Asp.Net MVC 5 custom action routing under an area -

i am currently trying to generate this url "/Cloud/Hosting/RoaringPenguin/Manage/Exclusions".
Here is the area registration
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
here is the controller
public class RoaringPenguinController : PortalControllerBase
public ActionResult Exclusions()
return View("Exclusions");
i have tried added a route onto the action itself like so
public ActionResult Exclusions()
I have also tried adding some attributes to the controller itself
public class RoaringPenguinController : PortalControllerBase
but that doesn't seem to work either. If i leave all the attributes off then the final url i get is "/Cloud/Hosting/RoaringPenguin/Exclusions".
Does anyone know how i can get the "Manage" in the url as well?
Just to confirm i have the following set in my RegisterRoutes method under the RouteConfig class
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Your default area route doesn't allow for the "Manage/Exclusions" part on the end. If you made the URL just /Cloud/Hosting/RoaringPenguin/Exclusions (minus the Manage part of the path) it would work fine.
If you need the route to be exactly that, then attribute routing is your best bet. However, your mentioned attempts at that are all missing something or another. Your controller should be decorated with both RouteArea and RoutePrefix to compose the first part of the path:
[RouteArea("Hosting", AreaPrefix = "Cloud/Hosting")]
public class RoaringPenguinController : Controller
However, it's typical to actually implement a base controller when dealing with areas, so that you can specify RouteArea in just one place:
[RouteArea("Hosting", AreaPrefix = "Cloud/Hosting")]
public class HostingBaseController : Controller
public class RoaringPenguinController : HostingBaseController
Then, on your action:
public ActionResult Exclusions()
As you had.

Try with this code
[RouteArea("AreaName", AreaPrefix = "Cloud/Hosting")]
public class SampleController : Controller
public ActionResult Exclusions()
return View("Exclusions");
public class RoaringPenguinController : PortalControllerBase
public ActionResult Exclusions()
return View("Exclusions");
This will be the first line
After that only you have to write this line


ASP.NET Core Route inside controller

I am trying to route url with and without parameter to two different methods but for some reason it always start first one.
Here is controller code:
public class ProductController : Controller
[Route("Product")] //If i delete this one then it works how it is intended
public IActionResult Index()
//It always start this one
public IActionResult Index(int GroupID)

Multiple controller types were found that match the URL MVC 5.2

I get this error when I hit the url Shop/Checkout
The request has found the following matching controller types:
My HomeController.cs:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Checkout()
My ProductsController.cs:
public class ProductsController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string brand, string category, string subcategory, int? page, SortOptions currentSort = SortOptions.SinceDesc)
public ActionResult Details(int productid)
I get it that both routes have Shop in it, but I have no clue how to resolve this. This is the razor code in my shared layout:
<a href="#Url.Action("checkout", "Home" )">
The issue is that "Checkout" is valid as a parameter for brand in your ProductController routes. There's no intrinsic order to routes with attribute routing, so you have to be more careful to make sure only one route can truly match the URL. In your case here, you can simply do something like:

