How to get wider text for Checkbox widget? - jupyter-notebook

How can I configure the ipywidgets Checkbox for long text strings as in,
c = Checkbox(description=' this is some very long very long text',value=False)
and not get the text to be squeezed and wrapped in the encompassing Jupyter notebook?

Simply use this:
import ipywidgets as widgets
c = widgets.Checkbox(
description='This is some very long very long text',

Another option is to bundle it with Label:
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display
checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(value=False, disabled=False, layout=Layout(width='30px'))
label = widgets.Label('description', layout=Layout(width='500px', margin='6px 0 0 -10px'))
box = widgets.HBox([checkbox, label])

Use this to set the width to the left of the checkbox and also set the overall width independently
import ipywidgets as widgets
c = widgets.Checkbox(
description=' this is some very long very long text',
value=False) = {'description_width': '0px'} # sets the width to the left of the check box
c.layout.width = 'auto' # sets the overall width check box widget

Put this is the cell with the checkbox
from IPython.display import display, HTML
HTML('<style> .widget-hbox .widget-label { max-width:350ex; text-align:left} </style>')
and it'll change the widths and alignment.


With Bokeh, how to hide the icon of a tool while keeping it enabled?

With Bokeh, how to hide the icon of a tool while keeping it enabled?
Some context, I have multiple p.line() plots in a single figure. Each line plot has its own hover tool as per this question.
I don't find it appealing though, to have each hover tool its own icon:
So I thought about keeping the multiple Hover tools but hiding them from the user.
What are my options?
Thanks in advance.
First, I would ask myself if a user would like a hidden hover that can't be disabled?
So first option I would suggest is adding a tooltips not to each renderer but to the figure which creates a single HoverTool icon that applies to all lines in the plot like this: (Bokeh v1.3.0)
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Column, Button, CustomJS
import numpy as np
p = figure(toolbar_location='above',
tooltips=[("x", "#x")]
lines = [p.line(np.arange(10), np.random.random(10)) for i in range(3)]
for i in range(len(lines)):
p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[("x", "#x")], renderers=[lines[i]]))
# button = Button(label='Hide Hover Icon')
# code = ''' hover_btns = document.getElementsByClassName('bk-tool-icon-hover')
# for(i=0; i<hover_btns.length; i++)
# hover_btns[i].style.display = 'none' '''
# button.callback = CustomJS(code=code)
# button,
Then if you really don't want to see any hover icon in your toolbar you could add a JS callback executed on button click that hides all hover icons like this:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, Column, Button, CustomJS
import numpy as np
p = figure(toolbar_location='above',
# tooltips=[("x", "#x")]
lines = [p.line(np.arange(10), np.random.random(10)) for i in range(3)]
for i in range(len(lines)):
p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[("x", "#x")], renderers=[lines[i]]))
button = Button(label='Hide Hover Icon')
code = ''' hover_btns = document.getElementsByClassName('bk-tool-icon-hover')
for(i=0; i<hover_btns.length; i++)
hover_btns[i].style.display = 'none' '''
button.callback = CustomJS(code=code)
But doing so requires a user to click on the button first, so maybe a more elegant way to do this would be to call the JS code already at page load using an approach described here.

How to align and place ipywidgets

Is there a way to control the placement and alignment of ipywidgets (inside jupyter notebook)?
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import Javascript, display
event_type_ui = widgets.Text(value='open', description='Test Event')
platform_ui = widgets.Text(value='Android', description='Control Event')
I would like to specify an offset (in pixels?) to allow the label to fit and to have two controls aligned vertically.
After some fiddling, I was able to get this:
Here is a copy-paste snippet, if interested:
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import Javascript, display
align_kw = dict(
_css = (('.widget-label', 'min-width', '20ex'),),
margin = '0px 0px 5px 12px'
platform_ui = widgets.Dropdown(description = 'platform',options=['iPhone','iPad','Android'], **align_kw)
event_type_ui = widgets.Text(value='open', description='Test Event', **align_kw)
os_version_ui = widgets.Text(value='iOS9', description='Operating System', **align_kw)
refresh_ui = widgets.Checkbox(description='Force Refresh', **align_kw)
The layout and styling documentation for ipywidgets says:
Every Jupyter interactive widget has a layout attribute exposing a number of css properties that impact how widgets are laid out.
I was able to coax it into aligning the labels:
from ipywidgets import Text, HBox, VBox, Box
from IPython.display import display
widget1 = Text(value='Cats', description='Test Event', layout='margin-right:5px')
widget2 = Text(value='Oranges', description='Another Test Event')
widget1.width = '200px'
widget2.width = '150px'
display(VBox([widget1, widget2]))
to produced this:
But in general, I doesn't seem like we can directly target layout properties of the description label, just the entire widget itself.
The ipywidgets also have an add_class that can be used for getting into the weeds when you really need it:
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display, HTML
for label in ("longish description","brief"):
display(HTML("<style>div.balanced-text .widget-label {max-width:200px; width:200px}</style>"))

