Two variable function maximization - R code - r

So I'm trying to maximize the likelihood function for a gamma-poisson and I've programmed it into R as the following:
lik<- function(x,t,a,b){
for(i in 1:n){
like[i] =
log(gamma(a + x[i]))-log(gamma(a))
-log(gamma(1+x[i] + x[i]*log(t[i]/b)-(a+x[i])*log(1+t[i]/b)
where x and t are the data, and I have n data rows.
I need a and b to be solved for simultaneously. Does a built in function exist in R? Or do I need to hard code an algorithm to solve the system of equations? [I'd rather not] I know optimize() solves for 1 variable and so does fminbnd(). I'm trying to copy the behavior of FindMaximum() in mathematica. In a perfect world I'd like the code to work something like this:
optimize(f=lik, a>0, b>0, x=x, t=t, maximum=TRUE, iteration=5000)
a 150
b 6

optim's first argument can be a vector of parameters. So you could try something like this:
lik <- function(p=c(1,1), x, t){
# In the body of the function replace a by p[1] and b by p[2]
optim(c(1,1), lik, method = c("L-BFGS-B"), x=x, t=t, control=list(fnscale=-1))

So the solution that ended up working out is:
attempt2d <- optim(
par = c(sumx/sumt, 1), fn = lik, data = data11,
method = "L-BFGS-B", control = list(fnscale = -1, trace=TRUE),
lower=0.1, upper = 170
However my parameters run out to 170, essentially meaning that my gamma parameters are Inf. Because gamma() hits infinity relatively quickly. And in mathematica the solutions are a=169 and b=16505, and R gets nowhere near that maxing out at 170. The known solutions are beyond 170 in some cases any solution for this anomaly?


How to combine two optimization problems in R with optim(.)?

Roughly speaking, I seek to solve a maximation problem in R, where the objective function has the following structure: log[f(theta)*g(theta)]. Thus I want to solve
Max log[f(theta)*g(theta)]
The problem comes from the fact that g(theta) is obtained from another (minimization) problem in theta with restrictions. g(theta) is defined as:
g(theta) = argmin {Min h(x,theta)*g}.
Since h(x,theta) depends on theta, the optimal g that minimizes h(x,theta)*g must be a function of theta.
My approach, so far, has been to first define the function constrOptim(.) such that I can tell R that I want to minimize h(x,theta)*g subject to some restrictions, and then I incorporate that optimal g(.) into the second function (in theta). With this, I use the function optim(.) to try to max log[f(theta)*g(theta)].
Here is my code:
First, the function problem_min, which is a function of theta, gives the optimal g(theta), which is obtained as a solution to the minimization problem with constraints (sol_min).
problem_min <- function(theta_est){
reg_theta_int <- reg_matrix%*%theta_est
for(i in 1:(n*T)){
for (j in 1:length(alpha)){
L_1[i,j] = exp(alpha[j]+reg_theta_int[i])/(1+exp(alpha[j]+reg_theta_int[i]))
y_tilde <- full_data$y - L_1[,1]
L_1_tilde <- L_1[,-1] - L_1[,1]
eval_funct_g <- function(g){
sol_min <- constrOptim(theta = g_int, f = eval_funct_g, grad = NULL, ui = R, ci = r, mu = 1e-04,
method = "Nelder-Mead",
outer.iterations = 100, outer.eps = 1e-05,
hessian = FALSE)
g_theta = c(1-sum(sol_min$par), sol_min$par)
Once I have the optimal g(theta), which is a vector of numbers, I plug in log[f(theta)*g(theta)] to maximize the whole expression using optim(.) :
funct_f_g <- function(theta_est){
full_data$reg_theta_est <- reg_matrix%*%theta_est
for(i in 1:n){
for (j in 1:length(alpha)){
for(t in 1:T){
product[t] = exp(full_data$y[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]*(alpha[j]+full_data$reg_theta_est[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]))/(1+exp(alpha[j]+full_data$reg_theta_est[full_data$t==t & full_data$id==i]))
L_ml[i,j] = prod(product)
sol_ml <- optim(par = theta_int, fn = funct_f_g, method=c("Nelder-Mead"),
lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
hessian = FALSE)
theta_opt <- sol_ml$par
sol_ml intends to solve Max log[f(theta)*g(theta)] while incorporating the fact that g(theta) should be previously chosen optimally.
A variable_int means that it gives an initial value.
When I run the previous code R tells me that the objective function in optim(.) cannot be evaluated. Nevertheless, when I evaluate funct_f_g at some give theta_est it runs perfectly. Thus I think that there is something wrong with the optim(.) function regarding how I am trying to tell R that the problem has the previous structure.
If you have a different approach to approach my problem, or an explanation about what I am not doing correctly, it will be great!
I know that I am not giving a description of all the matrices and operations that are involved in the previous problem. I skip this for simplicity, hoping that the general structure of the problems can be understood.

