Push AngularFire array directly to Firebase on other location - firebase

I have AngularFire array and I want to push the data it holds into a new location in my Firebase Database at some point. I try to do it using the push method of Firebase SDK with no success. It gives me an error:
firebase.push failed first argument contains invalid key ($id) ....
It seems that Firebase doesn't like the dollar signs that AngularFire adds. There are also some $$ in the names of the methods in the sync array.
My question is, what is the proper way to get rid of this $ signs and methods before I push my data?

If you're using AngularFire, try using the .$add instead.
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('myReference');
var array = $firebaseArray(ref);
Here are the docs on it: https://github.com/firebase/angularfire/blob/master/docs/reference.md#addnewdata


Is there a way to determine once a cloud function has finished running - either through looping getDownloadURL or messaging?

I am still getting the hang of Firebase and Cloud functions, but here is what I'm trying to figure out.
The current setup
My app has a cloud function that will take a PDF that has been uploaded into a storage bucket and convert it into PNG. It doesn't destroy the original PDF, so I am left with both files.
The URL for the newly created PNG is then attached to a property on one of our documents in Firestore.
What I am trying to accomplish
I want to be able to upload a new PDF to use as a replacement image. I think I am running into a race condition where the cloud function hasn't finished executing by the time I am trying to call updateDoc() with the new PNG.
On the client side, I have the storageRef returned from the upload method:
uploadFunction(...).then((snapshot) => {
return snapshot.ref
I'm saving the result of this function to a variable, and I am trying to pass that into the update method that will adjust the property on my document in Firestore:
const storageRef = await functionThatUploadsPDF(file);
Within updateDocumentInFirestore, I'm trying to navigate to the new reference that should exist once the cloud function has finished, get a download URL, and update that property on my document:
const newImageRef = ref(storageRef.parent, "generatedImage.png");
const newDownloadURL = getDownloadURL(newImageRef).then((url) => {
updateDoc(documentRef, backgroundImage: url);
However, I am getting the following error - I believe due to the cloud function having not finished yet:
Firebase Storage: Object 'storage-bucket/generatedImage.png' does not exist. (storage/object-not-found)
My thoughts on potential solutions
I could try to poll the storage for the existence of generatedImage.png until the getDownloadURL call returns an actual URL, but I worry about the amount of calls this would yield.
If there is a way for the cloud function to send a message to let me know that the conversion is finished, I can send a call once for the download URL after receiving said message. However, I can't figure out how to accomplish this.
Efforts so far
I have been pursuing course 1. So far, but have not met any success yet. Scouring through Firebase documentation, I haven't been able to find any supporting resources on how to accomplish 1 or 2. Does anyone have any suggestions - either on my planned courses of action, or a new option that I haven't considered?
You can use this onFinalize trigger to send a message or update a document in Firestore to indicate that the function has finished running. This trigger is triggered whenever a file is created or updated.
onFinalize Sent when a new object (or a new generation of an existing
object) is successfully created in the bucket. This includes copying
or rewriting an existing object. A failed upload does not trigger this
you can also create a promise that resolves when the downloadURL is not null, and use that promise in your updateDocumentInFirestore function. This way, the updateDoc function will only be called once the downloadURL is available.
Additionally, as was mentioned in the comments, you can consider cloud workflow.The exact implementation will depend on your specific use case
You can also check these similar cases
Firebase Storage: Object does not exist
Error: storage/object-not-found when trying to upload large image file
Firebase Storage Put could not get object

Uploading Set<String> gives error in flutter

Okay, so I'm creating chips tiles that are stored in a Set, but when I try to upload it to firebase I get this error "Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument: Instance of '_CompactLinkedHashSet'"
I isolated the code and simplified it so it looks like this:
Set<String> _tags = <String>{};
'tags': _tags,
I've tried debugging it, and I can't get it to upload so is there any other kind of way I can get the data from the set and upload it to Firebase? Another data type I can use that Firebase will accept?
Take a look at the data types that Firestore supports. Sets are not supported. You could convert your set to a JSON string, or to a list:
List<String> tagsList = List<String>.from(_tags);
Adding on to Bryson Thill's answer, if you need to use Sets in your code, I'd recommend you use the toList() method before uploading to Firestore.
I would suggest you following the answer from this question:
Adding an Object to Cloud Firestore using Flutter
And you can basically upload any data you want

Retrieve data from firebase in react native

enter image description hereHow to retrieve data from firebase database and how to assign that values to variables in react native
How can I get these two values into variables using simple way.
I think the firebase docs are pretty good and give a good explanation of how to use it.
To be short:
once you have specified a reference, ex. let users = firebase.database().ref('users/' + userId), you can read the data either once using the .once() method or add a listener for changes in the data using on().
You receive a snapshot from either of these methods, and need to call snapshot.val() to retrieve the data.
Simply assign the snapshot.val() to a variable declared outside of the reading method, and you're good to go.
You can also reference a simple project I made using React-Native and firebase here: https://github.com/liplylie/rnChallenge

Does AngularFire2's database.list hold a reference or actually grab data?

I'm following along the with the basic AngularFire2 docs, and the general format seems to be:
const items = af.database.list('/items');
// to get a key, check the Example app below
items.update('key-of-some-data', { size: newSize });
My confusion is that in the source code, it seems as though calling database.list() grabs all the data at the listed url (line 114 here)
Can anyone help clarify how that works? If it does indeed grab all the data, is there a better way of getting a reference without doing that? Or should I just reference each particular URL individually?
When you create an AngularFire2 list, it holds an internal Firebase ref - accessible via the list's public $ref property.
The list is an Observable - which serves as the interface for reading from the database - and includes some additional methods for writing to the database: push, update and remove.
In the code in your question, you are only calling the update method and are not subscribing to the observable, so no data is loaded from the database into memory:
const items = af.database.list('/items');
// to get a key, check the Example app below
items.update('key-of-some-data', { size: newSize });
It's only when a subscription to the observable is made that listeners for value and the child_... events are added to the ref and the list builds and maintains an internal array that's emitted via the observable. So if you are only calling the methods that write to the database, it won't be loading any data.
The AngularFire2 object is implemented in a similar manner.

angularFire $asObject doesn't push

I am new to firebase and trying to use the $asObject as in the angulerFire doc. Basically, I have profile as follows below. I use $asObject to update the email. However when I use $save(), it replaces the entire profile with only the email, rather than pushing it to the end of list ie it works like set() rather than push(). Is how it is meant to work? how do I only push?
{name:"Peter Trudy", dob:"7th March"}
My click function:
$scope.angularObject = function(){
var syncProfile = $firebase(ref.child("profiles").child("peterpan"));
var profileObject = syncProfile.$asObject();
profileObject.email= "peter#peterpan.com";
You're looking for $update:
syncProfile.$update({ "email": "peter#peterpan.com" });
Note that $update is only available on $firebase and not on the FirebaseObject that you get back from $asObject. The reason for this is that $asObject is really meant as an object that is bound directly to an angular scope. You're not expected to perform updates to it in your own code.
By the way: if the rest of your code is using AngularFire in a similar way, you might consider dropping AngularFire and using Firebase's JavaScript SDK directly. It is much simpler to use, since it doesn't need to mediate between Firebase and Angular's way of working.
