Verifying Email in Meteor Application - meteor

I am trying to send a verification email to users upon registration. I'm using Accounts.createUser to add users to the database and that works fine without any email verification system. HThen, when I try implementing email verification by using Accounts.sendVerificationEmail, it does not send any email. I have set MAIL_URL and I'm using Mailgun. When I try sending an email within terminal, it sends as expected. I have tried using the process provided here: where the method is server-side and then I use to call that method but that isn't sending the verification email. I have also tried implementing Accounts.onCreateUser() and calling Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(user._id) from within but that is also not sending the email.
In my server code I have the following in the startup function: Accounts.config({sendVerificationEmail: true, forbidClientAccountCreation: false}); I've also noticed that when I add in any kind of email verification code server-side, createUser fails and tells me the username is not defined but works 100% as expected without any email verification.
Here are some links to various sources I have been trying to use in order to get this working:
verify email using accounts.ui package
Meteor 1.3 verify email when creating user
I've also been using the Meteor docs but I can't seem to get it working. I also have installed related packages (email, accounts, accounts-ui). Any help is appreciated!

Thank you to #PankajJatav for asking me to read through the server console more carefully! The problem for me was that I am using mailgun as my smtp service. I was using the default sandbox domain when trying to implement my email verification system but the sandbox domain is only for testing purposes. In order to actually get emails sent, I had to go to mailgun and add in the recipients as an authorized recipient. If you set up mailgun with your own domain right from the start, this shouldn't be an issue.
Once again, thank you to #PankajJatav


Customized email verification success page using Firebase

I am generating email verification using the default Firebase function.
The default email verification success page looks like that:
I want to customize the response page after successful email verification.
Is there a way to do that?
I want to customize the response page after successful email
verification. Is there a way to do that?
Yes, as Frank indicated in his above comment, it is possible and the documentation he refers to explains the mechanism.
As explained in this doc (and also in my other answer :-) ), you need to build a web page in which you will:
Get the values passed as QueryString parameters (e.g. mode or oobCode)
Call, from this web page, the applyActionCode() method of the Firebase JavaScript SDK, passing the values of these parameters to the method.
Upon successful verification, do something, like redirect the user to your app login page.
What's important to note is that you have two ways to generate the email sent to the user (which contains the link to the page described above):
1. Rely on the default Firebase mail mechanism. In order to customize the URL of the verification link (e.g. you want to redirect to you need to change the base URL as shown in the below image ("Customize action URL"). Also explained here in the doc.
2. Send the email through a Cloud Function (or through a server you own). In this case you need to:
a/ Call the generateEmailVerificationLink() method of the Admin SDK, which returns a link
b/ Generate an email containing this link
c/ Send the email to the user (via an SMTP server you control or via a microservice like Mailjet or Sendgrid)
You may have a look at these other answers:
Flutter: Sending Email Verification code through FlutterFire?
How to sign up only the users who have verified thier email addresses using the email link in Firebase javascript?

Is there any way to send a one-time code in firebase to the users email

I have read the functions docs and the authentication codes on the firebase website, but I have no clue if it will be secure or not. I've read the whole of this doc:
They seem to do all the verification on the website but I can't find the verifyPasswordResetCode(actionCode) function in the node.js doc so what way would you go around this?
Basically, if the user forgets their password/needs to verify their email I want the user to go to my website (I've already configured the custom action URL that is sent when the user requests to reset their email to go to ''. I know that the my front end (IOS App) needs to verify the code and then In my functions (that's hosted on my website) I need to reset their password, but how would I securely transfer information from the email to my app, to my website with the function to reset their password with the action code. Or can I do it all on my website instead of where they input their new password on the website? I'm guessing using dynamic links?

Firebase Authentication: Emails sent but not received on special email addresses such as *

I am using Firebase Authentication in my Ionic App. Some users have reported to not receive the verification email which is sent after a user signs up, or when the resendVerificationEmail is triggered.
This works fine for email providers like or, but for those other users with special providers like it's not working. The emails are sent successfully according to firebase but they are never received.
Possibly the emails get filtered?
Has anyone else ran into this problem? The message template can not be modified but would using a custom SMTP server possibly help?
The problem is solved by using my own private SMTP server for sending the Authentication emails.
I am using a hosting service for my domain that comes with email service so I am using that one. Using other services such as Mailgun or Mailjet etc. might also solve the problem.
You can set up your custom SMTP server right in the firebase console under Authentication/Templates.
I had the same problem with others emails providers ( ...). After deeper analysis, it appeared that it is the domain address inside the (generated) link that is detected as SPAM by emails providers (maybe everything that sounds like *
I changed it to a custom one of mine (through Authentication->templates->"Customize action URL" (bottom right)):
and no more problem!
Some doc (note on blue background):

Why would Firebase validation emails not come through TO MY OWN DOMAIN?

I use Firebase Auth for my solutions.
I get validated users every day - it's working.
I just tried to create two new accounts, using dummy email addresses from my own domain (the domain set up to send Firebase validation emails) and I do not receive messages.
That is, I do not receive the typical validation email.
I manually sent a password reset from the Firebase console to both new accounts; one email showed up.
I'm guessing this is a config issue on my hosted server / domain...but I don't know where to start looking.
Again, there is no issue with validation emails going out successfully - just not to the domain used to send those emails!

Meteor Accounts.createUser not sending verification email

I am using Meteor accounts core package to create new users and send them verification email, but I am facing a problem as when I call Accounts.createUser from server side as a method, no verification email is sent, however if I called Accounts.createUser from the client side new accounts are created and a verification link is sent to the client...can someone please tell me what I might be missing / doing wrong here? Thanks
Accounts.createUser({email:, password : adminData.password});
So some clues and tips. Normally Accounts.createUser will not sent out verification emails and that it does that in one case (client side) and not in the other case (server side) is a little strange. Normally it would only sent out verification emails when you have
sendVerificationEmail: true
on the server side (see So first you should check that and maybe that already solves your problem.
When this isn't set the only other way an verification email got sent out should be calling Accounts.sendVerificationEmail (see but this is only possible server side. So to make use of that client side you would need to write a server side method with it and call that via from the client side. However if you can't find your problem you could also use that to work around it by using Accounts.sendVerificationEmail within Accounts.onCreateUser (see on the server side. Or after you call Accounts.createUser server side as at that point you already know the users email address and the account already got created so that should work really well.
Oh and obviously the email package needs to be installed ( but as some mails already get sent out I guess that's the case.