Nested integration for incomplete convolution of gauss densities

Let g(x) = 1/(2*pi) exp ( - x^2 / 2) be the density of the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. In some calculation on paper appeared integrals of the form
where c>0 is a positive number.
Since I could not evaluate this by hand, I had the idea to approximate and plot it. I tried this in R, because R provides the dnorm function and a function to do integrals.
You see that I need to integrate numerically n times, where n shall be chosed by the call of a plot function. My code has an for-loop to create those "incomplete" convolutions iterativly.
For example even with n=3 and c=1 this gives me an error. n=2 (thus it's one integration) works.
N = 3
ngauss <- function(x) dnorm(x , mean = 0, sd = 1)
convoluts <- list()
convoluts[[1]] <- ngauss
for (i in 2:N) {
h <- function(y) {
g <- function(z) {ngauss(y-z)*convoluts[[i-1]](z)}
return(integrate(g, lower = -1, upper = 1)$value)
h <- Vectorize(h)
convoluts[[i]] <- h
What I get is:
Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion /
I understand that this is a hard computation, but for "small" n something similar should possible.
Maybe someone can help me to fix my code or provide a recommendation how I can implement this in a better way. Another language that is more appropriate for this would be also okay.
The issue appears to be in how integrate deals with variables in different environments. In particular, it doesn't really deal with i correctly in each iteration. Instead using
h <- evalq(function(y) {
g <- function(z) {ngauss(y - z) * convoluts[[i - 1]](z)}
integrate(g, lower = -1, upper = 1)$value
}, list(i = i))
does the job and, say, setting N <- 6 quickly gives
# [1] 0.03423872
As your integration is simply the pdf of a sum of N independent standard normals (which then follows N(0, N)), we may also verify this approach by setting lower = -Inf and upper = Inf. Then with N <- 4 we have
dnorm(0, sd = sqrt(N))
# [1] 0.1994711
# [1] 0.1994711
So, for practical purposes, when c = Inf, you are way better off using dnorm rather than manual computations.

Compute multiple Integral and plot them (with R)

