alert box not working in ajax success ( -

I'm using ajax call in input box onclick event.
when I call alertbox in ajax success it's not working but console.log is working good.
Please help me.
in my view
<input id="extention" type="text" value="" onkeyup="SetExtention(event, this.value); return false;" class="form-control terminal_id" />
my function
function SetExtention(e, item) {
if (item != "") {
if (e.keyCode == 13) { //Enter Event
var inputLine = $('#extention').val().split(',');
if (inputLine.length == 0)
else {
$('#hdnLastExtention').val(inputLine[inputLine.length - 1]);
for (var i = 0; i < inputLine.length; i++) {
url: urls,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
ID: inputLine[i]
cache: false,
success: function (result) {
if (result.isSuccess == false) {
doing some work...
if ($('#hdnLastExtention').val() == result.inputData)
alert("alert box doesn't appear.");
console.log("alert box doesn't appear.");
error: function (request, error) {
console.log("It has error");
Finally, that's the result of console (I attached the image to make clear the results.)
I can see the console log but alert box doesn't work.
Reference Image

This happens when you tick the confirm box for "Stop this page from creating pop-ups".
Do try, close the tab and open a new window and try.

Make sure in the script tag has type="text/javascript" attribute.
<script type="text/javascript">
// Your function


WordPress with select2 and Toastr get previous selected value destroys select2 behavior

I am using WordPress and I have used Select2 and Toastr libraries successfully.
Basically I have a dropdown and if I change, Toastr will ask whether I need to update or not.
If I click on "Yes" then it will update and if I click on "No" then my dropdown should set previous value and nothing will happen.
Currently its selecting previous value but then if I open the same dropdown try to click on it to search then its saying "The results could not be loaded".
Here is my JS code what I have done so far.
var prevSubVarClientId;
allowClear: true,
placeholder: "",
//minimumInputLength: 3,
ajax: {
type: "POST",
url: '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
dataType: 'json',
delay: 250, // delay in ms while typing when to perform a AJAX search
data: function (params, page) {
return {
action: 'list_posts',
q: params.term,
processResults: function( data ) {
var options = [];
if ( data ) {
jQuery.each( data, function( index, text ) {
options.push( { id: text['id'], text: text['name'] } );
return {
results: options
cache: true
jQuery('.mySubscription').on('select2:selecting', function (evt) {
prevSubVarClientId = jQuery('select').val();
jQuery('.mySubscription').change(function() {
var $this = jQuery(this);
alertify.confirm("Are you sure you want to transfer?",
var subscriptionId = jQuery($this).data("subscription-id");
var url = jQuery($this).data("ajax-url");
var userId = jQuery($this).val();
type: "POST",
url: url,
data : {
action : 'update_var_client_user_id',
userId : userId,
subscriptionId : subscriptionId
success: function(data)
var data = JSON.parse(data);
toastr["success"]("Transferred Successfully." );
}).set({title:"Alert!!!"}).set({ labels:{ok:'Yes', cancel: 'No'} });
As you can see I have prevSubVarClientId variable and mySubscription dropdown with this class.
jQuery('.mySubscription').change(function() { here you can see I am opening alertify confirm box and if I click on "No" then I am doing below code.
But then whenever I am trying to open the dropdown again, I am getting the below error.
Can some one guide me, what I am doing wrong here ?
"The results could not be loaded". only show when return data is null or not found.
I tested your code below snippet and working fine.
jQuery('.js-data-example-ajax').on('select2:selecting', function (evt) {
prevSubVarClientId = jQuery('select').val();
jQuery('.js-data-example-ajax').change(function() {
var $this = jQuery(this);
alertify.confirm("Are you sure you want to transfer?",
console.log('no change');
}).set({title:"Alert!!!"}).set({ labels:{ok:'Yes', cancel: 'No'} });
.select2-container, .select2-container--open .select2-dropdown--below {
width: 200px !important;
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<select class="js-data-example-ajax">
<option value="abc">ABC</option>
<option value="bca" selected>BCA</option>
<option value="mnp">MNP</option>
<option value="pqr">PQR</option>

