Solving ODE with deSolve in R- number of derivatives error - r

I am trying to use the deSolve package for a set of ODE's with equations as auxiliary variables. I keep getting the error where the number of derivatives isn't the same length as the initial conditions vector. What should I change?
# rm(list=ls())
exponential=function(t,state,parameters){ with(as.list( c(state,parameters)), {
#Aux. Var.
fX2 = pmax(0,1-(1-(d2/r12)*(X2/K2)))
fX1 = X1/(X1+k1);
# equations (ODE)
dX1 = C-((d1)*(X1))-(r12)*(X2)*fX2*fX1 # differential equaion
dX2 = r12*(X2)*fX2*fX1-((d2)*(X2))
return(list(c(dX1, dX2)))
# Set Initial Values and Simulation Time
state = c(X1=2,X2=0.01,K2= 10)
# Assign Parameter Values
parameters = c(d1=0.001, d2=0.008, r12=0.3,C=0.5,k1= 0.001)
for (i in 1:length(times)){
out= ode(y=state,times=times,func=exponential,parms=parameters)
Error in checkFunc(Func2, times, y, rho) :
The number of derivatives returned by func() (2) must equal the length of
the initial conditions vector (3)**

The error comes from the return in your defined function:
Your input parameter y has length 3, but you only return 2 values back, that's the error. You can solve your problem with
return(list(c(X1, X2, K2)))
Another possibility is to take K2 to the parameters, then your old return was right. You have to decide if K2 is a variable or a parameter.
And BTW: Why a for loop with the time? In my opinion that is not necessary, because the ODEs are solved in the timeinterval you submitted to the odefunction.
out= ode(y=state,times=times,func=exponential,parms=parameters)


Initial state starts at y(1), how to go backwards to find y(0)? [duplicate]

I would like to solve a differential equation in R (with deSolve?) for which I do not have the initial condition, but only the final condition of the state variable. How can this be done?
The typical code is: ode(times, y, parameters, function ...) where y is the initial condition and function defines the differential equation.
Are your equations time reversible, that is, can you change your differential equations so they run backward in time? Most typically this will just mean reversing the sign of the gradient. For example, for a simple exponential growth model with rate r (gradient of x = r*x) then flipping the sign makes the gradient -r*x and generates exponential decay rather than exponential growth.
If so, all you have to do is use your final condition(s) as your initial condition(s), change the signs of the gradients, and you're done.
As suggested by #LutzLehmann, there's an even easier answer: ode can handle negative time steps, so just enter your time vector as (t_end, 0). Here's an example, using f'(x) = r*x (i.e. exponential growth). If f(1) = 3, r=1, and we want the value at t=0, analytically we would say:
x(T) = x(0) * exp(r*T)
x(0) = x(T) * exp(-r*T)
= 3 * exp(-1*1)
= 1.103638
Now let's try it in R:
g <- function(t, y, parms) { list(parms*y) }
res <- ode(3, times = c(1, 0), func = g, parms = 1)
## time 1
## 1 1 3.000000
## 2 0 1.103639
I initially misread your question as stating that you knew both the initial and final conditions. This type of problem is called a boundary value problem and requires a separate class of numerical algorithms from standard (more elementary) initial-value problems.
findFn("{boundary value problem}")
tells us that there are several R packages on CRAN (bvpSolve looks the most promising) for solving these kinds of problems.
Given a differential equation
y'(t) = F(t,y(t))
over the interval [t0,tf] where y(tf)=yf is given as initial condition, one can transform this into the standard form by considering
x(s) = y(tf - s)
==> x'(s) = - y'(tf-s) = - F( tf-s, y(tf-s) )
x'(s) = - F( tf-s, x(s) )
now with
x(0) = x0 = yf.
This should be easy to code using wrapper functions and in the end some list reversal to get from x to y.
Some ODE solvers also allow negative step sizes, so that one can simply give the times for the construction of y in the descending order tf to t0 without using some intermediary x.

add second independent variable to ode in R

I am using a pharmacokinetic model to fit concentrations to different exposure times.
Additionally to the independent time variable, I would like to add a vector with data for the variable cw, so at t=1 I have the value cw=41 and at t=2 the value cw=17 and so on.
How do I modify the ode, so this actually works? I can only get it to run with one value for cw.
fun<-function(time, y, parms, ...){
with(as.list(c(parms.atl, y)), {
list(c(dCp, dCs))
parms<-c(k1=200, k2=0.1, k3=1, k4=0.1)
ode(y0, times, fun, parms)
The code works the way it is written above, now I would like to exchange cw with a vector
At the moment I get the following error, if cw is a vector instead of a number:
The number of derivatives returned by func() (58) must equal the length of the initial conditions vector (2)

