Angular2 Meteor, issue implementing infinite scroll (scroll reset to top) - meteor

Trying to do an infinite scroll page that displays elements as the user scrolls.
So each time I detect that the scroll reaches the end of the page I call
this.recordLimit += 10;
this.subscribe('movements', {limit: this.recordLimit});
and that triggeres (autorun)
this.autorun(h => {
if (this.ready()) {
this.items = Items.find(<potential limit filter here too>);
All right. That is working. However each time this.items = Items.find(); is called, the user's browser is scrolled back up to the top.
Potentially this is because the dom elements are removed, the scroll is reset, and then the elements are added again without restoring the previous scroll position.
What am I doing wrong ?
Examples where it is 'apparenty' working:
############ Edit #############
Actually, I noticed that, putting after the Items.find() a h.stop() to stop the subscription, this works... I guess the previous mango cursor is updated with the last subscription limit.
However I am still not able to understand why this was repainting everything in the initial case..

I believe the problem is you're finding the documents again as you guessed. You should only subscribe to your publication in the autorun. Check this from Angular2 & Meteor tutorial which explains pub/sub pretty well.
In the autorun, it will rerun the find() and re-render all the documents which is why you need to rerun only the subscription in autorun for your case. Because of how pub/sub and observers work, since the only thing you change is the "limit" in your function and the rest is the same, your publish will only return the new documents, and keep the previously returned ones. The find() query on the client side will fetch the documents returned from the pub/sub and it won't rerender the already fetched documents when the amount of documents change.


GTM Trigger sequence

How can I achieve this using Google Tag Manager?
I want Tag to fire if user made a seeuence of actions. For instance: visits homepage > visits certain category page > clicks on a button that expands additional content > having that content on screen visible at least 90% for 30sec or more > clicking on a button
... exactly in that order.
I would recommend you to use sessionStorage to achieve this. By passing a value to the sessionStorage for each step in the funnel you want to track you can then trigger an event once the user reached the final step.
This solution will require some javascript skills. Here is code snippet to illustrate what I mean.
var url = '';
var start_page = '';
var second_page = '';
var third_page = '';
if(url = start_page){
sessionStorage.setItem('funnel', 'step 1');
var previous_step = sessionStorage.funnel;
if(url === second_page && previous_step === start_page){
sessionStorage.funnel = second_page;
}else if(url === third_page && previous_step === third_page){
alert('Send event');
First of all, you need to enhance Google Tag Manager (GTM) default behavior, buy making some information persistent. By default, GTM tracks information for the current page, so you need to keep track of users making progress in this funnel across several pages. You will find some good advice and examples in this Simo Ahava article.
Second, you need to create all the relevant triggers and tags, that catch these user actions, and update current user's progress in this persistent variable, when they proceed to the next stage. You also need to consider, if there are any actions, which reset the progress, or you allow the user to take other actions as well in the meantime.
The triggers are the following:
Page view for your main page
Page view for your specified category page(s)
Click trigger on the specified element to expand your content
A visibility trigger with proper settings (reference to element, 90% visibility, 30 seconds time on screen)
Finally, a click on your specified element
You should check the progress, and update it when the proper step is taken, compared to the current state. (E.g. complete step three only when user is already on step 2.)
Obviously, you'll need to write the necessary scripts within several Custom HTML tags, but you can probably generalize the behavior with some helper functions for checking the progress, and storing any updates.

Meteor infinite scroll : prevent subscribe to rerender elements

I'm implementing an infinite scroll on Meteor in order to display a grid of pictures linked to a large collection.
When the user is at the end of the page I subscribe to more elements and I increase the number of pictures displayed (through my template.helper).
Meteor.publish('generalMusics', function(limit){
return Musics.find({}, {limit: limit});
//CLIENT: when the template is created and when the limit of data increases
//it subscribes again
Template.t_elementSubHeader.onCreated( function() {
var self = this;
//Everytime reqLimit changes I redo the subscribe
self.subscribe('generalMusics', Session.get('reqLimit'));
//CLIENT: more elements are sent to the template when reqLimit increases
data: function() {
return Musics.find({}, {limit : Session.get('reqLimit')});
//Also on client, when the user reach the bottom of the page
It works well but all the template elements are re-rendering and it also takes some time to do so. It's very inconvenient for the user, I think it takes time because I'm displaying pictures and not text (we already compress the pictures to a minimum size).
The problem is due to the subscribe that rerender all the template elements.
How can I do to just add the new elements and prevent the re-rendering of the already displayed elements when I subscribe ?
My app will be on mobile devices so I can't subscribe to a lot of elements and then just increase the limit in the template helper.
Finally I got it, i've added some code in the html to wait the subscription to be ready and I forgot about it.
I removed:
{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}
{{> Template.dynamic template="t_elementList" data=tabData}}
Infinite scroll is working like a charm.

Meteor reactivity with helpers

Debugging an app & I stumbled upon something I never noticed before. For a quick example, I've got a simple link with 2 helpers to style it, like this:
<a class="{{tabHasError}} {{activeTab}}">Test</a>
The helpers that go into this are as follows:
tabHasError: function() {
activeTab: function() {
if (Session.equals('activeTab', this.tabIdx)) return 'active';
Now, every time the Session var changes, activeTab gets invalidated, which is expected. What's not expected is that tabHasError is also invalidated. Why does this happen? Is this normal? Is it because they're both attached to the same element? Aside from merging the functions, any way to avoid this? Or even better, why did MDG make this design decision?
With iron-router, it's normal to observe the behavior you're describing.
The current template in use will be refresh as soon as there is a change into the main computation dependencies. Calling Session.set will call the refresh of the template variable. For sure, it's a lot, but it is one of the simplest way to be sure the template is always up-to-date.
If you're looking for larger app, you could have a look on React.js integration, which will give you the ability to refresh only the good variable on your template.
In fact, in your example, the value of tabHasError should not change, but the re-rendering of the template will called the function tabHasError to check if there is any change. In this case, no.
I'm around if the behavior isn't clear enough. Have a tremendous Sunday!
I noticed that this only happens in an element's attributes. I think this behaviour is very specify, according to Event Minded videos regarding the previous UI engine (Shark): it only rerenders affected DOM elements.
Having in consideration that in your code Blaze is rerendering the DOM element, it makes sense to invalidate previous computations related to it. If you place this helper inside the a element it won't be invalidated.

