R - Converting one table to multiple table - r

I have a csv file called data.csv that contains 3 tables all merged in just one. I would like to separate them in 3 different data.frame when I import it to R.
So far this is what I have got after running this code:
df <- read.csv("data.csv")
Name Score
Maria 18
Bob 25
Paul 27
Country Score
Italy 65
India 99
United 88
Sub region
City Score
Paris 77
New 55
Rio 78
How can I split them in such a way that I get this result:
Name Score
Maria 18
Bob 25
Paul 27
Country Score
Italy 65
India 99
United 88
City Score
Paris 77
New 55
Rio 78

One option would be to read the dataset with readLines, create a grouping variable ('grp') based on the location of 'Student', 'Region', 'Sub region' in the 'lines', split it and read it with read.table
i1 <- trimws(lines) %in% c("Student", "Region", "Sub region")
grp <- cumsum(i1)
lst <- lapply(split(lines[!i1], grp[!i1]), function(x)
read.table(text=x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=TRUE))
# Name Score
#1 Maria 18
#2 Bob 25
#3 Paul 27
# Country Score
#1 Italy 65
#2 India 99
#3 United 88
# City Score
#1 Paris 77
#2 New 55
#3 Rio 78
lines <- readLines("data.csv")


How to create a Markdown table with different column lengths based on a dataframe in long format in R?

I'm working on a R Markdown file that I would like to submit as a manuscript to an academic journal. I would like to create a table that shows which three words (item2) co-occur most frequently with some keywords (item1). Note that some key words have more than three co-occurring words. The data that I am currently working with:
item1 <- c("water","water","water","water","water","sun","sun","sun","sun","moon","moon","moon")
item2 <- c("tree","dog","cat","fish","eagle","bird","table","bed","flower","house","desk","tiger")
n <- c("200","83","34","34","34","300","250","77","77","122","46","46")
df <- data.frame(item1,item2,n)
Which gives this dataframe:
item1 item2 n
1 water tree 200
2 water dog 83
3 water cat 34
4 water fish 34
5 water eagle 34
6 sun bird 300
7 sun table 250
8 sun bed 77
9 sun flower 77
10 moon house 122
11 moon desk 46
12 moon tiger 46
Ultimately, I would like to pass the data to the function papaja::apa_table, which requires a data.frame (or a matrix / list). I therefore need to reshape the data.
My question:
How can I reshape the data (preferably with dplyr) to get the following structure?
water_item2 water_n sun_item2 sun_n moon_item2 moon_n
1 tree 200 bird 300 house 122
2 dog 83 table 250 desk 46
3 cat 34 bed 77 tiger 46
4 fish 34 flower 77 <NA> <NA>
5 eagle 34 <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
We can borrow an approach from an old answer of mine to a different question, and modify a classic gather(), unite(), spread() strategy by creating unique identifiers by group to avoid duplicate identifiers, then dropping that variable:
item1 <- c("water","water","water","water","water","sun","sun","sun","sun","moon","moon","moon")
item2 <- c("tree","dog","cat","fish","eagle","bird","table","bed","flower","house","desk","tiger")
n <- c("200","83","34","34","34","300","250","77","77","122","46","46")
# Owing to Richard Telford's excellent comment,
# I use data_frame() (or equivalently for our purposes,
# data.frame(..., stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
# to avoid turning the strings into factors
df <- data_frame(item1,item2,n)
df %>%
group_by(item1) %>%
mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
gather(temp, val, item2, n) %>%
unite(temp2, item1, temp, sep = '_') %>%
spread(temp2, val) %>%
# A tibble: 5 x 6
moon_item2 moon_n sun_item2 sun_n water_item2 water_n
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 house 122 bird 300 tree 200
2 desk 46 table 250 dog 83
3 tiger 46 bed 77 cat 34
4 NA NA flower 77 fish 34
5 NA NA NA NA eagle 34

Best method to Merge two Datasets (Maybe if function?)

