I'm trying to do a complete search through Atom, looking for a specific text.
Well, this sounds very simple, using Command + Shift + F but, there the node_modules are not tracked and the content inside of those directories are not scanned.
I'm not sure if it is because are untracked files defined by .gitignore or the packages are excluded.
How I can do a full search in my opened project?
This is probably due to the Exclude VCS Ignored Paths setting in Atom's Core settings. Please try the search again after unselecting the respective checkbox in the settings:
You can find this setting on the first page of the Atom Settings, a bit down under Core Settings.
The setting's description describes what is excluded from functionality like the fuzzy finder and the search and replace function. You're probably running into that at the moment...
For MacOS:
Atom > Preferences > Settings > uncheck Exclude VCS Ignored Paths and now I have a full search and now, you can search through all the files.
I'm building a web site with WordPress, and frequently need to replace a media file--specifically, a Java project exported from Eclipse to an archive, but the same happens with images. To retain the original file name, I "delete the file permanently" from the media library, then upload the revision.
Unfortunately, when I download the file via a link, I get the "deleted" version instead of the new one.
I have disabled the "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders" option, so I know the file name is consistent over time.
How is it the "permanently deleted" files don't disappear? And why do they supersede their replacements?
Right now, my choice is to upload the revision without deleting the original; WordPress assigns a sequence number to the revision. I need to change links to match, and the downloaded file will contain the sequence number when used (which isn't very tidy).
This is WordPress 6.1.1.
I've had the same problem quite a few times. What I do now is just use the plugin called Enable Media Replace: https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-media-replace/ and I don't really have to think about that issue anymore. Maybe this could be an option for you?
Otherwise I think you will have to go in to the database and manually remove the images unfortunately.
I'm working on a Prestashop site and recently noticed about the SMARTY features (Menu: Advanced > Performance).
I realized that in order to show changes I made in the css, I must select one of the last two options (first one was selected by default).
Screenshot (I'm sorry the site is in Spanish)
1)Never recompile template files
2)Recompile templates when files are modified
3)Force compilation
My question is: when it comes to an online shop, wich option should I select until I finish editing the code? What's the difference between both?
It may take me a couple weeks to finish the job and I don't want to mess anything up.
Thank you guys.
When you're starting to dev onto the shop, whether it's front or back, you may have to choose the option to recompile when files are modified. I'm always choosing this option because it allows me to develop or debug some files and the server keeps serving cache files to the visitors.
Also you may have to edit the file defines.inc.php file in the config folder in order to define the _PS_MODE_DEV to true, for example like this :
/* Debug only */
if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_'))
if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('')))
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
Doing this so you'll be able to get some logs when you're updating something. Placing your IP into the array keeps everyone safe from seeing the logs (notices for example).
In PS 1.6.
- Configure the SMARTY to "Recompile templates if the files have been updated" then deactivate the option "Smart cache for CSS"
- make the changes in your CSS files,
- delete the folders mentioned sadlyblue in comment.
- and activate again the "Smart cache for CSS" SAVE to recompile theme.
Every time I open brackets, it points to a start-up folder instead of previously opened files and folder. Is there a way to retain previous session?
It should remember what folder you had open, so it's hard to know exactly why not. Here are some things to try though:
If you have any extensions installed, try uninstalling them. (If that fixes it, you can reinstall them one by one to see which one was the problem).
If you select Debug > Show Developer Tools in the menu, are there any errors listed in the Console tab?
If you select Help > Show Extensions Folder and then go up one level, is there a state.json file there? If so, try deleting/renaming it to see if that fixes things. If not, make sure the permissions on that folder are ok.
Pretty new to drupal and I want to create a search results page that includes a filter, just like the one used on drupal.org (http://drupal.org/search/apachesolr_multisitesearch/test).
I've looked around for a module to do this, but haven't been able to locate one. Perhaps I'm not searching for the correct terms, but I've not had any luck.
Incase it matters, I have many nodes of content that are attached to a taxonomy of terms called "Tags" - I'd like to have the filter update the list of results based on the user selecting which "terms" to remove.
How are you accomplishing this?
Throwing in my install instructions for future travels:
Goto the following website: https://hudson.apache.org/hudson/job/Solr-trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/checkout/solr/dist/
And find the nightly (Today’s date) build and download it.
Expand and rename the downloaded folder as “apache-solr-nightly”. This should NOT live in your webroot.
Download the zip here: http://solr-php-client.googlecode.com/files/SolrPhpClient.r22.2009-11-09.zip and unzip the file.
Download the zip here: http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/apachesolr-6.x-1.2.zip (Or the most current 6.x version) and unzip the file.
Copy the schema.xml from the apachesolr-6.x-1.2/ that was just unzipped to the apache-solr-nightly/example/solr/conf
Copy the solrconfig.xml from apachesolr-6.x.1.2/ to apache-solr-nightly/example/solr/conf
Edit the solrconfig.xml and include the following line as a child of
Search for and comment out the following lines
<queryResponseWriter name="xslt"
Change to the apache-solr-nightly/example directory and execute the solr jar
java -jar start.jar
drupal.org uses Apache Solr Search Integration (together with Apache Solr, of course).
I Downloaded the http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/nl-6.x-1.5.tar.gz file from Drupal Translations page. The readme file says to "Copy (merge) the content of this translation package into your Drupal installation root directory".
If i look at the package it has a few text files and a modules, profiles and themes folders. If I copy those in the root (so MAMP/sitename/) it overwrites a bunch of files (there are already modules and themes folders there ...) and whatever page I load on the site gives fatal errors.
Is it possible that on MAMP / Mac Unarchiver doesn't do copy/merge but actually Replaces the old modules folder with this new one?
What should happen, is that the relevant .po files are places in the folders where they should be. If things go wrong, what you'll end up having, would be a folder with all the .po's, in a nested set of folders.
In theory I guess it's possible to overwrite folders etc, but you would be opted to allow that first.
So you shouldn't be afraid that your entire Drupal install will be overwritten. You can just try to do the unpack and see what happens. Worst case, is that you'll need to place the files in the correct folders yourself.
I can't speak to Unarchiver, but if you're overwriting files then something's not behaving correctly. All the translation packs really do is add some additional files and folders (e.g. /modules/user/tranlsations/modules-user.nl.po to /modules/user).
My guess is that your whole /modules/user directory (along with all the others) is being replaced, rather than added to.
Have you tried merging the folders in Terminal? You should be able to merge these folders directly from tar. Comment back if you would like more detailed instructions on how to do that.