Turn off notifications for Meteor collections

How do I tell Meteor to stop publishing changes on a collection (for a moment)?
Also how to tell it to resume and that the collection changed?
Basically (on the server):
People = new Meteor.Collection("people")
insertPeople = ->
// Don't notify clients of the following changes
// Insert a bunch of people into the People collection
// Resume notifications
Put a flag in each document, 'updating'.
Add the new ones with this set to true; render their template with a css class that hides them based on this field.
When ready, update the collection to updating: false. They will be visible pretty quickly.
This being said, there are events you can plug into to make transitions more pleasant/animated. Didn't think you were asking that, but it may be a better answer.
To the comment:
Inserting a template for an additional document triggers DOM changes, which are fairly expensive, and then the device has to figure out how to display. Updating a property requires just the second part, that the device has to figure out how to display.

jquery .load( ) and trigger function AFTER new content loads? just like JavaScript onload event

Using jquery, I am swapping some content in a web page by use of jquery's .load() function. I want to trigger an event immediately once the content has actually been loaded, but not before and not after. I'm up for any graceful solution! Why? In this instance, I'm doing the old "fade out, swap content, fade in" approach. My problem? I want to fade back in AS SOON AS the new content is loaded.
Using a callback function as in $('#object').load(url, callback) triggers as soon as .load() function successfully executes (before the content is actually loaded). Useless here.
Using a timed delay for fading back in is not a graceful solution. Very "clunky", especially for those with faster Internet connectivity.
JavaScript's onload event trigger does not work, as the element that .load() is altering has already loaded into the HTML DOM.
jquery's .ready() function also does not work, as the actual element is already loaded.
I do not want to create an onload or .ready() sub-container element, because that's a workaround for what I'm actually trying, though it might be as graceful or more.
How can I fire a function when (and only when) the new .load() content is finally loaded, just like JavaScript's onload event does? Thanks much.
EDIT As it turns out, the jquery .load() function is working flawlessly, and I'm approaching this wrong.
Once the .load() function completes successfully, it calls any "callback" function included by the programmer, just like any other jquery function that accepts a callback as one of its "arguments".
The .load() function is complete once it either errors or successfully begins the HTML replacement and loading of new content, but that is IT! The content will then take however long it takes to load, but your .load call is already complete before that. Therefore, expecting the callback to run after the .load content has loaded will only disappoint you. ;)
I hope others can learn from this just as I did, including those who thought what I thought was the case. Proof: as stated in the jquery ajax .load page, the callback is executed when the request completes, not when the load completes. Eureka. Whoops. /EDIT
Try using a different method rather than load(), I would suggesting using get(). Something like this may be more useful to you...
var jqxhr = jQuery.get(url,vars);
# This will only be called once the remote content has been loaded in
# The data will then be stored in the data param and can be used within your site
# Something went wrong, never mind lets just handle it gracefully below...
I hope this is a solution to your problem!
For more information see
I have quickly created this function below that may be of help to you... its not refined!
jQuery.fn.loadNewData = function() {
var object = jQuery(this);
var jqxhr = jQuery.get(arguments[0]);
// check for success
jqxhr.success(function(data) {
// load the data in
alert('Failed to load data');
Using this you can call how similarly to how you would call the load() function.
I think you might be misinterpreting what you are seeing. Depending on the browser you are using you won't see the new elements in the browser if you pop up an alert in the callback because it won't rerender the DOM until you cede control back to the browser. That doesn't mean you can't grab the new elements from the DOM and start fading them in. Take the following jsfiddle: in Chrome it will show the first div when the second alert is up, then fade in the second div. In IE it won't show the first div when the second alert is up, this is the state I think you are in after load during the callback, but it still works once you hit ok because everything was in the DOM as promised.
Upon reading the jQuery docs pages for jQuery.get() and jQuery.load(), the callback argument is quoted as the following:
"A callback function that is executed if the request succeeds."
Let me stress the terms "request" and "succeeds". The request may succeed, but that does not mean that the content is loaded. Same problem as .load() — the functions aren't built the way I was thinking.
If I want to trigger an event once the new content finally loads, I'll need to take a different approach.
I could use the JS onload event, and trigger it by completely replacing an HTML element (having the replaced code contain an onload property). EDIT: Note that using HTML iframe elements is pretty awful, primitive, and "clunky". I just need to find a better way to trigger a function as soon as loading the new content finishes.
Also, I could use jQuery to check the .ready() state of new content, but ("AFAIK" / as far as I know) that will only work if the checked content is a new HTML element, not a preexisting HTML element whose interior content is changed. The jQuery .ready() status of any preexisting element will (AFAIK) already be shown as "ready" despite if new content is loading. Perhaps I am wrong about this, and I would like to be corrected if so.
Unless otherwise notified, this answer will be marked as the correct one. The original question was mistaken that .load() was all I needed. Cheers!
