I have data in the form of start and stop times (in the format minutes:seconds). A simplistic example might be the timestamp of a light turning on, and the subsequent timestamp of the light turning off.
For example:
Start Stop
00:03.1 00:40.9
00:55.0 01:38.2
01:40.0 02:01.1
I would like to rearrange the data so that I can eventually look at it in terms of whole-minute interval bins in R.
Option 1: Turn the data into a binary listing for each tenth of a second, then aggregate the data later by timestamp.
Time.in.sec Yes.or.No
0.0 N
0.1 N
... ...
3.0 N
3.1 Y
3.2 Y
... ...
40.8 Y
40.9 N
... ...
Option 2: Split the time intervals at the minute marks and aggregate total time per minute (starting at time = 0:00.0) with some sort of logical rule.
Start Stop
00:03.10 00:40.90
00:55.00 00:59.99
01:00.00 01:38.20
01:40.00 01:59.99
02:00.00 02:01.10
I have tried looking into lubridate functions (i.e., making each range into an interval class) and cut(), but I can’t seem to figure out how to make either of these ideas work. I also am unclear whether packages such as zoo would be appropriate for this; honestly, I have very little experience with date/time formats and time series.
Other questions on Stackoverflow seem to be addressing making bins from raw timestamps (e.g., What is an efficient method for partitioning and aggregating intervals from timestamped rows in a data frame? and Aggregate data by equally spaced time intervals in R), but I essentially want to do the opposite.
EDIT 1: Here is a CSV-format of the example data, up through minute 6.
Start, Stop
00:03.1, 00:40.9
00:55.0, 01:38.2
01:40.0, 02:01.1
03:03.1, 04:30.3
04:50.0, 05:01.5
05:08.7, 05:22.0
05:40.1, 05:47.9
EDIT 2: My ultimate goal for this is to have the data in a format that I can use to chunk the observations into standardized time bins (Minute 1, Minute 2, etc.) to get a by-minute percentage of when the data is "Yes". Basically I want to get a summary of the distribution of states by minute, and since the data is binary, I can do this by looking at the "yes" state.
For the first 3 minutes (from 00:00.0 up until 03:00.0), the output would be something like this:
Minute time.yes.sec perc.time.yes
1 42.8 71.33
2 58.2 96.98
3 1.1 1.83
# *NOTE: Here, Minute 1 = [0, 60), Minute 2 = [60, 120), etc.; I'm not opposed
# to the reverse definitions though (Minute 1 = (0, 60], etc.).
I could alternatively look at the data as a cumulative distribution plot, with each successive time point updating the value of "total time yes". However, If I could get the data in the format of option 1, I would have the flexibility to look at the data either way.
An option, lightly edited from my version in the comments:
df %>% mutate_all(funs(period_to_seconds(ms(.)))) %>% # convert each time to seconds
rowwise() %>% # evaluate the following row-by-row
# make a sequence from Start to Stop by 0.1, wrapped in a list
mutate(instant = list(seq(Start, Stop, by = 0.1))) %>%
unnest() %>% # expand list column
# make a factor, cutting instants into 60 second bins
mutate(minute = cut(instant, breaks = (0:6) * 60, labels = 1:6)) %>%
group_by(minute) %>% # evaluate the following grouped by new factor column
# for each group, count the rows, subtracting 1 for starting instants, and
# dividing by 10 to convert from tenths of seconds to secontds
summarise(elapsed = (n() - n_distinct(Start)) / 10,
pct_elapsed = elapsed / 60 * 100) # convert to percent
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## minute elapsed pct_elapsed
## <fctr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 42.8 71.333333
## 2 2 58.1 96.833333
## 3 3 1.0 1.666667
## 4 4 56.9 94.833333
## 5 5 40.2 67.000000
## 6 6 22.5 37.500000
Note the correction for counting starting instants is imperfect, as it will subtract for every starting instant, even if it is a continuation of a sequence from the previous minute. It could be calculated more thoroughly if precision matters.
