vb.net multiple webproxy in httpwebrequest - asp.net

I am currently working on a VB.net project where I need to get http responses from a certain URI but the requests needs to go through http proxy which I am perfectly fine with. The problem occurred when I realised sometimes our proxy servers are not working and then the application throws an error. I want my app to check whether the proxy is working or not, if not then I want it to take another proxy from the proxy list/array. And also, please feel free to share if you have any alternative ideas.
Currently I am using this (which is static and when it throws an error I need to manually change the proxy):
Dim proxyObject As WebProxy = New WebProxy("")
request.Proxy = proxyObject
What I want is something like this:
If WebProxy("") is working fine Then
Execute the response
Take the next proxy address from the list/array and go back to the starting
of "If"
End If
FYI: my proxies doesn't require authentication.
I apologise if I couldn't explain it properly and to be honest I'm fairly new in VB.net.
Thanks a lot for your time and patience. Appreciate your help.

Borrowing from this question
Dim urlList As New List(Of String) 'Urls stored here
For each urlString as string in urlList
If CheckProxy(urlString) Then
'Execute the response
Continue For 'or something else here, mark it as bad?
End If
Public Shared Function CheckProxy(ByVal Proxy As String) As Boolean
Dim prx As Uri = Nothing
If Uri.TryCreate(Proxy, UriKind.Absolute, prx) Then
Return CheckProxy(prx)
ElseIf Uri.TryCreate("http://" & Proxy, UriKind.Absolute, prx) Then
Return CheckProxy(prx)
Return False
End If
End Function
Public Shared Function CheckProxy(ByVal Proxy As Uri) As Boolean
Dim iProxy As Socket = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
iProxy.ReceiveTimeout = 500 : iProxy.SendTimeout = 500
'' Connect using a timeout (1/2 second)
Dim result As IAsyncResult = iProxy.BeginConnect(Proxy.Host, Proxy.Port, Nothing, Nothing)
Dim success As Boolean = result.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(500, True)
If (Not success) Then
iProxy.Close() : Return False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
Dim bytData() As Byte, strData As String
Dim iDataLen As Integer = 1024
strData = String.Format("CONNECT {0}:{1} HTTP/1.0{2}{2}", "www.google.com", 80, vbNewLine)
bytData = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strData)
If iProxy.Connected Then
iProxy.Send(bytData, bytData.Length, SocketFlags.None)
ReDim bytData(1024)
iDataLen = iProxy.Receive(bytData, bytData.Length, SocketFlags.None)
Catch ex As Exception
iProxy.Close() : Return False
End Try
If iDataLen > 0 Then
strData = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(bytData)
Exit Do
End If
Return False
End If
Dim strAttribs() As String
strAttribs = strData.Split(" "c)
If strAttribs(1).Equals("200") Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function


Managing licenses for Office 365 in vb.net

I am trying to run Office365 cmdlets in a vb.net webservice project.The code is:
Public Function ExcutePowershellCommands() As ObjectModel.Collection(Of PSObject)
Dim userList As ObjectModel.Collection(Of PSObject) = Nothing
Dim initialSession As InitialSessionState = InitialSessionState.CreateDefault()
initialSession.ImportPSModule(New String() {"MSOnline"})
Dim O365Password_secureString As New System.Security.SecureString()
Dim O365Password As String = "password"
For Each x As Char In O365Password
Dim credential As New PSCredential("username", O365Password_secureString)
Dim connectCommand As New Command("Connect-MsolService")
connectCommand.Parameters.Add((New CommandParameter("Credential", credential)))
Dim getCommand As New Command("Get-MsolUser")
Using psRunSpace As Runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(initialSession)
For Each com As Command In New Command() {connectCommand, getCommand}
Dim pipe As Pipeline = psRunSpace.CreatePipeline()
Dim results As ObjectModel.Collection(Of PSObject) = pipe.Invoke()
Dim [error] As ObjectModel.Collection(Of Object) = pipe.[Error].ReadToEnd()
If [error].Count > 0 AndAlso com.Equals(connectCommand) Then
Throw New ApplicationException("Problem in login! " + [error](0).ToString())
Return Nothing
End If
If [error].Count > 0 AndAlso com.Equals(getCommand) Then
Throw New ApplicationException("Problem in getting data! " + [error](0).ToString())
Return Nothing
userList = results
End If
End Using
Return userList
Catch generatedExceptionName As Exception
End Try
End Function
When Connect-MsolService is run, I get this error message:
There was no endpoint listening at https://provisioningapi.microsoftonline.com/provisioningwebservice.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
I can run this function successfully within a windows App. I think some thing might be wrong in IIS. any idea?

