Clear plotly click event - r

I'm trying to use plotly click events in the context of a shiny app. Following the official demo I'm using this bit of code to update a date picker and jump to another tab in my app on click:
d <- event_data("plotly_click", source = 'plot')
if(!is.null(d) & (input$navPanel == 'overview')) {
d %>% filter(curveNumber == 0) %>% select(x) -> selected_date
updateDateInput(session, "date", value = lubridate::ymd(selected_date$x))
updateTabsetPanel(session, "navPanel", selected = "details")
However, when I then try to switch back from the details to the overview tab, I get immediately thrown back to the details tab. I'm assuming that this happens because the event is never cleared, i.e. d is not null when the tab gets changed and so the condition in the if-clause evaluates to TRUE.
So, how do I clear the click event programmatically? Adding d <- NULL to the end of the conditional doesn't seem to do it.

I have same problem, and the workaround I've found is to store the old state in a global variable, and do the updates only when that variable changes and not on the !is.null()
selected_date <- 0 # declare outside the server function
server <- function(input, output, session) {
d <- event_data("plotly_click")
new_value <- ifelse(is.null(d),"0",d$x) # 0 if no selection
if(selected_date!=new_value) {
selected_date <<- new_value
if(selected_date !=0 && input$navPanel == 'overview')
updateDateInput(session, "date", value = lubridate::ymd(selected_date))
This also allows you to add a behaviour whenever the element is unselected

I solved this by using shinyjs and manually resetting the event_data("plotly_click") with the help of the Shiny.onInputChange function, which sets values in the input vector manually:
ui <- shinyUI(
# code to reset plotlys event_data("plotly_click", source="A") to NULL -> executed upon action button click
# note that "A" needs to be replaced with plotly source string if used
extendShinyjs(text = "shinyjs.resetClick = function() { Shiny.onInputChange('.clientValue-plotly_click-A', 'null'); }"),
actionButton("reset", "Reset plotly click value"),
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(mtcars, x=~cyl, y=~mpg)
output$clickevent <- renderPrint({
observeEvent(input$reset, {
shinyApp(ui, server)


How do I ensure reactable::getReactableState() returns the correct row selection in a Shiny app when table is regenerated?

I have a Shiny app (please see end for a minimum working example) with a "parent" reactable table and a drilldown table that pops up when a user clicks on a row of the parent table. The information on which row is selected in the parent is obtained via reactable::getReactableState(). However, when the user switches to a different "parent" table, the function returns the row selection for the outdated table, not the updated one.
This occurs event though the output for the new parent table has completed it's calculations and is fully updated by the time the drilldown table starts it's calculations. After the whole systems finished and the app is idle, something (and I'm not sure what) triggers the input to reactable::getReactableState() to be invalidated, and the reactives fire again, but this time using the updated (or "correct" from my perspective) tables, and returns the expected result, which is that now row is selected.
Referring to the reactive graph below, what I want to do is have input$tables-table_parent__reactable__selected set not NULL every time input$tables-data_set changes.
I have tried to do this via the session$sendCustomMessage() and Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler approach found here: Change the input value in shiny from server, but I find that, although I can change input$tables-table_parent__reactable__selected value it doesn't seem to send send the info to the browser until after all the outputs are done caculating when input$tables-data_set is changed.
A minimum working example:
UI module:
drilldownUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('tables-table_parent__reactable__selected', function(value) {
Shiny.setInputValue('tables-table_parent__reactable__selected', value);
inputId = ns("data_set"),
label = "Data set",
choices = c("iris", "cars"),
selected = "iris"
reactable::reactableOutput(outputId = ns("table_parent"),
width = "100%"),
outputId = NS(id, "drilldown_table"),
width = "100%"
Server module:
drilldownServer <- function(id, dat) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
dataset <- reactive({
data_list <-
list(iris =, cars =
data_grouped <- reactive({
dataset()[, .N, by = c(grouping_var())]
grouping_var <- reactive({
if (input$data_set == "iris") {
output$table_parent <- reactable::renderReactable({
selection = "single",
onClick = "select"
selected <- reactive({
out <- reactable::getReactableState("table_parent", "selected")
if(is.null(out)||out=="NULL") return(NULL)
output$drilldown_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
# This should only fire after a new parent table is generated and the row selection is
# reset to NULL, but it fires once the new table is generated and BEFORE the row selection
# is reset to NULL
selected_group <- data_grouped()[selected(), ][[grouping_var()]]
drilldown_data <- dataset()[get(grouping_var()) == selected_group]
observeEvent(input$data_set, {
session$sendCustomMessage("tables-table_parent__reactable__selected", 'NULL')
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
ui <- fluidPage(
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I found the solution thanks in part to this SO answer
The key was to consider the row selection a state, rather than just reacting to input changes. Then, by using reactiveValues() instead of reactive(), I could update the state in multiple places using observeEvent().
An important additonal piece of information was that observe functions are eager, and you can set a priority, so when the user changes the input$data_set, I could reset the row selection to 0 before the drilldown reactable::renderReactable() section was evaluated.
The updates to the server module below for an example of the working solution:
drilldownServer <- function(id, dat) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
dataset <- reactive({
data_list <-
list(iris =, cars =
data_grouped <- reactive({
dataset()[, .N, by = c(grouping_var())]
grouping_var <- reactive({
if (input$data_set == "iris") {
# Create output for parent table
output$table_parent <- reactable::renderReactable({
selection = "single",
onClick = "select")
# Create state variable
selected <- reactiveValues(n = 0)
currentSelected <- reactive({
reactable::getReactableState("table_parent", "selected")
observeEvent(currentSelected(), priority = 0, {
selected$n <- currentSelected()
# When data set input changes, set the selected number of rows to 0e
label = "reset_selection",
priority = 9999, {
selected$n <- 0
# Create output for drilldown table
output$drilldown_table <- reactable::renderReactable({
req(selected$n > 0)
selected_group <-
data_grouped()[selected$n, ][[grouping_var()]]
drilldown_data <-
dataset()[get(grouping_var()) == selected_group]