How does the ODE function in R do the calculation

I am using the ODE function In R in order to solve this equation:
FluidH <- function(t,state,parameters) {
dh <- Qin/A - ((5073.3*h^2+6430.1*h)/(60*A))
parameters <- c(Qin =10, A=6200)
state<- c(h=0.35)
time <- seq(0,2000,by=1)
out <- ode(y= state, func = FluidH, parms = parameters, times = time)
I might be missing something with math, but when I try to calculate h by myself by assigning the initial state I don't get the same numbers as the output of the function!
for example to calculate h at time 1 : h=h0+ dh*dt -> h= 0.35 + 10/6200 - ((5073.3*h^2+6430.1*h)/(60*6200))=0.3438924348
and the output of ode gives 0.343973044412394
Can anyone tell what am I missing?
You computed the Euler step with step size dt=1. The solver uses a higher order method with (usually) a smaller step size that is adapted to meet the default error tolerances of 1e-6 for relative and absolute error. The step-size 1 that you give only determines where the numerical solution is sampled for the output, internally the solver may use many more or sometimes even less steps (interpolating the output values).

how to specify final value (rather than initial value) for solving differential equations

I would like to solve a differential equation in R (with deSolve?) for which I do not have the initial condition, but only the final condition of the state variable. How can this be done?
The typical code is: ode(times, y, parameters, function ...) where y is the initial condition and function defines the differential equation.
Are your equations time reversible, that is, can you change your differential equations so they run backward in time? Most typically this will just mean reversing the sign of the gradient. For example, for a simple exponential growth model with rate r (gradient of x = r*x) then flipping the sign makes the gradient -r*x and generates exponential decay rather than exponential growth.
If so, all you have to do is use your final condition(s) as your initial condition(s), change the signs of the gradients, and you're done.
As suggested by #LutzLehmann, there's an even easier answer: ode can handle negative time steps, so just enter your time vector as (t_end, 0). Here's an example, using f'(x) = r*x (i.e. exponential growth). If f(1) = 3, r=1, and we want the value at t=0, analytically we would say:
x(T) = x(0) * exp(r*T)
x(0) = x(T) * exp(-r*T)
= 3 * exp(-1*1)
= 1.103638
Now let's try it in R:
g <- function(t, y, parms) { list(parms*y) }
res <- ode(3, times = c(1, 0), func = g, parms = 1)
## time 1
## 1 1 3.000000
## 2 0 1.103639
I initially misread your question as stating that you knew both the initial and final conditions. This type of problem is called a boundary value problem and requires a separate class of numerical algorithms from standard (more elementary) initial-value problems.
findFn("{boundary value problem}")
tells us that there are several R packages on CRAN (bvpSolve looks the most promising) for solving these kinds of problems.
Given a differential equation
y'(t) = F(t,y(t))
over the interval [t0,tf] where y(tf)=yf is given as initial condition, one can transform this into the standard form by considering
x(s) = y(tf - s)
==> x'(s) = - y'(tf-s) = - F( tf-s, y(tf-s) )
x'(s) = - F( tf-s, x(s) )
now with
x(0) = x0 = yf.
This should be easy to code using wrapper functions and in the end some list reversal to get from x to y.
Some ODE solvers also allow negative step sizes, so that one can simply give the times for the construction of y in the descending order tf to t0 without using some intermediary x.

optimization using "nlminb"

im now performing Location Model using non-parametric smoothing to estimate the of the smoothed paramater is the lamdha that i have to optimize...
so in that case, i decide to use "nlminb function" to achieve it.....
however, my programing give me the same "$par" value even though it was iterate 150 time and make 200 evaluation (by default)..... which is it choose "the start value as $par" (that is 0.000001 ...... i think, there must be something wrong with my written program....
my programing look like:- (note: w is the parameter that i want to optimize and LOO is
stand for leave-one-out
Myfunc <- function(w, n1, n2, v1, v2, g)
{ ## open loop for main function
## DATA generation
# generate data from group 1 and 2
# for each group: discretise the continuous to binary
# newdata <- combine the groups 1 and 2
## MODEL construction
countError <- 0
n <- nrow(newdata)
for (k in 1:n)
{# open loop for leave-one-out
# construct model based on n-1 object using smoothing method
# classify omitted object
countError <- countError + countE
} # close loop for LOO process
Error <- countError / n # error rate counted from LOO procedure
return(Error) # The Average ERROR Rate from LOO procedure
} # close loop for Myfunc
nlminb(start=0.000001, Myfunc, lower=0.000001, upper=0.999999,
control=list(eval.max=100, iter.max=100))
could someone help me......
your concerns and guidances is highly appreciated and really100 needed......
Statistic PhD Student
In your question, provide a nlminb with a univariate starting value. If you are doing univariate optimisation, it is probably worth looking at optimize. If your function is multivariate, then you need to call nlminb slightly differently.
You need define the objective function such that you provide the parameters to optimize over as a vector which is the first argument. Other inputs to the objective function should be provided as subsequent arguments.
For example (modified from the nlminb help page):
X <- rnbinom(100, mu = 10, size = 10)
hdev <- function(par, x) {
-sum(dnbinom(x, mu = par[1], size = par[2], log = TRUE))
nlminb(start = c(9, 12), hdev, x = X)
