how to pass the current tag instance to the events in angular2 - css

I have a left sidebar menu which is populated by <li> and <ul> tag elements. I have handled the menu click event to expand/collapse the sub-menu items.
The problem I am facing here is I am not able to pass/identify the current instance of the tag element to do the expand/collapse i.e. If i expand a particular menu item all the other menus items are also getting affected. How do i handle this issue by identifying the current instance to do the required changes.
Please refer the snapshot about the issue
my HTML looks like below
<li []="menuLinkActive" (click)="MenuLinkToggle($event)">
<a><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Home <span class="fa fa-chevron-down"></span></a>
<ul class="nav child_menu" [style.display]="subMenuDisplay">
<li []="menuLinkActive" (click)="MenuLinkToggle($event)">
<a><i class="fa fa-edit"></i> Forms <span class="fa fa-chevron-down"></span></a>
<ul class="nav child_menu" [style.display]="subMenuDisplay">
General Form
Advanced Components
my component where i have handled the events
export class Layout {
menuLinkActive: any;
subMenuDisplay: any;
isSubMenuExpanded: any;
isMenuVisible: any;
MenuLinkToggle(event) {
if (this.isSubMenuExpanded) {
console.log("if (this.isMenuExpanded) {");
this.menuLinkActive = "";
this.subMenuDisplay = "none";
this.isSubMenuExpanded = false;
else {
console.log("else (this.isMenuExpanded) {");
this.menuLinkActive = "active";
this.subMenuDisplay = "block";
this.isSubMenuExpanded = true;

<li []="menuLinkActive" #li1 (click)="MenuLinkToggle($event, li1)">
MenuLinkToggle(event, element) {
MenuLinkToggle(event) {


Nested Bootstrap Sidebar item throwing the toys out

With thanks to trevorp the basic side nav bar works perfectly. Then I needed to nest some menu items. This seems logical to me
<li class="collapsed active">
<div class="accordion-group">
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#20"><i class="dropdown-toggle"></i>Accounting <span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu collapse" id="20">
<li class="collapsed active">
<div class="accordion-group">
<a data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#21"><i class="dropdown-toggle"></i>Income <span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="sub-menu collapse" id="21">
<li>General Ledger</li>
But it produced this result
That just closes when clicked, instead of opening the li item... It's probably something very basic, but the art of staring at it hasn't produced any results yet :-)
I suspect clicking on the sub menu item is closing the parent, but no idea how to overcome that. No idea why the formatting is totally different either!
Thank you
======================= UPDATE =======================
If the second accordion-group div is removed it takes care for the blank menu item, and disabling the script
/* ensure any open panels are closed before showing selected */
$('.accordion-group').on('', function () {
$('.accordion-group .in').collapse('hide');
that closes the main menu items when another is opened now gives this result..
That now leaves two questions
How can I select a sub menu item without closing the accordion group?
How can I format the sub menu items in the same colour as the others (white not orange)?
Finally managed to find a way to solve question one
If there is a less verbose method I'd love to hear :-)
Add an onlick method to the sub-menu item
<li class="collapsed active">
<a onclick="holdCollapse();" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#Menu_21" class="dropdown-toggle collapsed"><i class="fa fa-gift fa-lg"></i>Income </a>
<ul class="sub-menu collapse" id="Menu_21">
and add a hidden field
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="HiddenField" />
add this script
function holdCollapse(e) {
and edit the original script
/* ensure any open panels are closed before showing selected */
$('.accordion-group').on('', function () {
var isSubMenu = $('#HiddenField').val();
if (isSubMenu == '0') {
$('.accordion-group .in').collapse('hide');