Testing of shiny modules containing other modules

In a large Shiny App, I have a lot of modules within other modules. These nested modules also sometimes have input controls, e.g. textInput() or actionButton, which trigger certain events also in the parent module.
The following MWE shows the problem.
The module summaryServer prints a summary of a value, but waits for the reactive from rangeServer, which is triggered by a button. I want a Testing specific for summaryServer with testServer() function from Shiny, but how can I "click" the Button in the contained rangeServer module to continue? Is that something about the Mock Shiny Session?
### TESTING ###
x <- reactiveVal(1:10)
testServer(summaryServer, args = list(var = x), {
cat("var active?", d_act(),"\n")
# -----------------------------
# How to click "go" here?
# -----------------------------
cat("var active?", d_act(), "\n")
### The app ###
summaryUI <- function(id) {
textOutput(NS(id, "min")),
textOutput(NS(id, "mean")),
textOutput(NS(id, "max")),
rangeUI(NS(id, "range"))
summaryServer <- function(id, var) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
d_act = reactiveVal("Haha nope")
range_val = rangeServer("range", var = var)
# waits to range_val
output$min <- renderText(range_val()[[1]])
output$max <- renderText(range_val()[[2]])
output$mean <- renderText(mean(var()))
rangeUI = function(id) {
textInput(inputId = NS(id, "go"), label = "Go")
rangeServer = function(id, var){
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session){
# when button gets clicked
range(var(), na.rm = TRUE)
}, ignoreInit = TRUE, ignoreNULL = TRUE)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
x = reactiveVal(1:10)
summaryServer("sum", x)
# shinyApp(ui, server)
That is a tricky one. It works if you set both ignoreInit and ignoreNULL to FALSE but just because then you are not initially dependent on a change of go anymore, which is undesirable.
I do not think it is possible to change go inside of rangeServer when running testServer with summaryServer. You can however use {shinytest} to achieve this. Note that here you invoke and test the entire app. Therefore, when using modules, you have to call elements by their complete id, including namespaces.
(I changed go to an actionButton, everything else stays the same)
rangeUI <- function(id) {
actionButton(inputId = NS(id, "go"),label = "Go")
test_that("output updates when reactive input changes", {
# invoke app
app <- shinytest::ShinyDriver$new("app.R")
# initially, the button has`nt been clicked and the outputs are empty
testthat::expect_equal(app$getValue("summary-range-go"), 0)
testthat::expect_equal(app$getValue("summary-min"), "")
# click the button
testthat::expect_equal(app$getValue("summary-range-go"), 1)
# testthat::expect_equal(app$getValue("summary-min"), "1")
# for some reason, the button value increased, hence is clicked,
# but the outputs have not been triggered yet.
# another click fixes that
testthat::expect_equal(app$getValue("summary-min"), "1")

