Override WooCommerce Shop Site Breadcrumb with Yoast SEO Breadcrumb - wordpress

I tried to remove the WooCommerce Breadcrumbs with this code:
add_action( 'init', 'remove_wc_breadcrumbs' );
function remove_wc_breadcrumbs() {
remove_action( 'woocommerce_before_main_content', 'woocommerce_breadcrumb', 20, 0 );
...which works.
After that I activated the Yoast Seo Plugin Breadcrumbs an placed this code in my theme header.php
<?php if ( function_exists('yoast_breadcrumb') ) {
yoast_breadcrumb('<p id="breadcrumbs">','</p>');
} ?>
...which also works.
The problem appears when I navigate to my "shop-site" which I defined in the WooCommerce settings. The full breadcrumb looks like this
Home > Product
Note: The Page name in WordPress for the "shop-site" is "Test" (not "Product").
I want to override the "Product" in something different. I tried to override it by defining a custom breadcrumb title in the advanced Yoast settings on the wordpress "shop-site" page but it didn't seems to work. Overriding works if the page isn't defined as the "shop-site" in the WooCommerce settings. So I guess some function overwrites the Yoast Breadcrumb override but I can't figure out which function does this.
The same problem appears when I navigate to a single product. Breadcrumb looks like this
Home > Product > Product Name
Again I want to rename the "Product" (only the second crumb here) into something different.
Can someone solve this mysticism?

I fixed it with this code:
add_filter( 'wpseo_breadcrumb_output', 'custom_wpseo_breadcrumb_output' );
function custom_wpseo_breadcrumb_output( $output ){
if( is_product() ){
$from = 'rel="v:url" property="v:title">Product</a>';
$to = 'rel="v:url" property="v:title">New Title</a>';
$output = str_replace( $from, $to, $output );
elseif ( is_shop() ) {
$from = '<span class="breadcrumb_last">Products</span>';
$to = '<span class="breadcrumb_last">New Title</span>';
$output = str_replace( $from, $to, $output );
return $output;

I wonder if there wouldn't be an easier way to change the first "product" into sth like "product category"...
Have you tried in wp-admin:
Go to "Yoast"
Then "SEO settings"
Then "Breadcrumbs" and adapt taxonomies (eg: product > category).


Add blocks to custom location on shop page?

On my woocommerce shop page I want to remove the description/blocks from the all-in-one woocommerce product grid block. Then add them back above it separately for layout reasons.
So I've removed the description like this:
remove_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description', 'woocommerce_product_archive_description', 10 );
Then I thought I could just add it back in with a shortcode block in the archive-product.html template.
add_shortcode('shop_description', 'woocommerce_product_archive_description');
The problem is, this adds it to the very top of document even before the <html> tag, instead of where I put the shortcode block...
I realised the woocommerce_product_archive_description function uses echo and to make it work with a shortcode it needs to instead use return.
So I made a new function for the shortcode and boiled it down to be:
$shop_page = get_post( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) );
$allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' );
$description = wc_format_content( wp_kses( $shop_page->post_content, $allowed_html ) );
if ( $description ) {
return $description;

Woocommerce hook: How to add content inside the feature products on home page?

I'm trying to add the custom message inside the woocommerce website "Featured Product" section.
Like content goes inside the red box:
I've found the hook like below but it does not have any effect:
function homepage() {
echo "test";
I also try below code but that only display message under catalogue page.
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'catalogue_message', 15);
function catalogue_message() {
global $product;
$item_cost = $product->get_price();
if($item_cost != '') {
echo "TEST";
So not sure what's the name of woocommerce hook that can add the custom message on home page - Featured Product section.
Can anyone please let me know the name of the hook.
Try this code to add html after price in featured product.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html', 'theme_add_description_after_or_after_price', 2, 10 );
function theme_add_description_after_or_after_price($price, $product){
$description = ($product->is_featured()) ? 'Your HTML or text' : '';
return $price . $description ;