Problems With Paypal Express Checkout Integration (WEBREQUEST)

So I was struggling with making head or tail out of the PayPal documentation and always felt that something was not right with my Webrequest.
So I stripped all the code back to basic and simply submitted the request via HTTP and the PLUS side is that I now get a response back from the PayPal sandbox server where ACK=Success and TOKEN=Valid-token-value-here there are some other variables returned too, such as CORRELATIONID and TIMESTAMP.
And hence so I tried some of the webrequest samples and I simply get a blank screen instead of being redirected to Paypal for the (sandbox) customer to complete payment.
So if anyone can post their WebRequest method that would be great.
Here is the code I used for my webrequest, I'm sure its wrong but cannot pinpoint where it is going wrong.
Also, when I run the code on my localhost during debugging, everything works fine and the call is completed with SUCCESS and a TOKEN is received.
When I run it live, I recieve Error Number 5 in the Error exception and also the text `Remote host failed to connect' in the STATUS DESCRIPTION.
Function MakeWebRequest(ByVal pUseSandbox As Boolean, ByVal pRequestMethod As String, ByVal pReturnUrl As String, ByVal pCancelUrl As String, ByRef pRtnStatus As String, ByRef pRtnStatusId As HttpStatusCode, ByRef pRtnResponseString As String) As Boolean
Dim _sxHost As String = Nothing
Dim _sxEndpoint As String = Nothing
Dim _sxNameValCol As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = Nothing
Dim _sxResponseCol As System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = Nothing
Dim _sxCounta As Integer = Nothing
Dim _sxParamsString As String = Nothing
'-> Init
_sxParamsString = ""
MakeWebRequest = False
_sxNameValCol = New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()
_sxResponseCol = New System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection()
If pUseSandbox Then
_sxHost = "http://www.sandbox.paypal.com"
_sxEndpoint = "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp"
_sxHost = "http://www.paypal.com"
_sxEndpoint = "https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp"
End If
'-> Create Request
'-> Key/Value Collection Params
_sxNameValCol.Add("METHOD", "SetExpressCheckout")
_sxNameValCol.Add("USER", _UserName)
_sxNameValCol.Add("PWD", _Password)
_sxNameValCol.Add("SIGNATURE", _Signature)
_sxNameValCol.Add("PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT", Format(_Basket.BasketTotalIncDelivery / 100, "0.00"))
_sxNameValCol.Add("RETURNURL", pReturnUrl)
_sxNameValCol.Add("CANCELURL", pCancelUrl)
_sxNameValCol.Add("REQCONFIRMSHIPPING", "0")
_sxNameValCol.Add("NOSHIPPING", "2")
_sxNameValCol.Add("LOCALECODE", "EN")
_sxNameValCol.Add("BUTTONSOURCE", "PP-ECWizard")
_sxNameValCol.Add("VERSION", "93.0")
'-> UrlEncode
For _sxCounta = 0 To _sxNameValCol.Count - 1
If _sxCounta = 0 Then
_sxParamsString = _sxParamsString & _sxNameValCol.Keys(_sxCounta) & "=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_sxNameValCol(_sxCounta))
_sxParamsString = _sxParamsString & "&" & _sxNameValCol.Keys(_sxCounta) & "=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(_sxNameValCol(_sxCounta))
End If
'-> Credentials (not used)
