Signalr Send message to specific client and group of client - signalr

I want to use signalr to send a message to specific user or group of users. Before that I want to map a user to connection ID. I am using deviceUUId for user login. I am unable to pass the deviceUUID in GetuserID method. I am getting deviceUUID from client side and hitting the api. Can I use the same deviceUUID in MyOwnIdProvider? How can I map to a user?
public class MyOwnIdProvider:IUserIdProvider
userDetial dbContext = new userDetial ();
public string GetUserId(IRequest request)
if (request == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("request");
if (request.User != null && request.User.Identity != null)
var userId = LogInController.GetLoginDetails(userGUID.UserDeviceId);
return userId.ToString();
// return request.User.Identity.Name;
return (string)null;
///API controller///
public class LogInController : ApiController
public int GetLoginDetails(userModel UserDeviceId)
var LogindeviceID = db.loginDetails(UserDeviceId.DeviceUUID);
return LogindeviceID;


How to implement basic authentication in web API 2 (ASP.Net Core)?

I am new to core and web API 2 and trying to implement basic authentication in web API like request headers contains the username and password and i will verify them. I have implemented the same thing in Web API using action filters. Now my question is that is it possible to implement basic authentication in web API 2? If possible then can I achieve it with action filters and how? What is the best way to authentication in Web API 2? Should i use middle ware?
I'm not sure why you said ASP.Net Core and Web API 2. They are mutually exclusive; we don't normally use both in same project.
Now my question is that is it possible to implement basic
authentication in web API 2? If possible then can I achieve it with
action filters and how? What is the best way to authentication in Web
API 2? Should i use middle ware?
In Web API 2, you can easily implement Basic Authentication using DelegatingHandler.
Here is the sample code -
public interface IBasicSecurityService
bool SetPrincipal(string username, string password);
public class BasicSecurityService : IBasicSecurityService
public bool SetPrincipal(string username, string password)
// Get user from database
var user = GetUser(username);
IPrincipal principal = null;
if (user == null || (principal = GetPrincipal(user)) == null)
// System could not validate user
return false;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
return true;
public virtual IPrincipal GetPrincipal(User user)
var identity = new GenericIdentity(user.Username, Constants.SchemeTypes.Basic);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, user.Firstname));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Surname, user.Lastname));
// Get authroized roles and add them as Role Claim.
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Manager"));
return new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
public class BasicAuthenticationMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
public const char AuthorizationHeaderSeparator = ':';
private const int UsernameIndex = 0;
private const int PasswordIndex = 1;
private const int ExpectedCredentialCount = 2;
private readonly IBasicSecurityService _basicSecurityService;
public BasicAuthenticationMessageHandler(IBasicSecurityService basicSecurityService)
_basicSecurityService = basicSecurityService;
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
HttpRequestMessage request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// Already authenticated; passing on to next handler...
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
if (!CanHandleAuthentication(request))
// Not a basic auth request; passing on to next handler...
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
bool isAuthenticated;
isAuthenticated = Authenticate(request);
catch (Exception e)
// Failure in auth processing
return CreateUnauthorizedResponse();
if (isAuthenticated)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
return response;
return CreateUnauthorizedResponse();
public bool CanHandleAuthentication(HttpRequestMessage request)
return (request.Headers != null
&& request.Headers.Authorization != null
&& request.Headers.Authorization.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() == Constants.SchemeTypes.Basic);
public bool Authenticate(HttpRequestMessage request)
// Attempting to authenticate...
var authHeader = request.Headers.Authorization;
if (authHeader == null)
return false;
var credentialParts = GetCredentialParts(authHeader);
if (credentialParts.Length != ExpectedCredentialCount)
return false;
return _basicSecurityService.SetPrincipal(credentialParts[UsernameIndex], credentialParts[PasswordIndex]);
public string[] GetCredentialParts(AuthenticationHeaderValue authHeader)
var encodedCredentials = authHeader.Parameter;
var credentialBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedCredentials);
var credentials = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(credentialBytes);
var credentialParts = credentials.Split(AuthorizationHeaderSeparator);
return credentialParts;
public HttpResponseMessage CreateUnauthorizedResponse()
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
response.Headers.WwwAuthenticate.Add(new AuthenticationHeaderValue(Constants.SchemeTypes.Basic));
return response;
Credit: Page 121 of ASP.NET Web API 2: Building a REST Service from Start to Finish.

