Why use Server-Sent Events instead of simple HTTP chunked streaming? - http

I just read RFC-6202 and couldn't figure out benefits of using SSEs instead of simply requesting a chunked stream. As an example use case imagine you want to implement client and server, where the client wants to "subscribe" to events at the server using pure HTTP technology. What would be a drawback of the server keeping the initial HTTP request open and then occasionally sending new chunks as new events come up?
I found some argument against this kind of streaming, which include the following:
Since Transer-Encoding is hop-to-hop instead of end-to-end, a proxy in between might try to consolidate the chunks before forwarding the response to the client.
A TCP connection needs to be kept open between client and server the whole time.
However, in my understanding, both arguments also apply to SSEs. Another potential argument I could imagine is that a JavaScript browser client might have no chance to actually get the respective chunks, since re-combining them is handled on a lower level, transparent to the client. But I don't know if that's actually the case, since video streams must work in some kind of similar way, or not?
EDIT: What I've found in the meantime is that SSE basically is exactly just a chunked stream, encapsulated by a easier-to-use API, is that right?
And one more thing. This page first tells that SSE doesn't support streaming binary data (for which technical reason?) and then (at the bottom), they say that it is possible but inefficient. Could somebody please clarify that?

Yes, SSE is an API that works on top on HTTP for providing you some nice features such as automatic reconnection at client/server side or handling different types of events.
If you want to use it for streaming binary data, for sure it is not the right API. The main fact is that SSE is a text-based protocol (it's delimited by '\n's and every line starts with a text tag. If you still want to experiment with binary over SSE, a quick and dirty hack would be maybe submit the binary data in Base 64.
If you want to know more about SSE, maybe you can have a look to this simple library: https://github.com/mariomac/jeasse

You are correct SSE is a nice API on top of chunked HTTP. The API is good, and it also has support for reconnection.
With regards to your question about binary over SSE, I've got no experience of doing that. However, you can send binary over HTTP. So I see no reason why you can't do this. Although, you may end up having to convert it in JavaScript.


What is the better performing / more compact way to send binary data to a server in WP7

Given the no direct tcp / socket limitation in Windows Phone 7 I was wondering what is the way that has the least performance overhead and/or can send it in the most compact way.
I think I can send the data as a file using HTTP (probably with an HTTPWebRequest) and encode it as Base64, but this would increase the transfer size significantly. I could use WCF but the performance overhead is going to be large as well.
Is there a way to send plain binary data without encoding it, or some faster way to do so?
Network communication on WP7 is currently limited to HTTP only.
With that in mind you're going to have to allow for the HTTP header being included as part of the transmission. You can help keep this small by not adding any additional headers youself (unless you really have to).
In terms of the body of the message then it's up to you to keep things as small as possible.
Formatting your data as JSON will typically be smaller than as XML.
If, however, your data will always be in a specific format you could just include it as raw data. i.e. if you know that the the data will have the first n bits/bytes/characters representing one thing, then next y bits/bytes/characters represent another, etc. you could format your data without any (field) identifiers. It just depends what you need.
If you want to send binary data, then certainly some people have been using raw sockets - see
Connect to attached pc from WP7 by opening a socket to localhost
However, unless you want to write your own socket server, then HTTP is very convenient. As Matt says, you can include binary content in your HTTP requests. To do this, you can use the headers:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Length: your length
To actually set these headers, you may need to send this as a multipart message... see questions like Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)
There's some excellent sample code on AppHub forums - http://forums.create.msdn.com/forums/p/63646/390044.aspx - shows how to upload a binary photo to Facebook.
Unless your data is very large, then it may be easier to take the 4/3 hit of Base64 encoding :) (and there are other slightly more efficient encoding types too like Ascii85 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascii85)

Why can't I view Omegle's HTTP request/response headers?

I'm trying to write a small program that I can talk to Omegle strangers via command line for school. However I'm having some issues, I'm sure I could solve the problem if I could view the headers sent however if you talk to a stranger on Omegle while Live HTTP Headers (or a similar plug-in or program) is running the headers don't show. Why is this? Are they not sending HTTP headers and using a different protocol instead?
I'm really lost with this, any ideas?
I had success in writing a command line Omegle chat client. However it is hardcoded in C for POSIX and curses.
I'm not sure what exactly your problem is, maybe it's just something with your method of reverse engineering Omegle's protocol. If you want to make a chat client, use a network packet analyzer such as Wireshark (or if you're on a POSIX system I recommend tcpdump), study exactly what data is sent and received during a chat session and have your program emulate what the default web client is doing. Another option is to de-compile/reverse engineer the default web client itself, which would be a more thorough method but more complicated.

Writing a Proxy/Caching server using Lua!

I'm still starting out with Lua, and would like to write a (relatively) simple proxy using it.
This is what I would like to get to:
Listen on port.
Accept connection.
Since this is a proxy, I'm expecting HTTP (Get/Post etc..)/HTTPS/FTP/whatever requests from my browser.
Inspect the request (Just to extract the host and port information?)
Create a new socket and connect to the host specified in the request.
Relay the exact request as it was received, with POST data and all.
Receive the response (header/body/anything else..) and respond to the initial request.
Close Connections? I suppose Keep-Alive shouldn't be respected?
I realize it's not supposed to be trivial, but I'm having a lot of trouble setting this up using LuaSockets or Copas --- how do I receive the entire request? Keep receiving until I scan \r\n\r\n? Then how do I pull the post data? and the body? Or accept a "download" file? I read about the "sink", but admittedly didn't understand most of what that meant, so maybe I should read up more on that?
In case it matters, I'm working on a windows machine, using LuaForWindows and am still rather new to Lua. Loving it so far though, tables are simply amazing :)
I discovered lua-http but it seems to have been merged into Xavante (and I didn't find any version for lua 5.1 and LuaForWindows), not sure if it makes my life easier?
Thanks in advance for any tips, pointers, libraries/source I should be looking at etc :)
Not as easy as you may think. Requests to proxies and request to servers are different. In rfc2616 you can see that, when querying a proxy, a client include the absolute url of the requested document instead of the usual relative one.
So, as a proxy, you have to parse incomming requests, modify them, query the appropriate servers, and return response.
Parsing incomming requests is quite complex as body length depends on various parameters ( method, content encoding, etc ).
You may try to use lua-http-parser.