A more precise but somewhat difficult route is to add stops and starts at the turn of each minute:
df %>% mutate_all(funs(period_to_seconds(ms(.)))) %>% # convert to seconds
gather(var, val) %>% # gather to long form
# construct and rbind data.frame of breaks at minute changes
bind_rows(expand.grid(var = c('Start', 'Stop'),
val = seq(60, by = 60, length.out = floor(max(.$val)/60)))) %>%
arrange(val, desc(var)) %>% # sort
mutate(index = rep(seq(n()/2), each = 2)) %>% # make indices for spreading
spread(var, val) %>% # spread back to wide form
mutate(elapsed = Stop - Start) %>% # calculate elapsed time for each row
# add and group by factor of which minute each falls in
group_by(minute = cut(Stop, seq(0, by = 60, length.out = ceiling(max(Stop) / 60 + 1)),
labels = 1:6)) %>%
summarise(elapsed = sum(elapsed), # calculate summaries
pct_elapsed = elapsed / 60 * 100)
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## minute elapsed pct_elapsed
## <fctr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 42.8 71.333333
## 2 2 58.2 97.000000
## 3 3 1.1 1.833333
## 4 4 56.9 94.833333
## 5 5 40.3 67.166667
## 6 6 22.6 37.666667
I did the following using your original data prior to the edit:
Start Stop
00:03.1 00:40.9
00:55.0 01:38.2
01:40.0 02:01.1
agg <- read.table(con<-file("clipboard"), header=T)
The ms function below takes the raw character input I read in from the clipboard and turns changes it into minutes and seconds with an appropriate class, so that it can be used for comparisons. The same is true for the seconds function, the only difference there being that I'm dealing with data that's just measured in seconds, not minutes and seconds.
agg$Start <- lubridate::ms(agg$Start)
agg$Stop <- lubridate::ms(agg$Stop)
option1 <- data.frame(time = lubridate::seconds(seq(.1, 122, .1)),
flag = as.character("N"), stringsAsFactors = F)
for(i in 1:nrow(agg)){
option1$flag[option1$time > agg$Start[i] & option1$time < agg$Stop[i]] <- "Y"
To verify that it worked, let's look at table():
201 1019
option1$minute <- ifelse(option1$time < lubridate::seconds(60), 0, 1)
option1$minute[option1$time > lubridate::seconds(120)] <- 2
table(option1$flag, option1$minute)
0 1 2
N 172 19 10
Y 427 582 10
prop.table(table(option1$flag, option1$minute),2)
0 1 2
N 0.28714524 0.03161398 0.50000000
Y 0.71285476 0.96838602 0.50000000
I have made measurements of temperature in a high time resolution of 10 minutes on different urban Tree species, whose reactions should be compared. Therefore I am researching especially periods of heat. The Task that I fail to do on my Dataset is to choose complete days from a maximum value. E.G. Days where there is one measurement above 30 °C should be subsetted from my Dataframe completely.
Below you find a reproducible example that should illustrate my problem:
In my Measurings Dataframe I have calculated a column indicating wether the individual Measurement is above or below 30°C. I wanted to use that column to tell other functions wether they should pick a day or not to produce a New Dataframe. When anytime of the day the value is above 30 ° C i want to include it by Date from 00:00 to 23:59 in that New Dataframe for further analyses.
start <- as.POSIXct("2018-05-18 00:00", tz = "CET")
tseq <- seq(from = start, length.out = 1000, by = "hours")
Measurings <- data.frame(
Time = tseq,
Temp = sample(20:35,1000, replace = TRUE),
Variable1 = sample(1:200,1000, replace = TRUE),
Variable2 = sample(300:800,1000, replace = TRUE)
Measurings$heat30 <- ifelse(Measurings$Temp > 30,"heat", "normal")
Measurings$otheroption30 <- ifelse(Measurings$Temp > 30,"1", "0")
The example is yielding a Dataframe analog to the structure of my Data:
Time Temp Variable1 Variable2 heat30 otheroption30
1 2018-05-18 00:00:00 28 56 377 normal 0
2 2018-05-18 01:00:00 23 65 408 normal 0
3 2018-05-18 02:00:00 29 78 324 normal 0
4 2018-05-18 03:00:00 24 157 432 normal 0
5 2018-05-18 04:00:00 32 129 794 heat 1
6 2018-05-18 05:00:00 25 27 574 normal 0
So how do I subset to get a New Dataframe where all the days are taken where at least one entry is indicated as "heat"?