How to access username from controller

I'm writing my first Web API 2. I'm performing authorization using a custom HttpMessageHandler. However, my controller needs to know the username specified in the credentials.
Researching this, it appears that ApiController does not have a Controller.HttpContext property. And I see there are potential issues accessing HttpContext.Current. So while I am actually able to store the username in HttpContext.Current.Items in my HttpMessageHandler and then access that information from my controller, I'm not sure that will always be reliable.
I also saw recommendations to use the RequestContext.Principal property; however, I could not find the current request's username anywhere in this data.
How can my controller reliably get the username for the current request?
NOTE: I refer to the username but in this case the actual user is another piece of software calling the API. The "username" reflects the software that is making the call.
#Win: Well, that part is what I am developing. But currently basic
authentication seems appropriate, where the username identifies the
software contacting us and the password is a special key
Here is the sample code for BasicAuthenticationMessageHandler which uses message handler to support HTTP Basic Authentication.
You can read more at Page 121 of ASP.NET Web API 2: Building a REST Service from Start to Finish.
public interface IBasicSecurityService
bool SetPrincipal(string username, string password);
public class BasicSecurityService : IBasicSecurityService
public bool SetPrincipal(string username, string password)
// Get user from database
var user = GetUser(username);
IPrincipal principal = null;
if (user == null || (principal = GetPrincipal(user)) == null)
// System could not validate user
return false;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
return true;
public virtual IPrincipal GetPrincipal(User user)
var identity = new GenericIdentity(user.Username, Constants.SchemeTypes.Basic);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, user.Firstname));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Surname, user.Lastname));
// Get authroized roles and add them as Role Claim.
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Manager"));
return new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
public class BasicAuthenticationMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
public const char AuthorizationHeaderSeparator = ':';
private const int UsernameIndex = 0;
private const int PasswordIndex = 1;
private const int ExpectedCredentialCount = 2;
private readonly IBasicSecurityService _basicSecurityService;
public BasicAuthenticationMessageHandler(IBasicSecurityService basicSecurityService)
_basicSecurityService = basicSecurityService;
protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(
HttpRequestMessage request,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// Already authenticated; passing on to next handler...
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
if (!CanHandleAuthentication(request))
// Not a basic auth request; passing on to next handler...
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
bool isAuthenticated;
isAuthenticated = Authenticate(request);
catch (Exception e)
// Failure in auth processing
return CreateUnauthorizedResponse();
if (isAuthenticated)
var response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
return response;
return CreateUnauthorizedResponse();
public bool CanHandleAuthentication(HttpRequestMessage request)
return (request.Headers != null
&& request.Headers.Authorization != null
&& request.Headers.Authorization.Scheme.ToLowerInvariant() == Constants.SchemeTypes.Basic);
public bool Authenticate(HttpRequestMessage request)
// Attempting to authenticate...
var authHeader = request.Headers.Authorization;
if (authHeader == null)
return false;
var credentialParts = GetCredentialParts(authHeader);
if (credentialParts.Length != ExpectedCredentialCount)
return false;
return _basicSecurityService.SetPrincipal(credentialParts[UsernameIndex], credentialParts[PasswordIndex]);
public string[] GetCredentialParts(AuthenticationHeaderValue authHeader)
var encodedCredentials = authHeader.Parameter;
var credentialBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedCredentials);
var credentials = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(credentialBytes);
var credentialParts = credentials.Split(AuthorizationHeaderSeparator);
return credentialParts;
public HttpResponseMessage CreateUnauthorizedResponse()
var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
response.Headers.WwwAuthenticate.Add(new AuthenticationHeaderValue(Constants.SchemeTypes.Basic));
return response;

