ASP.NET HttpContext.Current inside Task.Run -

I have a following code example that is used in ASP.NET MVC application.
The purpose of this code is to create "fire and forget" request for queuing some long running operation.
public JsonResult SomeAction() {
HttpContext ctx = HttpContext.Current;
Task.Run(() => {
HttpContext.Current = ctx;
//Other long running code here.
return Json("{ 'status': 'Work Queued' }");
I know this is not a good way for handling HttpContext.Current in asynchronous code, but currently our implementation not allows us to do something else.
I would like to understand how much this code is dangerous...
The question: Is it theoretically possible that setting the HttpContext inside Task.Run, will set the context to totally another request?
I think yes, but I'm not sure. How I understand it:
Request1 is handled with Thread1 from thread pool, then while Thread1 is handling absolutelly another request (Request2), the code inside Task.Run will set context from Request1 to Request2.
Maybe I am wrong, but my knowledge of ASP.NET internals not allows me to understand it correctly.

Let me bump a little internals on you:
public static HttpContext Current
get { return ContextBase.Current as HttpContext; }
set { ContextBase.Current = value; }
internal class ContextBase
internal static object Current
get { return CallContext.HostContext; }
set { CallContext.HostContext = value; }
public static object HostContext
var executionContextReader = Thread.CurrentThread.GetExecutionContextReader();
object hostContext = executionContextReader.IllogicalCallContext.HostContext;
if (hostContext == null)
hostContext = executionContextReader.LogicalCallContext.HostContext;
return hostContext;
var mutableExecutionContext = Thread.CurrentThread.GetMutableExecutionContext();
if (value is ILogicalThreadAffinative)
mutableExecutionContext.IllogicalCallContext.HostContext = null;
mutableExecutionContext.LogicalCallContext.HostContext = value;
mutableExecutionContext.IllogicalCallContext.HostContext = value;
mutableExecutionContext.LogicalCallContext.HostContext = null;
var context = HttpContext.Current;
is equal to (pseudocode)
var context = CurrentThread.HttpContext;
and inside your Task.Run something like this happens
CurrentThread.HttpContext= context;
Task.Run will start new task with thread from thread pool. So you're telling that your new thread "HttpContext property" is reference to starter thread "HttpContext property" - so far so good (well with all the NullReference/Dispose exceptions you'll be facing after your starter thread finishes). Problem is if inside your
//Other long running code here.
You have statement like
var foo = await Bar();
Once you hit await, your current thread is returned to thread pool, and after IO finishes you grab new thread from thread pool - wonder what its "HttpContext property" is, right ? I don't know :) Most probably you'll end with NullReferenceException.

The issue you will run into here is that the HttpContext will dispose when the request is complete. Since you aren't awaiting the result of the Task.Run, you are essentially creating a race condition between the disposal of the HttpContext and it's usage within the task.
I'm pretty sure that the only issue your task will run into is a NullReferenceException or an ObjectDisposedException. I don't see any way where you could accidentally steal another request's context.
Also, unless you are handling & logging exceptions within your task, your fire and forget will throw and you'll never know about it.
Check out HangFire or consider using a message queue for processing backend jobs from a separate process.


Entity framework 6 async/await fail in parallel request

I'm working in ASP.NET 4.6 with EF 6 to a new Web Api 2 project, I've read a lot of articles that describes the async/await pattern and It's clear that for a lot of requests this pattern increase performance for a lot of reasons.
So I decided to use it for the first time.
In decided to create a Biz project and a DAL project here an example.
This is controller method:
public async Task<bool> CheckValueValidity(string value, string type)
return await _accountsBiz.CheckValueTypeValidity(value, type);
I instance biz object in controller constructor.
This is the BIZ:
public async Task<bool> CheckValueTypeValidity(string value, string type)
bool isValid = false;
switch (type.ToLower())
case "email":
isValid = await _accountsRepository.CheckEmailValidity(value);
case "username":
isValid = await _accountsRepository.CheckUserNameValidity(value);
return isValid;
I instance the repository in the BIZ constructor.
Finally this is the DAL method:
public async Task<bool> CheckEmailValidity(string email)
using(MyEntities db = new MyEntities())
return await db.AspNetUsers.CountAsync(u => u.Email == email) > 0 ? false : true;
And all it seems to work perfectly until I made two request at same time, one of these return the correct value the other say
A second operation started on this context before a previous asynchronous operation completed. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
I made the requests from two different client so the context should be different. should....
I don't know how to fix it. I read a lot and my code seems to be correct.
The question is WHY throw this error? I can't understand
Thanks for help in advice.
Ok found the error in the execution flow there is a method that use DbContext without using block.... My mistake but now it's clear that context must be disposed each request!

Async task HttpContext.Current.Items is empty - How do handle this?