I know that for example dplyr:filter could filter the individual entries (row 5 in the head of the example). But how could I tell to take all the day 2018-05-18?
I am quite new to analyzing Data with R so I would appreciate any suggestions on a working solution to my problem. dplyris what I have been using for quite some tasks, but I am open to whatever works.
Thanks a lot, Konrad
Create variable which specify which day (droping hours, minutes etc.). Iterate over unique dates and take only such subsets which in heat30 contains "heat" at least once:
Measurings <- Measurings %>% mutate(Time2 = format(Time, "%Y-%m-%d"))
res <- NULL
newdf <- lapply(unique(Measurings$Time2), function(x){
ss <- Measurings %>% filter(Time2 == x) %>% select(heat30) %>% pull(heat30) # take heat30 vector
rr <- Measurings %>% filter(Time2 == x) # select date x
# check if heat30 vector contains heat value at least once, if so bind that subset
if(any(ss == "heat")){
res <- rbind(res, rr)
}) %>% bind_rows()
Below is one possible solution using the dataset provided in the question. Please note that this is not a great example as all days will probably include at least one observation marked as over 30 °C (i.e. there will be no days to filter out in this dataset but the code should do the job with the actual one).
# import packages
# break the time stamp into Day and Hour
time_df <- as_data_frame(str_split(Measurings$Time, " ", simplify = T))
# name the columns
names(time_df) <- c("Day", "Hour")
# create a new measurement data frame with separate Day and Hour columns
new_measurings_df <- bind_cols(time_df, Measurings[-1])
# form the new data frame by filtering the days marked as heat
new_df <- new_measurings_df %>%
filter(Day %in% new_measurings_df$Day[new_measurings_df$heat30 == "heat"])
To be more precise, you are creating a random sample of 1000 observations varying between 20 to 35 for temperature across 40 days. As a result, it is very likely that every single day will have at least one observation marked as over 30 °C in your example. Additionally, it is always a good practice to set seed to ensure reproducibility.
Here my time period range:
start_day = as.Date('1974-01-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
end_day = as.Date('2014-12-21', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
df = as.data.frame(seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day'))
colnames(df) = 'date'
I need to created 10,000 data.frames with different fake years of 365days each one. This means that each of the 10,000 data.frames needs to have different start and end of year.
In total df has got 14,965 days which, divided by 365 days = 41 years. In other words, df needs to be grouped 10,000 times differently by 41 years (of 365 days each one).
The start of each year has to be random, so it can be 1974-10-03, 1974-08-30, 1976-01-03, etc... and the remaining dates at the end df need to be recycled with the starting one.
The grouped fake years need to appear in a 3rd col of the data.frames.
I would put all the data.frames into a list but I don't know how to create the function which generates 10,000 different year's start dates and subsequently group each data.frame with a 365 days window 41 times.
Can anyone help me?
#gringer gave a good answer but it solved only 90% of the problem:
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=365, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000
What I need is 10,000 columns with 14,965 rows made by dates taken from df which need to be eventually recycled when reaching the end of df.
I tried to change length.out = 14965 but R does not recycle the dates.
Another option could be to change length.out = 1 and eventually add the remaining df rows for each column by maintaining the same order:
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=1, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000
How can I add the remaining df rows to each col?