qt grow-only size policy

I have QLabel and this width shrink to content size.
How can I set size policy to grow-only policy?
for example, I set text to "12345" and QLabel should grow to minimal size to show this content, but when I set "12" this wouldnt shrink and stay old size.
Well, unless you don't need to use the space you want to recover for others widgets, you can use a QtGui.QSpacerItem; see QSpacerItem Class Reference.
You can set the size policy to the spacer item.
Note: This gets done automatically when you're using QtDesigner.
In QtDesigner, it should look like this:
The label has a cyan background for ilustrative purposes.
Here, you have some code sample:
Warning: the code has been written in Python. I don't know your lenguage preferences. But the interface is pretty much the same. Goog luck.
import PyQt4.QtGui as gui
import PyQt4.QtCore as core
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = gui.QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = gui.QWidget(None)
label = gui.QLabel(widget)
label.setStyleSheet("background-color: cyan;")
label.setText("Write some text above")
text = gui.QLineEdit(widget)
layout = gui.QVBoxLayout(widget)
hlayout = gui.QHBoxLayout(widget) # This layout will contains
# the label and a sacer item.
hlayout.addWidget(label) # Add the label.
# Create the spacer.
spacerItem = gui.QSpacerItem(40, 20, gui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, gui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
hlayout.addItem(spacerItem) # Add the spacer.
# Slot for change the text of the label.
def on_textChanged():

QVBoxLayout: How to vertically align widgets to the top instead of the center

In Qt, When I add widgets to my layout, they are vertically centered by default. Is there a way to "List" the widgets from top to bottom instead of centering them vertically?
If you have a QVBoxLayout and want your fixed size widgets to be stacked at the top, you can simply append a vertical stretch at the end:
If you have multiple stretchers or other stretch items, you can specify an integer stretch factor argument that defines their size ratio.
See also addStretch and addSpacerItem.
Add two layout.addStretch() before and after adding the widgets to center them vertically:
Not sure whether this answers your original question, but it is the answer to the one that I had when googling and being led to this page - so it might be useful for others too.
use void QLayout::setAlignment ( Qt::Alignment alignment ) method to set alignment according to your choice.
I find this a little more complicated than just using layout.setAlignment(). It kept not working for me until just now, when I figured out that if you have expanding widgets that you set a maximum height for, then that widget will not be aligned the way you want.
Here is example code that does not top align the QTextBrowser() widget even though I call layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop). Sorry that it is in Python, but it is pretty easy to translate to C++ (I have gone the other way many times).
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class MyWidget(QWidget):
Create a widget that aligns its contents to the top.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
label = QLabel('label:')
info = QTextBrowser(self)
# Uncomment the next line to get this to align top.
# layout.setAlignment(info, Qt.AlignTop)
# Create a progress bar layout.
button = QPushButton('Button 1')
# This will align all the widgets to the top except
# for the QTextBrowser() since it has a maximum size set.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = MyWidget()
widget.resize(QSize(900, 400))
The following explicitly calls layout.setAlignment(info, Qt.AlignTop) to get the expanding text widget to work.
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
class MyWidget(QWidget):
Create a widget that aligns its contents to the top.
def __init__(self, parent=None):
QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
label = QLabel('label:')
info = QTextBrowser(self)
# Uncomment the next line to get this to align top.
layout.setAlignment(info, Qt.AlignTop)
# Create a progress bar layout.
button = QPushButton('Button 1')
# This will align all the widgets to the top except
# for the QTextBrowser() since it has a maximum size set.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = MyWidget()
widget.resize(QSize(900, 400))
After comparison between the two solutions, it seems that :
works for several widget alignement but :
myLayout.setAlignment(myWidget, Qt::AlignTop)
works only for the first widget you add to the layout.
After all, the solution depends also to the QSizePolicy of yours widgets.
If you are using QT creator, you just add a "Vertical Spacers" at the bottom of your widget.
In pyQt (and PySide) we have Qt.AlignCenter (align on main direction), Qt.AlignHCenter (align on horizontal direction), Qt.AlignVCenter (align on vertical direction), use one of it when you need it.

qlistwidgetitem with custom widget doesn't look selected on the UI

I have a Qlistwidget in icon mode and I'm using setItemWidget to display my elements in my custom widgets, so far this is working.
Pretty much is like this one:
The only problem I have is that when I select the items, they don't look selected (no frame around them). They are being selected as I'm getting the right signals but you can't see the selection on the UI.
Any ideas on how to make them appear selected?
** Edit to add sample code **
(it is a modification on the code found on the previous link)
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class displayItem(QtGui.QWidget): #A simple widget to display, just centers a digit in a 100x100 widget
def __init__(self,num):
self.text = num
def paintEvent(self,event):
p = QtGui.QPainter(self)
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
#Build the list widgets
list1 = QtGui.QListWidget() #This will contain your icon list
list1.setMovement(QtGui.QListView.Static) #otherwise the icons are draggable
list1.setResizeMode(QtGui.QListView.Adjust) #Redo layout every time we resize
list1.setViewMode(QtGui.QListView.IconMode) #Layout left-to-right, not top-to-bottom
listItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(list1)
listItem.setSizeHint(QtCore.QSize(100,100)) #Or else the widget items will overlap (irritating bug)
listItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(list1) #Add a few more items
listItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(list1)
list1.setItemWidget(listItem,displayItem(3)) #kick off the app in standard PyQt4 fashion
Yes. .
it is related to the viewMode.
When I set the viewMode for the list1 as ListMode, selected items look selected(highlighted)
still trying to figure out why it is not working with the iconMode. . .