Working example of recaptcha in meteor

Can anyone help with a working example of recaptcha in meteor without using iframes?
I cannot make the recaptcha scripts run even when I try to run them from the client.js using jquery append.
After doing some investigations I found that I had to manually integrate the reCaptcha.
The client side code:
<form id="mySecuredForm" novalidate>
<!-- labels and inputs here -->
<div class="row">
<div id="captcha-container">
<div id="rendered-captcha-container">loading...</div>
<div class="row">
<button type="submit" id="submit" class="submit-button">Submit</button>
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function() {
$.getScript('', function() {
Recaptcha.create('add_your_public_key_here', 'rendered-captcha-container', {
theme: 'red',
callback: Recaptcha.focus_response_field
'submit form#mySecuredForm': function(event) {
var formData = {
captcha_challenge_id: Recaptcha.get_challenge(),
captcha_solution: Recaptcha.get_response()
//add the data from form inputs here
};'submitMySecuredForm', formData, function(error, result) {
if (result.success) {
//set session vars, redirect, etc
} else {
// alert error message according to received code
switch (result.error) {
case 'captcha_verification_failed':
alert('captcha solution is wrong!');
case 'other_error_on_form_submit':
alert('other error');
Server side code
function verifyCaptcha(clientIP, data) {
var captcha_data = {
privatekey: 'add_private_key_here',
remoteip: clientIP
challenge: data.captcha_challenge_id,
response: data.captcha_solution
var serialized_captcha_data =
'privatekey=' + captcha_data.privatekey +
'&remoteip=' + captcha_data.remoteip +
'&challenge=' + captcha_data.challenge +
'&response=' + captcha_data.response;
var captchaVerificationResult = null;
var success, parts; // used to process response string
try {
captchaVerificationResult ="POST", "", {
content: serialized_captcha_data.toString('utf8'),
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Content-Length': serialized_captcha_data.length
} catch(e) {
return {
'success': false,
'error': 'google_service_not_accessible'
parts = captchaVerificationResult.content.split('\n');
success = parts[0];
if (success !== 'true') {
return {
'success': false,
'error': 'captcha_verification_failed'
return {
'success': true
"submitMySecuredForm": function(data) {
//!add code here to separate captcha data from form data.
var verifyCaptchaResponse = verifyCaptcha(this.connection.clientAddress, data);
if (!verifyCaptchaResponse.success) {
console.log('Captcha check failed! Responding with: ', verifyCaptchaResponse);
return verifyCaptchaResponse;
console.log('Captcha verification passed!');
//!add code here to process form data
return {success: true};
There is also the possibility to listen to the post event on the server side. The http calls can be done synchronous as above or asynchronous with fibers/futures.
Server side http call to google API was inspired from:

What is the reason behind popup opening only first time

I have a strange problem and i m not able to understand why it is happening.
I called a page - Remarks(say) by jquery ajax on row click of grid viw. Then i binded that page (coming in response) into a div - dvRemarks(say). This div is opening in a popup.
Pop-up window is only opening first time, which is working fine. But when i click second time, data is coming in response, But this time popup is not opening. Problem is with popup only but i don't understand why it is ?
When i again refresh the page, it again opens up Ist time only.
Below is jquery :-
jQuery(function() {
// Remarks
jQuery('#<%=dvRemarks1.ClientID %>').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
modal: true
// Remarks Link
jQuery('#lnkDialog').click(function() {
jQuery('#<%=dvRemarks1.ClientID %>').dialog('open');
return false;
Below is the function which i am calling on click :-
function Call_Ajax(id)
var d = new Date();
var n = d.getMilliseconds();
var parameters="id=" + id;
type: "POST",
url: "Remark.aspx",
data: {id:id, n:n},
success: function(response) {
$('#<%=dvRemarks.ClientID %>').html(response);
error: function() {
alert('Some problem has been occured.');
And below is the div - dvRemarks in which i am binding response
<div id="dvRemarks1" runat="server" style="display: none;" title="Enter Remarks">
<div id="dvRemarks" runat="server">
Not sure on this but give a try to below one.
jQuery(function() {
// Remarks
jQuery('#<%=dvRemarks1.ClientID %>').dialog({
autoOpen: false,
width: 600,
modal: true, //Calling destroy on close function might help
close: function() {
// Remarks Link
jQuery('#lnkDialog').click(function() {
jQuery('#<%=dvRemarks1.ClientID %>').dialog('open');
return false;
give a try changing ajax call to
function Call_Ajax(id)
var d = new Date();
var n = d.getMilliseconds();
var parameters="id=" + id;
type: "POST",
url: "Remark.aspx",
data: {id:id, n:n},
success: function(response) {
$('#<%=dvRemarks.ClientID %>').empty().html(response); //empty function may be of some help here
error: function() {
alert('Some problem has been occured.');

