Best way to develop a WP-site on multiple machines - wordpress

I'm busy working on my portfolio and I have a localhost setup. I use Wordpress as my CMS.
Since I'm not always home, I'd like to work on this project when on other machines (not on the same network, indeed).
What am I to do? Should I setup another localhost on the other computer and copy the wp files to over there? If so, how do I do that without mixing things up?
I've searched on Google for an answer but couldn't find any that solve my problem.

If the PCs at both locations run Windows, your solution would be to make a portable (USB stick/pen drive) installation of XAMPP + WordPress (+ your site).
A shortcut would be to make the portable XAMPP install, then install/use the Duplicator plugin (on the working site) to migrate it over to the USB drive, which will save you the trouble of installing WordPress.
Once the portable install is ready, you just use it wherever, and your site will never go out of sync. :-)
Here is a nice guide to portable installation:
Hope this works for you.


To what extent can MAMP be hacked?

I am running Wordpress on a local development server to test plugins from 'dubious' sources. I believe I've been hacked after installing an unofficial copy of a plugin. Now I'm looking for help to assess how serious this may be and how to proceed.
Here's what exactly went down:
Installed MAMP (4.2) on my Mac (10.14.6), with htdocs in it's default location (in the MAMP application folder)
Installed multiple Wordpress sites to develop for clients over several months
Used one of these existing, old, dev sites to test plugins before purchase
I began to install a plugin .zip file, however after I clicked "activate" I was asked by macos whether to allow MAMP access to photos, and then to calendar, both of which I denied. The activation failed due to a "Fatal Error".
I ditched this plugin and moved onto the next. The next one also failed due to fatal error, this time with the error message: "Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement or after any declare call in the script in"
Googled this message revealing it's common when hacked.
So, does the hacker have any access to this website? To the entire local server? To my entire computer where MAMP is installed?
Am I in the clear just deleting the plugin? Clean install MAMP?
Wordpress hacks tend to be more about collecting information from WordPress.
Anytime you get a warning like that, it should tell you where the issue is.
However, I would install Wordfence on your local sites and have it run a scan. It will compare core files etc to what is on the repo and tell you. It will get about 99% of it unless it is a Zero day.

Symfony / Sylius site on Vagrant / Puphpet is slow. Same site not on a Virtualbox is not slow

We have one particular site that is Symfony and uses the e-commerce bundle Sylius.
Our developers are trying to use Vagrant so we can have similar dev environments. We use Puphpet to generate the Vagrant instance and share the config file.
If we are working on the site/repo natively or on a staging server, all runs fine. Pages load in around 2-3 seconds.
When we are using Vagrant / Virtualbox, it's 30-35 seconds per page load.
So far we've tried
Allocating up to 6GB to the box
Giving up to 4 processors to the box
Turning on NFS for file sync
Turning off all other programs on computers running Vagrant / Virtualbox (chat, other browsers, etc)
None of those things made an impact on page load time.
I can provide 2 things. One is the load trace from Symfony:
Since there is so much code to the puphpet config, I put it in a pastebin here:
What is OS on a host machine?
My guess would be that file system is slow. Try to run an app outside of shared folder on the guest machine. If it will be fast, then you'll spot a problem at least.
NFS on *nix or mac should be fast enough, are you sure you've succeed to turn it on?
I had this pain once, and finally started to use unison instead of native vagrant's file sharing system (
Have your tried:
I think the first one is already included in Sylius, but not sure.
Also, dynamic image resize/crop may be reading/writing in the host file system and maybe there's a way to also change that (using symlinks or similar)?
vagrant-winnfsd works fine for me for getting NFS to work on Windows.

WordPress project setup - Trellis, Valet or Docker?

I want to start a new WordPress project with another developer. The decisions we made are:
We want to use Bedrock as the WP structure
we want to use Sage as the WP theme
We put the project in a GIT repository
I now ask myself if we should use Trellis, Valet or Docker.
My personal opinion is that Trellis / Docker is a bit too much for a project with two developers working on it. Additionally my experience with Vagrant is not very positive, as it was very slow when I used it. My favorite would be Valet, because it's so slim. The repository I would use is Beanstalk, from there I would trigger my deployments to my test and live system.
Additionally I am not 100% sure if my server to which I want deploy my project also needs Docker installed - does anybody knows that? And what happens when my server runs on Apache and not Nginx?
Now that Docker has native Mac and Windows apps you wouldn't need Vagrant for local dev, and running a series of Docker containers is much faster than a full-fledged VM with Vagrant+VirtualBox. Right now I have MariaDB + PHP-FPM + Nginx + WordPress + PHPMyAdmin, and the whole thing is really fast relative to my previous experience with Vagrant. Faster as in: faster initial install, faster to start/stop, faster to make changes and have them reflected after a restart. I just replaced MySQL with MariaDB in a matter of minutes (mostly fumbling with having the proper syntax in my docker-compose file).
The beauty of Docker appears precisely when you want to switch components (say Apache vs. Nginx). In WordPress' case, they provide images on Docker Hub that either include Apache or PHP-FPM (in the latter case you just add a Nginx container to your stack).
That said I just got started with Docker and there are some kinks to figure out, but it's worth figuring out.
I haven't deployed with Docker yet but I plan to test that next once I've got local dev fully working as intended. It's optional though, you could always deploy with Git webhooks or whatever you were using up to now.

Varying Vagrant Vagrants - How to Edit Plugin

I got VVV running on my new MAC OS 10. The issue is I have never used VVV before and frankly I'm not certain which files I should be looking for or editing.
I'd like to local the wp-content folder on the local dev server,this way I can edit my plugin locally.
Here are the two dev servies I was using:
Any tips on how I should go about finding the plugin folder? Or am I going about it wrong and should be using command terminal?

Setting up wordpress on Ubuntu 12.04

I have dual-booted my Win7 laptop with Ubuntu 12.04, and I'm trying to install Wordpress. I have installed Apache2, Mysql-Server, and Wordpress and I keep getting asked for ftp credentials when I try and install plugins/themes. I know how to install the themes etc. manually by downloading and unzipping into the correct folders, but this isn't a permanent solution.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything but I keep getting faced with tutorials on setting up virtual hosts and I'm not sure if I need to have one?
Can anyone point me to an easy to follow (for beginners) tutorial from scratch? Or tell me if I'm missing something?
My Wordpress site needs to be moved from local machine to a server when it's finished (I don't know the server yet so I can't just start using it) so I need it to be as easy to use as possible.
Yes, there are available tutorials for that.
Step 1-
Installing the server-
Installing the server
Initial Setup (Optional)
Step 2-
Installing Wordpress-
