Where to find the meta keys for WooCommerce user profile fields? - wordpress

I want to add user data from a user registration form I am adding to my wordpress site via Gravity Forms. I want the address information in my form to be added to the Shipping Address fields that Woocommerce adds to my user profile. This should be simple enough but I need to have the meta keys for these fields. Can anyone tell me where to find these meta keys?
When I look at the code in my user profile it shows the field for shipping address has an id and name of "shipping_address_1". Is this also the meta key?
Thank you!

The field 'name' in the HTML input in the user profile is the meta key. (Note: depending on how a given developer handles creating their inputs, this may or may not be the case; but in the case of WooCommerce it is.)
There is a list of meta keys for WooCommerce's checkout fields on this page:


WordPress - Get Comments by Meta Data?

I have developed a custom plugin.
I need a comment option for my plugin.
I have passed a key value as meta key.
In the comment list, it displays all the comments for the particular page, but I want it to display the comments based on the meta key.
Is this possible?

ultimate member user meta fields in user edit

Does someone know if it's possible to edit the fields the ultimate member plugin stores as user meta data?
In users list I see a tab containing the info on these fields, but don't see this info in the user edit page, which impeeds the admin to edit such fields.

Using ACF fields from one post type in another post type based on choice?

So I will preface this with being new to Wordpress/ACF but can do the basics.
I can set up fields and post types and query through them and do loops.
This I am not sure how to do.
I have a post type of properties that each have an assigned contact our of 3 people. I would like to enable to client in the backend when creating a property to be able to choose the assigned contact from a dropdown menu or a set of checkboxes.
That when a visitor clicks on that property the front end displays the contacts name email and phone number which are fields from the contacts bio post type.
I have a relationship field set up to go through the Bios and return the IDs but not sure where to go from there.
Base Fields For Contact Bio
If relation returns selected post's ID you can easy use get_fields($post_id) or get_field($key, $post_id).

Wordpress Add Custom data tables in User Profile - Not Custom Field

I am kind a new to wordpress and need guidance. But understand PHP.
I need to add custom tables with data ( Repeater fields is optional/ HTML field ) in User's profile. User Cannot edit those data ( read only )
Data will be manually added from Admin Dashboard > Users. I assume there should be a field in there for admin to add those data
Then, User can read it from their profile page / Data presented in user's profile.
Those data will be something like a set of 3 tabs with Transaction list and history.So each user has different data.
I had searched but all only show tutorials on adding custom Field in User Registration.
Assistance please. Thank You
You can use Advanced custom fields for this. What you do is that you add a field to users add/edit page with ACF. If you have frontend user profile page. You can get the data from this fields with the function get_field('my_custom_field', $userID)
If you don't have and frontend user profile page, and will let your users go thru the "backend" profile page you will need to add som functions that disables so an user can't edit those fields if you don't want the users to edit them. You can do that with the filter add_filter('acf/load_field', 'my_filter);
The rest how you do this should you be able to find on ACF documentation page.

WooCommerce - Custom User Registration Fields

I was following this blog post https://www.themelocation.com/how-to-add-custom-fields-to-user-registration-form-in-woocommerce/ to learn about creating custom user fields in Woo (for registration).
The post above worked, and I was able to see new fields during registration, but I had two questions:
How can I get these fields to appear when I'm editing a user in wp-admin? I didn't notice them rendering on the edit user page.
Right now Woo (by default) lets you just register with an e-mail. I wanted to also use a first name and last name (my custom fields), but this is already a field on the users in WordPress, so I don't want to duplicate fields. Is there a way to somehow pull in/use/associate an existing field (such as name) during the Woo registration?
Thanks so much for any help/guidance you all can give me.
1 You can use this plugin for display your custom fields in the admin view.
2 In your template HTML file, find the form, and use the default id & name tag : "Firstname" / "Lastname" ...ext
