How to remove price from woo-commerce processing order email.? - woocommerce

How to remove the above column.
so that customer should call for price of the item they are interested in.


How to get each product at the cart page of Drupal Commerce

When I override the cart page in the template views-view-table.html.twig, the array row.columns for each row of the table i.e. for each product contains only the following keys:
At that the first field purchased_entity is again the unit price instead of any product data e.g. ID or title. So the list at the cart page doesn't have any identifying information about the products a buyer added to the cart - only their prices.
When I look under the variable product_variation inside the template commerce-product-variation.html.twig when it's loaded by the cart page, it has only two available keys, again only prices: list_price and price.
How to get product ID under the variable row.columns or purchased_entity at the cart page?

How can I filter the total price number in woocommerce order list?

How can I filter the total price number in order list in My Account and also in admin order list?
i.e. I want to change html form of prices in these lists in woocommerce.

Split shipping cost in cart

I have Shipping costs based on the number of categories in cart. Base shipping is 250 and if the number of categories is more than 1 for every category is charged extra 50. At the moment everything is shown together in a cart, I would like to be extra cost visible with a label and new row.
It looks like you might need to modify the WooCommerce checkout template in the theme that you are using.

How to display the regular price in the order items table in the admin

This is the sale price that is displayed (excluding the VAT) in addition to the quantity and the total price and the VAT, for each item in the order items table.
I would like to display the regular price and the discount of the product item.
I checked in the WC_Order_Item_Product, but I could not find the information and I do not want to retrieve it from the related product attributes because that information can change.
I want the information that was active when the order was created.
I searched on this site and and googled a lot but could find any information. Is it even possible ?

Disable Variable Product Price When Select a Variable of Woocommerce Products

i want to display price when user select a variable of product one time,but woocommerce shows price twice.
if prices between variables different replace variable price to product price and dosnt show price of a selected variable ,if not shows price difference also in product price.
some body help me