'_sxRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
Dim _sxRequest As WebRequest = DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(_sxEndpoint), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
'-> Convert request to byte-array
Dim _sxByteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_sxParamsString)
_sxRequest.Method = "POST" 'Our method is post, otherwise the buffer (_sxParamsString) would be useless
_sxRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 'We use form contentType, for the postvars
_sxRequest.ContentLength = _sxByteArray.Length 'The length of the buffer (postvars) is used as contentlength
Dim _sxPostDataStream As System.IO.Stream = _sxRequest.GetRequestStream() 'We open a stream for writing the postvars
_sxPostDataStream.Write(_sxByteArray, 0, _sxByteArray.Length) 'Now we write, and afterwards, we close
_sxPostDataStream.Close() 'Closing is always important!
'-> Create Response
Dim _sxResponse As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(_sxRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
'-> Get Response Status
pRtnStatus = _sxResponse.StatusDescription
pRtnStatusId = _sxResponse.StatusCode
'-> Reponse Stream
Dim _sxResponseStream As Stream = _sxResponse.GetResponseStream() 'Open a stream to the response
'-> Response Stream Reader
Dim _sxStreamReader As New StreamReader(_sxResponseStream) 'Open as reader for the stream
pRtnResponseString = _sxStreamReader.ReadToEnd() 'Read the response string
MakeWebRequest = True
'-> Tidy up
_sxByteArray = Nothing
_sxPostDataStream = Nothing
_sxRequest = Nothing
_sxResponse = Nothing
_sxResponseStream = Nothing
_sxStreamReader = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
pRtnStatusId = Err.Number
pRtnStatus = "response(" & ex.Message & ")"
Decode(pRtnResponseString, _sxResponseCol)
pRtnResponseString = Stringify(_sxResponseCol)
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
pRtnStatusId = Err.Number
pRtnStatus = "request(" & ex.Message & ")"
Decode(pRtnResponseString, _sxResponseCol)
pRtnResponseString = Stringify(_sxResponseCol)
End Try
'-> Tidy Up
_sxHost = Nothing
_sxEndpoint = Nothing
_sxNameValCol = Nothing
_sxResponseCol = Nothing
_sxCounta = Nothing
_sxParamsString = Nothing
End Function
OK, so it's now clear that you're not getting any response from the server because your server isn't able to connect to PayPal's servers at all. Hence, you got no server-response and the message Unable to connect to the remote server. When I tested, I got a HTTP 200 response with the following body:
TIMESTAMP=2015-07-07T09:07:39Z&CORRELATIONID=7f4d2313c9696&ACK=Failure&VERSION=93.0&BUILD=17276661&L_ERRORCODE0=10002&L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Authentication/Authorization Failed&L_LONGMESSAGE0=You do not have permissions to make this API call&L_SEVERITYCODE0=Error
Obviously that's because I tested with a blank username and password.
So, something is wrong with your server setup that's preventing you from making outside connections, either at the IIS level or due to your firewall configuration.
Without physically being present at your machine, there's not a lot we can do to track down what's blocking it, but you can try opening HTTP requests to other public websites like Google.com and see if those succeed.