Dynamic multi-columns dropdown - Angular2 and Bootstrap

How to create a dynamic multi column dropdown list. I am using angular2 and looking for something like this
But here we have the columns fixed at 3 and the list items hardcoded.In my case I have a dynamic list and would like to display 5 items in one column.So for Eg: if the list contains 20 items then we would have 4 columns with 5 items each in one column.And my code looks like below
<li role="presentation" class="dropdown">
<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"
href="#" role="button"
aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="caret"></span></a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu ">
<li *ngFor="let artist of artists">
<a><input type="checkbox"> {{}} </a>
I am using ngFor directive to loop through the list of artists and display it in single column now. But would like to display it in multi column depending on the size of the list.
You should be created a new array from the data by using a simple chunk function:
public chunk(arr, size) {
var newArr = [];
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i+=size) {
newArr.push(arr.slice(i, i+size));
return newArr;
and do some changes in your view like this:
<ul class="dropdown-menu multi-column columns-2">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6" *ngFor="let persons of chunk(persons, 3)">
<ul class="multi-column-dropdown">
<li *ngFor="let person of persons">{{}}</li>
Here is an example: plunker

How to hide right caret on dropdown menu liferay 6.2

I have a created a second level submenu on my navbar on Liferay 6.2
I have tried to hide the right arrow caret that is shown always on dropdown menu, when it has a child. You can see it here:
<nav class="$nav_css_class navbar site-navigation" id="navigation" role="navigation">
<div class="navbar-inner">
<div class="collapse nav-collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav sf-menu" >
#foreach ($nav_item in $nav_items)
#set($nav_li_css_class = "")
#if ($nav_item.isSelected())
#set($nav_li_css_class = $nav_li_css_class+" selected")
#if ($nav_item.hasChildren())
#set($nav_li_css_class = $nav_li_css_class+" dropdown")
<li class="$nav_li_css_class">
#if ($nav_item.hasChildren())
<a href="$nav_item.getURL()" $nav_item.getTarget() data-hover="dropdown" data-delay="100" data-close-others="false">
<p>$nav_item.icon() $nav_item.getName()</p>
<a href="$nav_item.getURL()" $nav_item.getTarget()>
<p>$nav_item.icon() $nav_item.getName()</p>
#if ($nav_item.hasChildren())
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
#foreach ($nav_child in $nav_item.getChildren())
#set($nav_li_css_class = "")
#if ($nav_child.isSelected())
#set($nav_li_css_class = " selected")
#if ($nav_child.hasChildren())
#set($nav_li_css_class = " dropdown-submenu")
<li class="$nav_li_css_class">
#if ($nav_child.hasChildren())
<a href="$nav_child.getURL()" $nav_child.getTarget() data-hover="dropdown" data-delay="100" data-close-others="false">
<span>$nav_child.icon() $nav_child.getName()</span>
<a href="$nav_child.getURL()" $nav_item.getTarget()>
<span>$nav_child.icon() $nav_child.getName()</span>
#if ($nav_child.hasChildren())
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
#foreach ($nav_child_child in $nav_child.getChildren())
#if ($nav_child_child.isSelected())
<li class="selected">
<a href="$nav_child_child.getURL()" $nav_child_child.getTarget()>
<p style="word-wrap:break-word; white-space:pre-line; text-align:left; display:block; ">$nav_child_child.getName()</p>
Liferay.Data.NAV_LIST_SELECTOR = '.navbar-inner .nav-collapse > ul';
This is a requirement from the company. they want to hide the caret. I have been looking everywhere on my code, but cannot find the way to hide it. I have opened the navigation css and scss styles to try to hide it but can't find the solution. the ugly part is that the caret is not detected in firefox or chrome element inspector so, can't find a route.

Can we add attribute for wordpress menu <li>

i have an HTML menu like this
<ul id="menu-main-menu" class="menu">
<li class="current_page_item"> Home </li>
<li class="menu-item-simple-parent"> About us &nbsp <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
<ul class="sub-menu" style="left:0px;width:340px;">
<li data-content="mission"> Mission </li>
<li data-content="vision"> Vision </li>
<li data-content="management"> Management </li>
I created this menu in wordpress. In that, submenu created as custom link. can I add data-content attribute for my wordpress submenu as shown in HTML code.
Try this:
add_filter( 'nav_menu_link_attributes', 'themeprefix_menu_attribute_add', 10, 3 );
function themeprefix_menu_attribute_add( $atts, $item, $args )
// Set the menu ID
$menu_link = 1215;
// Conditionally match the ID and add the attribute and value
if ($item->ID == $menu_link) {
$atts['data-toggle'] = 'modal';
//Return the new attribute
return $atts;
Tutorial ->

