Suppose I have a dataframe like this:
hand_id card_id card_name card_class
A 1 p alpha
A 2 q beta
A 3 r theta
B 2 q beta
B 3 r theta
B 4 s gamma
C 1 p alpha
C 2 q beta
I would like to concatenate the card_id, card_name, and card_class into one single row per hand level A, B, C. So the result would look something like this:
hand_id combo_1 combo_2 combo_3
A 1-2-3 p-q-r alpha-beta-theta
B 2-3-4 q-r-s beta-theta-gamma
I attempted to do this using group_by and mutate, but I can't seem to get it to work
data <- read_csv('data.csv')
byHand <- group_by(data, hand_id) %>%
mutate(combo_1 = paste(card_id),
combo_2 = paste(card_name),
combo_3 = paste(card_class))
Thank you for your help.
You were kind of close!
data <- read_csv('data.csv')
byHand <- group_by(data, hand_id) %>%
summarise(combo_1 = paste(card_id, collapse = "-"),
combo_2 = paste(card_name, collapse = "-"),
combo_3 = paste(card_class, collapse = "-"))
or using summarise_each:
byHand <- group_by(data, hand_id) %>%
summarise_each(funs(paste(., collapse = "-")))
Here is another option using data.table
setDT(data)[, lapply(.SD, paste, collapse="-") , by = hand_id]
# hand_id card_id card_name card_class
#1: A 1-2-3 p-q-r alpha-beta-theta
#2: B 2-3-4 q-r-s beta-theta-gamma
#3: C 1-2 p-q alpha-beta
Not very familiar with dplyr... so here's my attempt without dplyr
df <- read_csv('data.csv')
res <- lapply(split(df, df$hand_id),function(x){
sL <- apply(x[,-1], 2, function(y) paste(y, collapse = "-"))
d <- data.frame(x$hand_id[1], rbind(sL))
names(d) <- c("hand_id", "combo_1", "combo_2", "combo_3")
res <-"rbind",res)
rownames(res) <- NULL
Here's the output:
## hand_id combo_1 combo_2 combo_3
## 1 A 1-2-3 p-q-r alpha-beta-theta
## 2 B 2-3-4 q-r-s beta-theta-gamma
## 3 C 1-2 p-q alpha-beta
If you have NAs in your data, you can use na.omit() inline with str_c(). unique() will also work if you only want the distinct.
hand_id card_id card_name card_class
<chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 A 1 p alpha
2 A 2 q beta
3 A 3 r theta
5 B 2 q beta
6 B 3 r theta
7 B 4 s gamma
8 C 1 p alpha
9 C 2 q beta
data %>%
group_by(hand_id) %>%
summarize(card_id = str_c(na.omit(card_id), collapse = "-"),
card_name = str_c(na.omit(card_name), collapse = "-"),
card_class = str_c(na.omit(card_class), collapse = "-"))
hand_id card_id card_name card_class
* <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 A 1-2-3 p-q-r alpha-beta-the…
2 B 2-3-4 q-r-s beta-theta-gam…
3 C 1-2 p-q alpha-beta
i have data like
df1 <- data.frame(A = c("P,Q","X,Y"), B = c("P1,Q1",""), C = c("P2,Q2","X2,Y2"))
i am looking for output like
output <- data.frame(A = c("P","Q","X","Y"), B = c("P1","Q1","",""), C = c("P2","Q2","X2","Y2"))
i tried using separate_rows like mentioned below but it is not matching the strings seperated by comma.
separate_rows(df1, A, sep=",") %>%
separate_rows(B) %>%
I like splitstackshape package for such operations,
cSplit(df1, splitCols = names(df1), sep = ',', direction = 'long')
# A B C
#1: P P1 P2
#2: Q Q1 Q2
you simply have to do :
separate_rows(df1, A, B, C, convert = TRUE)
Output :
1 P P1 P2
2 Q Q1 Q2
Edit if you have NA and empty strings :
df1 <- data.frame(A = c("P,Q","X,Y"), B = c("P1,Q1",""), C =
df1 <- data.frame(lapply(df1, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
df1[df1 == ""] <- "0,0"
df1 <- separate_rows(df1, A, B, C, convert = TRUE)
df1[df1 == "0"] <- ""
Output :
1 P P1 P2
2 Q Q1 Q2
3 X X2
4 Y Y2
An option using base R with strsplit
data.frame(lapply(df1, function(x) strsplit(as.character(x), ",")[[1]]))
# A B C
#1 P P1 P2
#2 Q Q1 Q2
Or with scan
data.frame(lapply(df1, function(x)
scan(text = as.character(x), what = "", sep=",", quiet = TRUE)))
As suggested by Gainz's answer, separate_rows(df1, A, B, C, convert = T) works really well.
However, if you do have blank cells in the dataframe then it does become harder to use, since it will give you an error about all the columns not having the same number of rows.