jQuery and ASP.NET Custom Validator

I'm trying to learn jQuery and it occurred to me that existing JS in some of my sites could be replaced with just a few lines of jQuery code. In the following code, I'm trying to set the value of a custom validator by making an AJAX call. The first block of code does not work as it should, whereas the second block works fine. The whole "if it ain't broke don't fix it" answer isn't helpful, I really want to learn jQuery. For the record, I've placed alerts in the code and they both return the exact same result, just one is setting the args and the other is not for some reason.
Why does this code NOT work:
function CheckForUserName(sender, args)
args.IsValid = true;
var url = "/somepage.aspx";
MakeCall(url, function(txt) {
if (txt == "false") {
args.IsValid = false;
function MakeCall(url,callback) {
url: url,
dataType: "text",
success: callback
This code DOES work:
function CheckForUserName(sender, args)
args.IsValid = true;
var call = MakeCall();
if (call == "false")
args.IsValid = false;
function MakeCall()
var xmlHttp;
var validation=true;
if (xmlHttp==null)
alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
var url="/somepage.aspx";
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=function ()
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)
if (xmlHttp.status==200)
return xmlHttp.responseText;
return xmlHttp.responseText;
function GetXmlHttpObject()
var xmlHttp=null;
// Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari
xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
catch (e)
// Internet Explorer
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
return xmlHttp;
In order to make it work, you need to specify the async option as false:
function MakeCall(url,callback) {
async: false,
url: url,
dataType: "text",
success: callback
This works fyi.. ignore my custom javascript namespace functions, but you should get the concept.
<script type="text/javascript">
function VerifyCustomerNumber(s, a) {
var r = ProcessCustomerNumber(a.Value);
a.IsValid = r;
function ProcessCustomerNumber(n) {
var u = '/Services/WebServices/Customer.asmx/CountByCustomerNumber';
var d = '{"Number": "' + n + '"}';
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: u,
cache: false,
async: false,
data: d,
dataType: "json",
success: function(r) {
var v = Data.JS.Ajax.ParseJSON(r);
return v;
Just for the record. Having a custom validator that allows AJAX calls is possible, but is a litle complicated. Here is an article about the issue.
Basically, one must do these things:
Say "Invalid!" immediately.
Show a "processing..." message instead of your "invalid" message.
Start your long-runing process, AKA your AJAX request.
As soon as your request ends, replace the ClientValidationFunction for a dummy function.
Reset the original message.
Update the validation state.
Reset the original validation function but only when the validated control changes.
Here is the final function that accomplishes the task (taken from the article):
//Create our respond functions...
var Respond_True = function (sender, args) { args.IsValid = true; };
var Respond_False = function (sender, args) { args.IsValid = false; };
function AjaxValidator(sender, args, ajaxSettings){
args.IsValid = false;
//This is a reference to our validator control
var $sender = $(sender);
//Save the original message, color and validation function to restore them later.
var originalMessage = $sender.text();
var originalColor = $sender.css("color");
var originalFunction = sender.clientvalidationfunction;
var validatedControl = $("#" + sender.controltovalidate);
//Change the error message for a friendlier one.
$sender.text("Checking...").css({ color: "black" });
var setRespondFunction = function (respondFunction) {
sender.clientvalidationfunction = respondFunction;
//Reconstitute original styles.
$sender.text(originalMessage).css({ color: originalColor });
//Re-validate our control
ValidatorValidate(sender, null, null);
var onChange = function(){
//Reset the original validation function
sender.clientvalidationfunction = originalFunction;
//Re-validate to ensure the original validation function gets called
ValidatorValidate(sender, null, null);
//Ensure the validation function is called just once.
validatedControl.unbind("change", onChange);
validatedControl.on("change", onChange);
var originalSuccessFunction = ajaxSettings.success;
//Start the AJAX call..
$.ajax($.extend(ajaxSettings, {
success: function(data){
setRespondFunction(originalSuccessFunction(data) ? "Respond_True" : "Respond_False");
And here is a sample usage:
function MyJavascriptValidationFunctionName(sender, args){
AjaxValidator(sender, args, {
url: ...,
type: ...,
data: ...,
success: function(data){
return /*True or false*/;

How to do a ASP.NET MVC Ajax form post with multipart/form-data?