The seq method also works if the to argument is unspecified, so it can be used to generate a specific number of days starting at a particular date:
> seq(from=df$date[20], length.out=10, by="day")
[1] "1974-01-20" "1974-01-21" "1974-01-22" "1974-01-23" "1974-01-24"
[6] "1974-01-25" "1974-01-26" "1974-01-27" "1974-01-28" "1974-01-29"
When used in combination with replicate and sample, I think this will give what you want in a list:
> replicate(2,seq(sample(df$date, 1), length.out=10, by="day"), simplify=FALSE)
[1] "1985-07-24" "1985-07-25" "1985-07-26" "1985-07-27" "1985-07-28"
[6] "1985-07-29" "1985-07-30" "1985-07-31" "1985-08-01" "1985-08-02"
[1] "2012-10-13" "2012-10-14" "2012-10-15" "2012-10-16" "2012-10-17"
[6] "2012-10-18" "2012-10-19" "2012-10-20" "2012-10-21" "2012-10-22"
Without the simplify=FALSE argument, it produces an array of integers (i.e. R's internal representation of dates), which is a bit trickier to convert back to dates. A slightly more convoluted way to do this is and produce Date output is to use data.frame on the unsimplified replicate result. Here's an example that will produce a 10,000-column data frame with 365 dates in each column (takes about 5s to generate on my computer):
dates.df <- data.frame(replicate(10000, seq(sample(df$date, 1),
length.out=365, by="day"),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000;
> dates.df[1:5,1:5];
1 2 3 4 5
1 1988-09-06 1996-05-30 1987-07-09 1974-01-15 1992-03-07
2 1988-09-07 1996-05-31 1987-07-10 1974-01-16 1992-03-08
3 1988-09-08 1996-06-01 1987-07-11 1974-01-17 1992-03-09
4 1988-09-09 1996-06-02 1987-07-12 1974-01-18 1992-03-10
5 1988-09-10 1996-06-03 1987-07-13 1974-01-19 1992-03-11
To get the date wraparound working, a slight modification can be made to the original data frame, pasting a copy of itself on the end:
df <- as.data.frame(c(seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day'),
seq(from = start_day, to = end_day, by = 'day')));
colnames(df) <- "date";
This is easier to code for downstream; the alternative being a double seq for each result column with additional calculations for the start/end and if statements to deal with boundary cases.
Now instead of doing date arithmetic, the result columns subset from the original data frame (where the arithmetic is already done). Starting with one date in the first half of the frame and choosing the next 14965 values. I'm using nrow(df)/2 instead for a more generic code:
dates.df <-
as.data.frame(lapply(sample.int(nrow(df)/2, 10000),
colnames(dates.df) <- 1:10000;
1 2 3 4 5
1 1988-10-21 1999-10-18 2009-04-06 2009-01-08 1988-12-28
2 1988-10-22 1999-10-19 2009-04-07 2009-01-09 1988-12-29
3 1988-10-23 1999-10-20 2009-04-08 2009-01-10 1988-12-30
4 1988-10-24 1999-10-21 2009-04-09 2009-01-11 1988-12-31
5 1988-10-25 1999-10-22 2009-04-10 2009-01-12 1989-01-01
14960 1988-10-15 1999-10-12 2009-03-31 2009-01-02 1988-12-22
14961 1988-10-16 1999-10-13 2009-04-01 2009-01-03 1988-12-23
14962 1988-10-17 1999-10-14 2009-04-02 2009-01-04 1988-12-24
14963 1988-10-18 1999-10-15 2009-04-03 2009-01-05 1988-12-25
14964 1988-10-19 1999-10-16 2009-04-04 2009-01-06 1988-12-26
14965 1988-10-20 1999-10-17 2009-04-05 2009-01-07 1988-12-27
This takes a bit less time now, presumably because the date values have been pre-caclulated.
Try this one, using subsetting instead:
start_day = as.Date('1974-01-01', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
end_day = as.Date('2014-12-21', format = '%Y-%m-%d')
date_vec <- seq.Date(from=start_day, to=end_day, by="day")
Now, I create a vector long enough so that I can use easy subsetting later on:
date_vec2 <- rep(date_vec,2)
Now, create the random start dates for 100 instances (replace this with 10000 for your application):
random_starts <- sample(1:14965, 100)
Now, create a list of dates by simply subsetting date_vec2 with your desired length:
dates <- lapply(random_starts, function(x) date_vec2[x:(x+14964)])
date_df <- data.frame(dates)
names(date_df) <- 1:100
1 2 3 4 5
1 1997-05-05 2011-12-10 1978-11-11 1980-09-16 1989-07-24
2 1997-05-06 2011-12-11 1978-11-12 1980-09-17 1989-07-25
3 1997-05-07 2011-12-12 1978-11-13 1980-09-18 1989-07-26
4 1997-05-08 2011-12-13 1978-11-14 1980-09-19 1989-07-27
5 1997-05-09 2011-12-14 1978-11-15 1980-09-20 1989-07-28
I have a large file of time-series data, which looks as follows. The dataset covers years, in increments of 15 minutes. A small subset looks like:
uniqueid time
a 2014-04-30 23:30:00
a 2014-04-30 23:45:00
a 2014-05-01 00:00:00
a 2014-05-01 00:15:00
a 2014-05-12 13:45:00
a 2014-05-12 14:00:00
b 2014-05-12 13:45:00
b 2014-05-12 14:00:00
b 2014-05-12 14:30:00
To reproduce above:
time<-c("2014-04-30 23:30:00","2014-04-30 23:45:00","2014-05-01 00:00:00","2014-05-01 00:15:00",
"2014-05-12 13:45:00","2014-05-12 14:00:00","2014-05-12 13:45:00","2014-05-12 14:00:00",
"2014-05-12 14:30:00")
My goal is to count the number of rows per unique id, per consecutive timeflow. A consecutive timespan is when a unique id is stamped for each 15 minutes in a row (such as id A, which is stamped from 30.04.14 23.30 hrs until 01.05.14 00.15 hrs - hence 4 rows), yet when this flow of 15-minute iterations is disrupted (after 01.05.14 00:15, it is not stamped at 01.05.14 00:30 hence it is disrupted), it should count the next timestamp as start of a new consecutive timeflow and again calculate the number of rows until this flow is disrupted again. Time is POSIX.
