Anonymous Log in with Firebase (Javascript) - firebase

I know there is a way to log in anonymously with Google Firebase, but I haven't gotten it working. The issue I am having is that my app needs to be accessible on any device without logging into any account with the app.
It needs to have full control of the app's database, both reading and writing. This app isn't really meant for public use, so I am OK with anonymous authentication. I also should not have to click a button in order for it to authenticate, it should do it automatically. I tried adding the code that Google provides, but it still wont authenticate. It does work with a Google account.

It was an issue related to the database rules. The default rules are set so that only authenticated users are able to read and write to the database. I set both so that anyone can read or write to the database from any device without logging in.


Firebase Authentication setting users to deactive without using currentuser

I am making an admin tool page to allow admins to change users email for when they change or set their account to deactivate so they can not access the site anymore. Everything I have looked at seems to be using 'CurrentUser' but this will not work due to the fact they will be logged in as themselves which is marked as Admin level so they have access to the tool. So is there any way to change a users email for authentication without logging in as them?
If the Firebase Authentication client-side SDKs had an API that allowed you to change the email address of anyone but yourself that'd be a major security risk.
This is the reason an API to update any user by their UID only exists in the Admin SDK, which can only be run on a trusted environment as it requires full administrative access to your project.
If you want to expose this functionality to specific users of your app, you'll have to wrap the relevant call of the Admin SDK into a custom endpoint that you then call from the app. Just make sure to check that the user is authorized, before changing some other user's account.

How to Secure Firebase Realtime Database

This image shows the Authentication for my Firebase Database Security: Authentication
I only allow Email/Password Sign-in method, everything else is disabled.
I don't allow my users to sign in manually.
My Android app logs in via code and it uses just one set of Email/Password:
My question is how come I am still getting this warning: Warning
I've followed thru the enter link description here but this sample uses Google sign-in method. And all the other samples or discussion I've read use the same method. Has anyone here tried Email/Password Sign-in Method? Thanks!
That authentication and the firebase realtime database are different things. Your authentication method doesn't control who has access to that database.
This means that anyone who has access to the keys, will be able to access your db. So if your client app (Android / ios / web app) access the database directly, your users will be able to do that too.
To secure it you need to use specific read/write rules. Your best explanation will be from their documentation which can be found here

Single firebase login for all users

I'm currently developing a web app using firebase authentication to make sure only authorized users can access the backend (e.g. firestore).
However, I don't really care about differentiating users but just want a single password based login/authentication. Meaning users come to the site, enter the password they know and then they get access to the protected data (e.g. from firestore). No need to create a own account.
However, I don't think firebase auth supports something like that.
What would likely work is just using .htaccess to protect the page and then provide users with anonymous accounts once they can access the app/page.
However, the browser popup caused by this is not nice enough for my purpose, I would prefer a nicely styled password form in the actual browser window.
What I could try is creating one account and sharing the password for that with all users (and set the email in the background). However, I'm not sure whether this works fine (e.g. multiple users being logged in at the same time on the same account).
Am I missing a simple option to implement such a single password based login shared between users?
Or is it e.g. possible to send a password to cloud functions, check it there and return an access token for an anonymous account from there to the user?
You can just create a single Firebase Auth email/password account and share the credentials with everyone. As long as you trust that each user will not share them with anyone else, and you trust that they will not maliciously overwrite each others' data, it should be fine.

How can I prevent Firebase auth users from changing their email address by themselves?

According to firebase doc, it seems that client side SDK allows email address as well as user profile information to be updated directly.
If I build an android app without any UI workflow for users to change email address, I am confident that majority, 99.99%+ of the regular users, will use the app as intended.
However, if certain users investigate/reverse-engineers into the app, learns that it uses the firebase, wouldn't it be possible for them to debug and invoke any one of the Firebase Auth client SDK methods provided? (e.g. Wouldn't it be possible for hacker to change email address [not supposed to be allowed in my app after initial registration] & change photo url to point to something inappropriate images?
With Firestore database, I could use security rules to prevent read/writes, but I wasn't sure how I could do something similar in Firebase authentication.
Yes, it's possible for users to get a hold of the token that would be used to call the backend APIs exposed by Firebase Authentication that would normally be used by the SDK. There is no equivalent to database security rules.
The fact of the matter is that users normally should be able to change their email address, as they might actually need to change email provider at some point. If your app doesn't allow this for some reason, and you have a hard requirement to only use the email address provided by the authentication provider(s) you allow, you should consider writing that value to a database at the time the user account is created. Then, use security rules to prevent the user from changing it there. From that point on, you would only ever trust the value initially written to the database, and never use the email address from the auth provider.
You would probably want to handle writing to the database from a Cloud Functions auth onCreate trigger, so that you control all the logic.
I am now facing the same issue, and I think I will just not worry about the 0.01%. This is mostly because if they change their own email with Firebase Authentication via reverse-engineering and my web server is unaware of their new email, this would not have any impact on the other genuine users except maybe not being able to find them (email is only used in searches for now).

Google Calendar API Credentials for WordPress Plugin

I am having some trouble figuring out how I can let users set their API credentials to get read-only data from the Google Calendar API.
I have it set up to use OAuth to allow a fallback. It allows the user to click for an access key to copy over and save.
However, I am finding an issue when I try to make it so users can enter their own API settings.
I tried the same method I used for the fallback, but even if they enter those credentials in they would still need to authenticate it with an access key.
So I guess my question is how can I just include a simple API key to be saved and used to get the data?
I haven't been able to find very many resources or documentation on this so even pointing me in the right direction will be very helpful.
So here is a link to the part of the Calendar API I need to use:
And if you compare it to the top of the page of this API page:
You will see the delete specifies that it requires Authorization, but the List does not. All I need is the list but when I have tried to connect with it without any authorization it does not work. Am I missing something?
If the data is not public, the users will have to authenticate with Google and enter the access code on your plugin configuration. Google Analytics for WP does this, check its source.
I don't see the problem with having the users authenticating, but one alternative is to add support for service account, like the Google Drive WP Media does. In this case users of your plugin will enter the service account email and upload the private key file (I'm not sure if the Drive WP plugin implements it in a secure way).