I'm having trouble to compute and then plot multiple integral. It would be great if you could help me.
So I have this function
> f = function(x, mu = 30, s = 12){dnorm(x, mu, s)}
which i want to integrate multiple time between z(1:100) to +Inf to plot that with x=z and y = auc :
> auc = Integrate(f, z, Inf)
R return :
Warning message:
In if (is.finite(lower)) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
I have tested to do a loop :
while(z < 100){
z = 1
auc = integrate(f,z,Inf)
z = z+1}
Doesn't work either ... don't know what to do
(I'm new to R , so I'm already sorry if it is really easy .. )
Thanks for your help :) !
There is no need to do the integrating by hand. pnorm gives the integral from negative infinity to the input for the normal density. You can get the upper tail instead by modifying the lower.tail parameter
z <- 1:100
y <- pnorm(z, mean = 30, sd = 12, lower.tail = FALSE)
plot(z, y)
If you're looking to integrate more complex functions then using integrate will be necessary - but if you're just looking to find probabilities for distributions then there will most likely be a function built in that does the integration for you directly.
Your problem is actually somewhat subtle, and in a certain sense gets to the core of how R works, so here is a slightly longer explanation.
R is a "vectorized" language, which means that just about everything works on vectors. If I have 2 vectors A and B, then A+B is the element-by-element sum of A and B. Nearly all R functions work this way also. If X is a vector, then Y <- exp(X) is also a vector, where each element of Y is the exponential of the corresponding element of X.
The function integrate(...) is one of the few functions in R that is not vectorized. So when you write:
f <- function(x, mu = 30, s = 12){dnorm(x, mu, s)}
auc <- integrate(f, z, Inf)
the integrate(...) function does not know what to do with z when it is a vector. So it takes the first element and complains. Hence the warning message.
There is a special function in R, Vectorize(...) that turns scalar functions into vectorized functions. You would use it this way:
f <- function(x, mu = 30, s = 12){dnorm(x, mu, s)}
auc <- Vectorize(function(z) integrate(f,z,Inf)$value)
z <- 1:100
plot(z,auc(z), type="l") # plot lines

How extreme values of a functional can be found using R?

I have a functional like this :
(LaTex formula: $v[y]=\int_0^2 (y'^2+23yy'+12y^2+3ye^{2t})dt$)
with given start and end conditions y(0)=-1, y(2)=18.
How can I find extreme values of this functional in R? I realize how it can be done for example in Excel but didn't find appropriate solution in R.
Before trying to solve such a task in a numerical setting, it might be better to lean back and think about it for a moment.
This is a problem typically treated in the mathematical discipline of "variational calculus". A necessary condition for a function y(t) to be an extremum of the functional (ie. the integral) is the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation, see
Calculus of Variations at Wolfram Mathworld.
Applying it to f(t, y, y') as the integrand in your request, I get (please check, I can easily have made a mistake)
y'' - 12*y + 3/2*exp(2*t) = 0
You can go now and find a symbolic solution for this differential equation (with the help of a textbook, or some CAS), or solve it numerically with the help of an R package such as 'deSolve'.
PS: Solving this as an optimization problem based on discretization is possible, but may lead you on a long and stony road. I remember solving the "brachistochrone problem" to a satisfactory accuracy only by applying several hundred variables (not in R).
Here is a numerical solution in R. First the functional:
Now the function that does the actual optimization. The best results I got were using the BFGS optimization method, and parametrizing using dy rather than y:
findMinY<-function(points=100, ## number of points of evaluation
boundary=c(-1,18), ## boundary values
y0=NULL, ## optional initial value
method="Nelder-Mead", ## optimization method
dff=T) ## if TRUE, optimizes based on dy rather than y
if(is.null(y0) || length(y0)!=points)
With 500 points of evaluation, it only takes a few seconds with BFGS:
> system.time(yy<-findMinY(500,method="BFGS"))
Iterations: 90 18
user system elapsed
2.696 0.000 2.703
The resulting function looks like this:
And now a solution that numerically integrates the Euler equation.
As #HansWerner pointed out, this problem boils down to applying the Euler-Lagrange equation to the integrand in OP's question, and then solving that differential equation, either analytically or numerically. In this case the relevant ODE is
y'' - 12*y = 3/2*exp(2*t)
subject to:
y(0) = -1
y(2) = 18
So this is a boundary value problem, best approached using bvpcol(...) in package bvpSolve.
F <- function(t,, pars){
dy <-[2]
d2y <- 12*[1] + 1.5*exp(2*t)
init <- c(-1,NA)
end <- c(18,NA)
t <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.01)
sol <- bvpcol(yini = init, yend = end, x = t, func = F)
y = function(t){ # analytic solution...
b <- sqrt(12)
a <- 1.5/(4-b*b)
u <- exp(2*b)
C1 <- ((18*u + 1) - a*(exp(4)*u-1))/(u*u - 1)
C2 <- -1 - a - C1
return(a*exp(2*t) + C1*exp(b*t) + C2*exp(-b*t))
plot(t,y(t), type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), col="red", main="Analytical Solution")
plot(sol[,1],sol[,2], type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), xlab="t", ylab="y(t)", main="Numerical Solution")
It turns out that in this very simple example, there is an analytical solution:
y(t) = a * exp(2*t) + C1 * exp(sqrt(12)*t) + C2 * exp(-sqrt(12)*t)
where a = -3/16 and C1 and C2 are determined to satisfy the boundary conditions. As the plots show, the numerical and analytic solution agree completely, and also agree with the solution provided by #mrip

