Creating new project using DjangoCMS - django-cms

Im trying to create a new project using DJango CMS but have this problem.
Creating admin user
/Users/p/.virtualenvs/cms/bin/python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The installation has failed.

I had same error on Oct 1st and got is solved thanks to :
error to execute djangocms -f -p . mysite
credit : s.benve
I had the same issue.
Adding '-w' did the trick for me:
djangocms -w -f -p . project_name
my versions :


blogdown::serve_site() fails to produce template site

I've been following the instructions here to install the R blogdown package and get my new site running. When I get to the step where I run serve_site(), I get the following error message:
Launching the server via the command:
C:/Users/xxxxx/AppData/Roaming/Hugo/0.91.0/hugo.exe server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t starter-hugo-academic -D -F --navigateToChanged
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "page" failed: execute of template failed: template: book/single.html:5:3: executing "book/single.html" at <partial "site_head" .>: error calling partial: "C:\Users\em14031\OneDrive - AUT University\Personal_website\themes\\wowchemy\wowchemy-hugo-modules\wowchemy\v5\layouts\partials\site_head.html:208:13": execute of template failed: template: partials/site_head.html:208:13: executing "partials/site_head.html" at <getenv "WC_POST_CSS">: error calling getenv: access denied: "WC_POST_CSS" is not whitelisted in policy "security.funcs.getenv"; the current security configuration is:
enableInlineShortcodes = false
allow = ['^dart-sass-embedded$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$']
getenv = ['^HUGO_']
methods = ['(?i)GET|POST']
urls = ['.*']
So it looks like there's some security config file that needs editing, however I can't find it in '~/config/_default' within the project. Any ideas where this file could be?
Thanks a lot!
The config file is config/_default/config.yaml in your website project. Add
- ^HUGO_
- ^WC_
to it to whitelist the environment variable WC_POST_CSS.

Error building webpage: RStudio + blogdown + Ezhil Theme

I am new to blogdown/hugo themes and want to build a webpage using the Ezhil theme with RStudio. I am following the instructions of blogdown.
In particular, after creating the project on RStudio, I am not able to build/serve the site. If I run serve_site(), I obtain
> blogdown::serve_site()
Launching the server via the command:
/Users/brunoconteleite/Library/Application Support/Hugo/0.84.2/hugo server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t ezhil -D -F --navigateToChanged
Error: Error building site: logged 1 error(s)
Instead, if I run hugo_build(), I obtain
> blogdown::hugo_build()
Start building sites …
hugo v0.84.2-E0C67958+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=2021-06-28T10:59:21Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
ERROR 2021/06/29 13:20:37 instagram shortcode: Missing config value for services.instagram.accessToken. This can be set in config.toml, but it is recommended to configure this via the HUGO_SERVICES_INSTAGRAM_ACCESSTOKEN OS environment variable. If you are using a Client Access Token, remember that you must combine it with your App ID using a pipe symbol (<APPID>|<CLIENTTOKEN>) otherwise the request will fail.
If you feel that this should not be logged as an ERROR, you can ignore it by adding this to your site config:
ignoreErrors = ["error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"]
Total in 40 ms
Error: Error building site: logged 1 error(s)
I tried to add the suggested ignoreErrors = ["error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"] line of code to the config.yalm file but could not address this issue.
You need to turn the TOML code into YAML if your config file has yaml or yml extension.
So, rather than ignoreErrors = ["error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"], add ignoreErrors: "error-missing-instagram-accesstoken" line to your config.yaml file. It should work.

Symfony2 Composer install calls wrong php installation/version internally

I'm trying to set up Symfony 2.5 via Composer.
First I am calling:
php5.3.8-cli /kunden/81425/composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition hhcadm/ "2.5.*"
This works until at some point it is internally not calling php5.3.8-cli anymore but somehow uses php. The problem is that php is version 4.4.9 and this causes following effect:
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
Updating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.9
Content-type: text/html
<br />
<b>Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING or '(' in <b>/kunden/81425/hhcadm/vendor/sensio/distribution-bundle/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle/Resources/bin/build_bootstrap.php</b> on line <b>13</b><br />
Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::buildBootstrap handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception
An error occurred when generating the bootstrap file.
The error makes sense as 4.4.9 is too old. How can I tell Composer/Symfony installer which php installation to use during the install routine?
Same happens for me when I call:
php5.3.8-cli /kunden/81425/composer.phar install
I am pretty shure there must be a config / param for that but I can't find it for hours now.
Thank you very much.
'php' must be the PHP5 executable.
The only solution i see is to modify the PATH, launch the composer command (and eventually restore the old path)
For example :
php /kunden/81425/composer.phar install
To help you, you can also create a small script '' :
php /kunden/81425/composer.phar $*
And you call ' install'
Edit : if all php binaries are in the same, you can create symbolic links
For example :
mkdir /usr/local/bin/php5
ln -s /usr/local/bin/php53-cli /usr/local/bin/php5/php
And so PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/php5:$PATH
Edit: If you are not allowed to create /usr/local/bin/php5 then just use any other folder like:
php /kunden/81425/composer.phar $*