I am working on a ASP.NET MVC web site which has a form that allows for the upload of files using the multipart/form data enctype option on the form tag like so
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action='<%= Url.Action("Post","Entries",new {id=ViewData.Model.MemberDetermination.DeterminationMemberID}) %>'>
How would I write this to do an ASP.NET MVC Ajax form post instead?
It is possible but it's a long way.
Step 1: write your form
#using (Ajax.BeginForm(YourMethod, YourController, new { id= Model.Id }, new AjaxOptions {//needed options }, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<input type="file" id="image" name="image" />
<input type="submit" value="Modify" />
Step 2: intercept the request and send it to the server
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$("#form0").submit(function(event) {
var dataString;
var action = $("#form0").attr("action");
if ($("#form0").attr("enctype") == "multipart/form-data") {
//this only works in some browsers.
//purpose? to submit files over ajax. because screw iframes.
//also, we need to call .get(0) on the jQuery element to turn it into a regular DOM element so that FormData can use it.
dataString = new FormData($("#form0").get(0));
contentType = false;
processData = false;
} else {
// regular form, do your own thing if you need it
type: "POST",
url: action,
data: dataString,
dataType: "json", //change to your own, else read my note above on enabling the JsonValueProviderFactory in MVC
contentType: contentType,
processData: processData,
success: function(data) {
//BTW, data is one of the worst names you can make for a variable
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//do your own thing
}); //end .submit()
Step 3: Because you make an ajax call you probably want to replace some image or something of multipart/form-data
type: "GET",
url: "/Profile/GetImageModified",
data: {},
dataType: "text",
success: function (MSG) {
$("#imageUploaded").attr("src", "data:image/gif;base64,"+msg);
error: function (msg) {
The MSG variable is an base64 encrypted string. In my case it's the source of the image.
In this way I managed to change a profile picture and after that the picture is immediately updated.
Also make sure you add in Application_Start (global.asax)
ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new JsonValueProviderFactory());
Pretty nice no?
P.S.: This Solution works so don't hesitate to ask more details.
I came across this little hack, which resolves it nicely
window.addEventListener("submit", function (e) {
var form =;
if (form.getAttribute("enctype") === "multipart/form-data") {
if (form.dataset.ajax) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, form.action);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
if (form.dataset.ajaxUpdate) {
var updateTarget = document.querySelector(form.dataset.ajaxUpdate);
if (updateTarget) {
updateTarget.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
xhr.send(new FormData(form));
}, true);
You can use some additional uploaders (e.g. jQuery multiple file uploader) (I prefer this way and I prefer not to use MS Ajax)
AjaxHelper.BeginForm("Post", "Entries", new {id=ViewData.Model.MemberDetermination.DeterminationMemberID}, new AjaxOptions(){/*some options*/}, new {enctype="multipart/form-data"})
But in second case I'm not sure that it will work.
The jquery forms plugin supports file uploads in this way.
Code which I used and it works !! It's a copy of #James 'Fluffy' Burton solution. I just improvising his answer so that people who is new to MVC will be able to quickly understand the consequences.
Following are my View:
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("FileUploader", null, new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "AjaxUpdatePanel" }, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", id = "frmUploader" })){
<div id="AjaxUpdatePanel">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="file" id="dataFile" name="upload" />
<div class="form-group">
<input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn btn-default" id="btnUpload"/>
window.addEventListener("submit", function (e) {
var form =;
if (form.getAttribute("enctype") === "multipart/form-data") {
if (form.dataset.ajax) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, form.action);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
if (form.dataset.ajaxUpdate) {
var updateTarget = document.querySelector(form.dataset.ajaxUpdate);
if (updateTarget) {
updateTarget.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
xhr.send(new FormData(form));
}, true);
Following are my controller:
public JsonResult FileUploader(HttpPostedFileBase upload)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (upload != null && upload.ContentLength > 0)
if (upload.FileName.EndsWith(".csv"))
Stream stream = upload.InputStream;
DataTable csvTable = new DataTable();
using (CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(stream), true))
return Json(new { dataerror = true, errormsg = "This file format is not supported" });
return Json(new { dataerror = true, errormsg = "Please Upload Your file" });
return Json(new { result = true });
Following is the quick Note of above code:
Through Ajax, I have posted my excel (*.csv) file to Server and read it to an DataTable using a Nuget package (LumenWorksCsvReader).
Hurray! It works. Thanks #James
I actually answered the question myself...
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Post", "Entries", new { id = ViewData.Model.MemberDetermination.DeterminationMemberID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "dc_goal_placeholder" }, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
