Why can't I use StyleSheet in QLineEdit object? - qt

I have a class DragQLineEdit which inherits the QLineEdit.
I have defined an array as:
So I am able to generate a grid of edit text boxes. FINE.
But when I want to change the color say of the very first edit text box like this:
m_textEdits[0][0].setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: rgb(255,255,255); selection-background-color:rgb(233,0,0); }");
It gives me compiler error: no member named StyleSheet.
I did the above after reading the accepted answer of this question.
Basically, I have the following function:
void Favorites::mySlot(int r,int c,int row,int col)
m_textEdits[row][col].setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background: rgb(255,255,255); selection-background-color:rgb(233,0,0); }");

You have...
It should be...
Note the lower case 's' in styleSheet and parentheses after styleSheet signifying a function call.


Qt: Style depending on label value

I have what looks like a very simple problem: I want to design a QLabel whose value changes dynamically (no issue here) and whose background color changes accordingly (this is the issue).
Of course, I know I can do something like that (pseudo code):
function on_new_value(value):
if value>10:
else if value<0:
But that kind of mixes model and view. What I'd like, ideally, would be to be able to use an extended version of Qt Stylesheets as follows:
QLabel { background: green; }
QLabel { if value>10: background: red; }
QLabel { if value<0: background: red; }
Obviously, that is not possible. But I'm wondering if Qt allows for something close in order to embbed (for instance in a class) a graphic behaviour based on a value.
I know about QPalette, but the style condition is only about the widget Active/Disable state, not its "value".
In other words, I'm looking for sort of a ValueDependantStyle class or somehting close.
Any pointers? Am I looking at this all wrong?
Edit: in case this is important, I'm developping with PyQt5.
You could use a "model property" on the label, that defines the color in a style sheet (cf. Qt Style Sheet Reference about properties):
function on_new_value(value):
if value>10:
label.setProperty("HasError", "true")
else if value<0:
label.setProperty("HasError", "true")
label.setProperty("HasError", "false")
QLabel[HasError="false"] { background: green; }
QLabel[HasError="true"] { background: red; }

Concatenate variable with string to form another variable

#color-purple: "#ffffff"
#colors: purple, light-purple, green, light-green, red, light-red, grey, light-grey, lightest-grey;
.ColorsMixin(#i:0) when(#i =< length(#colors)){ //loop over icons array
#color: extract(#colors, #i); //extract the icon at current index #i
background: #{color-#{color}};
content: "#{color}";
content: "\#{color-#{color}}";
.ColorsMixin(#i + 1);
So, I can get it to do what I want to do in the
content: "\#{color-#{color}}";
part. This will output
content: "#ffffff";
However, when I try to output the #color-purple variable as the background, LESS throws an error. It only seems to work if I wrap it in quotation marks, but the background property wants the hex code without the quotes around it.
What's the trick here?
background: #{color-#{color}};
is not valid Less syntax, the proper one would be:
background: ~'#{color-#{color}}';
Note however, the very idea of indirectly refering to a variable values via escaping is a durty kludge (quite wide-spread but still very dirty).
It works when you assign such value directly to CSS property, but it will fail for anything else, simply because such value is not a color anymore but an unquoted string with an unknown content...
E.g. the following code will fail:
#color-dark-purple: #321;
div {
#color: 'color-dark-purple';
background: fade(~'#{color}', 50%); // error, not a color value
The proper Less method of getting a variable value via its name is "variable reference", e.g.:
#color-dark-purple: #321;
div {
#color: 'color-dark-purple';
background: fade(##color, 50%); // OK, proper color value
Additionally, take a time to consider if the whole approach of having all these colors as distinct variables and then having a separate list of these variables names is really what you need. Normally a single list having both color names and values is not such awfully bloating and much more maintainable.

javaFX css styling for an array of text not working

I have a CSS file that styles my application MusicPlayer. I'm trying to style my array of javafx.scene.text.Text named sliderText. However nothing works. even when i use .text it styles the text of everything else EXCEPT my array of sliderText. any ideas how to get this working?
heres my declaration of slider text =
public static javafx.scene.text.Text[] sliderText = new Text[10];
also general question, how do i use .setID() in both javafx and CSS?
I've tried doing the following:
.text {
-fx-font-size: 32px;
-fx-font-family: "Arial Black";
-fx-fill: #818181;
-fx-effect: innershadow( three-pass-box , rgba(0,0,0,0.7) , 6, 0.0 , 0 , 2 );
And that changes literally everything except what i want it to
By default, Text objects have no style class attached to them. (Only Controls have default style classes set.) So your rule (which applies to the style class "text"), won't apply to your text objects.
The basic CSS tutorial for JavaFX covers all this, but briefly you need to do something like
for (Text text : sliderText) {
either in the constructor or in the start() method or an initialization method (you haven't shown enough context for your code for me to know how your application is set up).
For your question:
how do i use .setID() in both javafx and CSS?
you can do
and then in CSS
#specialNode {
/* style rules for specialNode here.... */
Ids should be unique to a single node within any scene graph.

Toggling color of Text Input with Button click - jQuery

$("#btn").button().click(function() {
$("#textinput").css('color',function(clr) {
if ($("#textinput").css('color') == '#000000')
return '#ff0000';
return '#000000';
for some reason I cant toggle between the colors in input text. the .css docs of jQuery states the following:
Different browsers may return CSS color values that are logically but not textually equal, e.g., #FFF, #ffffff, and rgb(255,255,255).
in general, how can i get the property value of UI object (css values are constant?) ?
I would create a class .white and a class .black and use .addClass() and .removeClass(). A html element can have multiple classes set
$("#btn").button().click(function() {
if ($("#textinput").hasClass("white"))
else {
I think someone will post a more elegant solution to this, because I think this is too much code for a simple task like this.
Use toggleClass instead: http://api.jquery.com/toggleClass/

Qt Stylesheet syntax: targeting a specific button, not ALL buttons

I have a window with two buttons.
I'd like to decorate each one with a different stylesheet. They both have different object names, of course, but it seems that only the generic QPushButton stylesheet selector works.
I tried:
QPushButton#myBtnObjectName1 {
/* style definitions */
QPushButton#myBtnObjectName2 {
/* style definitions */
Tried the same with replacing the # with a ., or having the #myBtnObjetNameX only. Nothing works. Just:
QPushButton {
/* style definitions */
Am I using a wrong syntax? Or is this simply impossible without deriving from QPushButton in code and using a separate class name for each?
To match instances using the objectName, you can also use the selector ^=. According to the standard:
[att^=val] Represents an element with the att attribute whose value
begins with the prefix "val".
Example in Qt:
QPushButton[objectName^="push"] { background-color: red; }
A QPushButton called pushButton would be matched, but not an object called pbt.
You can use "accessibleName" in Qt Designer for this.
And in qss stylesheet:
more universal:
[accessibleName="alert-error"] {
color: red;
or be more specific:
QPushButton[accessibleName="bigred"] {
background-color: red;
Ah yes, the "AccessibleName" in Qt Designer needs to be set too, not just "ObjectName"
