WordPress doesn't activate or deactivate plugins - wordpress

for some reason my WordPress website isn't able to activate or deactivate plugins.
On clicking the activate/deactivate option it will output the plugin activated/deactivated text but it never actually changes anything. There is no error message or so being displayed.
The WordPress installation is fully updated and I have no idea what is causing this.

Please I will advise you to go to your phpmyadmin and if you don't know which table is faulty. tick all tables and repair them.
after doing this if you try reactivating and it did not work. Log on to your WordPress with another browser, and redo the reactivation process. works like magic


My Wordpress is showing a blank page in the editor, how can I fix this?

I manage a Wordpress site for a client, after trying to resolve some updates I cannot seem to edit anything inside the editor anymore. Everything is blank (see image). The site itself is still up and working fine. Has anyone ever encountered this?
There are tons of reasons, why this could be happened. Like #jiali sent you a very helpful link, I would say to try and open the debugger: inside wp-config.php file search for define('WP_DEBUG', false); and change the value to true. Then, you propably would see what causing the error and where (either plugin or custom code, or maybe plugins conflict)
Okay so in this case the problem was (when I checked the error log) that the update was not properly installed. Deactivated the plugins inside PHP MyAdmin and then reinstalled Wordpress manually onto site.

how to stop redirection in wordpress?

when i upload any things (media, post etc). then Wordpress panel redirect to the side of domain name with custom link and show the 404 error page.
please help
Make sure this is not being caused by a plugin conflict.
Deactivate all activated plugins and try the action again. If it gets posted without redirecting you, a plugin might be the cause.
If this is the case, reactivate the recently active plugins and go through the process again, but this time, deactivate the plugins one after the other while you post new items. When you find the culprit, you can uninstall them and replace them with another plugin that does the same job.
If a plugin isn't causing this, you can rename your current .htaccess file to something else, then create an empty .htaccess file on the server. After doing this, go ahead and reset the permalinks.
See if the above suggestions solve your issue. Let e know how it goes.

Wordpress (Woocommerce) Edit address logs me out

I hope you can help.
I've installed Woocommerce for Wordpress and have the following problem.
When a user goes into the page to edit billing address it logs the user out - refreshing the page or saving the new address takes you back into the login screen.
I have no idea how to debug or fix this.
Any help would be much appreciated.
The best way to debug this is to
Change to one of the default WordPress themes. If you are not using a default WordPress theme, deactivate and activate one of the default ones (i.e. Twenty Twelve)
Deactivate any additional plugins (other than WooCommerce).
If it is working that means there's a conflict with either the theme or with one (or more) of the other plugins you are using.
First, re-activate the theme you were using and check. If the error continues, then probably the theme is creating the problem.
If it works fine with the theme, move to the plugins. Start activating one at the time and test. See which plugin is causing the problem.

WooCommerce breaking Wordpress Admin

I've made a clean install of Wordpress on my server and added WooCommerce plugin. Now, some of the pages in the admin panel doesn't display correctly (Dashboard, Media, WooCommerce, etc.).
This is a clean install, only WooCommerce plugin is active.
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
Ok so there is VERY little information to go on here so here is the general "Wordpress Broke" debugging guide.
Disable WooCommerce and see if Wordpress goes back to normal. If this is the case then you have to Reinstall WooCommerce. This is where http://docs.woothemes.com/document/known-conflicts would come in handy
If it is still broken without any plugins then you have to check your directory permissions, file structure, and URL Structure.
99% of the time chrome devtools will be your best friend for debuging these problems. It looks like you are not loading some of the core CSS files so lets look to see if you have a a 404, 403, or 500 error when chrome requests them.
Open up chrome and go to the Wordpress admin
Right click anywhere on the page and "Inspect Element"
Look for the red error icon on the right side (top/bottom) and click it to expend the console.
You will probably see the failed requests in there. Make sure the requests are for the correct urls, such as: http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin/load-styles.php or http://yourdomain.com/wp-includes/js/thickbox/thickbox.css
If that are valid URLs and you have verified that the files exist on the server then you have to check directory permissions: http://codex.wordpress.org/Changing_File_Permissions
Best wishes, let me know how it goes
I have seen that problem quite a while right now. You can try adding a specialized theme that has WooCommerce support like BootFrame Core theme. Or any other themes supporting WooCommerce -> https://wordpress.org/themes/search/woocommerce/ . Once, I used a WooCommerce, installed the plugin before changing any theme and had to create a new DB because the one I made before got corrupted due to the theme not working with WooCommerce. It's just a rare case but it can happen.

wordpress theme customization is blank in admin

I am having an issue that i have been unable figure out. The problem im having is when i login to wordpress admin and try ro customize the theme nothing displays besides the nav. I can edit pages, posts, basically do everything in The Admin except customize the theme. When i upload to a live server i dont have this issue. I'll attach a link to an image for visual reference.
I'm running wamp on windows 8 with wordpress 3.5.1. I added the plugin server buddy to check the setup and everyhing appears fine. Permissions were 755 and I temporarily set it to 777 to make sure wasn't that for any strange reason. One thing I notice with folders is if I look at properties read only is highlighted not checked and applying win't save the change. Could be because have them applied in advance security settings?
I have tried this with multiple themes all the same result.
Here is the screenshot.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I had the exact same problem. I was forcing SSL/HTTPS on the admin console as well. I turned off HTTPS on the admin console (still in use for my shopping cart) and all is well.
