Unable to pass static file through ASP.NET pipeline - asp.net

I have a ASP.NET web application (Sitecore), and I'm supposed to handle routes that end in .html via ASP.NET. Normally, as I've read, simply adding validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="true" in /Configuration/system.WebServer/modules in web.config should suffice.
However, I'm not seeing this behaviour.
Trying "test.html" gives me the default IIS 404 page, and the code that's supposed to run, doesn't.
The app pool is already in integrated mode and the property validateIntegratedModeConfiguration is already set to true.
What am I missing here?

If your routes have been registered using Sitecore pipelines then you will need to include html in the list of Allowed extensions. Patch the config like below to include whatever extensions you require to be processed:
<configuration xmlns:patch="http://www.sitecore.net/xmlconfig/">
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.PreprocessRequest.FilterUrlExtensions, Sitecore.Kernel">
<param desc="Allowed extensions (comma separated)">aspx, ashx, asmx, html</param>


How do I reload asp.net configuration file cache?

I have an asp.net application that sets the configSource attribute on the rewriteRules element in web.config to point to a separate config file:
<rules configSource="App_Data\Config\RewriteRules.config" />
My web app makes edits to the RewriteRules.config file programmatically, but my web app does not pick up the configuration changes after the file is edited and saved.
I have tried calling HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() after editing the file. This successfully restarts my app domain, but the changes in RewriteRules.config are still not picked up. I have tried adding RestartOnExternalChanges="true" to the rewrite element, but this is apparently not supported on the IIS rewrite module. I have also tried ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("rewrite/rules") but this does not seem to have any effect. The only way I can get the changes to take effect is to edit and save the main web.config file, but I am trying to avoid doing this programmatically for security reasons.
I am confused as to why HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() does not cause external config files to be re-read. Is this expected behavior? Does the config file cache somehow exist outside the bounds of the app domain? Is there any practical way to achieve what I am looking to do?
Dude, the problem with your case is, related configSection definition is not marked as restartOnExternalChanges="true" in definition. For example; we created a custom config section for storing application urls in an external file and we create a section definition in web.config file like
<section name="pageUrlFormats" type="Kahia.Web.Configuration.PageUrlFormats.PageUrlFormatsSection, Kahia.Web" restartOnExternalChanges="true" requirePermission="false" />
so that asp.net knows if any change occurs in related file:
<pageUrlFormats configSource="Config\PageUrlFormats.config" />
application domain restarts. This goes same for all config section definitions, including UrlRewrite module's definition.
What you have to do is, find definition of related module. In this scenario, it is at apphost.config at C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
In that file, look for rule section definition, it starts like
<section name="rules"
You have to add restartOnExternalChanges="true" attribute to that config file.
IIS7 configuration system uses the same syntax as the .Net framework configuration system, but is a different implementation that has some behavior differences. The restartOnExternalChanges thing is a feature of the .Net framework configuration system that is not supported by the IIS7 configuration system. The url rewriter module uses the IIS7 configuration system.

Authorization for Static Files in ASP.NET MVC w/ Owin

I have the need to secure an entire folder of static HTML files. The intention is that a user cannot access these files unless they are authenticated and have the necessary role.
We've got cookie-based authentication set up using OWIN, but no matter what I try I can't seem to figure out the correct combination of changes to make to require authentication on the folder.
The first problem is that IIS is skipping ASP.NET completely and just serving the files. I think there's probably a way around that by setting runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests to true. But where do I go from there?
I've tried stuffing elements in the Web.config to require the proper roles, but it just results in EVERY request getting denied (presumably because it's not inspecting the proper cookie or something).
I've spent my entire day on this and I'm about to lose my mind.
Has anyone solved this problem?
IIS is serving static files , if you want to stop this you can remove default static file handler and than every request is
serverd by MVC/OWIN.
Than make static file handling and authorization in your controller
: listen/map route where static files are located
to remove default static file handler add this to web.config file:
<remove name="StaticFile" />

How to configure Custom Http Module at Directory level?

I created a custom http module and want to add this module to the web config. The web application is a project that contains several "sub applications". A sub application is just a folder, and within that folder it has its own web.config. I'm doing this so each application has its own application related contents.
Now I created a custom http module. When adding this to the root web.config, the module is working properly. When adding the http module config to the directory-level web.config (e.g. /Applications/MyApplication/web.config) the module is not initialized anymore.
This is the root config which is working fine.
<add name="MyFirstHttpModule" type="CustomModule.CustomModule,CustomModule" />
Kindly help
ASP.net configuration already supports configuration inherance. You just have to add a new web.config in the specified folder.
ASP.NET website's Web.config is part of an inheritance chain. Your website's subfolders can have Web.config. This allows for setting general settings at the site level and overriding them when necessary. Any settings in the base Web.config that aren't overridden in the subfolder stay in effect, so the "child" Web.config can be pretty small. You can continue to nest them, so sub-sub-subfolders can get their own Web.config if needed.
A good example is the Web.config file in an ASP.NET MVC application's View folder which does things like preventing directly viewing the View templates
You can read more here.
If a request is received for a file in the SubDir1 directory that does
not exist, ASP.NET begins to search the configuration hierarchy,
starting at the most local Web.config file (which is located in the
current directory, if it exists, or a parent directory). ASP.NET is
searching for an error Element for customErrors (ASP.NET Settings
Schema) element where the statusCode attribute equals "404". Once
ASP.NET finds the configuration setting for the 404 error, the URL in
the redirect attribute is returned as the response.