I suggest using a column that you know will have no blank values. Let's assume it is column A.
I would first then convert the dataframe to a tibble, and all factor columns to character columns. Then I would replace the blank cells with a string with the correct number of commas. Then separate_rows() should be able to work correctly.
Then the code will look as follows:
df1_tibble <- df1 %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
df1_clean <- df1_tibble %>%
mutate(count = str_count(A, ",") + 1) %>%
mutate(temp_str = map_chr(count, ~ rep("", .x) %>% paste0(collapse = ","))) %>%
mutate_at(vars(B, C), funs(ifelse(str_length(.) == 0, temp_str, .))) %>%
select(A, B, C)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#> A B C
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 P,Q P1,Q1 P2,Q2
#> 2 X,Y , X2,Y2
df1_clean %>% separate_rows(A, B, C)
#> # A tibble: 4 x 3
#> A B C
#> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 P P1 P2
#> 2 Q Q1 Q2
#> 3 X "" X2
#> 4 Y "" Y2
I have a variable x with character lists in each row:
dat <- data.frame(id = c(rep('a',2),rep('b',2),'c'),
x = c('f,o','f,o,o','b,a,a,r','b,a,r','b,a'),
stringsAsFactors = F)
I would like to reshape the data so that each row is a unique (id, x) pair such as:
dat2 <- data.frame(id = c(rep('a',2),rep('b',3),rep('c',2)),
x = c('f','o','a','b','r','a','b'))
> dat2
id x
1 a f
2 a o
3 b a
4 b b
5 b r
6 c a
7 c b
I've attempted to do this by splitting the character lists and keeping only the unique list values in each row:
dat$x <- sapply(strsplit(dat$x, ','), sort)
dat$x <- sapply(dat$x, unique)
dat <- unique(dat)
> dat
id x
1 a f, o
3 b a, b, r
5 c a, b
However, I'm not sure how to proceed with converting the row lists into individual row entries.
How would I accomplish this? Or is there a more efficient way of converting a list of strings to reshape the data as described?
You can use tidytext::unnest_tokens:
dat %>%
unnest_tokens(x1, x) %>%
id x1
1 a f
2 a o
3 b b
4 b a
5 b r
6 c b
7 c a
A base R method with two lines is
#get list of X potential vars
x <- strsplit(dat$x, ",")
# construct full data.frame, then use unique to return desired rows
unique(data.frame(id=rep(dat$id, lengths(x)), x=unlist(x)))
This returns
id x
1 a f
2 a o
6 b b
7 b a
9 b r
13 c b
14 c a
If you don't want to write out the variable names yourself, you can use setNames.
setNames(unique(data.frame(rep(dat$id, lengths(x)), unlist(x))), names(dat))
We could use separate_rows
dat %>%
separate_rows(x) %>%
# id x
#1 a f
#2 a o
#3 b b
#4 b a
#5 b r
#6 c b
#7 c a
A solution can be achieved using splitstackshape::cSplit to split x column into mulltiple columns. Then gather and filter will help to achieve desired output.
dat %>% cSplit("x", sep=",") %>%
mutate_if(is.factor, as.character) %>%
gather(key, value, -id) %>%
filter(! %>%
select(-key) %>% unique()
# id value
# 1 a f
# 3 b b
# 5 c b
# 6 a o
# 8 b a
# 10 c a
# 13 b r
Base solution:
temp <-, apply( dat, 1,
function(z){ data.frame(
x = scan(text=z['x'], what="",sep=","),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE)} ) )
Read 2 items
Read 3 items
Read 4 items
Read 3 items
Read 2 items
Warning messages:
1: In data.frame(id = z[1], x = scan(text = z["x"], what = "", sep = ",")) :
row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
2: In data.frame(id = z[1], x = scan(text = z["x"], what = "", sep = ",")) :
row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
3: In data.frame(id = z[1], x = scan(text = z["x"], what = "", sep = ",")) :
row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
4: In data.frame(id = z[1], x = scan(text = z["x"], what = "", sep = ",")) :
row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
5: In data.frame(id = z[1], x = scan(text = z["x"], what = "", sep = ",")) :
row names were found from a short variable and have been discarded
id x
1 a f
2 a o
6 b b
7 b a
9 b r
13 c b
14 c a
To get rid of all the messages and warnings:
temp <-, apply( dat, 1,
function(z){ suppressWarnings(data.frame(id=z[1],
x = scan(text=z['x'], what="",sep=",", quiet=TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
)} ) )
I have a table df that looks like this:
a <- c(10,20, 20, 20, 30)
b <- c("u", "u", "u", "r", "r")
c <- c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b")
df <- data.frame(a,b,c)
I would like to create a new table that contains the mean of col a, grouped by variable c. And I would like to have a column with the counts of the occurrence of b types within each group c.
