) works on just one character.
Here is a function that counts how many even and odd ints appear in an array. It works without mutating anything:
let eoa array =
let rec inner n (evenct, oddct) =
if n >= Array.length array then
(evenct, oddct)
let newcounts =
if array.(n) mod 2 = 0 then (evenct + 1, oddct)
else (evenct, oddct + 1)
inner (n + 1) newcounts
inner 0 (0, 0)
Here's how it looks when you run it:
# eoa [| 3; 1; 4; 1; 5; 9; 2 |];;
- : int * int = (2, 5)


How to fix type error in F# function arguments

I have a program that is trying to take in a list of ints and return a int list that has all the odd numbers from it, i'm new to functional programming and am trying to learn it with F#. When I try and call the removeEvens in main it gives me this error
Error FS0001 This expression was expected to have type
'int list -> 'a'
but here has type
''b list'
and here is my code
open System
let rec removeEvens arr count ret =
if count < 0 then
if count % 2 = 0 then
removeEvens arr (count + 1) ret
removeEvens arr (count + 1) (arr[count] :: ret)
let rec printResults arr count =
if count > 0 then
printfn "%d" (arr[count])
printResults arr (count + 1)
let main argv =
printResults (removeEvens [0 .. 100] 0 []) 0
Syntactically, the only problem here is that the index operator is missing a . character. So you want arr.[count] instead of arr[count] (which the F# compiler thinks is the application of a function called arr to a singleton list, hence the compiler error). In order to use indexing, you'll also need to explicitly annotate your arr value as a list, like this: (arr : List<_>).
Semantically, you should be aware that indexing into lists in this way is inefficient, but that's a separate issue. I suggest instead that a more elegant way to remove even numbers from a list is to consider only the head element of the list inside your recursive function.