Why does my if else return false?

In my Appcode folder as seen above I have a Class called BaseClass. In BaseClass I have a function called CheckWAN() that defines IP ranges so that later I can auto authenticate local users to my site via their IP address range.
Public Function CheckWAN() As Boolean
Dim url As String = Request.Url.ToString()
'Get the client ip address
Dim RemoteAddress As String = Request.UserHostAddress
Dim strRemoteAddress As String = RemoteAddress
Dim myWAN As String = ""
'add Some other ips
Dim SOther001 As String = ""
Dim SOther002 As String = ""
Dim SOther003 As String = ""
If strRemoteAddress.Contains(myWAN) Then
Return True
ElseIf strRemoteAddress.Contains(SOther001) Then
Return True
ElseIf strRemoteAddress.Contains(SOther002) Then
Return True
ElseIf strRemoteAddress.Contains(SOther003) Then
Return True
Return False
End If
Return False
End Try
End Function
Finally I have a set up a login on the site default.aspx that Checks the IP address of the user connecting if the If CheckWAN() returns true then I get passed along to the content page however if it is false then it shows me the login with a message that it is returning false
Public Class BaseClass
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
If CheckWAN() = True Then
Response.Write("The CheckWAN is returning False")
'this else also causes a redirect loop if its changed to
'Response.Write(/default.aspx) not sure why
End If
I have also checked with networking to verify the IP's used in my code and they all are valid.
here is what Request.UserHostAdress returns
First of all, this should not even compile. Apparently it does, so you must have Option Strict Off. Request.UserHostAdress returns a complex object, and you declared your variable as a string. I suspect that what you actually want is some property of that object, although I don't know which one.

Load page then process rows in Asp.net

I have a webpage that is a site monitoring tool for my company. Basically, it pulls a list of 150 IP addresses from a database, and checks if the webpage loads for them. This takes about 15 minutes to load, I'd like it to load the list and go 1 by 1 and update the status with text or an icon.
Here is my Function block, any way to thread this or help me get to what I need to get to?
Function SiteMonitorResults(ByVal WebAddress As String)
'Code Example
Dim httpReq As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(WebAddress), HttpWebRequest)
httpReq.AllowAutoRedirect = False
Dim httpRes As HttpWebResponse = DirectCast(httpReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
' Close the response.
' Code for NotFound resources goes here.
If httpRes.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK Then
Return "Online"
Return "Offline"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return "Unknown"
End Try
End Function
Basically, I would go for something like this, using System.Threading.Tasks and System.Net.Http
( sorry for C# code )
I left out try catch for readability, but they are required, or the code will crash on the first DNS problem (for example)
public string CheckAddresses(List<string> addresses)
List<string> result = new List<string>();
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
addresses.ForEach(address =>
var task = new HttpClient().GetAsync(address).ContinueWith(
res => result.Add(String.Format("{0} : {1}", address, res.Result.IsSuccessStatusCode)));
return string.Join(", ", result.ToArray());
Hope this will help

FTPWebRequest: Transfer from one FTP to another FTP, Destination file corrupt

Here's my agonizing problem. I'm transferring from one FTP (a Dev site) to another FTP (a Test site). Spare me the thoughts of changing this process. It's out of my hands. In any case, here's my method:
Public Function TransferFile(originalFile As String, destinationFile As String) As String
'FileStream for holding the file
Dim uploadRequest As FtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(destinationFile)
uploadRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
uploadRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(ftp_user, ftp_pw)
uploadRequest.UseBinary = True
uploadRequest.UsePassive = False
'connect to the server
Dim fileRequest As FtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(originalFile)
fileRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile
fileRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(ftp_user, ftp_pw)
fileRequest.UseBinary = True
fileRequest.UsePassive = False
'get the servers response
Dim response As WebResponse = fileRequest.GetResponse()
'retrieve the response stream
Dim stream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
CopyStream(stream, uploadRequest.GetRequestStream)
Return "File transfered"
Catch ex As System.Security.SecurityException
Return ex.Message
Catch ex As Exception
Return ex.Message
End Try
End Function
Public Shared Sub CopyStream(input As Stream, output As Stream)
Dim buffer As Byte() = New Byte(32767) {}
While True
Dim read As Integer = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
If read <= 0 Then
End If
output.Write(buffer, 0, read)
End While
End Sub
This works perfectly for ASPX files and their .vb code behinds. When we try to transfer .DLL files, they show up on the server as 0 bytes, and sometimes actually transfer. The problem is that, despite being the same size as the original, they act as if they are corrupt. Does anyone have a solution?
Just a guess - use BYREF in your sub definition
Public Shared Sub CopyStream(BYREF input As Stream, BYREF output As Stream)
Closing out the output stream and getting a response from the uploadRequest worked.
