How to restart ceilometer service - openstack

I changed pulling intervals in /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml file from 600 to 60 and can't make the service to use new values. I restarted everything that relates to ceilometer in openstack-status command, but that did not work. Can somebody tell me the proper way how to do it?
I am using Openstack Liberty on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
root#OS1:~# openstack service list
| ID | Name | Type |
| 056fcccaad5c4991a8a0da199ed1d737 | cinderv2 | volumev2 |
| 483a0cd1ba79430690a8960ae3d40222 | glance | image |
| 5c704fc9253e4c15895589eb19fab2ac | keystone | identity |
| 92bfcfb417314e80a43e6e7d4d21f99b | nova | compute |
| a7a3809d73674d3da3fbe8030b47055a | horizon | dashboard |
| c21b5e3c9d68417cb11df60d72f9bb58 | heat | orchestration |
| c7030edb082346328a715b00098b974a | neutron | network |
| d331f5360e2b4d3a854e7f47107a9421 | ec2 | ec2 |
| f0a22f827bed43dbbc43822abfc3e3e0 | ceilometer | metering |
root#OS11:~# openstack-status
== Ceilometer services ==
ceilometer-api: active
ceilometer-agent-central: active
ceilometer-agent-compute: inactive (disabled on boot)
ceilometer-collector: active
ceilometer-alarm-notifier: active
ceilometer-alarm-evaluator: active

Well, you need to restart ceilometer-agent-notification service because this service is responsible for transforming the data into samples in the ceilometer database.
Thus, systemctl restart ceilometer-agent-notification.service will help along with restarting other services.

Since ceilometer-agent-compute service is disabled, you just need to restart ceilometer-agent-central service on the node you have modified the config file.
sudo service ceilometer-agent-central restart
You might want to auto reload pipelines after you modify it, for that, you can set refresh_pipeline_cfg=True and a proper time for pipeline_polling_interval such as 120 seconds in /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf.
Note, be careful when you enable auto reload, and only save pipeline config file after you are sure about the content is right (otherwise it might lose 1 polling period data)


How to modify MariaDB SQL Error Log plugin system variables?

I just installed this plugin to monitor SQL errors:
but I can't for the life of me find anything on how to modify the default system variables for that error log plugin, and where.
You can't modify error plugin log variables via SQL statements. They are either read-only and/or they need to be specified at startup (see source code).
So you have to pass these values either to mariadbd/mysqld or you have to specify these in your configuration file.
Example in /etc/my.cnf:
restart server and check the values
MariaDB [test]> show variables like 'sql_error%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| sql_error_log_filename | foo.log |
| sql_error_log_rate | 1 |
| sql_error_log_rotate | ON |
| sql_error_log_rotations | 9 |
| sql_error_log_size_limit | 1000000 |

Openstack Keystone Install Issues

When trying to create Keystone:
openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example
I get this return error below:
Could not clean up: 'ClientManager' object has no attribute
I am not sure what this is in reference to...
following the Doc here
This means that you aren't authenticated.
stack#ubuntu:~/devstack$ openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example
Missing value auth-url required for auth plugin password
Could not clean up: 'ClientManager' object has no attribute 'sdk_connection'
If you are using devstack you can just source userrc_early inside the devstack folder.
stack#ubuntu:~/devstack$ source userrc_early
stack#ubuntu:~/devstack$ openstack domain create --description "An Example Domain" example
| Field | Value |
| description | An Example Domain |
| enabled | True |
| id | 1ddc2084930d492dbe39680cda5ef660 |
| name | example |
| options | {} |
| tags | [] |

Flyway database migration tool info option not printing the version number

WE have flyway integrated with Redshift and we are using this as a simple java main program to run all our schema migrations. We also use the info command to print the current version of the database, However this command successfully runs or at least appears to run but does not print the version number.
We have version 4.2 of the flyway jar. What is that we may be missing? Thanks
To manually recreate what the info command line option does in java code you can copy what its implementation does (from the source):
An example from the docs is shown below:
| Version | Description | Installed on | State |
| 1 | Initial structure | | Pending |
| 1.1 | Populate table | | Pending |
| 1.3 | And his brother | | Pending |

Wordpress and phpMyAdmin cannot open a RDS database

I created a WordPress multisite on an EC2 using CentOS 7 with MariaDB.
Amazingly it works.
I followed the instructions here
to upload the database
using MySQL from a command line I can attach to and see the RDS database.
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW databases;
| Database |
| WPDB01 |
| information_schema |
| innodb |
| mysql |
| performance_schema |
MariaDB [(none)]> select User, Host from mysql.user;
| User | Host |
| WordPressAbuser | % |
| WordPressUser | % |
| rdsadmin | localhost |
So I know the ports are open and the database is there.
But changing localhost inside of wp-config.php to does not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Check if Your EC2 security group is attached to RDS security group?
check the below image of rds security group
Your RDS should have a new separate security group and in the source, you have to add ec2 security group.
that rds security group should be attached to you rds instance
the ec2 security group should attach to the corresponding ec2 instance
then try to connect

Robotframework threads

Is there any way you can start two actions in Robotframework. I'm trying to run a process that will run continuously and then make other actions without stopping the first process. The problem is that RF is waiting the first process to finish, then proceed with other actions. well, problem is the first process is not going to stop. Any advice?
Yes, you can do this with the Process library. It lets you run programs in the background.
In my open source project rfhub, the acceptance test suite has a suite setup that starts the hub in the background.
Here's the keyword that starts the hub:
*** Keywords ***
| Start rfhub
| | [Arguments] | ${PORT}
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | Starts rfhub on the port given in the variable ${PORT}
| | ... | As a side effect this creates a suite variable named ${rfhub process},
| | ... | which is used by the 'Stop rfhub' keyword.
| |
| | ${rfhub process}= | Start process | python | -m | rfhub | --port | ${PORT}
| | Set suite variable | ${rfhub process}
| | Wait until keyword succeeds | 20 seconds | 1 second
| | ... | Verify URL is reachable | /ping
