Multiple conditions in R using a specific variable [closed] - r

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Closed 6 years ago.
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i have a simple question. I have a big df like :
Name AGE Order
Anna 25 1
Anna 28 2
Peter 10 1
Paul 15 1
Mary 14 1
John 8 1
Charlie 24 2
Robert 20 2
For just Order= 1 , I need filter AGE>=10 & AGE<=15. So output file must be:
Name AGE Order
Anna 28 2
Peter 10 1
Paul 15 1
Mary 14 1
Charlie 24 2
Robert 20 2
Could you help me, please?

We can use vectorized ifelse
For Order = 1 check if AGE lies in the range of 10-15, select rest rows as it is.
df[ifelse(df$Order==1, df$AGE >= 10 & df$AGE <= 15, TRUE), ]
# Name AGE Order
#2 Anna 28 2
#3 Peter 10 1
#4 Paul 15 1
#5 Mary 14 1
#7 Charlie 24 2
#8 Robert 20 2
We can also consolidate to:
subset(df, AGE >= 10 & AGE <= 15 | Order != 1)


Find the favorite and analyse sequence questions in R

We have a daily meeting when participants nominate each other to speak. The first person is chosen randomly.
I have a dataframe that consists of names and the order of speech every day.
I have a day1, a day2 ,a day3 , etc. in the columns.
The data in the rows are numbers, meaning the order of speech on that particular day.
NA means that the person did not participate on that day.
Name day1 day2 day3 day4 ...
Albert 1 3 1 ...
Josh 2 2 NA
Veronica 3 5 3
Tim 4 1 2
Stew 5 4 4
I want to create two analysis, first, I want to create a dataframe who has chosen who the most times. (I know that the result depends on if a participant was nominated before and therefore on that day that participant cannot be nominated again, I will handle it later, but for now this is enough)
It should look like this:
Name Favorite
Albert Stew
Josh Veronica
Veronica Tim
Tim Stew
My questions (feel free to answer only one if you can):
1. What code shall I use for it without having to manunally put the names in a different dataframe?
2. How shall I handle a tie, for example Josh chose Veronica and Tim first the same number of times? Later I want to visualise it and I have no idea how to handle ties.
I also would like to analyse the results to visualise strong connections.
Like to show that there are people who usually chose each other, etc.
Is there a good package that is specialised for these? Or how should I get to it?
I do not need DNA sequences, only this simple ones, but I have not found a suitable one yet.
Thanks for your help!
If I am not misunderstanding your problem, here is some code to get the number of occurences of who choose who as next speaker. I added a fourth day to have some count that is not 1. There are ties in the result, choosing the first couple of each group by speaker ('who') may be a solution :
df <- read.table(textConnection(
function (x) {
who <- df$Name[order(df[x],na.last=NA)]
) %>%
replyr::replyr_bind_rows() %>%
filter(! %>%
group_by(who,lead.who.) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>%
Name day1 day2 day3 day4
1 Albert 1 3 1 3
2 Josh 2 2 NA 2
3 Veronica 3 5 3 1
4 Tim 4 1 2 4
5 Stew 5 4 4 5
# A tibble: 12 x 3
# Groups: who [5]
who lead.who. n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 Albert Tim 2
2 Albert Josh 1
3 Albert Stew 1
4 Josh Albert 2
5 Josh Veronica 1
6 Stew Veronica 1
7 Tim Stew 2
8 Tim Josh 1
9 Tim Veronica 1
10 Veronica Josh 1
11 Veronica Stew 1
12 Veronica Tim 1

else {} statement ignored in a for loop [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a tibble, Agencies, with two columns as follows:
> head(Agencies, 10)
# A tibble: 10 x 2
AgencyNumber State
<int> <chr>
1 1 AR
2 2 Arkansas
3 3 Texas
4 4 Texas
5 5 TX
6 6 IL
7 7 Illinois
8 8 Illinois
9 9 IL
10 10 IL
I'm trying to add a column (Agencies$STATE) with the full state name. If Agencies$State is an abbreviation, it should use the abbr2state function to save the full name to the new column. If Agencies$State already has the full name, it should store the value of Agencies$State to the new column.
I'm using the following code:
Agencies$STATE <- "NA"
for(i in 1:nrow(Agencies)) {
if(nchar(Agencies$State[i] == 2)) {
Agencies$STATE[i] <- abbr2state(Agencies$State[i])
else {
Agencies$STATE[i] <- Agencies$State[i]
The output is unexpected. It appears to evaluate the first if statement as expected, but ignores the else statement.
> head(Agencies, 10)
# A tibble: 10 x 3
AgencyNumber State STATE
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 AR Arkansas
2 2 Arkansas <NA>
3 3 Texas <NA>
4 4 Texas <NA>
5 5 TX Texas
6 6 IL Illinois
7 7 Illinois <NA>
8 8 Illinois <NA>
9 9 IL Illinois
10 10 IL Illinois
I'm a bit new to R so this may be an obvious error, but I'm missing it.
Any suggestions on why this isn't doing what I expect?
Your statement nchar(Agencies$State[i] == 2)
should be (nchar(Agencies$State[i]) == 2)
You misplace the parenthesis
You can also use dplyr to avoid the loops
Agencies %>%
mutate(state = ifelse( stringi::stri_length(State) == 2,abbr2state(State),State))