What things should be kept in mind while desigining an HTTP based protocol?

I have heard that http is a nice way to design my own protocol. although i can design a binary protocol, i would prefer to follow the HTTP standard to design my protocol.
basically the flow of the application is that with the request the client sends some parameter strings to the server, the server sends the response string to the application. this procedure continues several times, before the connection thread terminates.
i am using java servlets for the above.
how should the client send the HTTP parameters so that parsing is easy at the server.
Get /a HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
??? what comes here
??? what comes here
Since that is a GET request, nothing.
I'd suggest using querystring parameters, then you can access them using ServletRequest.getParameterNames(), getParameterValues(), getParameterMap() etc.
So, your request line would take the form:
GET /a?x=1&y=1 HTTP/1.1
since this is the standard way of passing parameter data, other clients, such as web browsers, will be able to use your service easily.
This assumes that the operation does not cause side-effects on the server. If it does then you should be using a POST, PUT or DELETE request depending on the exact nature of the operation.
HTTP Made Really Easy is a useful document since, at least initially, the HTTP Spec can be a bit daunting.
Why not base your protocol on something that already exists for example SOAP?
What you're designing is a data exchange format, not a protocol really.
So the question is, really, what sort of data do you want to send? To answer that, you need to consider who is receiving it. If it's yourself, then just keep it simple.

Using NetConnection and URLStream to send/recieve data at high frequency

I'm writing a Comet-like app using Flex on the client and my own hand-written server.
I need to be able to send short bursts of data from the client at quite a high frequency (e.g. of the order of 10ms between sends).
I also need the server to push short bursts of data at a similarly high frequency.
I'm using NetConnection.call() to send the data to the server, and URLStream (with chunked encoding) to push the data from the server to the client.
What I've found is that the data isn't being sent/received as soon as it's available. For example, in IE, it seems the data is sent every 200ms rather than as soon as NetConnection.call() is called. Similarly, URLStream isn't making the data available as soon as the server is sending it.
Judging by the difference in behaviour between the browsers, it seems as though the Flash Player (version 10) is relying on the host browser to do all the comms. Can anyone confirm this? Update: This is very likely as only the host browser would know about the proxy settings that might be set.
I've tried using the Socket class and there's no problem with speed there: it works perfectly. However, I'd like to be able to use HTTP-based (port 80) connections so that my app can run in heavily fire-walled environments (I tried using a Socket over port 80, but that has its problems).
Incidentally, all development/testing has been done on an internal LAN, so bandwidth/latency is not an issue.
Update: The data being sent/received is in small packets and doesn't need to be in any particular format. For example, I might need to send a short array of Numbers, and this could either be encoded in AMF (e.g. via NetConnection.call()) or could be put into GET parameters (e.g. using sendToURL()). The main point of my question is really to see whether anyone else has experienced the same problem in calling NetConnection/URLStream frequently, and whether there is a workaround (it's also possible that the fault lies with my server code of course, rather than Flash).
Turns out the problem had nothing to do with Flash/Flex or any of the host browsers. The problem was in my server code (written in C++ on Linux), and without access to my source code the cause is hard to find (so I couldn't have hoped for an answer from this forum).
Still - thank you everyone who chipped in.
It was only after looking carefully at the output shown in Wireshark that I noticed the problem, which was twofold:
Nagle's algorithm
I was sending replies in multiple packets by calling write() multiple times (e.g. once for the HTTP response header, and again for the HTTP response body). The server's TCP/IP stack was waiting for an ACK for the first packet before sending the second, but because of Nagle's algorithm the client was waiting 200ms before sending back the ACK to the first packet, so the server took at least 200ms to send the full HTTP response.
The solution is to use send() with the flag MSG_MORE until all the logically connected blocks are written. I could also have used writev() or setsockopt() with TCP_CORK, but it suited my existing code better to use send().
Chunk-encoded streams
I'm using a never-ending HTTP response with chunk encoding to push data back to the client. Naggle's algorithm needs to be turned off here because even if each chunk is written as one packet (using MSG_MORE), the client OS TCP/IP stack will still wait up to 200ms before sending back an ACK, and the server can't push a subsequent chunk until it gets that ACK.
The solution here is to ask the server not to wait for an ACK for each sent packet before sending the next packet, and this is done by calling setsockopt() with the TCP_NODELAY flag.
The above solutions only work on Linux and aren't POSIX-compliant (I think), but that isn't a problem for me.
I'm almost 100% sure the player relies on the browser for such communications. Can't find an official page stating so atm, but check this out for example:
Applications hosting the Flash Player
ActiveX control or Flash Player
plug-in can use the
EnforceLocalSecurity and
DisableLocalSecurity API calls to
control security settings.
Which I think somehow implies the idea. Also, I've suffered some network related bugs on FF/IE only which again points out to the player using each browser for networking (otherwise there wouldn't be such differences).
And regarding your latency problem, I think that if speed is critical, your best bet is sockets. You have some work to do, but seems possible, check out the docs again:
This error occurs in SWF content.
Dispatched if a call to
Socket.connect() attempts to connect
either to a server outside the
caller's security sandbox or to a port
lower than 1024. You can work around
either problem by using a cross-domain
policy file on the server.
