Process queue with redux-saga - redux

I am trying to implement a queue handler for managing notifications with a redux-saga generator.
Basically, I need to show notifications sequentually as they enter the queue.
For this, I have a queue array in the redux store, an action QUQUE_NOTIFICATION action to add to queue and SHOW_NOTIFICATION to remove a notification for queue.
My current saga implementation is that simple :
export function* watchQueue() {
while (true) {
const state = yield select()
const queue = state.queue
if (queue.length > 0) {
yield put({ action: 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION', queue[0])
yield call(delay, 5000);
The problem with current implementation is that when a queue is empty a QUQUE_NOTIFICATION is dispatched generator can be waiting for the delay to finish.However, I want to show the first notification as soon as it enters the queue. Any ideas?

I've had the same idea for showing up notification (queueing them) however saga provides already implemented solution in terms of channels.
I have:
export function * notificationSaga () {
const requestChan = yield actionChannel(Notification.request)
while (true) {
const { payload } = yield take(requestChan)
yield call(showNotification, payload)
which I believe is elegant solution to your problem.
showNotification is another function which actually shows notifications and waits a bit before taking it down.


RTK createListenerMiddleware saga channels

I'm using RTK createListenerMiddleware in my project, I was wondering if there's a recipe for Redux-saga like channels pattern.
I'm referring to this Saga pattern:
import { channel } from 'redux-saga'
import { take, fork, ... } from 'redux-saga/effects'
function* watchRequests() {
// create a channel to queue incoming requests
const chan = yield call(channel)
// create 3 worker 'threads'
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
yield fork(handleRequest, chan)
while (true) {
const {payload} = yield take('REQUEST')
yield put(chan, payload)
function* handleRequest(chan) {
while (true) {
const payload = yield take(chan)
// process the request
I'm a Redux maintainer and I created the listener middleware.
We designed the listener middleware to do almost all the things that you could do with sagas: listen for actions, pause, cancelation, and even forking off "child tasks".
However, we intentionally did not reimplement everything that sagas could do, to save on complexity and bundle size. Channels are a saga capability that we chose to not mimic in the listener middleware.
It's possible you could do something sorta-similar yourself in some way, but there's definitely nothing built into the listener middleware API that is similar to channels.

Next JS pages/api; having trouble calling influxdb client from api

I have written a handler function inside my nextjs page/api folder;
handler(req, res) {}
Am using #influxdata/influxDb-client as mentioned in the documentation. Am using
from(queryAPI.rows(query).pipe(....).subscribe(next(value)=> {results.push(value}, complete(console.log(results); res.status(200).json(results)}
Am getting all the query value, once the observable is completed. it works most of the time.
Am pushing the intermediate results in the next part of the subscriber and trying to send the results back to client in the complete part of the subscriber. I want the request handler to wait till i get all my values from influx DB query in the complete part of the subscriber and can send the value back to client..
But the issue "Handler function will not Wait till the observable is completed". Handler function returns, before the observer gets completed. Am getting error: API resolved without sending a response...
I get all the values only when the observer is completed.
I don't know how to handle the scenario.
How can I make the handler function wait until the observable is completed?
I found the solution for the same
I used new Promise() with await, added my observable inside this promise and resolved the promise on Complete of the subscribe.
Code will look like the following :
export async function handler (req, res) {
const results=[];
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.pipe(map(({values, tableMeta}) => tableMeta.toObject(values)))
next(object) => {results.push(object)}
complete() => { resolve (results) }
error(err) => { reject (err) }

Hoow to cancel currently running request with redux-saga with parameter?