clicking same plotly marker twice does not trigger events twice

I am using Plotly's event_data("plotly_click") to do stuff (opening a modal) after the user clicked on a marker in a scatter plot. Afterwards (e.g. closing the modal), event_data("plotly_click") does of course not change and clicking on the same marker therefore does not trigger the same action again.
Minimal example:
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
mtcars %>% plot_ly(x=~disp, y=~cyl)
# Do stuff after clicking on a marker in the plot
observeEvent(event_data("plotly_click"), {
print("do some stuff now") # this is not executed after second click on same marker
shinyApp(ui, server)
I have tried workarounds with shinyjs's onclick, to no avail (it works well in empty areas of the plot but not when clicking on markers):
shinyjs::onclick(id="plot", print("clicked"))
I have also tried using a reactive Value that stores the last click and is reset immediately afterwards (e.g. by event_data("plotly_hover")), but all tries fail because event_data("plotly_click") remains in its old value.
Can anyone help?
[Edit: The issue has been fixed in Plotly 4.9.0. See answer below. This answer works up to Plotly 4.8.0. From plotly 4.9.0., delete the string .clientValue- from the source code or use below answer.]
I finally solved this issue. I know this is bothering some people, so I'll post my solution here:
Basically I use shinyjs package to reset the data about the last click (the source where event_data("plotly_click") gets its information from) on a certain event (a button in my case).
The definition of the function is (note that "A" needs to be replaced with plotly-source string if used):
extendShinyjs(text = "shinyjs.resetClick = function() { Shiny.onInputChange('.clientValue-plotly_click-A', 'null'); }")
Then this is called upon button click by js$resetClick().
Minimal example:
ui <- shinyUI(
# code to reset plotlys event_data("plotly_click", source="A") to NULL -> executed upon action button click
# note that "A" needs to be replaced with plotly source string if used
extendShinyjs(text = "shinyjs.resetClick = function() { Shiny.onInputChange('.clientValue-plotly_click-A', 'null'); }"),
actionButton("reset", "Reset plotly click value"),
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(mtcars, x=~cyl, y=~mpg)
output$clickevent <- renderPrint({
observeEvent(input$reset, {
shinyApp(ui, server)
The issue has finally been fixed on Plotly side:
event_data("plotly_click", priority = "event") updates on every click, not only on shiny input change (as before). Working from Plotly 4.9.0 on.
Minimal example using Plotly 4.9.0:
ui <- shinyUI(
plotlyOutput("plot", height = 200),
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(mtcars[1,], x=~cyl, y=~mpg, size = 1)
output$time_last_click <- renderPrint({
tmp <- event_data("plotly_click", priority = "event")
shinyApp(ui, server)
I had the same problem, and came up with a solution where I specified the source argument of the plotly object to be a reactive value as follows:
In plot_ly(data,x,y,...,source = x) and event_data(...,source = x) let x be an element of a reactiveValues object. When your event triggers, change the value of x (increment or hash), which instantiates a new event_data() object.
Worked like a charm.

Execute function only on first button press in rshiny

In my shiny app, I have a render that I want to only execute after a radio button changes values, but only the first time this happens. Is there a way to make it reactive to the first change in value, but not subsequent ones?
Below you will find that observeEvent has arguments such as ignoreInit and once, I would advise that you go and have a look at the function definitions on the official website Event handler. I have also added the shinyjs library with its disable function which I think is handy here.
ui <- fluidPage(
radioButtons("nums", "Will Execute only Once",c("1000" = 1000,"10000" = 10000), selected = 0),
server <- function(input, output) {
v <- reactiveValues()
observeEvent(input$nums, {
v$data <- rnorm(input$nums)
},ignoreInit = TRUE, once = TRUE)
output$Plot <- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui, server)