As you can see in above example; a consecutive timeflow may cover different days, different months, or different years. I have many unique ids (and as said, a very large file), so I'm looking for a way that my computer can handle (loops probably wouldn't work).
I am looking for output something like:
uniqueid flow number_rows
a 1 4
a 2 2
b 3 2
b 4 1
I have looked into some time packages (such as lubridate), but given my limited R knowledge, I don't even know where to begin.
I hope all is clear - if not, I'd be happy to try to clarify it further. Thank you very much in advance!
Another way to do this with data.table also using a time difference would be to make use of the data.table internal values for group number and number of rows in each group:
res<-setDT(mydf)[, list(number_rows=.N,flow=.GRP),
by=.(uniqueid,cumsum(as.numeric(difftime(time,shift(time,1L,type="lag",fill=0))) - 15))][,cumsum:=NULL]
uniqueid number_rows flow
1: a 4 1
2: a 2 2
3: b 2 3
4: b 1 4
Also since the sample data you posted didn't align with the subset you posted, I have included my data below:
time<-as.POSIXct(c("2014-04-30 23:30:00","2014-04-30 23:45:00","2014-05-01 00:00:00","2014-05-01 00:15:00",
"2014-05-12 13:45:00","2014-05-12 14:00:00","2014-05-12 13:45:00","2014-05-12 14:00:00",
"2014-05-12 14:30:00"))
You can groupby the uniqueid and the cumulative sum of the difference of time between rows which is not equal to 15 min and that gives the flow id and then a count of rows should give you what you need:
A justification of the logic is whenever the time difference is not equal to 15 within each uniqueid, a new flow process should be generated so we label it as TRUE and combine that with the cumsum, it becomes a new flow id with the following consecutive rows:
mydf$time <- as.POSIXct(mydf$time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
# convert the time column to POSIXct class so that we can apply the diff function correctly
mydf %>% group_by(uniqueid, flow = 1 + cumsum(c(F, diff(time) != 15))) %>%
summarize(num_rows = n())
# Source: local data frame [4 x 3]
# Groups: uniqueid [?]
# uniqueid flow num_rows
# <fctr> <dbl> <int>
# 1 a 1 4
# 2 a 2 2
# 3 b 3 2
# 4 b 4 1
Base R is pretty fast. Using crude benchmarking, I found it finished in half the time of DT, and I got tired of waiting for dplyr.