I have two data sets I am working with. Datasets TestA and Test B (Below is how to make them in R)
Instructor <- c('Mr.A','Mr.A','Mr.B', 'Mr.C', 'Mr.D')
Class <- c('French','French','English', 'Math', 'Geometry')
Section <- c('1','2','3','5','5')
Time <- c('9:00-10:00','10:00-11:00','9:00-10:00','9:00-10:00','10:00-11:00')
Date <- c('MWF','MWF','TR','TR','MWF')
Enrollment <- c('30','40','24','29','40')
TestA <- data.frame(Instructor,Class,Section,Time,Date,Enrollment)
Student <- c("Frances","Cass","Fern","Pat","Peter","Kory","Cole")
ID <- c('123','121','101','151','456','789','314')
Instructor <- c('','','','','','','')
Time <- c('','','','','','','')
Date <- c('','','','','','','')
Enrollment <- c('','','','','','','')
Class <- c('French','French','French','French','English', 'Math', 'Geometry')
Section <- c('1','1','2','2','3','5','5')
TestB <- data.frame(Student, ID, Instructor, Class, Section, Time, Date, Enrollment)
I would like to merge both datasets (If possible, without using merge() ) So that All the columns of Test A are filled with the information provided by TestB and it should be added depending on the Class and Section.
I tried using merge(TestA, TestB, by=c('Class','Section'), all.x=TRUE) but it adds observations to the original TestA. This is just a test but in the datasets I am using there are hundreds of observations. It worked when I did it with these smaller frames but something is happening to the bigger set. That's why I'd like to know if there is a merge alternative.
Any ideas on how to do this?
The output should look like this
Class Section Instructor Time Date Enrollment Student ID
English 3 Mr.B 9:00-10:00 TR 24 Peter 456
French 1 Mr.A 9:00-10:00 MWF 30 Frances 123
French 1 Mr.A 9:00-10:00 MWF 30 Cass 121
French 2 Mr.A 10:00-11:00 MWF 40 Fern 101
French 2 Mr.A 10:00-11:00 MWF 40 Pat 151
Geometry 5 Mr.D 10:00-11:00 MWF 40 Cole 314
Math 5 Mr.C 9:00-10:00 TR 29 Kory 789
I was once a big fan of merge() until I learned about dplyr's join functions.
Try this instead:
TestA %>%
left_join(TestB, by = c("Class", "Section")) %>% #Here, you're joining by just the "Class" and "Section" columns of TestA and TestB
Instructor = Instructor.x,
Time = Time.x,
Date = Date.x,
Enrollment = Enrollment.x,
ID) %>%
arrange(Class, Section) #Added to match your output.
The select statement is keeping only those columns that are specifically named and, in some cases, renaming them.
Class Section Instructor Time Date Enrollment Student ID
1 English 3 Mr.B 9:00-10:00 TR 24 Peter 456
2 French 1 Mr.A 9:00-10:00 MWF 30 Frances 123
3 French 1 Mr.A 9:00-10:00 MWF 30 Cass 121
4 French 2 Mr.A 10:00-11:00 MWF 40 Fern 101
5 French 2 Mr.A 10:00-11:00 MWF 40 Pat 151
6 Geometry 5 Mr.D 10:00-11:00 MWF 40 Cole 314
7 Math 5 Mr.C 9:00-10:00 TR 29 Kory 789
The key is to drop the empty but duplicate columns from TestB before merging / joining as shown by SymbolixAU.
Here is an implementation in data.table syntax:
setDT(TestB)[, .(Student, ID, Class, Section)][setDT(TestA), on = .(Class, Section)]
Student ID Class Section Instructor Time Date Enrollment
1: Frances 123 French 1 Mr.A 9:00-10:00 MWF 30
2: Cass 121 French 1 Mr.A 9:00-10:00 MWF 30
3: Fern 101 French 2 Mr.A 10:00-11:00 MWF 40
4: Pat 151 French 2 Mr.A 10:00-11:00 MWF 40
5: Peter 456 English 3 Mr.B 9:00-10:00 TR 24
6: Kory 789 Math 5 Mr.C 9:00-10:00 TR 29
7: Cole 314 Geometry 5 Mr.D 10:00-11:00 MWF 40

R how to avoid "for" when I want to go through dataframe

give a brief example.
I have data frame data1.
which mean the people is from different countries
each people is specialize by his name and country, and no repeat.
the second data frame is
every people is promised to have 5 rows in data2, which means they have 5 scores but they are in random order.
what I want to do is to know every person's 5 scores, but I didn't care what his name is and where he is from.
the final data frame I want to have is
score1 score2 score3 score4 score5
1 89 89 87 78 90
2 ...
3 ...
every row represent one person 5 scores but I don't care who he is.
my data number is so large so I can not use for function.
what can I do?
Although there is an already accepted answer which uses base R I would like to suggest a solution which uses the convenient dcast() function for reshaping from wide to long form instead of using tapply() and repeated calls to rbind():
library(data.table) # CRAN version 1.10.4 used
dcast(setDT(data2)[setDT(data1), on = c(name2 = "name", nationality2 = "nationality")],
name2 + nationality2 ~ paste0("score", rowid(rleid(name2, nationality2))),
value.var = "score")
name2 nationality2 score1 score2 score3 score4 score5
1: Amy Canada 93 91 73 8 79
2: John America 3 77 69 89 31
3: Mike Canada 76 92 46 47 75
It seems to me that's what you're asking:
data1 <- data.frame(name = c("John","Mike","Amy"),
nationality = c("America","Canada","Canada"))
data2 <- data.frame(name2 = rep(c("John","Mike","Amy","Jack","John"),each = 5),
score = sample(100,25), nationality2 =rep(c("America","Canada","Canada","Canada","Canada"),each = 5))
data3 <- merge(data2,data1,by.x=c("name2","nationality2"),by.y=c("name","nationality"))
data3$name_country <- paste(data3$name2,data3$nationality2)
all_scores_list <- tapply(data3$score,data3$name_country,c)
# V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
# Amy Canada 57 69 90 81 50
# John America 4 92 75 15 2
# Mike Canada 25 86 51 20 12