Generate sequence using previous values

I'm learning functional programming with F#, and I want to write a function that will generate a sequence for me.
There is a some predetermined function for transforming a value, and in the function I need to write there should be two inputs - the starting value and the length of the sequence. Sequence starts with the initial value, and each following item is a result of applying the transforming function to the previous value in the sequence.
In C# I would normally write something like that:
public static IEnumerable<double> GenerateSequence(double startingValue, int n)
double TransformValue(double x) => x * 0.9 + 2;
yield return startingValue;
var returnValue = startingValue;
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++)
returnValue = TransformValue(returnValue);
yield return returnValue;
As I tried to translate this function to F#, I made this:
let GenerateSequence startingValue n =
let transformValue x =
x * 0.9 + 2.0
seq {
let rec repeatableFunction value n =
if n = 1 then
transformValue value
repeatableFunction (transformValue value) (n-1)
yield startingValue
for i in [1..n-1] do
yield repeatableFunction startingValue i
There are two obvious problems with this implementation.
First is that because I tried to avoid making a mutable value (analogy of returnValue variable in C# implementation), I didn't reuse values of former computations while generating sequence. This means that for the 100th element of the sequence I have to make additional 99 calls of the transformValue function instead of just one (as I did in C# implementation). This reeks with extremely bad performance.
Second is that the whole function does not seem to be written in accordance with Functional Programming. I am pretty sure that there are more elegant and compact implementation. I suspect that Seq.fold or List.fold or something like that should have been used here, but I'm still not able to grasp how to effectively use them.
So the question is: how to re-write the GenerateSequence function in F# so it would be in Functional Programming style and have a better performance?
Any other advice would also be welcomed.
The answer from #rmunn shows a rather nice solution using unfold. I think there are other two options worth considering, which are actually just using a mutable variable and using a recursive sequence expression. The choice is probably a matter of personal preference. The two other options look like this:
let generateSequenceMutable startingValue n = seq {
let transformValue x = x * 0.9 + 2.0
let mutable returnValue = startingValue
for i in 1 .. n do
yield returnValue
returnValue <- transformValue returnValue }
let generateSequenceRecursive startingValue n =
let transformValue x = x * 0.9 + 2.0
let rec loop value i = seq {
if i < n then
yield value
yield! loop (transformValue value) (i + 1) }
loop startingValue 0
I modified your logic slightly so that I do not have to yield twice - I just do one more step of the iteration and yield before updating the value. This makes the generateSequenceMutable function quite straightforward and easy to understand. The generateSequenceRecursive implements the same logic using recursion and is also fairly nice, but I find it a bit less clear.
If you wanted to use one of these versions and generate an infinite sequence from which you can then take as many elements as you need, you can just change for to while in the first case or remove the if in the second case:
let generateSequenceMutable startingValue n = seq {
let transformValue x = x * 0.9 + 2.0
let mutable returnValue = startingValue
while true do
yield returnValue
returnValue <- transformValue returnValue }
let generateSequenceRecursive startingValue n =
let transformValue x = x * 0.9 + 2.0
let rec loop value i = seq {
yield value
yield! loop (transformValue value) (i + 1) }
loop startingValue 0
If I was writing this, I'd probably go either with the mutable variable or with unfold. Mutation may be "generally evil" but in this case, it is a localized mutable variable that is not breaking referential transparency in any way, so I don't think it's harmful.
Your description of the problem was excellent: "Sequence starts with the initial value, and each following item is a result of applying the transforming function to the previous value in the sequence."
That is a perfect description of the Seq.unfold method. It takes two parameters: the initial state and a transformation function, and returns a sequence where each value is calculated from the previous state. There are a few subtleties involved in using Seq.unfold which the rather terse documentation may not explain very well:
Seq.unfold expects the transformation function, which I'll call f from now on, to return an option. It should return None if the sequence should end, or Some (...) if there's another value left in the sequence. You can create infinite sequences this way if you never return None; infinite sequences are perfectly fine since F# evaluates sequences lazily, but you do need to be careful not to ever loop over the entirely of an infinite sequence. :-)
Seq.unfold also expects that if f returns Some (...), it will return not just the next value, but a tuple of the next value and the next state. This is shown in the Fibonacci example in the documentation, where the state is actually a tuple of the current value and the previous value, which will be used to calculate the next value shown. The documentation example doesn't make that very clear, so here's what I think is a better example:
let infiniteFibonacci = (0,1) |> Seq.unfold (fun (a,b) ->
// a is the value produced *two* iterations ago, b is previous value
let c = a+b
Some (c, (b,c))
infiniteFibonacci |> Seq.take 5 |> List.ofSeq // Returns [1; 2; 3; 5; 8]
let fib = seq {
yield 0
yield 1
yield! infiniteFibonacci
fib |> Seq.take 7 |> List.ofSeq // Returns [0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8]
And to get back to your GenerateSequence question, I would write it like this:
let GenerateSequence startingValue n =
let transformValue x =
let result = x * 0.9 + 2.0
Some (result, result)
startingValue |> Seq.unfold transformValue |> Seq.take n
Or if you need to include the starting value in the sequence:
let GenerateSequence startingValue n =
let transformValue x =
let result = x * 0.9 + 2.0
Some (result, result)
let rest = startingValue |> Seq.unfold transformValue |> Seq.take n
Seq.append (Seq.singleton startingValue) rest
The difference between Seq.fold and Seq.unfold
The easiest way to remember whether you want to use Seq.fold or Seq.unfold is to ask yourself which of these two statements is true:
I have a list (or array, or sequence) of items, and I want to produce a single result value by running a calculation repeatedly on pairs of items in the list. For example, I want to take the product of this whole series of numbers. This is a fold operation: I take a long list and "compress" it (so to speak) until it's a single value.
I have a single starting value and a function to produce the next value from the current value, and I want to end up with a list (or sequence, or array) of values. This is an unfold operation: I take a small starting value and "expand" it (so to speak) until it's a whole list of values.