# estimated size of data, years x days x hours x 15mins x uniqueids
5*365*24*4*1000 # = approx 180M
# make data with posixct and characters of 180M rows, mydf is approx 2.5GB in memory
time<-rep(as.POSIXct(c("2014-04-30 23:30:00","2014-04-30 23:45:00","2014-05-01 00:00:00","2014-05-01 00:15:00",
"2014-05-12 13:45:00","2014-05-12 14:00:00","2014-05-12 13:45:00","2014-05-12 14:00:00",
"2014-05-12 14:30:00")),times = 20000000)
uniqueid<-rep(as.character(c("a","a","a","a","a","a","b","b","b")),times = 20000000)
mydf<-data.frame(uniqueid,time = time)
Base R:
# assumes that uniqueid's are in groups and in order, and there won't be a followed by b that have the 15 minute "flow"
starttime <- Sys.time()
# find failed flows
mydf$diff <- c(0,diff(mydf$time))
mydf$flowstop <- mydf$diff != 15
# give each flow an id
mydf$flowid <- cumsum(mydf$flowstop)
# clean up vars
mydf$time <- mydf$diff <- mydf$flowstop <- NULL
# find flow length
mydfrle <- rle(mydf$flowid)
# get uniqueid/flowid pairs (unique() is too slow)
mydf <- mydf[!duplicated(mydf$flowid), ]
# append rle and remove separate var
mydf$number_rows <- mydfrle$lengths
# Time difference of 30.39437 secs
starttime <- Sys.time()
res<-setDT(mydf)[, list(number_rows=.N,flow=.GRP),
by=.(uniqueid,cumsum(as.numeric(difftime(time,shift(time,1L,type="lag",fill=0))) - 15))][,cumsum:=NULL]
# Time difference of 57.08156 secs
# convert the time column to POSIXct class so that we can apply the diff function correctly
starttime <- Sys.time()
mydf %>% group_by(uniqueid, flow = 1 + cumsum(c(F, diff(time) != 15))) %>%
summarize(num_rows = n())
# too long, did not finish after a few minutes
I think the assumption of uniqueid's and times being in order is huge, and the other solutions might be able to take advantage of that better. order() is easy enough to do.
I'm not sure about the impact of memory, or of the impact of different data sets that aren't so simple. It should be easy enough to break it into chunks and process if memory is an issue. It takes more code in Base R for sure.
Having both ordered "id" and "time" columns, we could build a single group to operate on by creating a logical vector of indices wherever either "id" changes or "time" is > 15 minutes.
id = as.character(mydf$uniqueid)
tm = mydf$time
find where "id":
id_gr = c(TRUE, id[-1] != id[-length(id)])
and "time":
tm_gr = c(0, difftime(tm[-1], tm[-length(tm)], unit = "mins")) > 15
change and combine them in:
gr = id_gr | tm_gr
which shows wherever either "id" changed or "time" > 15.
And to get the result:
tab = tabulate(cumsum(gr)) ## basically, the only operation per group -- 'n by group'
data.frame(id = id[gr], flow = seq_along(tab), n = tab)
# id flow n
#1 a 1 4
#2 a 2 2
#3 b 3 2
#4 b 4 1
On a larger scale:
set.seed(1821); nid = 1e4
dat = replicate(nid, as.POSIXct("2016-07-07 12:00:00 EEST") +
cumsum(sample(c(1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 200, 250, 300), sample(5e2:1e3, 1), TRUE)*60),
simplify = FALSE)
names(dat) = make.unique(rep_len(letters, nid))
dat = data.frame(id = rep(names(dat), lengths(dat)), time = do.call(c, dat))
id = as.character(dat$id); tm = dat$time
id_gr = c(TRUE, id[-1] != id[-length(id)])
tm_gr = c(0, difftime(tm[-1], tm[-length(tm)], unit = "mins")) > 15
gr = id_gr | tm_gr
tab = tabulate(cumsum(gr))
ans1 = data.frame(id = id[gr], flow = seq_along(tab), n = tab)
# user system elapsed
# 1.44 0.19 1.66
For comparison, included MikeyMike's answer:
dat2 = copy(dat)
ans2 = setDT(dat2)[, list(flow = .GRP, n = .N),
by = .(id, cumsum(as.numeric(difftime(time,
shift(time, 1L, type = "lag", fill = 0),
unit = "mins")) > 15))][, cumsum := NULL]
# user system elapsed
# 3.95 0.22 4.26
identical(as.data.table(ans1), ans2)
#[1] TRUE
Suppose I have a series of observations representing date intervals, e.g.