We are running a very large web application in MVC .NET 4.0. Recently we had an audit done and the performance team says that there were a lot of null reference exceptions.
So I started investigating it from the dumps and event viewer.
My understanding was as follows:
We are using Asyn Tasks in our controllers. We rely on HttpContext.Current.Items hashtable to store a lot of Application level values.
Task<Articles>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
System.Web.HttpContext.Current = ControllerContext.HttpContext.ApplicationInstance.Context;
var service = new ArticlesService(page);
return service.GetArticles();
}).ContinueWith(t => SetResult(t, "articles"));
So we are copying the context object onto the new thread that is spawned from Task factory. This context.Items is used again in the thread wherever necessary.
Say for ex:
public class SomeClass
internal static int StreamID
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return (int)HttpContext.Current.Items["StreamID"];
This runs fine as long as number of parallel requests are optimal. My questions are as follows:
1. When the load is more and there are too many parallel requests, I notice that HttpContext.Current.Items is empty. I am not able to figure out a reason for this and this causes all the null reference exceptions.
2. How do we make sure it is not null ? Any workaround if present ?
NOTE: I read through in StackOverflow and people have questions like HttpContext.Current is null - but in my case it is not null and its empty. I was reading one more article where the author says that sometimes request object is terminated and it may cause problems since dispose is already called on objects. I am doing a copy of Context object - its just a shallow copy and not a deep copy.
Your problem is that a instance members of the HttpContext are not thread safe:
Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are
thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread
When accessing it the way you are doing (multiple threads) you need to do your own synchronization.
static object locker = new object();
lock (locker)
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return (int)HttpContext.Current.Items["StreamID"];
MSDN: system.web.httpcontext
Maybe I'm misreading this, but I'm getting the impression that you're only trying to prevent the null reference error.
public class SomeClass
internal static int StreamID
int returnValue;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
if(HttpContext.Current.Items["StreamID"] != null)
returnValue = (int)HttpContext.Current.Items["StreamID"];
returnValue = DEFAULT_STREAM_ID;
returnValue = DEFAULT_STREAM_ID;
return returnValue;

Web API Service - How to use "HttpContext.Current" inside async task

I'm using a "Post" async method of webApi rest service:
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
object response = ExecuteServerLogics(data);
return response;
This above code worked good but in some of the client's calls, we experienced performance issues.
After reading some articles here, i've noticed that our webApi rest service,
is not really working asynchronously with its incoming web requests,
because we forgot to use async/await pattern :
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
object response = await Task<object>.Run( () =>
return ExecuteServerLogics(data);
return response;
After this fix we noticed the performance got better,
but we found another critic problem:
when accessing HttpContext.Current - it returns Null reference:
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
object response = await Task<object>.Run( () =>
var currentContext = HttpContext.Current; // Returns Null!
return ExecuteServerLogics(data);
return response;
We tried to found a solution for it, and in most posts we found that we should pass the
worker thread's HttpContext reference into the inner Task that executes the server logics.
The problem with this solution is that the server's logics methods, use many static classes that use
"HttpContext.Current" such as -
Loggers calls.
static security classes that retrieves the user.identity
static security classes that retrives the incoming request's session data, etc.
Therefore, passing the "HttpContext.Current" reference of the worker thread won't solve it.
When we tried the next solution:
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
// Save worker context:
var currentContext = HttpContext.Current;
object response = await Task<object>.Run( () =>
// Set the context of the current task :
HttpContext.Current = currentContext ; // Causes the calls not to work asynchronously for some reason!
// Executes logics for current request:
return ExecuteServerLogics(data);
return response;
for some reason, we noticed the performance got worse again, like it had returned working synchronously again.
Our problems are:
1. Why in the last example, setting the "HttpContext.Current" inside the await task,
causes the requests to return the same bad performance results which similar to the synchronous results?
2. Is there another way we can use "HttpContext.Current" inside the inner task that call - "ExecuteServerLogics",
and in all the static classes which also call "HttpContext.Current"?
am I doing the entire design wrong somehow?
From the beginning:
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
object response = ExecuteServerLogics(data);
return response;
Don't ignore compiler warnings; the compiler will generate a warning for this method that specifically states it will run synchronously.
Moving on:
in some of the client's calls, we experienced performance issues.
Asynchronous code on the server will not be faster for a single call in isolation. It only helps you scale your server.
In particular, Task.Run will negate all the performance benefits of async and then degrade performance a bit beyond that. I believe the improvement in performance that you measured was coincidental.
in most posts we found that we should pass the worker thread's HttpContext reference into the inner Task that executes the server logics.
Those posts are wrong. IMHO. You end up using the HttpContext object from a background thread, when that object is specifically designed to be only accessed from a request thread.
am I doing the entire design wrong somehow?
I do recommend you take a step back and think about the big picture. When a request comes in, it has a certain amount of work to do. Whether that work is done synchronously or asynchronously is immaterial to the client; both approaches will take about the same amount of time.
If you need to return early to the client, then you'll need a completely different architecture. The usual approach is to queue the work to a reliable queue (e.g., Azure queue), have a separate backend (e.g., Azure WebRole), and proactively notify the client when the work is completed (e.g., SignalR).
That's not to say that async is useless, though. If ExecuteServerLogics is an I/O bound method, then it should be made asynchronous rather than blocking, and then you can use asynchronous methods as such:
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
object response = await ExecuteServerLogicsAsync(data);
return response;
This will enable your server to be more responsive and scalable overall (i.e., not get overwhelmed by many requests).
If your task is inside your ApiController-derived class, you can use:
var ctx = this.Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"] as System.Web.HttpContextWrapper;
This will give you an HttpContext wrapper with all the usual properties.
Amir I think you're looking for something like this below. I've been dealing with the same issue, trying to optimize a series of calls. It needs to be async all the way through, which means your ExecuteServerLogics() would need to be async, and you'd have to mark the containing lamda as async as well.
I believe following that pattern you can probably eliminate most of your performance issues. Nice passing the context through like that.
public async Task<object> Post([FromBody]string data)
// Save worker context:
var currentContext = HttpContext.Current;
object response = await Task<object>.Run(async () =>
// Set the context of the current task :
HttpContext.Current = currentContext ;
// Executes logics for current request:
return await ExecuteServerLogics(data);
return response;