I would therefore like the result table to look like df2:
a_m <- c(15, 23.3)
c <- c("a", "b")
counts_b <-c("2 u", "1 u, 2 r")
df2 <- data.frame(a_m, c, counts_b)
What I have so far is:
df2 <- df %>% group_by(c) %>% summarise(a_m = mean(a, na.rm = TRUE))
I do not know how to add the column counts_b in the example df2.
Here's a way using a little table magic:
df %>%
group_by(c) %>%
summarise(a_mean = mean(a),
b_list = paste(names(table(b)), table(b), collapse = ', '))
# A tibble: 2 x 3
c a_mean b_list
<fct> <dbl> <chr>
1 a 15.0 r 0, u 2
2 b 23.3 r 2, u 1
Here is another solution using reshape2. The output format may be more convenient to work with, each value of b has its own column with the number of occurrences.
out1 <- dcast(df, c ~ b, value.var="c", fun.aggregate=length)
c r u
1 a 0 2
2 b 2 1
out2 <- df %>% group_by(c) %>% summarise(a_m = mean(a))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
c a_m
<fctr> <dbl>
1 a 15.00000
2 b 23.33333
df2 <- merge(out1, out2, by=c)
c r u a_m
1 a 0 2 15.00000
2 b 2 1 23.33333
This is a followup question of this question.
Imagine the following data frame:
a <- c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3), rep("A",2))
b <- c(1,1,2,4,1,1,2,2)
df <-data.frame(a,b)
which gives
a b
1 A 1
2 A 1
3 A 2
4 B 4
5 B 1
6 B 1
7 A 2
8 A 2
I reduce it to it's unique rows by:
df_unique <- unique(df)
Now, I am wondering how can I keep track of the merged rows. I would like to create a new column in which each component has a list of row names that have been merged. Something like the following:
df_unique_informative =
a b track
1 A 1 [1,2]
3 A 2 [3,7,8]
4 B 4 [4]
5 B 1 [5,6]
res = aggregate(x = list(track = 1:NROW(df)), by = list(a = df$a, b = df$b), function(x) x)
# OR perhaps you want
#res = aggregate(x = list(track = 1:NROW(df)), by = list(a = df$a, b = df$b), function(x)
# paste(x, collapse = ", "))
# a b track
#1 A 1 1, 2
#2 B 1 5, 6
#3 A 2 3, 7, 8
#4 B 4 4
#Shorter code
res = aggregate(list(track = 1:NROW(df)), df[,1:2], '[')
a <- c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3), rep("A",2))
b <- c(1,1,2,4,1,1,2,2)
c = letters[1:8]
df <-data.frame(a,b,c, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res = aggregate(x = list(track = 1:NROW(df)), by = list(a = df$a, b = df$b), function(x) df$c[x])
# a b track
#1 A 1 a, b
#2 B 1 e, f
#3 A 2 c, g, h
#4 B 4 d
Here is one option with tidyverse
rownames_to_column(df, 'rn') %>%
group_by(a, b) %>%
summarise(track = list(rn))
I have a data frame with some NA values. I need the sum of two of the columns. If a value is NA, I need to treat it as zero.
a b c d
1 2 3 4
5 NA 7 8
Column e should be the sum of b and c:
I have tried a lot of things, and done two dozen searches with no luck. It seems like a simple problem. Any help would be appreciated!
dat$e <- rowSums(dat[,c("b", "c")], na.rm=TRUE)
# a b c d e
# 1 1 2 3 4 5
# 2 5 NA 7 8 7
dplyr solution, taken from here:
dat %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(e = sum(b, c, na.rm = TRUE))
Here is another solution, with concatenated ifelse():
dat$e <- ifelse($b) &$c), dat$e <-0, ifelse($b), dat$e <- 0 + dat$c, dat$b + dat$c))
# a b c d e
#1 1 2 3 4 5
#2 5 NA 7 8 7
Edit, here is another solution that uses with as suggested by #kasterma in the comments, this is much more readable and straightforward:
dat$e <- with(dat, ifelse( & ), 0, ifelse(, 0 + c, b + c)))
if you want to keep NA if both columns has it you can use:
Data, sample:
dt <- data.table(x = sample(c(NA, 1, 2, 3), 100, replace = T), y = sample(c(NA, 1, 2, 3), 100, replace = T))
dt[, z := ifelse( &, NA_real_, rowSums(.SD, na.rm = T)), .SDcols = c("x", "y")]
(the data.table way)
I hope that it may help you
Some cases you have a few columns that are not numeric. This approach will serve you both.
Note that: c_across() for dplyr version 1.0.0 and later
df <- data.frame(
TEXT = c("text1", "text2"), a = c(1,5), b = c(2, NA), c = c(3,7), d = c(4,8))
df2 <- df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(e = sum(c_across(a:d), na.rm = TRUE))
# A tibble: 2 x 6
# Rowwise:
# TEXT a b c d e
# <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 text1 1 2 3 4 10
# 2 text2 5 NA 7 8 20