df <-
data_frame(start = as.Date(c('2000-01-01', '2000-01-03', '2000-01-08',
'2000-01-20', '2000-01-22')),
end = as.Date(c('2000-01-02', '2000-01-05', '2000-01-10',
'2000-01-21', '2000-02-10')))
I would like to group these observations such that the start time of observation n occurs within some specified interval following the end date of observation n-1. For instance, if we set that interval to be 5 days, we would see something like:
# start end group
# (date) (date) (dbl)
# 1 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 1
# 2 2000-01-03 2000-01-05 1
# 3 2000-01-08 2000-01-10 1
# 4 2000-01-20 2000-01-21 2
# 5 2000-01-22 2000-02-10 2
(For the sake of simplicity, I'm assuming no overlap in dates, although this isn't necessarily the case in the data). I thought about using igraph to create a weighted edgelist, but that seemed overly complicated. Efficiency is, I believe, important: I'll be running this on roughly 4 million groups of data of about 5-10 rows each.
While my solution does work, to me it seems error-prone, slow, and clunky. I'm thinking using a package or some vectorization would really improve matters.
group_dates <- function(df, interval){
# assign first date to first group
df %<>% arrange(start, end)
df[1, 'group'] <- 1
# for each start date, determine if it is within `interval` days of the
# closest end date
lapply(df$start[-1], function(cur_start){
earlier_data <- df[df$end <= cur_start, ]
diffs <- cur_start - earlier_data$end
min_interval <- diffs[which.min(diffs)]
closest_group <- earlier_data$group[which.min(diffs)]
if(min_interval <= interval){
df[df$start == cur_start, 'group'] <<- closest_group
} else {
df[df$start == cur_start, 'group'] <<- closest_group + 1
You can do that relatively easily with dplyr.
The idea is the following:
Lag the end data (shifting it down by one)
Calculate the difference between start date and the lagged end date
Adding 'BreakPoints' - A variable with TRUE when the difference is more than 5 days and FALSE otherwise
Calculating the cumulative sum of this break-point. This will add 1 every time it find a new breakpoint so a new interval should be started
Something like this should work for you:
df %>%
mutate(lagged_end = lag(end),
diff = start - lagged_end,
new_interval = diff > 5,
new_interval = ifelse(is.na(new_interval), FALSE, new_interval),
interval_number = cumsum(new_interval))
This should be also quite quick since it's all in dplyr
This isn't as elegant as Lorenzo Rossi's solution, but offers a slightly different approach using cut.Date and 2 lines of code:
breakpoints <- c(FALSE, sapply(2:nrow(df), function(x) df[x,"start"] - df[x-1,"end"]) > 5)
clusterLabels <- as.numeric(cut.Date(df$start, c(min(df$start), df[breakpoints, "start"], max(df$start)+1)))
I don't often have to work with dates in R, but I imagine this is fairly easy. I have daily data as below for several years with some values and I want to get for each 8 days period the sum of related values.What is the best approach?
Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated!
'data.frame':648 obs. of 2 variables:
$ Date : Factor w/ 648 levels "2001-03-24","2001-03-25",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
$ conv2: num -3.93 -6.44 -5.48 -6.09 -7.46 ...
Date amount
24/03/2001 -3.927020472
25/03/2001 -6.4427004
26/03/2001 -5.477592528
27/03/2001 -6.09462162
28/03/2001 -7.45666902
29/03/2001 -6.731540928
30/03/2001 -6.855206184
31/03/2001 -6.807210228
1/04/2001 -5.40278802
I tried to use aggregate function but for some reasons it doesn't work and it aggregates in wrong way:
z <- aggregate(amount ~ Date, timeSequence(from =as.Date("2001-03-24"),to =as.Date("2001-03-29"), by="day"),data=temp,FUN=sum)
I prefer the package xts for such manipulations.
I read your data, as zoo objects. see the flexibility of format option.
ts.dat <- read.zoo(text ='Date amount
24/03/2001 -3.927020472
25/03/2001 -6.4427004
26/03/2001 -5.477592528
27/03/2001 -6.09462162
28/03/2001 -7.45666902
29/03/2001 -6.731540928
30/03/2001 -6.855206184
31/03/2001 -6.807210228
1/04/2001 -5.40278802',header=TRUE,format = '%d/%m/%Y')
Then I extract the index of given period
ep <- endpoints(ts.dat,'days',k=8)
finally I apply my function to the time series at each index.
period.apply(x=ts.dat,ep,FUN=sum )
2001-03-29 2001-04-01
-36.13014 -19.06520
Use cut() in your aggregate() command.
