My question seems pretty straight forward but for some reason I haven't found any answer yet. :(
I build a shiny app and I want to use a download button for the computed matrices. Is there any way to use write.csv in order to download a .csv with multiple tabs (for different matrices), so the user isn't forced to download 3-4 different files?
Thank you in advance
Adding to all the comments, XLConnect is a good idea. The download handler code would be:
output$dwnld <- donwloadHandler(
filename = "xyz.xlsx"
content = function(file) {
wb <- loadWorkbook(file, create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name="x")
createSheet(wb, name="y")
writeWorkSheet(wb, data=df_x, sheet=x, header=TRUE)
writeWorkSheet(wb, data=df_y, sheet=y, header=TRUE)
I'm able to add a dataframe to excel as a separate sheet. However, I want to be able to add a .CSV file that is already created as a sheet.
Code that works to add dataframe as a sheet:
write.xlsx(dataframe, file = excelFileName,
sheetName=excelsheetname, append=TRUE,row.names = FALSE)
I need to be able to replicate the same thing as above. However, instead of a dataframe, it is a .CSV file. Is there a solution?
It seems like the only step missing in your solution is to first read the CSV file into a dataframe using read.csv or read.table:
dataframe <- read.csv(csv)
write.xlsx(dataframe, file = excelFileName,
sheetName=excelsheetname, append=TRUE,row.names = FALSE)
If you specifically want to add a csv to an excel sheet without first reading it in then that is another story, and you should clarify it in your question.
The following works and suits my needs.
csvDF = read.csv(file = csvFileName, = 1,stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
write.xlsx(csvDF , file = excelFileName,sheetName=sheetNameInfo, append=TRUE,row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
To start, here is a template that you can use to import an Excel file into R:
read_excel("Path where your Excel file is stored\\File Name.xlsx")
And if you want to import a specific sheet within the Excel file, then you may use this template:
read_excel("Path where your Excel file is stored\\File Name.xlsx",sheet = "Your sheet name")
Note: In the R Console, type the following command to install the readxl package:
I am using "openxlsx" package to read and write excel files. I have a fixed file with a sheet called "Data" which is used by formulas in other sheets. I want to update this Data sheet without touching the other.
I am trying the following code:
write.xlsx(x = Rev_4, file = "Revenue.xlsx", sheetName="Data")
But this erases the excel file and creates a new one with just the new data in the "Data" sheet while all else gets deleted. Any Advice?
Try this:
wb <- loadWorkbook("Revenue.xlsx")
writeData(wb, sheet = "Data", Rev_4, colNames = F)
saveWorkbook(wb,"Revenue.xlsx",overwrite = T)
You need to load the complete workbook, then modify its data and then save it to disk. With writeData you can also specify the starting row and column. And you could also modify other sections before saving to disk.
I've found this package. It depends on openxlsx and helps to insert many sheets on a xlsx file. Maybe it makes easier:
Package documentation
# However, be careful, the function xlsx2dfs assumes
# that all sheets contain simple tables. If that is not the case,
# use the accepted answer!
dfs <- xlsx2dfs("Revenue.xlsx") # all sheets of file as list of dfs
dfs["Data"] <- Rev_4 # replace df of sheet "Data" by updated df Rev_4
dfs2xlsx(dfs, "Revenue.xlsx") # this overwrites the existing file! cave!
How can i append my R outputs in a single sheet of xlsx file? I am currently working on web crawling wherein i need to scrap the user reviews from website and save it in my deskstop in xlsx format. I need to every time change the website url(as user reviews are in different pages) in my code and save the output in one sheet of xlsx file.
Can you please help me with the code of appending outputs in a single sheet of xlsx file? Below is the code which i am using: Every time i need to change the website url and run the same below code and save the corresponding output in a single sheet of mydata.xlsx
htmlpage <- html("")
proshtml <- html_nodes(htmlpage, ".pros")
pros <- html_text(proshtml)
write.xlsx(data, "D:/mydata.xlsx", append=TRUE)
A trivial, but super-slow way:
If you only need to add (a few) row(s) to an existing Excel file, and it only has one sheet to which you want to append, you can just do a simple read => overwrite step:
SHEET.NAME <- '...' # fill in with yours <- read.xlsx(file, sheetName = SHEET.NAME) <- rbind(, data)
write.xlsx(, file, sheetName = SHEET.NAME, row.names = F, append = F)
It's quite slow in general, will work only for small scale
read.xlsx is a slow function. Try read.xlsx2 to make it much faster (see the difference in the docs)
If your R process is run once and keeps working for a long time, obviously don't do it this way (reading and overwriting a file is ridiculous in that case)
look at package xlsx.
?write.xlsx will show you what you want. append=TRUE is the key.
========= EDIT TO CORRECT =========
As #Jakub pointed out, append=TRUE adds another worksheet to the file.
========= EDIT TO ADD: ANOTHER METHOD ==========
Another method is to save the data to a .csv file, which could easily open from excel. In this case, the append=T works as expected (adding to the existing sheet):
Has anyone tried using the download handler in R Shiny to download a freshly created Excel file with XLConnect?
In the ui.R there is the unremarkable line:
downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download')
In the server.R there is the handler:
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() { "output.xlsx" },
content = function(file){
wb <- loadWorkbook(file, create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name = "Sheet1")
writeWorksheet(wb, c(1:3), sheet = "Sheet1") # writes numbers 1:3 in file
I have no problem downloading a .csv and no problem creating the excel file with XLConnect. But when I run the code as above I get the following error in my Chrome browser:
IllegalArgumentException (Java): File extension "file1b683b9323bc" not
supported! Only *.xls and *.xlsx are allowed!
As far as I can see, XLConnect cannot write to a temporary file.
Has anyone got a solution or workaround?