OCaml syntax error on filter

I just begin OCaml (and functional programming) today and I'm trying to code a function that count the number of occurrences of "value" into an array (tab).
I tried :
let rec count_occ tab value =
let rec count_rec idx time = function
| tab.length - 1 -> time
| _ when tab.(indice) == value-> count_rec (idx + 1) (time + 1)
| _ -> count_rec (indice + 1) time
count_rec 0 0
Unfortunately, it doesn't compile because of a syntax error, and I don't find the solution.
let rec count_occ tab value =
This rec above is not necessary.
let rec count_rec idx time = function
| tab.length - 1 -> time
You cannot match against an expression. You want to use guards like you did on the next line, or if statements to test something like this. tab.length also does not exist as tab is an array, not a record with a length field. You want Array.length tab.
Really though, you don't want the function at all. function is the same as fun x -> match x with, and would imply that count_rec has type, int -> int -> int -> int.
| _ when tab.(indice) == value-> count_rec (idx + 1) (time + 1)
indices is not declared; lets assume you meant idx. Also, == is physical equality, you really want =.
| _ -> count_rec (indice + 1) time
count_rec 0 0
You're off to a good start, the basics of your recursion are correct although one edge case is incorrect, but a minor issue you should be able to resolve once you have the syntactic issues fixed.
finnaly I post my final code :
let count_occ tab value =
let rec count_rec idx time =
if (Array.length tab) = idx then
else if (tab.(idx)) = value then
count_rec (idx + 1) (time + 1)
count_rec (idx + 1) time
count_rec 0 0

Tail recursion in SML does not present any output

Following my previous post here , I tried to do what was suggested and convert the code
into a Tail-recursion method with let .
The original code - which does not work (due to using val inside if condition) :
fun func() =
val decimal = 0 (* the final result *)
val multiple = 0 (* keeps track of multiples, eg. In XXV, X would be a multiple *)
val current = 0 (* the digit currently being processed *)
val top = 0 (* value of the last element in the list *)
val last_add = 0 (* the last digit that wasn't a multiple, or subtraction operation *)
val last_sub = 0
val problem = 0 (* if value is 1 then there is a problem with the input *)
val myList = [1,2,3,4,5] (* the list has more values *)
while (myList <> []) (* run while the list is not empty *)
val current = tl(myList) (* grab the last element from the list *)
val myList = tl(myList) (* remove the last element from the list *)
val top = tl(myList) (* grab the value at the end of the list *)
if ( myList <> []) andalso (current > top))
val decimal = decimal + current - top
val last_sub = top;
val myList = tl(myList)
if ( (myList = []) andalso (current = top))
then val decimal = decimal + current
val multiple = multiple + 1
if (last_sub = current)
then val problem = 1
val decimal = decimal + current
val multiple = 0
val last_add = current
And the code as a tail-recursion method :
fun calc [] = 0
|calc [x] = x
|calc (head::tail) =
val decimal = 0
val multiple = 0
val current = 0
val top = 0
val last_add = 0
val last_sub = 0
val problem = 0
val doNothing = 0
val current = hd(rev(head::tail)) (* grab the last element *)
val head::tail = rev(tl(rev(head::tail))) (* POP action - remove the last element from the list *)
val top = hd(rev(head::tail)) (* grab the new last element after removing *)
if (current > top) then
val decimal = decimal + current - top
val last_sub = top
val head::tail = rev(tl(rev(head::tail))) (* POP action - remove the last element from the list *)
if ( (head::tail = []) andalso (current = top))
then let
val decimal = decimal + current
val multiple = multiple + 1
if (last_sub <> current)
then let
val decimal = decimal + current
val multiple = 0
val last_add = current
(* do nothing *)
val doNothing = 0
However , when I try to enter :
I get :
uncaught exception Bind [nonexhaustive binding failure]
raised at: stdIn:216.13-216.50
I know the code is very hard to read and pretty long , but it would be greatly appreciated
if someone could explain to me how to fix it , or help me find the reason for this output .
You have a few issues with your code.
First of all, you can use last to grab the last element of a list. See the List documentation for more info. But unless you have a really good reason to do so, it's easier and much more efficient to simply start from the beginning of the list and pop elements off the beginning as you recurse. You already have the first element bound to head in your code using pattern matching.
Secondly, unless you use refs (which you probably don't want to do) there are no variables in Standard ML, only values. What this means is that if you want to carry state between invocations, any accumulators need to be parameters of your function. Using a helper function to initialize accumulators is a common pattern.
Third, instead of comparing a list to [] to test if it's empty, use the null function. Trust me on this. You'll get warnings using = because of subtle type inference issues. Better yet, use a pattern match on your function's parameters or use a case statement. Pattern matching allows the compiler to tell you whether you've handled all possible cases.
Fourth, SML typically uses camelCase, not snake_case, for variable names. This is more stylistic, but as you write more code and collaborate, you're going to want to fit with the conventions.
Fifth, when you do recursion on a list, don't try to look at multiple values in the list. This complicates things. Treat it as a head element and tail list, and everything will become much simpler. In my code, instead of keeping current in the list, I did this by splitting it out into a separate parameter. Have a base case where you simply return the answer from one of your accumulators, and a recursive case where you recurse with updated accumulator values and a single value popped from your list. This eliminates the problem scenario.
I'm not sure if this logic is correct since I don't know what you're trying to calculate, but check out this code which illustrates some of the things I talked about.
(* This is the helper function which takes accumulators as
parameters. You shouldn't call this directly. *)
fun calc' decimal _ _ _ _ [] =
(* We processed everything in the list. Just return the accumulator. *)
| calc' decimal multiple lastAdd lastSub current (top::tail) =
(* This case is for when there are 1 or more elements in the list. *)
if current > top then
calc' (decimal + current - top) multiple lastAdd top top tail
else if current = top then
calc' (decimal + current) (multiple + 1) lastAdd lastSub top tail
calc' (decimal + current) 0 current lastSub top tail
(* This is the function you should call. *)
fun calc [] = 0
| calc [_] = 0 (* Given a single-element list. *)
| calc (x::xs) =
(* Apply the helper with correct initial values. *)
calc' 0 0 0 0 x xs
In a functional language, instead of assigning to a variable when you want to change it, simply recurse and specify the new value for the correct parameter. This is how you write a "loop" in a functional language using recursion. As long as you only use tail-recursion, it will be just as efficient as a while loop in your favorite imperative language.