Unable to create OpenShift application using --from-code option

I am trying to create an OpenShift application using the --from-code option to grab the application code from GitHub. I've created two different OpenShift QuickStarts -- with one, the --from-code option works, and with the other, it doesn't work.
So clearly I'm doing something wrong in the QuickStart that isn't working. But I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I either get error 504 or an error occurred, neither of which tells me what the problem is, and there doesn't seem to be a verbose flag to get more details on the error.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 --from-code
The cartridge '' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1,
Source Code:
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ... Server returned an unexpected error code: 504
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$ rhc app create sonr diy-0.1 --from-code
The cartridge '' will be downloaded and installed
Application Options
Domain: schof
Cartridges: diy-0.1,
Source Code:
Gear Size: default
Scaling: no
Creating application 'sonr' ...
An error occurred while communicating with the server. This problem may only be temporary. Check that you have correctly specified your
OpenShift server ''.
Tests-Mac:~ testuser$
That's creating an application with --from-code using this repo: . If I use this repo it works flawlessly:
The code itself seems to be good, as I can create an empty new application, merge the SONR code in, and it works flawlessly.
What am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: I've worked around this issue by creating the app in two stages instead of doing it in one stage:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1
git remote add github -f
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
I'd still love to know why doing it in one step was failing, though.
#developercorey had the right idea.
I tried with a ridiculous timeout of 99999, and then got a different timeout error that I don't think I can change:
$ rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1 --from-code --timeout 99999
Creating application 'APPNAME' ...
The initial build for the application failed: Shell command '/sbin/runuser -s /bin/sh 5328a9385973ca70150002af -c "exec /usr/bin/runcon 'unconfined_u:system_r:openshift_t:s0:c5,c974' /bin/sh -c \"gear postreceive --init >> /tmp/initial-build.log 2>&1\""' exceeded timeout of 229
The fix I mentioned in my earlier update is working perfectly, and that's what I recommend anyone with a similar problem try -- I'm creating the app as empty without the --from-code option, and then merging in the code I wanted to use in a separate step:
rhc app create APPNAME diy-0.1
git remote add github -f
git merge github/master -s recursive -X theirs
git push origin master
It could be that the application takes to long to clone/setup, and the creation is timing out. Something you can try is to create the application without the --from-code, then clone it locally, and merge in your code from github, then do a git push. This operation has a much longer timeout period, and will also let you see what, if any, errors that you get since the application won't disappear if it doesn't succeed, unlike an app create.

Drush install on local server error (Command pm-enable needs a higher bootstrap level)

I am getting an error message in Drush on a local mamp install
PDO::__construct(): [2002] Connection refused (trying to connect via tcp:// [warning]
Command pm-enable needs a higher bootstrap level to run - you will need to invoke drush from a more [error]
functional Drupal environment to run this command.
The drush command 'en devel' could not be executed. [error]
Drush was not able to start (bootstrap) the Drupal database. [error]
Hint: This may occur when Drush is trying to:
* bootstrap a site that has not been installed or does not have a configured database. In this case
you can select another site with a working database setup by specifying the URI to use with the --uri
parameter on the command line. See `drush topic docs-aliases` for details.
* connect the database through a socket. The socket file may be wrong or the php-cli may have no
access to it in a jailed shell. See for details.
Drush was attempting to connect to:
Drupal version : 7.21
Site URI : http://default
Database driver : mysql
Database hostname :
Database username : root
Database name : geoslate
Default theme : garland
Administration theme: garland
PHP configuration : /private/etc/php.ini
Drush version : 5.8
Drush configuration:
Drupal root : /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/geoslate
Site path : sites/default
Modules path : sites/all/modules
Themes path : sites/all/themes
File directory path: sites/default/files
%paths : Array
my drupal settings needed a port specifying which is on the MAMP home page and for me is 8889
