SQLITE UPDATE query replicating rows - sqlite

I have an update query that when I run it instead of matching each unique row it is replicating the same row through the entire column.
Any help would be massively appreciated.
I have got
SET Column1 = (SELECT Column1 FROM [Table2] WHERE Column2 = [Table2].Column2)

[Table2].Column2 referes to the column in Table2.
Column2 refers to the column in some table that has such a column. The innermost such table is Table2.
So this ends up being the same as Table2.Column2 = Table2.Column2.
To refer to the column in Table1, specify that table:
SET Column1 = (SELECT Column1
FROM Table2
WHERE Table2.Column2 = Table1.Column2);


Update table if any value =

I'm trying to update my table if any value from table1 = value from table2
Table1 as 1 column with data
Table2 as many columns with data
If table2(data) = table1(data) update
But isn't working
I had one code that was working if i set table2 with 1 column
This one is working but table2 needs to have 1 column only
UPDATE table1
SET column1 = 'correct'
WHERE column2 in (SELECT column1 from table2);
I want to be able to do having more column
maybe something like this:
SET column1 = 'correct'
WHERE column2 in (SELECT * from table2);
The error:
Result: sub-select returns 11 columns - expected 1
How should I do it?
Maybe you can do it with EXISTS:
UPDATE table1
SET column1 = 'correct'
SELECT 1 FROM table2
WHERE table1.somecolumn = table2.someothercolumn
If you want to check table1.someothercolumn against multiple columns of table2:
UPDATE table1
SET column1 = 'correct'
SELECT 1 FROM table2
WHERE table1.somecolumn in (table2.col1, table2.col2, ...)

I need to create an Oracle query listing my table names followed by column names

Do you know how to create an Oracle query that will list my table name, followed by all the column names in that table? I have 5 tables in total.
Something like:
I'm hard-pressed to imagine why you would want a single-column result that doesn't do anything to differentiate between what is a column name and what is a table name. You can do something like
select pseudo_column_name
from (
select table_name, table_name pseudo_column_name, 0 column_id
from user_tables
union all
select table_name, column_name, column_id
from user_tab_columns
order by table_name, column_id

Update one column in table1 from value in table2

I am trying to update one column in table1 from a column in table2. Here
is what i am doing but i am getting an ORA error.
ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row.
update table1 a
set a.art_num = (
select b.art_num from table2 b
where a.comp_id = b.comp_id );
Thanks so much in advance!
This happens because your subquery returns more than one result.
You should check this one:
select b.art_num
from table2 b
where a.comp_id = b.comp_id
You could try to select DISTINCT (search for distinct in the link for documentation) on the subquery:
update table1 a
set a.art_num = (
select distinct(b.art_num)
from table2 b
where a.comp_id = b.comp_id );

join 2 tables with update, but only rows with matching value

I am having two tables which i wish to join.
I am not using foreign keys.
table structure table1
table structure table2
I am using now following command:
update table1 set val1=(SELECT val2 FROM table2 WHERE table1.id LIKE table2.id)
How can i force sqlite not to insert a value in table1 if an id does not exist in table2?
To use exact comparisons, use = instead of LIKE.
To update only those rows where a match is found, use a WHERE clause:
SET val1 = (SELECT val2
FROM Table2
WHERE Table1.id = Table2.id)
WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM Table2);
If you omit the WHERE clause, rows without a match get updated with a NULL value.

Selecting records from subquery on multiple columns

I'd like to do something like this:
Suppose I have two tables, myTable1 and myTable2. Suppose both of these tables have columns myColumn1 and myColumn2.
myTable1.myFlagColumn = 1
myTable1.myColumn1, myTable1.myColumn2
(select myTable2.myColumn1, myTable2.myColumn2 from myTable2)
Essentially, I want to change a value in myTable1 if there are any rows where the two columns in myTable1 and myTable2 match.
Is this possible?
Yes, but you will use an EXISTS clause:
myTable1.myFlagColumn = 1
(select * FROM myTable2 WHERE myTable2.myColumn1 = myTable1.myColumn1
AND myTable2.myColumn2 = myTable1.myColumn2)