For those who still have problems using #Ajax.BeginForm for multipart enctypes / file uploads in MVC
Diagnosis and proposed solution
Running the “Inspect element” tool on a form element generated by the #Ajax.BeginForm helper reveals that the helper, rather inexplicably, overrides the controller parameter specified. This is the case if you implemented a separate controller for your partial postback.
A quick-fix for the problem is to explicitly specify your html action attribute value as /<yourcontrollername>/<youractionname>.
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("", "", new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "<TargetElementId>", InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace }, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", action = "/<Controller>/<Action>" }))
If you need to use the OnSuccess AjaxOption and/or use Request.IsAjaxRequest() in the controller to check the request type i.e.
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("FileUploader", null, new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "POST", UpdateTargetId = "elementToUpdate", OnSuccess = "mySuccessFuntion(returnedData)", OnFailure = "myFailureFuntion(returnedData)"}, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
Then you can use the following code (I've modified #James 'Fluffy' Burton's answer). This will also convert the response text to JSON object if it can (you can omit this if you want).
if(typeof window.FormData === 'undefined') {
alert("This browser doesn't support HTML5 file uploads!");
window.addEventListener("submit", function (e) {
var form =;
if (form.getAttribute("enctype") === "multipart/form-data") {
if (form.dataset.ajax) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, form.action);
xhr.setRequestHeader("x-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest"); // this allows 'Request.IsAjaxRequest()' to work in the controller code
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && xhr.status === 200) {
var returnedData; //this variable needs to be named the same as the parameter in the function call specified for the AjaxOptions.OnSuccess
try {
returnedData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); //I also want my returned data to be parsed if it is a JSON object
returnedData = xhr.responseText;
if (form.dataset.ajaxSuccess) {
eval(form.dataset.ajaxSuccess); //converts function text to real function and executes (not very safe though)
else if (form.dataset.ajaxFailure) {
if (form.dataset.ajaxUpdate) {
var updateTarget = document.querySelector(form.dataset.ajaxUpdate);
if (updateTarget) {
updateTarget.innerHTML = data;
xhr.send(new FormData(form));
}, true);
N.B. I use the javascript function eval() to convert the string in to a function... if anyone has a better solution please comment.
I also use JQuery JSON.parse() so this isn't a vanilla javascript solution but it isn't required for the script to function so it could be removed.
I mixed Brad Larson answer with Amirhossein Mehrvarzi, because Brad answer wasn't providing any way to handle the response and Amirhossein was causing 2 postbacks.
I just added ($('#formBacklink').valid()) to call model validation before send.
window.addEventListener("submit", function (e) {
if ($('#formBacklink').valid()) {
var form =;
if (form.getAttribute("enctype") === "multipart/form-data") {
if (form.dataset.ajax) {
var dataString;
var action = $("#formBacklink").attr("action");
if ($("#formBacklink").attr("enctype") == "multipart/form-data") {
//this only works in some browsers.
//purpose? to submit files over ajax. because screw iframes.
//also, we need to call .get(0) on the jQuery element to turn it into a regular DOM element so that FormData can use it.
dataString = new FormData($("#formBacklink").get(0));
contentType = false;
processData = false;
} else {
// regular form, do your own thing if you need it
type: "POST",
url: action,
data: dataString,
dataType: "json", //change to your own, else read my note above on enabling the JsonValueProviderFactory in MVC
contentType: contentType,
processData: processData,
success: function (data) {
//BTW, data is one of the worst names you can make for a variable
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
//do your own thing
}, true);
Ajax.BegineForm() works with multipart form data and here's the working code example for the same:
new AjaxOptions {
HttpMethod = "POST"
enctype = "multipart/form-data"
<input type="file" name="files" id="fileUploaderControl" />
<input type="submit" value="Upload" id="btnFileUpload" />
Controller Action Method:
public void UploadFile(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
HttpPostedFileBase file = files.FirstOrDefault(); //Attach a debugger here and check whether you are getting your file on server side or null.
if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
//Do other validations before saving the file
//Save File
P.S. Make sure the "name" attribute of the file uploader control and the name of the parameter passed to Action method UploadFile() has to be same (i.e. "files" in this case).
From my little investigation. All the answers above seems to be correct depending on the problem one is having with the Ajax.BeginForm. However, I have just observe that the problem is with the ~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js javascript library in some case. So in my case I just removed it from the view model and sort of decided to use JQuery Form plugin for my required need along with the HTML Form instead. This has been suggested above.
You can use this code instead of eval
var body = "function(a){ " + form.dataset.ajaxSuccess + "(a) }";
var wrap = s => "{ return " + body + " };"
var func = new Function(wrap(body));, returnedData);