Asp.Net. Synchronization access(mutex)

for synchronizing access to my NHibernate session at web environment I try use Mutex:
public class FactoryRepository
private FactoryRepository() { }
private static Mutex _sessionMutex = new Mutex();
private static ISessionFactory factory;
public static ISessionFactory SessionFactory
factory = factory ?? new Configuration().Configure().BuildSessionFactory();
return factory;
public static ISession Session
ISession currentSession;
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
currentSession = context.Items[SessionKey] as ISession;
if (currentSession == null || !currentSession.IsOpen)
currentSession = SessionFactory.OpenSession();
context.Items[SessionKey] = currentSession;
return currentSession;
At my error logging I get:
System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException: The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex.
Method: Boolean WaitOne(Int64, Boolean)
Stack Trace:
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int64 timeout, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne()
Why do I get this exception with calling ReleaseMutex();
Your issue is on this line
The WaitOne() can throw this exceptions because some other thread that lock it, exit with out releasing it
In your case the WaitOne throw this exception because of an abandon of the same mutex in an other thread.
I suggest to warp your mutex in a class and use a code like:
cLock = _sessionMutex.WaitOne();
// call your work
catch (AbandonedMutexException)
cLock = true;
// call your work
catch (Exception x)
In the above code the ReleaseMutex may fail to run if a user stop/abandon the page and the thread is lost/delete it. And thats why you get this exception.
Be ware that mutex can lock for ever the way you do it ! :) Its better to add a millisecond limit on the wait, and / or handle the case of non lock to return read only data. You users can lock for long time if the mutex fails to pass the WaitOne()
Also be ware, the Mutex need to be close and dispose. ! Even if this is like the example in MSDN, in MSDN is only an simple Example, you need to be sure that you close and dispose your Mutex or else you see more problems when you update your page. For example if the Mutex stay on memory locked wile you update your page, then your page may lock for long time, until the Garbage collection kill it, if they do.
Unless you're using a very old version of NHibernate, I think this is probably overkill. NHibernate already has the ability to give you contextual session management in a web environment, and I think it will manage things more reliably for you.
Take a look at section 2.3 of this: NHibernate Chapter 2 - Architecture
Windows O/S has long had a bug where locking one mutex inside another could lock both if they are not unlocked properly in the correct reverse sequence.
Basically the race condition and locking could be due to NHibernate using a mutex to lock the resource as well as the mutex you are using.

Programming synchronous web service calls in flex

Web service calls are asynchronous in flex, but I wanted to wrap a web service call in a class to provide synchronous encapsulation. Something like the below - the user could call getMyMethodResult and get the result returned by the web service. I expected the thread that recieved the soap response would populate the variable _result and mean that getMyMethod would, after a time, find _result is not longer null. But it doesn't! Can anyone explain why this does not work?
public class myClass
private var _result:Object;
public function myClass()
//create a web service object
// Add listener
public function getMyMethodResult()
while (_result == null)
// count a variable or something (unimportant)
return _result;
private function myMethodListener(event:Event):void
_result = event.result;
There's is absolutely no support for that. The event loop runs between frames and as long as you block the execution with your (infinite) loop, your myMethodListener function will not be called. Anyway, this would be a terrible idea since the absence of threading in the Flash Player will cause your UI to freeze while you wait for your service to return. You should just drop that idea.