I want to cancel a request in redux saga upon clicking a button
The first saga here is the one fetching data from server
function* fetchData({ payload: a, b, c}) {
try {
// ...API call
} catch (e) {;
} finally {
if (yield cancelled()) yield put(getDataCancelled());
Then I have a button that when clicked, it will trigger the function below. The saga below is suppose to cancel the currently running request from the fetch above.
function* stopFetchData({ payload }) {
try {
const task = yield fork(fetchData);
// API Call to clean up data from server
yield cancel(task);
} catch (e) {
export function* fetchDataWatcher() {
yield takeLatest(SET_DATA, fetchData);
But I'm having an error with the parameter and as soon as this is triggered the sagas stopped working since it is finding the parameters for the function. I already tried adding the parameter, and what happens is, after clicking the fetch, and cancel. The cancel triggers, but the fetch still continues.

redux saga before action

I have whole application depending on config data that are loaded with request from server, how can I create blocking "before" action on every action using redux saga, now my globalSaga looks like this. The help would be really appreciated
function * rootSaga () {
yield takeLatest(LOAD_ONBOARDING.REQUEST,loadOnboardingSaga)
const res = yield put.resolve(loadOnboarding())
yield console.log(res)
yield all([
takeLatest is the same as forking with automatic cancellation of each subsequent fork. Check this for a descriptive example.
So in your case since loadOnboardingSaga should continuously block next calls the cheapest solution would be to put it all under loadOnboardinSaga since there is a direct succession like this:
function* initRestSaga() {
yield all([
function* loadOnboardingSaga() {
const res = yield put.resolve(loadOnboarding())
yield console.log(res)
yield call(initRestSaga)
function* rootSaga() {
yield takeLatest(LOAD_ONBOARDING.REQUEST, loadOnboardingSaga)
Otherwise you have to manually fork and cancel each and every side effect in between takeLatest and last fork.

How to make sure that one Saga completes before the other?

I'm a noob in redux-sagas, so please bear with me if I miss out something obvious!
I have a scenario wherein I'm using redux-saga to fetch an access_token from an OIDC provider and store it in the browser's localStorage.
I also use Sagas to fetch some data from an API endpoint.
But I've been experiencing problems with this approach because the Saga calling the external API gets invoked before the Auth Saga can resolve with an access_token.
My Auth Saga :
export function * handleFetchTokens () {
try {
const token = yield cps(getToken)
localStorage.setItem('token', token)
const isAuthenticated = !!(token)
yield put(actions.checkAuthSuccess(isAuthenticated))
} catch (e) {
yield put(actions.checkAuthFailure(e))
export default function * sagas () {
yield fork(takeLatest, actions.CHECK_AUTH, handleFetchTokens)
My API Saga :
export function * handleFetchItems () {
try {
const response = yield call(getItems)
yield put(actions.fetchItemsSuccess(response))
} catch (e) {
yield put(actions.fetchItemsFailure(e.errors))
export default function * sagas () {
yield fork(takeLatest, actions.FETCH_ITEMS, handleFetchItems)
My root Saga :
export default function * root () {
yield fork(items.sagas)
yield fork(authentication.sagas)
What should be the proper way of overcoming this problem?
Personally, I'd make sure the token is received before allowing any part of my app to actually call the FETCH_ITEMS action. Assuming you don't want to introduce such logic you will have to decide what to do with FETCH_ITEMS actions before you get the token.
The easiest approach would be to just ignore them, but that also probably isn't the most feasible way to go.
So what remains is to buffer the FETCH_ITEMS actions. You can do this using actionChannel. Since you are using takeLatest you will also want to define a sliding buffer of size 1.
It could look ruffly like this:
export default function * sagas () {
const chan = yield actionChannel(actions.FETCH_ITEMS, buffers.sliding(1))
yield take('TOKEN_RECEIVED') // wait for action informing us token was received
yield fork(takeLatest, chan, handleFetchItems)
yield fork(takeLatest, actions.FETCH_ITEMS, handleFetchItems)
More about actionChannels here
Another approach - with a bit less writing but also a bit less control - instead of buffering is to wait in the fetching saga itself:
export function * handleFetchItems () {
while (!token) yield take('TOKEN_RECEIVED');
Either way, both ways rely on waiting for a TOKEN_RECEIVED action you need to dispatch once the token is received.