WooCommerce product short descriptions on a Wordpress page

I use WooCommerce shortcode to show some products on the front page.
Like this [products limit="3" category="my-category" ids="86, 71, 54"].
The front page is a regular WordPress static page. The problem is that it doesn't show product short descriptions. If I use the code below but for is_front_page(), it shows short description of a regular WordPress post (not of the listed products).
function custom_short_description() {
if ( is_product_category() ) {
echo '<div class="custom-short-description">' . get_the_excerpt() . '</div>';
} }
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'custom_short_description', 45 );
Adding to the function
global $post;
$product = get_product($loop->post);
and using
didn't help.
Any ideas how to show product short descriptions?
If you create custom loops, you might want to create variables at the beginning of the loop and then use them:
$product = wc_get_product( $loop->post->ID );
$product_short_description = $product->get_short_description();
$product_url = $product->add_to_cart_url();
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'custom_short_description', 45 );
function custom_short_description() {
if (is_front_page()) {
global $product;
echo '<div class="custom-short-description">' . $product->get_short_description() . '</div>';
This should get you the outcome you're looking for.
Tried and tested WordPress 5.1.

WP woocommerce change "Proceed to checkout" buttons URL

I want to change to URL of the "Proceed to checkout" button. I wanna do this to to check if there's a need for my product, so my customers shouldn't be able to really buy it. Therefore I want to direct them not to the checkout but to a customized page of mine.
Thanks a lot.
It should be available at below path
the best way is the woocommerce hooks
Try to use this code (put it in your functions.php theme file).
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_checkout_url', 'my_change_checkout_url', 30 );
function my_change_checkout_url( $url ) {
$url = "your checkout url ";
return $url;
You can customize it by adding some conditions to change the checkout url
for example:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_checkout_url', 'my_change_checkout_url', 30 );
function my_change_checkout_url( $url ) {
$allowed_countries = array('FR');
$customer_country = WC()->customer->get_default_country();
if( !in_array( $customer_country , $allowed_countries ) ) {
$url = wc_get_page_permalink( 'other-checkout' );
return $url;
Change Proceed To Checkout Text In WooCommerce
* Change Proceed To Checkout Text in WooCommerce
* Place this in your Functions.php file
This is the new method, for version 2.3.8 of WooCommerce and forward.
function woocommerce_button_proceed_to_checkout() {
$checkout_url = WC()->cart->get_checkout_url();
<?php _e( 'Check On Out', 'woocommerce' ); ?>

Remove category base from WordPress url only for specific category

I would like to remove the category base from Wordpress URL only for specific category.
For example, i need to change:
but i want to keep other categories unchanged:
I think that it could be achieved with some .htaccess rule, but I found some generic rules that remove the basic category in all the url.
you can easily achieve this by using Enhanced Custom Permalinks Wp plugin. you just need to go edit the category, yo will see a field to add your custom url.
This can be accomplished with some custom filters & actions.
Try placing this code in your theme's functions.php file:
add_filter( 'post_link', 'custom_permalink', 10, 3 );
function custom_permalink( $permalink, $post, $leavename ) {
// Get the categories for the post
$category = get_the_category($post->ID);
if ( !empty($category) && $category[0]->cat_name == "News" ) {
$permalink = trailingslashit( home_url('/'. $post->post_name .'-'. $post->ID .'/' ) );
return $permalink;
add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', 'custom_rewrite_rules');
function custom_rewrite_rules( $wp_rewrite ) {
// This rule will will match the post id in %postname%-%post_id% struture
$new_rules['^([^/]*)-([0-9]+)/?'] = 'index.php?p=$matches[2]';
$wp_rewrite->rules = $new_rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;
return $wp_rewrite;
This will set up the permalink structure that you want for posts:
You can easily do that without using plugins.
Through Admin panel
go to settings->permalinks and select default to custom
here you know more..