Sending a message to a specific user via signalr

I am trying to use the new User Id provider specified in signalr 2 to send messages to a specific user. When I call the Clients.All method, I see this working as my javascript code gets called from the server and the ui produces some expected text for my test case. However, when I switch to Clients.User the client side code is never called from the server. I followed the code outlined in this example: SignalR - Sending a message to a specific user using (IUserIdProvider) *NEW 2.0.0*.
public class NotificationHub : Hub
public void NotifyUser(string userId, int message)
public override Task OnConnected()
return base.OnConnected();
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);
public override Task OnReconnected()
return base.OnReconnected();
public class UserIdProvider : IUserIdProvider
MemberService _memberService;
public UserIdProvider()
public string GetUserId(IRequest request)
long UserId = 0;
if (request.User != null && request.User.Identity != null &&
request.User.Identity.Name != null)
var currenUser = Task.Run(() => _memberService.FindByUserName(request.User.Identity.Name)).Result;
UserId = currenUser.UserId;
return UserId.ToString();
HttpConfiguration config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
new { id = RouteParameter.Optional });
app.Map("/signalr", map =>
var idProvider = new UserIdProvider();
GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Register(typeof(IUserIdProvider), () => idProvider);
map.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions()
Provider = new QueryStringOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider()
var hubConfiguration = new HubConfiguration
public class QueryStringOAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider
: OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider
public override Task RequestToken(OAuthRequestTokenContext context)
if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
// try to find bearer token in a cookie
// (by default OAuthBearerAuthenticationHandler
// only checks Authorization header)
var tokenCookie = context.OwinContext.Request.Cookies["BearerToken"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenCookie))
context.Token = tokenCookie;
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
Do I need to map the user to the connections myself using the IUserIdProvider through the OnConnected, OnDisconnected, etc. or does this happen automatically behind the scenes? Is there someone wrong in my posted code that could be a problem as well? I am running signalr from the same environment as my web api rest services, don't know if this makes a difference and using the default bearer token setup web api is using.
It would be far easier for you to create a group based on the connectionid of the connecting client, in the onConnected event and broadcast to the group that matches the connected id, that way if the client disconnects, when they reconnect they would simply belong to a new group the themselves. Unless of course you are required to have an authenticated user.

Unable to Identify User Context in SignalR hub decorated with "Authorize" attribute

