How to get some common data in a custom ConstraintValidator - hibernate-validator

I am validating a input class using Java validation api and hibernate validator.
i have created few custom annontation for some business validation and i am using these annotation on the input class. below is an example of such annotation validator -
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
public class DBColumnConstraintValidator implements ConstraintValidator<DatabaseColumnConstraint, Object> {
private DBColumnConstraintValidator databaseColumnConstraint;
private final List<DatabaseConstraintValidationStep> steps = new ArrayList<DatabaseConstraintValidationStep>();
public void initialize(DBColumnConstraintValidator databaseColumnConstraint) {
public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
//Validation logic
I want to use some data for my validation logic inside isValid() method and this data is common and will be used by few other validator classes as well.
is there any way to set or make that common data available to isValid() method?

If you are using CDI or Spring, you can simply use dependency injection (e.g. using #Inject) within your constraint validator implementation to obtain whatever contextual service or data your need.


Specifying serialized names in java class for firestore document

I am trying to store a document in firestore in my android app using a custom object. If I am using proguard for building my app, is there a way to specify the serialized name for the fields inside my class like the way Gson provides using #SerializedName annotation?
You can specify the name a Java property gets in the JSON of the document with the PropertyName annotation. For example:
public class Data {
public String someFieldName;
If you use getters and setters (instead of using a public field as above), be sure to put the annotation on both getter and setter:
public class Data {
private String someFieldName;
public String getSomeFieldName() { return someFieldName; }
public void setSomeFieldName(String someFieldName) { this.someFieldName = someFieldName; }
This annotation is shared between Cloud Firestore and the older Firebase Realtime Database, so I recommend also checking out some of the previous questions about PropertyName, such as Naming convention with Firebase serialization/deserialization?.

Set ViewBag property in the constructor of a ASP.NET MVC Core controller

My theme has some sort of breadcrumb. The controller is always the category. To avoid repeat myself, I want to set it in the constructor of the controller for all actions like this:
class MyController:Controller{
public MyController() {
ViewBag.BreadcrumbCategory = "MyCategory";
When I access ViewBag.BreadcrumbCategory in the layout-view, its null. In a Action it works:
class MyController:Controller{
public IActionResult DoSomething() {
ViewBag.BreadcrumbCategory = "MyCategory";
I'm wondering that setting a ViewBag property is not possible in a constructor? It would be annoying and no good practice to have a function called on every action which do this work. In another question using the constructor was an accepted answear, but as I said this doesn't work, at least for ASP.NET Core.
There is an GitHub issue about it and it's stated that this is by design. The answer you linked is about ASP.NET MVC3, the old legacy ASP.NET stack.
ASP.NET Core is written from scratch and uses different concepts, designed for both portability (multiple platforms) as well as for performance and modern practices like built-in support for Dependency Injection.
The last one makes it impossible to set ViewBag in the constructor, because certain properties of the Constructor base class must be injected via Property Injection as you may have noticed that you don't have to pass these dependencies in your derived controllers.
This means, when the Controller's constructor is called, the properties for HttpContext, ControllerContext etc. are not set. They are only set after the constructor is called and there is a valid instance/reference to this object.
And as pointed in the GitHub issues, it won't be fixed because this is by design.
As you can see here, ViewBag has a dependency on ViewData and ViewData is populated after the controller is initialized. If you call ViewBag.Something = "something", then you it will create a new instance of the DynamicViewData class, which will be replaced by the one after the constructor gets initialized.
As #SLaks pointed out, you can use an action filter which you configure per controller.
The following example assumes that you always derive your controllers from Controller base class.
public class BreadCrumbAttribute : IActionFilter
private readonly string _name;
public BreadCrumbAttribute(string name)
_name = name;
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var controller = context.Controller as Controller;
if (controller != null)
controller.ViewBag.BreadcrumbCategory = _name;
Now you should be able to decorate your controller with it.
class MyController:Controller
I have the same issue and solve it overriding the OnActionExecuted method of the controller:
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
ViewBag.Module = "Production";
Here is a better way to do this for .NET Core 3.x, use the ResultFilterAttribute:
Create your own custom filter attribute that inherits from ResultFilterAttribute as shown below:
public class PopulateViewBagAttribute : ResultFilterAttribute
public PopulateViewBagAttribute()
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext context)
// context.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add(_name, new string[] { _value });
(context.Controller as MyController).SetViewBagItems();
You'll need to implement the method SetViewBagItems to populate your ViewBag
public void SetViewBagItems()
ViewBag.Orders = Orders;
Then Decorate your Controller class with the new attribute:
public class ShippingManifestController : Controller
That's all there is to it! If you are populating ViewBags all over the place from your constructor, then you may consider creating a controller base class with the abstract method SetViewBagItems. Then you only need one ResultFilterAttribute class to do all the work.