Some sample data:
mydf <- data.frame(
DATE = seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by="day", length.out = 365),
VALS = runif(365, -5, 5))
Now, the aggregation. See ?cut.Date for details. You can specify the number of days you want in each group using cut:
output <- aggregate(VALS ~ cut(DATE, "8 days"), mydf, sum)
list(head(output), tail(output))
# [[1]]
# cut(DATE, "8 days") VALS
# 1 2000-01-01 8.242384
# 2 2000-01-09 -5.879011
# 3 2000-01-17 7.910816
# 4 2000-01-25 -6.592012
# 5 2000-02-02 2.127678
# 6 2000-02-10 6.236126
# [[2]]
# cut(DATE, "8 days") VALS
# 41 2000-11-16 17.8199285
# 42 2000-11-24 -0.3772209
# 43 2000-12-02 2.4406024
# 44 2000-12-10 -7.6894484
# 45 2000-12-18 7.5528077
# 46 2000-12-26 -3.5631950
rollapply. The zoo package has a rolling apply function which can also do non-rolling aggregations. First convert the temp data frame into zoo using read.zoo like this:
zz <- read.zoo(temp)
and then its just:
rollapply(zz, 8, sum, by = 8)
Drop the by = 8 if you want a rolling total instead.
(Note that the two versions of temp in your question are not the same. They have different column headings and the Date columns are in different formats. I have assumed the str(temp) output version here. For the head(temp) version one would have to add a format = "%d/%m/%Y" argument to read.zoo.)
aggregate. Here is a solution that does not use any external packages. It uses aggregate based on the original data frame.
ix <- 8 * ((1:nrow(temp) - 1) %/% 8 + 1)
aggregate(temp[2], list(period = temp[ix, 1]), sum)
Note that ix looks like this:
> ix
[1] 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 16
so it groups the indices of the first 8 rows, the second 8 and so on.
Those are NOT Date classed variables. (No self-respecting program would display a date like that, not to mention the fact that these are labeled as factors.) [I later noticed these were not the same objects.] Furthermore, the timeSequence function (at least the one in the timeDate package) does not return a Date class vector either. So your expectation that there would be a "right way" for two disparate non-Date objects to be aligned in a sensible manner is ill-conceived. The irony is that just using the temp$Date column would have worked since :
> z <- aggregate(amount ~ Date, data=temp , FUN=sum)
> z
Date amount
1 1/04/2001 -5.402788
2 24/03/2001 -3.927020
3 25/03/2001 -6.442700
4 26/03/2001 -5.477593
5 27/03/2001 -6.094622
6 28/03/2001 -7.456669
7 29/03/2001 -6.731541
8 30/03/2001 -6.855206
9 31/03/2001 -6.807210
But to get it in 8 day intervals use cut.Date:
> z <- aggregate(temp$amount ,
list(Dts = cut(as.Date(temp$Date, format="%d/%m/%Y"),
breaks="8 day")), FUN=sum)
> z
Dts x
1 2001-03-24 -49.792561
2 2001-04-01 -5.402788
A more cleaner approach extended to #G. Grothendieck appraoch. Note: It does not take into account if the dates are continuous or discontinuous, sum is calculated based on the fixed width.
interval = 8 # your desired date interval. 2 days, 3 days or whatevea
enddate = interval-1 # this sets the enddate
nrows = nrow(z)
z <- aggregate(.~V1,data = df,sum) # aggregate sum of all duplicate dates
z$V1 <- as.Date(z$V1)
data.frame ( Start.date = (z[seq(1, nrows, interval),1]),
End.date = z[seq(1, nrows, interval)+enddate,1],
Total.sum = rollapply(z$V2, interval, sum, by = interval, partial = TRUE))
Start.date End.date Total.sum
1 2000-01-01 2000-01-08 9.1395926
2 2000-01-09 2000-01-16 15.0343960
3 2000-01-17 2000-01-24 4.0974712
4 2000-01-25 2000-02-01 4.1102645
5 2000-02-02 2000-02-09 -11.5816277
df <- data.frame(
V1 = seq(as.Date("2000/1/1"), by="day", length.out = 365),
V2 = runif(365, -5, 5))