SignalR hub within MVC 5 WebApi 2,
Security: Bearer token
C# class using HttpWebRequest to retrieve bearer token from WebApi controller /Token endpoint
I used the pattern described here and here to deliver the bearer token to my AuthorizeAttribute sub-class.
When the code within the AuthorizeHubConnection method executes the ticket delivered by the call to "secureDataFormat.Unprotect(token)" is always null. I have confirmed the token is identical on both ends of the communication.
Here is the override method:
public override bool AuthorizeHubConnection(AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.HubDescriptor hubDescriptor, IRequest request)
var dataProtectionProvider = new DpapiDataProtectionProvider();
var secureDataFormat = new TicketDataFormat(dataProtectionProvider.Create());
var token = request.QueryString.Get("Bearer");
var ticket = secureDataFormat.Unprotect(token);
if (ticket != null && ticket.Identity != null && ticket.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// set the authenticated user principal into environment so that it can be used in the future
request.Environment["server.User"] = new ClaimsPrincipal(ticket.Identity);
return true;
return false;
When I run hub without the authorize attribute and set a breakpoint within the "OnConnected" override, the Context.User property is also null.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Finally figured this out, I was using the wrong library to decrypt the token. DpapiDataProtectionProvider is used in self-host scenarios, we are hosted in IIS. Here is the functioning code.
public override bool AuthorizeHubConnection(Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.HubDescriptor hubDescriptor, IRequest request)
var token = request.QueryString.Get("Bearer");
var ticket = Startup.OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(token);
if (ticket != null && ticket.Identity != null && ticket.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// set the authenticated user principal into environment so that it can be used in the future
request.Environment["server.User"] = new ClaimsPrincipal(ticket.Identity);
return true;
return false;
Here is my solution, WORK on Azure and local. AngularJS, Web API and SignalR
request.Environment["server.User"] this code doesn't work on Azure.
First i create my Custom Filter Class.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class QueryStringBearerAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override bool AuthorizeHubConnection(Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Hubs.HubDescriptor hubDescriptor, IRequest request)
var _Authorization = request.QueryString.Get("Bearer");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Authorization))
var ticket = Startup.OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(_Authorization);
if (ticket != null && ticket.Identity != null && ticket.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
request.Environment["server.User"] = new ClaimsPrincipal(ticket.Identity);
return true;
return false;
public override bool AuthorizeHubMethodInvocation(IHubIncomingInvokerContext hubIncomingInvokerContext, bool appliesToMethod)
var connectionId = hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context.ConnectionId;
var request=hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context.Request;
var _Authorization = request.QueryString.Get("Bearer");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_Authorization))
//var token = _Authorization.Replace("Bearer ", "");
var ticket = Startup.OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat.Unprotect(_Authorization);
if (ticket != null && ticket.Identity != null && ticket.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
Dictionary<string, object> _DCI = new Dictionary<string, object>();
_DCI.Add("server.User", new ClaimsPrincipal(ticket.Identity));
hubIncomingInvokerContext.Hub.Context = new HubCallerContext(new ServerRequest(_DCI), connectionId);
return true;
return false;
Then in all my connection from SignalR i put
connection.qs = { Bearer:
localStorageService.get('authorizationData').token };
My Startup Class
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
app.Map("/signalr", map =>
var hubConfiguration = new HubConfiguration
EnableDetailedErrors = true
var authorizer = new QueryStringBearerAuthorizeAttribute();
var module = new AuthorizeModule(authorizer, authorizer);
GlobalHost.HubPipeline.AddModule(new LoggingPipelineModule());
It works perfect for me, i'm not sure if sending my token for quesry string instead from header is a security issue. Thats my solution using angularjs, web api, signal r for autenticate SignalR hubs with a beared token.
In your Hub you can Access to User variable in this way
public ClaimsPrincipal _User { get { return Context.Request.Environment["server.User"] as ClaimsPrincipal; } }

SignalR cross-domain connection - connecting connection Id's with users

I'm hosting my signalr hub on a separate domain and making cross domain connection to hub from my main application. When a user logs into the main application, signalr connection is established. Now, the problem I'm having is how to identify the connected user inside the hub.
If my Hub was within the main application then I could use the Context.User of the logged in user and maintain a dictionary and update them on Connect and Disconnect events.
But being a cross-domain connection, I don't have the Context.User and no way for me to know to whom that connection ID belongs to. I'm lost here.
What am I missing here?
You should keep users credentials and connections ids yourself. You should define List<ClientsEntity> or something like that. Then override onConnected and onDisconnected methods. Client has to send querystring for connecting to your Hub as Lars said.
for example clients send to you like this
$.connection.hub.qs = { 'token' : 'id' };
In the Hub Class:
public class ChatHub : Hub
static List<ClientsEntity> clientsList = new List<ClientsEntity>();
public override Task OnConnected()
string connectionID = Context.ConnectionId;
string token = Context.QueryString["token"];
ClientsEntity clientItem = new ClientsEntity();
clientItem.connectionId = connectionID;
clientItem.token = token;
clientItem.connectionTime = DateTime.Now;
return base.OnConnected();
public override Task OnDisconnected()
ClientsEntity item = clientsList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.connectionId == Context.ConnectionId);
if (item != null) {
return base.OnDisconnected();
public override Task OnReconnected()
return base.OnReconnected();
public void Send(string token, string message)
ClientsEntity user = clientsList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.token == token);
if (user != null)
Clients.Client(user.connectionId).sendMessage(token, message);
public void GetConnectedClients(string token) {
ClientsEntity user = clientsList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.token == token);
if(token.Equals("-1") && user != null)
You could assign a unique connection token to the user once they log in; then make the client send that in the query string:
$.connection.hub.qs = { 'token' : id };