Routes mapping in MVC 5

I'm trying to understand how the route config works in the MVC 5.
I have the following structure for my application:
public class BaseCRUDController<TEntity, TEntityViewModel> : Controller
where TEntity : class
where TEntityViewModel : class
private readonly IBaseService<TEntity> baseService;
public BaseCRUDController(IBaseService<TEntity> service)
this.baseService = service;
public virtual ActionResult Index()
IList<TEntityViewModel> entities = baseService.FindFirst(10).To<IList<TEntityViewModel>>();
return View(entities);
public class CountriesController : BaseCRUDController<Country, CountryViewModel>
private readonly ICountryService service;
public CountriesController(ICountryService service)
: base(service)
this.service = service;
What I'm trying to do is simple:
I have many others controllers that the superclass is the base controller. I'm doing this way to avoid code repetition, since that the controllers have similar structure.
The problems are:
I can't reach the url that I want (/management/countries)
I don't know how to configure my Home Controller, because I want that it could be reached by
How could I fix these problems?
My route config is like that:
public class RouteConfig
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
After a little playing around I managed to get it to work.
The problem is when you are using attribute routing there are no default route parameters assigned.
For example in your Default route the defaults are controller = "Home", action = "Index". So if you were to call the routing engine will automatically default to /Home/Index/ and so on.
However the attribute route has no way of knowing you want to default to the Index action (or any other action for that matter).
To solve the issue add the Route attribute to the CountriesController like this:
[Route("{action=Index}")] // this defines the default action as Index
public class CountriesController : BaseCRUDController<Country, CountryViewModel>
private readonly ICountryService service;
public CountriesController(ICountryService service)
: base(service)
this.service = service;
Also for future reference Phil Haack's Route Debugger is extremely helpful for figuring out routing issues.
Have you defined Area (management) for your controllers?
if you try without Area, is that getting redirect properly?

ASP.NET MVC: How to override parent Controller method

Let's say I have many Controllers, and a lot of this Controllers share common Action. What is the best way to share these common Actions to eliminate duplicating the code?
One way I know is to refactor these common Actions into parent abstract Controller, like so..
public abstract class BaseController : Controller {
//handles common help page for all controllers
public ActionResult Help(string helpTopic) { help page..
return View(page);
//now Controller1 and Controller2 has the help page for free!
public class Controller1: BaseController {
public class Controller2: BaseController {
But if I attempt to override the Help action within any of the sub controllers like so..
//customized help page for Controller1
public class Controller1: BaseController {
public new ActionResult Help(string helpTopic) {
.. my own customized help page..
return View(page);
I will get error The current request for action 'Help' on controller type 'Controller1' is ambiguous between....
So how do I override parent controller method?
What I did to successfully override a parent controller's method is to mark the method as virtual and use the override keyword in the child controller method, like so...
public abstract class BaseController : Controller {
//handles common help page for all controllers
public virtual ActionResult Help(string helpTopic) { help page..
return View(page);
//Controller1 has a customized help page
public class Controller1: BaseController {
public override ActionResult Help(string helpTopic) {
.. my own customized help page..
return View(page);
//Controller2 has help page for free!
public class Controller2: BaseController {

How to append a prefix to action name according to a particular route

I'm using mvc 4 and web api. My route is like this:
for example, if the route is :
I hope it will route to the action name "jqGrid_List" of the User controller.
How can I achieve this?
hmm, I don't know if it's acceptable to answer my own question. I found out a solution.
First of all, I need to add a JqGridControllerConfiguration attribute to replace the default action selector applied to the controller with my one.
public class UserController : ApiController
// GET: /api/User/jqGrid/List
public JqGridModel<User> jqGrid_List()
JqGridModel<User> result = new JqGridModel<User>();
result.rows = Get();
return result;
Here's the code of JqGridControllerConfiguration:
public class JqGridControllerConfiguration : Attribute, IControllerConfiguration
public void Initialize(HttpControllerSettings controllerSettings, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor)
controllerSettings.Services.Replace(typeof(IHttpActionSelector), new JqGridActionSelector());
in JqGridActionSelector, the "action" is modified if a "jqGrid/" exists in the request URL.
public class JqGridActionSelector : ApiControllerActionSelector
public override HttpActionDescriptor SelectAction(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
Uri url = controllerContext.Request.RequestUri;
if (url.Segments.Any(s => string.Compare(s, "jqGrid/", true) == 0))
controllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"] = "jqGrid_" + controllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
return base.SelectAction(controllerContext);
Not sure why you'd want to do this. But you can still create a "jqGrid_List" action in your User controller and set an ActionName for it, and it'll work.
[HttpGet, ActionName("List")]
public string jqGrid_List()
return "WORKS";
Your Route:
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/jqGrid/{action}/{id}"