ASPX page within a .aspx page with iframe throws 500.23 error

I'm trying to embed a ChartModule.aspx page within a Default.aspx page using an iframe.
The ChartModule has a button event which updates a chart. The ChartModule has its own ChartsModule.cs.
I'm getting this error:
HTTP Error 500.23 - Internal Server Error An ASP.NET setting has been
detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.Most
likely causes:
•This application defines configuration in the system.web/httpHandlers
section. Things you can try: •Migrate the configuration to the
system.webServer/handlers section. You can do so manually or by using
AppCmd from the command line. For example, from the IIS Express
install directory, run appcmd migrate config "Default Web Site/".
Using AppCmd to migrate your application will enable it to work in
Integrated mode. It will continue to work in Classic mode and on
previous versions of IIS. •If you are certain that it is OK to ignore
this error, it can be disabled by setting
system.webServer/validation#validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to
false. •Alternatively, switch the application to a Classic mode
application pool. For example, from the IIS Express install directory,
run appcmd set app "Default Web Site/"
/applicationPool:"Clr4ClassicAppPool". Only do this if you are unable
to migrate your application.
Detailed Error Information: Module ConfigurationValidationModule
Notification BeginRequest Handler
PageHandlerFactory-Integrated-4.0 Error Code 0x80070032 Requested
URL http://localhost:4161/Default.aspx Physical Path
C:\Documents and
Settings\singhm\Desktop\Temp\Trial2\Trial2\Default.aspx Logon Method
Not yet determined Logon User Not yet determined Request Tracing
Why is this?
While this may not answer your question directly, here is a thought:
If you have the option, consider turning ChartModule.aspx into a UserControl (ascx), which acts just like another "page" (same lifecycle, its own codebehind file, etc) but integrates more cleanly into an existing aspx page. The above link should be a good introduction to creating and using UserControls.
The error message contains a clue to the solution:
setting system.webServer/validation#validateIntegratedModeConfiguration to false
So make sure the following is present in your web.config:
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
For example:
<!-- your existing settings -->
<!-- Add this to here.... -->
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false"/>
IIS 7 and ASP.NET are quite helpful these days with regard to to error messages and hints contained therein so you should take the time to read them.
I would really recommend using a usercontrol page instead of iframes in asp.net this way you can bind that usercontrol by doing
public override DataBind()
in that you can pass anything into that usercontrol page like refresh data, load certain data, etc..

Is web.config or app.config cached in memory

if it is cached, what happens if I use multiple web.config in multi-level folders
They all get cached.
Configuration is read once, at startup. With web.config, IIS watches for file changes and restarts the application.
OK, so ya'll are missing a KEY feature in the Web.Config file's area.
Yes, web.config is cached and changing contents of the file will restart your web app. And, all your connected users will not be happy, too, because they'll need to "reconnect" a-new, possibly losing desired information.
So, use an EXTERNAL custom file for your AppSettings, as follows:
<appSettings configSource="MyCustom_AppSettings.config"/>
Then, in the file MyCustom_AppSettings.config file, you have your settings, as such this example has:
<!-- AppSecurity Settings -->
<add key="AppStatus_Active" value="Active"/>
<!-- Application Info Settings -->
<add key="AppID" value="25"/>
<add key="AppName" value="MyCoolApp"/>
<add key="AppVersion" value="20120307_162344"/>
Now, if you need to add, change, or remove an AppSetting, when you change it in this file the change is nearly instant in your web-app BUT (and here's the BEST part), your app DOES NOT RESTART!
Everything stays kosher except those settings you've added/modified/removed in the external .config file.
And, yes, the same thing can done for the section as follows:
<connectionStrings configSource="MyCustomApp_ConnectionStrings.config"/>
and the file MyCustomApp_ConnectionStrings.config has all the connection strings you need. Change a connection string in the external .config file and it starts getting used right away and with no web-app restart.
The configSource setting(s) are great when you need to deploy to development, testing, and production on different boxes and need settings pertinent to that given box/environment.
So, now ya know (something that's been around for 7+ years).
It's That Simple. Really.
Web.config (excluding external config files) is read when the application loads. Some config settings have a cascading behavior. For example, the system.web/authorization section can be overridden by configs at deeper levels.
ASP.NET monitors the web.config for changes. When it changes, the web application is forced to restart. Moral is that web.config settings are cached for the life of the application.