Shiny Responds to Enter

I have a textInput widget, and now whenever I start typing in the widget, shinyApp tries to evaluate the unfinished content in the textInput widget and results in many errors. I'm aware that adding an action Button "Calculate" would easily solve the problem. However, my app does not have space left for one more button. So, I'd like to know if there's a way that the textInput widget would "listen" to a keyboard event, such as when the user hits "Enter?" Thanks in advance!
Very good question. Here is an example of the way I use; this app shows a ggplot and the user gives the title of the ggplot in a textbox - but the title changes reacts only when "Return" is pressed:
js <- '
$(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 13){
Shiny.onInputChange("keyPressed", Math.random());
ui = bootstrapPage(
textInput("title", label = "Title"),
server = function(input, output, session){
Title <- reactiveVal()
observeEvent(input[["keyPressed"]], {
output[["ggplot"]] <- renderPlot({
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Sepal.Width)) +
geom_point() +
This Javascript code:
$(document).on("keyup", function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 13){
Shiny.onInputChange("keyPressed", Math.random());
creates a new Shiny input, namely input$keyPressed which receives a random number when the "Return" key is pressed anywhere.
Then I define a reactive value which takes the value input$title given in the textbox by the user, only when input$keyPressed changes:
Title <- reactiveVal()
observeEvent(input[["keyPressed"]], {
And finally I pass this reactive value to ggtitle:
output[["ggplot"]] <- renderPlot({
ggplot(iris, aes(x=Sepal.Length, y=Sepal.Width)) +
geom_point() +
Here is an app that I built, and solves a similar problem.
The idea is to have listen to both the keypress and the button, and make sure they work together well. In your case, you should be able to make something even simpler because you don't need the button.
I hope you like it.
# This is a demo app to test a key binding on an actionButton
# Uncommenting the info item (on both UI and server) will display internal stuff
# UI
ui = bootstrapPage(
textInput ("myinput", label = "Write something here"),
$(document).on("keydown", function (e) {
Shiny.onInputChange("lastkeypresscode", e.keyCode);
actionButton("GO", "Lancer le matching !"),
# verbatimTextOutput("info"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
# There are state variables for the input text and GO button
curr.val <- "" # Corresponds to the current displayed input$myinput
curr.go <- 0 # Corresponds to the last known GO value (integer)
lastEvent <- reactive({
# Is reactive to the following events
# Decide which action should be taken
if(input$GO > curr.go) {
# The user pushed the GO actionButton, so take action
action <- 1
curr.go <<- input$GO
} else if(input$lastkeypresscode == 13) {
# The user pressed the Enter key, so take action
action <- 1
} else {
# The user did anything else, so do nothing
action <- 0
output$results = renderPrint({
if(lastEvent() == 1) {
curr.val <<- isolate(input$myinput)
# output$info = renderText({
# paste(curr.val, curr.go, input$lastkeypresscode, sep = ", ")
# })
I created a simple app as an example, where the user can write the name of a city and after pressing ENTER it returns latitude and longitude:
# UI
ui = fluidPage( title = "City Search" ,
position= "static-top",
tags$script(' $(document).on("keydown", function (e) {
Shiny.onInputChange("lastkeypresscode", e.keyCode);
# Search panel:
textInput("search_city", "" , placeholder= "City"),
server = function(input, output, session) {
if(!is.null(input$lastkeypresscode)) {
if(input$lastkeypresscode == 13){
target_pos = geocode(input$search_city, messaging =FALSE)
LAT = target_pos$lat
LONG = target_pos$lon
if (is.null(input$search_city) || input$search_city == "")
output$results = renderPrint({
sprintf("Longitude: %s ---- Latitude: %s", LONG, LAT)
Note that for catching the ENTER input the code is 13, i.e. input$lastkeypresscode == 13.
In your case, the problem is reactive programming and this is the reason that you need something to manage this situation. My recommendation is to use observer pattern or validate function.
Observer pattern: shiny implements the observer pattern which is
useful to act when an event happens in an object (it can be a click
in a button, new value in an input...).
Validate function: the functionality of this process is similar to an
if/else statement. Indeed, there is need what is the if to check the
parameter, if the values are wrong, there will be an error message.
To know how to use observe pattern and the validate function, click on the previous link (in the Shiny website is everything explained).