Erasing duplicates with NA values

I have a data frame like this:
names <- c('Mike','Mike','Mike','John','John','John','David','David','David','David')
dates <- c('04-26','04-26','04-27','04-28','04-27','04-26','04-01','04-02','04-02','04-03')
values <- c(NA,1,2,4,5,6,1,2,NA,NA)
test <- data.frame(names,dates,values)
Which is:
names dates values
1 Mike 04-26 NA
2 Mike 04-26 1
3 Mike 04-27 2
4 John 04-28 4
5 John 04-27 5
6 John 04-26 6
7 David 04-01 1
8 David 04-02 2
9 David 04-02 NA
10 David 04-03 NA
I'd like to get rid of duplicates with NA values. So, in this case, I have a valid observation from Mike on 04-26 and also have a valid observation from David on 04-02, so rows 1 and 9 should be erased and I will end up with:
names dates values
1 Mike 04-26 1
2 Mike 04-27 2
3 John 04-28 4
4 John 04-27 5
5 John 04-26 6
6 David 04-01 1
7 David 04-02 2
8 David 04-03 NA
I tried to use duplicated function, something like this:
But that does not work since some NA values come before the valid value. Do you have any suggestions without trying things like merge or making another data frame?
Update: I'd like to keep rows with NA that are not duplicates.
What about this way?
test %>% group_by(names, dates) %>% filter((n()>=2 & ! | n()==1)
Source: local data frame [8 x 3]
Groups: names, dates [8]
names dates values
(fctr) (fctr) (dbl)
1 Mike 04-26 1
2 Mike 04-27 2
3 John 04-28 4
4 John 04-27 5
5 John 04-26 6
6 David 04-01 1
7 David 04-02 2
8 David 04-03 NA
Here is an attempt in data.table:
# set up
# construct condition
test[, dupes := max(duplicated(.SD)), .SDcols=c("names", "dates"), by=c("names", "dates")]
# print out result
test[dupes == 0 | !,]
Here is a similar method using base R, except that the dupes variable is kept separately from the data.frame:
dupes <- duplicated(test[c("names", "dates")])
# this generates warnings, but works nonetheless
dupes <- ave(dupes, test$names, test$dates, FUN=max)
# print out result
test[dupes == 0 | !$values),]
If there are duplicated rows where the values variable is NA, and these duplicates add nothing to the data, then you can drop them prior to running the code above:
testNoNADupes <- test[!(duplicated(test) &$values)),]
This should work based on your sample.
test <- test[order(test$values),]
test <- test[!(duplicated(test$names) & duplicated(test$dates) &$values)),]

Sort data.table unique values (r language) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
unique / sort in data.frame
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have my table(input):
user_id is_Leaver age
1 Helen yes 25
2 Helen yes 25
3 Helen yes 25
4 Rob no 31
5 Rob no 31
I need to have table with unique logs(Output):
user_id is_Leaver age
1 Helen yes 25
2 Rob no 31
Do this :
let's say your dataframe = df;
df <- unique(df)
It should do the trick.

Deduplicate dataframe based on criteria in R?

I've got this dataframe:
Name Country Gender Age
1 John GB M 25
2 Mark US M 35
3 Jane 0 0 0
4 Jane US F 30
5 Jane US F 0
6 Kate GB F 18
As you can see the value "Jane" appears 3 times. What I want to do is to deduplicate the list based on the variable "Name" but because the rest of the columns are important to me, I want to keep the rows that have the most information in them. For example if I was to deduplicate the above file in excel, it would keep the first value of "Jane" and delete all the other ones. But the first value of "Jane" (row no3) has got missing information in the other columns.
So in other words I want to deduplicate the list by "Name" but add a criteria to keep the rows that have any other value different from "0" in the column "Age". This way the result I would get would be this:
Name Country Gender Age
1 John GB M 25
2 Mark US M 35
3 Jane US F 30
4 Kate GB F 18
I have tried this
file3 <- file1[!duplicated(file1$Name),]
But like excel it keeps the value of "Jane" that has no usable information in the other columns.
How do I sort the rows based on column "Age" in a Z-A order so that anything that has "0" will be on the bottom and will be removed when I deduplicate the list?
Try this trick
ind <- with(DF,
Country !=0 &
Gender %in% c('F', 'M') &
Age !=0)
DF[ind, ]
Name Country Gender Age
1 John GB M 25
2 Mark US M 35
4 Jane US F 30
6 Kate GB F 18
So far it works well and produces your desired output
orderBy(~ -Age+Name, DF) # Sort decreasingly by Age and Name
Name Country Gender Age
2 Mark US M 35
4 Jane US F 30
1 John GB M 25
6 Kate GB F 18
3 Jane 0 0 0
5 Jane US F 0
Or simply using Base functions:
DF[order(DF$Age, DF$Name, decreasing = TRUE), ]
Name Country Gender Age
2 Mark US M 35
4 Jane US F 30
1 John GB M 25
6 Kate GB F 18
3 Jane 0 0 0
5 Jane US F 0
Now you can select by indexing the correct rows meeting your conditions, I really think the first part is better than these two lasts.
If all duplicated rows have the value zero in column Age, it will work with subset:
# the data
file1 <- read.table(text="Name Country Gender Age
1 John GB M 25
2 Mark US M 35
3 Jane 0 0 0
4 Jane US F 30
5 Jane US F 0
6 Kate GB F 18", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# create a subset of the data
subset(file1, Age > 0)
# Name Country Gender Age
# 1 John GB M 25
# 2 Mark US M 35
# 4 Jane US F 30
# 6 Kate GB F 18