Boostrap: .affix-bottom doesn't move to the bottomĀ of its parent

I am using Bootstrap's affix side-navigation. When you scroll down to the bottom of the element which the navigation refers to, the class .affix-bottom is applied to the navigation element and it should scroll (exactly in the way the side navigation in the Boostrap documentary works).
However, when the class changes to affix-bottom and the following styles are applied, the affix-navigation moves to the top of the page (and out of the viewport).
affix-bottom {
position: absolute;
top: auto;
bottom: 200px;
I am not sure wether the issue is related to Bootstrap. I have compared the styles Bootstrap natively uses and the styles I use and they are exactly the same.
This is the html I use:
<div class="row">
<div class="span3 bs-docs-sidebar" id="navfaq">
<ul class="nav nav-list bs-docs-sidenav affix-top">
<li class="">
<a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor1'); return false;" href="#anchor1">Go to anchor1</a>
<li class="">
<a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor2'); return false;" href="#anchor2">Go to anchor2</a>
<li class="">
<a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor3'); return false;" href="#anchor3">Go to anchor3</a>
<li class="">
<a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor4'); return false;" href="#anchor4">Go to anchor4</a>
<li class="">
<a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor5'); return false;" href="#anchor5">Go to anchor5</a>
<li class="active">
<a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor6'); return false;" href="#anchor6">Go to anchor6</a>
<button class="btn pull-center">Contact</button>
<button class="btn pull-center">Call</button>
<p class="caption">on weekdays</p>
<div class="span9">
As Bootstrap's Affix is having some issues, I wrote my own script which changes the classes of the affix from .affix-top to .affix when you scroll further than the top-position of the .row element and when you scroll to the bottom of the .row element, it will add the class .affix-bottom.
$(document).ready(function() {
if( $('').height() >= (($('#anchor1').offset().top + $('.row .span9').height() - $('.navbar').height() - $(window).scrollTop() - 40 ) ) ) {
else {
if( $(window).scrollTop() >= (($('#anchor1').offset().top) - ($('.navbar').height()) - 20)) {
else if( $(window).scrollTop() < (($('#anchor1').offset().top) - ($('.navbar').height()) - 20)) {
This keept my up all night and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Ok, I finally fixed it. However, it's more of a workaround. I changed the JS to the following:
$(document).ready(function() {
if( $('').height() >= (($('#allgemeine-fragen-zu-meinunterricht-de').offset().top + $('.row .span9').height() - $('.navbar').height() - $(window).scrollTop() - 40 ) ) ) {
'position': 'relative',
'height': $('.row .span9').height()
else {
if( $(window).scrollTop() >= (($('#allgemeine-fragen-zu-meinunterricht-de').offset().top) - ($('.navbar').height()) - 20)) {
else if( $(window).scrollTop() < (($('#allgemeine-fragen-zu-meinunterricht-de').offset().top) - ($('.navbar').height()) - 20)) {
I have no idea why it's working in Bootstrap without the position:relativ and the equivalent height for the span3.
try this
just add class affix to div
<div class="span3 bs-docs-sidebar affix affix-top" id="navfaq">
<ul class="nav nav-list bs-docs-sidenav ">
<li class=""><a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor1'); return false;" href="#anchor1">Go
to anchor1</a> </li>
<li class=""><a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor2'); return false;" href="#anchor2">Go
to anchor2</a> </li>
<li class=""><a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor3'); return false;" href="#anchor3">Go
to anchor3</a> </li>
<li class=""><a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor4'); return false;" href="#anchor4">Go
to anchor4</a> </li>
<li class=""><a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor5'); return false;" href="#anchor5">Go
to anchor5</a> </li>
<li class="active"><a onclick="scrollToAnchor('anchor6'); return false;" href="#anchor6">
Go to anchor6</a> </li>
<button class="btn pull-center">
<button class="btn pull-center">
<p class="caption">
on weekdays</p>