F# : Writing a function that builds a list of tuples recursively and change a mutable variable

This question is related to this previous thread.
I followed Tomas's suggestion using this piece code, and all works fine:
let GetSameColorNeighs (grid:Option<Ball>[,], row, col, color:Color) =
let rec loop (row, col) = seq {
if not (row < 0 || col < 0 || row > MaxLineNumber - 1
|| col > BallsPerLine - 1) then
let ball = grid.[row,col]
match ball with
| Some(ball) ->
if (!ball.visited = false || not <| ball.color.Equals(color)) then
// Not sure what you want here - yield items using 'yield'?
// [row , col]
ball.visited := true
yield row, col // Add single item to results
yield! loop(row + 1, col + 1) // Add all generated to results
yield! loop(row - 1, col - 1) // -- || --
| None -> () }
loop(row, col) |> Seq.toList
The code above iterate through an array 2d of "balls" and return a list of index of adjacent balls with the same color.
Now I have to modify the function in way that it returns also a boolean indicating if at least one ball of the list satisfy a certain condition. I changed the code this way but seems that I can't assign a mutable value inside that code:
let GetSameColorNeighs (grid:Option<Ball>[,], row, col, color:Color) : List<int * int> * bool =
let mutable b : bool = false
let rec loop (row, col) = seq {
if not (row < 0 || col < 0 || row > MaxLineNumber - 1
|| col > BallsPerLine - 1) then
let ball = grid.[row,col]
match ball with
| Some(ball) ->
if (ball.visited = true || not <| ball.color.Equals(color)) then
if (ball_satisfy_a_certain_condition) then
b <- true
ball.visited := true
yield row, col // Add single item to results
yield! loop(row + 1, col + 1) // Add all generated to results
yield! loop(row - 1, col - 1) // -- || --
| None -> () }
loop(row, col) |> Seq.toList, b
It seems that a mutable variable can't be acquired by a closure (I don't know what it means).
So I have 2 questions:
why is the above assignment to a mutable variable wrong?
How should I refactor my code to achieve this goal?
In short, you have to use ref variables instead of mutable variables.
While mutable variables are allocated on the stack, ref variables are heap-based. After each time your loop function is invoked, mutable values are wiped out when ref values are still there. Therefore, only ref values are valid to return in GetSameColorNeighs.
This question has been asked many times here. See The mutable variable 'i' is used in an invalid way.? and this blog post for more in-depth discussion.