One option would be to save the file in a specific location and then creating a download link pointing to it. However, this is not very Shiny-esque as multiple users would cause havok.
Many Thanks
Try using this for the content(...) function; it works for me...
content = function(file){
fname <- paste(file,"xlsx",sep=".")
wb <- loadWorkbook(fname, create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name = "Sheet1")
writeWorksheet(wb, c(1:3), sheet = "Sheet1") # writes numbers 1:3 in file
The problem is that file is a randomly generated temp file, without an extension, whereas saveWorkbook(...) requires the .xlsx extension. So this just appends .xlsx to file and uses that for all the XLConnect manipulations, then renames the final file to the original name (e.g., strips off the extension).
I am writing code to export database from R into Excel, I have been trying others code including:
write.table(ALBERTA1, "D:/ALBERTA1.txt", sep="\t")
your_filename_in_R = read.csv("ALBERTA1.csv")
your_filename_in_R = read.csv("ALBERTA1.csv")
write.csv(df, file = "ALBERTA1.csv")
your_filename_in_R = read.csv("ALBERTA1.csv")
write.csv(ALBERTA1, "ALBERTA1.csv")
write.table(ALBERTA1, 'clipboard', sep='\t')
write.table(as.matrix(vecm.pred$fcst$Alberta_Females[,1]), "vecm.pred$fcst$Alberta_Females[,1].txt")
write.xlsx(ALBERTA2, "/ALBERTA2.xlsx")
write.table(ALBERTA1, "D:/ALBERTA1.txt", sep="\t").
Other users of this forum advised me this:
write.csv2(ALBERTA1, "ALBERTA1.csv")
write.table(kt, "D:/kt.txt", sep="\t", row.names=FALSE)
You can see on the pictures the outcome I have got from the code above. But this numbers can't be used to make any further operations such as addition with other matrices.
Has someone experienced this kind of problems?
Another option is the openxlsx-package. It doesn't depend on java and can read, edit and write Excel-files. From the description from the package:
openxlsx simplifies the the process of writing and styling Excel xlsx files from R and removes the dependency on Java
Example usage:
# read data from an Excel file or Workbook object into a data.frame
df <- read.xlsx('name-of-your-excel-file.xlsx')
# for writing a data.frame or list of data.frames to an xlsx file
write.xlsx(df, 'name-of-your-excel-file.xlsx')
Besides these two basic functions, the openxlsx-package has a host of other functions for manipulating Excel-files.
For example, with the writeDataTable-function you can create formatted tables in an Excel-file.
Recently used xlsx package, works well.
write.xlsx(x, file, sheetName="Sheet1")
where x is a data.frame
writexl, without Java requirement:
# install.packages("writexl")
tempfile <- write_xlsx(iris)
The WriteXLS function from the WriteXLS package can write data to Excel.
Alternatively, write.xlsx from the xlsx package will also work.
One could also use the readODS package. Granted it doesn't produce an .xlsx, but Excel can read Open Document Spreadsheet (ODS) / LibreOffice files too.
tmp = file.path(tempdir(), 'iris.ods')
write_ods(iris, tmp)
If I might offer an alternative, you could also save your dataframe in a regular csv file, and then use the "get data" function within Excel to import the dataframe. This worked like a charm for me, and you need not bother with any excel packages in R.
Here is a way to write data from a dataframe into an excel file by different IDs and into different tabs (sheets) by another ID associated to the first level id. Imagine you have a dataframe that has email_address as one column for a number of different users, but each email has a number of 'sub-ids' that have all the data.
data <- tibble(id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), email_address = c(rep('',3), rep('', 3), rep('', 3)))
So ids 1,2,3 would be associated with The following code splits the data by email and then puts 1,2,3 into different tabs. The important thing is to set append = True when writing the .xlsx file.
temp_dir <- tempdir()
for(i in unique(data$email_address)){
data %>%
filter(email_address == i) %>%
arrange(id) -> subset_data
for(j in unique(subset_data$id)){
write.xlsx(subset_data %>% filter(id == j),
file = str_c(temp_dir,"/your_filename_", str_extract(i, pattern = "\\b[A-Za-z0-
9._%+-]+"),'_', Sys.Date(), '.xlsx'),
sheetName = as.character(j),
append = TRUE)}
The regex gets the name from the email address and puts it into the file-name.
Hope somebody finds this useful. I'm sure there's more elegant ways of doing this but it works.
Btw, here is a way to then send these individual files to the various email addresses in the data.frame. Code goes into second loop [j]
send.mail(from = "",
to = i,
subject = paste("Your report for", str_extract(i, pattern = "\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+"), 'on', Sys.Date()),
body = "Your email body",
authenticate = TRUE,
smtp = list( = "XXX", port = XXX, = Sys.getenv("XXX"), passwd = Sys.getenv("XXX")),
attach.files = str_c(temp_dir, "/your_filename_", str_extract(i, pattern = "\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+"),'_', Sys.Date(), '.xlsx'))
I have been trying out the different packages including the function:
install.packages ("prettyR")
library (prettyR)
delimit.table (Corrvar,"Name the csv.csv") ## Corrvar is a name of an object from an output I had on scaled variables to run a regression.
However I tried this same code for an output from another analysis (occupancy models model selection output) and it did not work. And after many attempts and exploration I:
copied the output from R (Ctrl+c)
in Excel sheet I pasted it (Ctrl+V)
Select the first column where the data is
In the "Data" vignette, click on "Text to column"
Select Delimited option, click next
Tick space box in "Separator", click next
Click Finalize (End)
Your output now should be in a form you can manipulate easy in excel. So perhaps not the fanciest option but it does the trick if you just want to explore your data in another way.
PS. If the labels in excel are not the exact one it is because Im translating the lables from my spanish excel.