Convert one column into multiple columns

I am a novice. I have a data set with one column and many rows. I want to convert this column into 5 columns. For example my data set looks like this:
Metro Area
Urban Area
New york
The output should look like this
City | Nation | Area | Metro City | Urban Area
----- ------- ------ ------------ -----------
Shangai China 2400000 1230040 4244234
New york America 343423 23423434 343434
The first 5 rows of the data set (City, Nation,Area, etc) need to be the names of the 5 columns and i want the rest of the data to get populated under these 5 columns. Please help.
Here is a one liner (considering that your column is character, i.e. df$column <- as.character(df$column))
setNames(data.frame(matrix(unlist(df[-c(1:5),]), ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)), c(unlist(df[1:5,])))
# City Nation Area Metro_Area Urban_Area
#1 Shanghai China 24,000,000 1230040 4244234
#2 New_york America 343423 23423434 343434
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the data you're after is from the URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_cities.
If this is the case, I would suggest you actually try re-reading the data (not sure how you got the data into R in the first place) since that would probably make your life easier.
Here's one way to read the data in:
URL <- "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_cities"
XPATH <- '//*[#id="mw-content-text"]/table[2]'
cities <- URL %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath=XPATH) %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
Here's what the data currently looks like. Still needs to be cleaned up (notice that some of the columns which had names in merged cells from "rowspan" and the sorts):
## City Nation Image Population Population Population
## 1 Image City proper Metropolitan area Urban area[7]
## 2 Shanghai China 24,256,800[8] 34,750,000[9] 23,416,000[a]
## 3 Karachi Pakistan 23,500,000[10] 25,400,000[11] 25,400,000
## 4 Beijing China 21,516,000[12] 24,900,000[13] 21,009,000
## 5 Dhaka Bangladesh 16,970,105[14] 15,669,000 18,305,671[15][not in citation given]
## 6 Delhi India 16,787,941[16] 24,998,000 21,753,486[17]
From there, the cleanup might be like:
cities <- cities[[1]][-1, ]
names(cities) <- c("City", "Nation", "Image", "Pop_City", "Pop_Metro", "Pop_Urban")
cities["Image"] <- NULL
cities[] <- lapply(cities, function(x) type.convert(gsub("\\[.*|,", "", x)))
# City Nation Pop_City Pop_Metro Pop_Urban
# 2 Shanghai China 24256800 34750000 23416000
# 3 Karachi Pakistan 23500000 25400000 25400000
# 4 Beijing China 21516000 24900000 21009000
# 5 Dhaka Bangladesh 16970105 15669000 18305671
# 6 Delhi India 16787941 24998000 21753486
# 7 Lagos Nigeria 16060303 13123000 21000000
# 'data.frame': 163 obs. of 5 variables:
# $ City : Factor w/ 162 levels "Abidjan","Addis Ababa",..: 133 74 12 41 40 84 66 148 53 102 ...
# $ Nation : Factor w/ 59 levels "Afghanistan",..: 13 41 13 7 25 40 54 31 13 25 ...
# $ Pop_City : num 24256800 23500000 21516000 16970105 16787941 ...
# $ Pop_Metro: int 34750000 25400000 24900000 15669000 24998000 13123000 13520000 37843000 44259000 17712000 ...
# $ Pop_Urban: num 23416000 25400000 21009000 18305671 21753486 ...

Reducing rows and expanding columns of data.frame in R

I have this data.frame in R.
> a <- data.frame(year = c(2001,2001,2001,2001), country = c("Japan", "Japan","US","US"), type = c("a","b","a","b"), amount = c(35,67,39,45))
> a
year country type amount
1 2001 Japan a 35
2 2001 Japan b 67
3 2001 US a 39
4 2001 US b 45
How should I transform this into a data.frame that looks like this?
year country type.a type.b
1 2001 Japan 35 67
2 2001 US 39 45
Basically I want the number of rows to be the number of (year x country) pairs, and I want to create additional columns for each type.
base solution, but requires renaming columns and rows
reshape(a, v.names="amount", timevar="type", idvar="country", direction="wide")
year country amount.a amount.b
1 2001 Japan 35 67
3 2001 US 39 45
reshape2 solution
dcast(a, year+country ~ paste("type", type, sep="."), value.var="amount")
year country type.a type.b
1 2001 Japan 35 67
2 2001 US 39 45
Another way would be to use spread in the tidyr package and rename in the dplyr package to deliver the expected outcome.
spread(a,type, amount) %>%
rename(type.a = a, type.b = b)
# year country type.a type.b
#1 2001 Japan 35 67
#2 2001 US 39 45