Fitting an inverse function

I have a function which looks like:
g(x) = f(x) - a^b / f(x)^b
g(x) - known function, data vector provided.
f(x) - hidden process.
a,b - parameters of this function.
From the above we get the relation:
f(x) = inverse(g(x))
My goal is to optimize parameters a and b such that f(x) would be as close as possible
to a normal distribution. If we look on a f(x) Q-Q normal plot (attached), my purpose is to minimize the distance between f(x) to the straight line which represents the normal distribution, by optimizing parameters a and b.
I wrote the below code:
g_fun <- function(x) {x - a^b/x^b}
inverse = function (f, lower = 0, upper = 2000) {
function (y) uniroot((function (x) f(x) - y), lower = lower, upper = upper)[1]
f_func = inverse(function(x) g_fun(x))
enter code here
# let's made up an example
# g(x) values are known
g <- c(-0.016339, 0.029646, -0.0255258, 0.003352, -0.053258, -0.018971, 0.005172,
0.067114, 0.026415, 0.051062)
# Calculate f(x) by using the inverse of g(x), when a=a0 and b=b0
for (i in 1:10) {
f[i] <- f_fun(g[i])
I have two question:
How to pass parameters a and b to the functions?
How to perform this optimization task, meaning find a and b such that f(x) would approximate normal distribution.
Not sure how you were able to produce the Q-Q plot since your provided examples do not work. You are not specifying the values of a and b and you are defining f_func but calling f_fun. Anyway here is my answer to your questions:
How to pass parameters a and b to the functions? - Just pass them as
arguments to the functions.
How to perform this optimization task, meaning find a and b such that f(x) would approximate normal distribution? - The same way any optimization task is done. Define a cost function, then minimize it.
Here is the revised code: I have added a and b as parameters, removed the inverse function and incorporated it inside f_func, which can now take vector input so no need for a for loop.
g_fun <- function(x,a,b) {x - a^b/x^b}
f_func = function(y,a,b,lower = 0, upper = 2000){
sapply(y,function(z) { uniroot(function(x) g_fun(x,a,b) - z, lower = lower, upper = upper)$root})
# g(x) values are known
g <- c(-0.016339, 0.029646, -0.0255258, 0.003352, -0.053258, -0.018971, 0.005172,
0.067114, 0.026415, 0.051062)
f <- f_func(g,1,1) # using a = 1 and b = 1
#[1] 0.9918427 1.0149329 0.9873386 1.0016774 0.9737270 0.9905320 1.0025893
#[8] 1.0341199 1.0132947 1.0258569
[1] 1.876408 1.880554 1.875578 1.878138 1.873094 1.876170 1.878304 1.884049
[9] 1.880256 1.882544
Now for the optimization part, it depends on what you mean by f(x) would approximate normal distribution. You can compare mean square error from the qq-line if you want. Also since you say approximate, how close is good enough? You can go with shapiro.test and keep searching till you find p-value below 0.05 (be ware that there may not be a solution)
[1] 0.9484821
cost <- function(x,y) shapiro.test(f_func(g,x,y))$p
Now that we have a cost function how do we go about minimizing it. There are many many different ways to do numerical optimization. Take a look at optim function
This final line does not work, but without proper data and context this is as far as I can go. Hope this helps.