Custom class level bean validation constraint

I already know how to add annotation based validation on specific attributes in Entity class like :-
public class Person {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
But is it possible to add annotation on class Person, in order to validate all the attributes inside this class, by creating a Customised Validation Class and handling validation there somewhere like :-
#Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
#Target(value = ElementType.METHOD)
public #interface PersonneName {
public String firstName();
I am working on a project to get Constraints from Database and creating Customised Validation Class and applying on the Entity class attributes according to the constaints got from DB.
Please suggest.
Yes, of course, it's possible. First, create the definition of your annotation. Pretty much like you did in your example, however, with a different #Target type
#Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
#Constraint(validatedBy = PersonValidator.class)
public #interface ValidPerson {
String message () default "Your custom message";
Class<?>[] groups () default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload () default {};
Then implement the validator whose isValid method takes the instance of your Person class:
public class PersonValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ValidPerson, Person> {
public boolean isValid (Person person, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
// your validation logic
Sure it is possible, just check the documentation regarding how to write custom class level constraints -
The important thing of course is that you make sure that one can actually place the constraint annotation on the type level. For that you need to add ElementType.TYPE to the #Target annotation.

Seam Classes and #Asynchronous processing related issue

I have an Interface defined as:
public interface DocExporter{
public void exportDoc();
with two implementing classes defined as:
public class PdfDocExporter implements DocExporter{
public void exportDoc(){
// do Pdf Export stuff
public class ExcelDocExporter implements DocExporter{
public void exportDoc(){
// do Excel Export stuff
So can I say like :
public class DocExportReporter {
private DocExporter pdfDocExporter;
private DocExporter excelDocExporter;
public void reportGen(){
**excelDocExporter.exportDoc()** // THIS THROWS Seam Exception #In attribute requires a not null value
I am new to Seam with Spring and would like to know if in both impl classes #Service would have values as "docExporter" (name of interface) or would it be like "pdfDocExporter" "excelDocExporter" ?
And with the above, I get #In attribute requires a non null value exception when using pdfDocExporter or excelDocExporter objects within the reportGen async method. Can two implementations of an interface be declared in a third class and work fine
with Seam #Asynchronous annotation ?
You cannot have two components with the same name, otherwise Seam would not know which one to inject. Use two different names.

Usage of #JsonSerialize and JsonSerializer

I have a Spring MVC application that requires me to translate the id's and names of a list of a certain entity to an array of JSON objects with specific formatting, and output that on a certain request. That is, I need an array of JSON objects like this:
label: Subject.getId()
value: Subject.getName()
For easy use with the jQuery Autocomplete plugin.
So in my controller, I wrote the following:
#RequestMapping(value = "/autocomplete.json", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody List<Subject> autocompleteJson() {
return Subject.findAllSubjects();
// Internal class
public class SubjectAutocompleteSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Subject> {
public void serialize(Subject value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
jgen.writeStringField("label", value.getId().toString());
jgen.writeStringField("value", value.getName());
The JSON I get back however, is the default serialization inferred by Jackson. My custom serializer seems to be completely ignored. Obviously the problem is incorrect usage of #JsonSerialize or JsonSerializer, but I could not find proper usage of these within context anywhere.
What is the proper way to use Jackson to achieve the serialization I want? Please note that it's important that the entities are only serialized this way in this context, and open to other serialization elsewhere
#JsonSerialize should be set on the class that's being serialized not the controller.
#JsonSerialize should be set on the class that's being serialized not the controller.
I'd like to add my two cents (a use case example) to the above answer... You can't always specify a json serializer for a particular type especially if this is a generic type (erasure doesn't allow to pick the the serializer for a particular generic at runtime), however you can always create a new type (you can extend the generalized type or create a wrapper if the serialized type is final and can't be extended) and custom JsonSerializer for that type. For example you can do something like this to serialize different types:
public class PageOfMyDtosSerializer
extends JsonSerializer<Page<MyDto>> {
public void serialize(Page<MyDto> page,
JsonGenerator jsonGenerator,
SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
throws IOException {
//...serialization logic for Page<MyDto> type
#JsonSerialize(using = PageOfMyDtosSerializer.class)
public class PageOfMyDtos extends PageImpl<MyDto> {
public PageOfMyDtos(List<MyDto> content, Pageable pageable, long total) {
super(content, pageable, total);
And then you can return your type from methods of your services - the necessary serializer will be utilized unambiguously:
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
public Page<UserProfileDto> searchForUsers(
Pageable pageable,
SearchCriteriaDto criteriaDto) {
//...some business logic
/*here you pass the necessary search Specification or something else...*/
final Page<Entity> entities = myEntityRepository.findAll(...);
/*here you goes the conversion logic of your choice...*/
final List<MyDto> content =, new TypeToken<List<MyDto>>(){}.getType());
/*and finally return your the your new type so it will be serialized with the jsonSerializer we have specified*/
return new PageOfMyDtos(content, pageable, entities.getTotalElements());
