Coded UI Automated Test Case through Octopus Tentacle - automated-tests

I am trying to run my Automated test cases deployed on a virtual machine and trying to trigger it with the help of Octopus Deployment tool. I installed test agent and Octopus Tentacle on my machine. Octopus is triggering the DLL's for Automated test cases very well.But while Octopus trying to run the test cases it's giving me an Error as below:-
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestException: To run tests that interact with the desktop, you must set up the test agent to run as an interactive process. For more information, see "How to: Set Up Your Test Agent to Run Tests That Interact with the Desktop" (
Error 01:59:38
If you are running the tests as part of your team build, you must also set up the build agent to run as an interactive process. For more information, see "How to: Configure and Run Scheduled Tests After Building Your Application" (
I setup my password in test agent and set it as intractive process but still i am facing the same issue.
I am triggering my DLL's as below through Octopus.
& "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" "C:\MyWebaPP\Automated_test\Automated_test.dll"
I tried each and every way i found.Please help me out in this.
Thanks in advance!!

We recently encountered the same problem.
During our research, we found this post on the Octopus support forum:
We also contacted Octopus Deploy by mail, and they essentially gave us the same response.
While we had no luck with the "scheduled task for test run" approach, we eventually managed to get it working by running the Octopus Tentacle as a process rather than a service.
The challenge here was making sure the Tentacle would start when our test machine started. We wanted this to happen automatically, so RDPing in and starting the process every time was out of the question (this also caused some additional problems for the UI test run...).
The final working solution was to schedule a task that would start the Octopus Tentacle as an interactive process whenever the machine booted (i.e. run Tentacle.exe directly), and then make sure we never RDP to this machine. Make sure the task has sufficient privileges, and that it "Runs whether the user is logged in or not". Also, remember to disable automatic startup of the Octopus Tentacle Service.
Edit: We had some trouble making this solution work across all our environments. It seems that for security reasons, newer versions of Windows are quite skeptical about allowing scheduled tasks to start interactive processes when there is no user logged on.
We did another search for possible solutions, and came across FireDaemon Pro (commercial software), which allows us to register interactive Windows services that run under a domain user. Not quite sure how it works, but they seem to be able to run a UI from a Windows service in session0 (the UI is also isolated). The Octopus Tentacle starts without complain, and the UI tests run the way we want them to.


In Robot framework test case scripts works fine but getting while triggering in Azure pipeline

We are having some difficulties implementing the Azure DevOps pipeline as a team. We are conducting the testing on our agent-hosted Windows os in the background. A couple of our test scripts were successful, while others were unsuccessful for unknown reasons.
However, the identical test scripts are all run with a pass in locally 100% in versus code result. Unable to determine why the agent-hosted Windows operating system is failing
Ideally, all suggestions would be constructive.
All test scripts which execute need to pass in azure pipeline any suggestion would be helpful

Are there any agents to spawn a script or exe with command from Reportportal dashboard?

I have reportportal installation running on Windows box. I am planning to use it as dashboard to look at unit test and other automated test results. I understand reportportal integration with unit test frameworks is done at the logger level so that the test app itself can send results back to dashboard.
I have a scenario where the test application is an exe that I want to launch by sending a command from dashboard to system under test.
Are there any provisions for doing it?
Do I have to build an agent that talks to reportportal using its api for this?
No, nothing similar at the moment.
It is pretty popular request, so we have it in backlog, but still focus on test reports aggregations first. And the other types of functionality will come later.

How to specify a timeout when using Firebase Test Lab through Android Studio

I started using the Firebase Test Lab web page to run instrumented tests of my new apps. One of the advanced settings is "Test Timeout", which is the point Firebase will kill a long running test.
I started to launch tests directly from Android Studio (3.1.1). In setting up tests with the run configuration editor, I can't seem to find the setting for Test Timeout. Am I missing something or is this feature not available when launching tests from AS.
There is currently no way to set a Test Lab timeout using the Android Studio UI. Please feel free to file a feature request for missing functionality like this.

How to detect whether a script is already running?

i want to create a script that would run forever. i mean i start the script today, and i should be able to see it running even in the next year.
this would not be possible because of the sever errors. it is obvious that the script will stop at least within 2 or 3 hours due to the server faults(im using a free web server).
so the method im going to use is to run two (or more) scripts simultaniously in two severs, and one scripts cheks if the other is runing & viceversa for every 30 seconds. and if found not running it executes the other one.
so the scripts will run as long as both of them are not stopped at once question is how do i check if the other script is running? least is there a way to check if another intance of the same script(in the same server) is already running?
i want to create a script that would run forever
ASP.NET is not the tool for this. A web application is a request/response system. It intercepts requests, performs a finite amount of processing, and returns a response. At that point it's done. Additionally, web servers are free to allocate and de-allocate resources for a number of reasons, so at any time your web application can be shut down.
What you're looking for is something more like a Windows Service or perhaps a Console Application (backed by a scheduler or something else to ensure that it's running). Web applications by design don't "run forever" so they're not the right tool for the job.
ASP is not free but it is also not too expensive, we can run a script on server that can continuously work on server, but doing such thing on server can cause server load error, and will affect other websites which are hosted on shared hosting. You can go for VPS hosting, But I think that your server administrator can suspended your account on running such kind of script on server.

Why don't QLocalSocket/Server connections work when one process was invoked by an NSIS installer?

I have an NSIS installer that installs my Qt application. At the end of the install process, the installer gives the user the option to launch the application immediately.
My application uses QLocalSocket/QLocalServer to talk to other local instances of the application. (They talk to each other basically just to ensure that there's only one instance of the app running at a time.) However, on Vista, if one of the instances was started up by the installer, then other instances cannot talk to that instance unless they were also started by the installer (or uninstaller, interestingly).
The NSIS installer launches the app with the Exec command. The client tries to connect to the server through QLocalSocket::connectToServer, which fails with the error "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Unknown error 5".
Can anyone explain this? What's the best way to work around it?
If 5 is a windows error code, it would mean access denied. Is there a way for you to change the security on this server (You would need to access the native pipe handle)?
The finish page run option has more issues than just this, the new process gets the wrong HKCU and user profile etc.
I would recommend just disabling the run checkbox on the finish page. (This issue goes all the way back to win2000 when RunAs was added)
If you really really want this run checkbox, you can use the UAC plugin, it will allow you to start a child process as the "correct" user.
Finally figured this out. The installer was running as admin (the install script said "RequestExecutionLevel admin"), and apparently it launched my app with those elevated permissions, which meant that other instances of my app running with user-level permissions couldn't connect to it. QLocalSocket/Server uses named pipes on windows, so I figure this is a windows security feature. I'm planning to work around this by using the UAC NSIS plugin, which I believe lets you run a process with user-level permissions.
