How to make deep-reverse function in Lisp - recursion

I am trying to make deep-reverse function in lisp. For example:
(a (b c d) e) -> (e (d c b) a)
Here is my code.
(defun deeprev (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((list (car l)) (append (deeprev (cdr l)) (deeprev (car l))))
(t (append (deeprev (cdr l))(car l)))
Whenever I compile and load, I have an error:
Error: Attempt to take the car of E which is not listp

The easiest option would be to just REVERSE the current list, and use MAPCAR to reverse all sublist with the same function.
(defun tree-reverse (tree)
"Deep reverse TREE if it's a list. If it's an atom, return as is."
(if (listp tree)
(mapcar #'tree-reverse
(reverse tree))
(tree-reverse '(a (b c d) e)) ;=> (E (D C B) A)

In your function, you assume that if the l input variable is not nil, then it is necessarily a cons-cell, because you unconditionally takes (car l) inside the (list ...) function. That's why you have an error. There are many other things that are not nil which could be bound to l at this point, like numbers or symbols.
By the way, (list ...) just builds a list, you would need to use listp instead. Since you ruled out the nil case and a list is defined as either nil or a cons, you could have used also consp.


Lisp exit defun function with nil as value

I'm trying to do a recursive version of the function position called positionRec. The objective is define the position of an element in a list, and if the element is not in the list return "nil". For exemple:
(positionRec 'a '(b c d a e)) => 4
(positionRec 'a '(b c d e)) => nil
I have written:
(defun positionRec (c l)
((atom l) (return nil))
((equal c (first l)) 1)
(t (+ 1 (positionRec c (rest l)))) ) )
I don't succeed to return nil. I have an error "*** - return-from: no block named nil is currently visible"
Anyone can teach me how to do it?
Lisp is an expression language: it has only expressions an no statemends. This means that the value of a call to a function is simply the value of the last form involved in that call This is different than many languages which have both statements and expressions and where you have to explicitly litter your code with explicit returns to say what the value of a function call is.
A cond form in turn is an expression. The value of an expression like
(<test1> <test1-form1> ... <test1-formn>)
(<test2> <test1-form1> ... <test1-formn>)
(<testn> <testn-form1> ... <testn-formnn>))
is the <testm-formn> of the first <testm> which is true, or nil if none of them are (and as a special case, if there are no forms after a test which is true the value is the value of that test).
So in your code you just need to make sure that the last form in the test which succeeds is the value you want:
(defun positionRec (c l)
((atom l) nil)
((equal c (first l)) 1)
(t (+ 1 (positionRec c (rest l))))))
So, what use is return? Well, sometimes you really do want to say 'OK, in the middle of some complicated loop or something, and I'm done now':
(defun complicated-search (...)
(dolist (...)
(dolist (...)
(dotimes (...)
(when <found-the-interesting-thing>
(return-from complicated-search ...))))))
return itself is simply equivalent to (return-from nil ...) and various constructs wrap blocks named nil around their bodies. Two such, in fact, are dotimes and dolist, so if you want to escape from a big loop early you can do that:
(defun complicated-search (...)
(dolist (...)
(when ...
(return 3)))) ;same as (return-from nil 3)
But in general because Lisp is an expression language you need to use return / return-from much less often than you do in some other languages.
In your case, the modified function is going to fail: if you get to the ((atom l) nil) case, then it will return nil to its parent which will ... try to add 1 to that. A better approach is to keep count of where you are:
(defun position-of (c l)
(position-of-loop c l 1))
(defun position-of-loop (c l p)
((atom l) nil)
((equal c (first l)) p)
(t (position-of-loop c (rest l) (1+ p)))))
Note that this (as your original) uses 1-based indexing: zero-based would be more compatible with the rest of CL.
It would probably be idiomatic to make position-of-loop a local function:
(defun position-of (c l)
(labels ((position-of-loop (lt p)
((atom lt) nil)
((equal c (first lt)) p)
(t (position-of-loop (rest lt) (1+ p))))))
(position-of-loop l 1)))
And you could then use an iteration macro if you wanted to make it a bit more concise:
(defun position-of (c l)
(iterate position-of-loop ((lt l) (p 1))
((atom lt) nil)
((equal c (first lt)) p)
(t (position-of-loop (rest lt) (1+ p))))))
The main problem is that you're trying to deal with incommensurable values. On the one hand, you want to deak with numbers, on the other, you want to deal with the empty list. You cannot add a number to a list, but you will inherently try doing so (you have an unconditional (1+ ...) call in your default branch in your cond).
There are ways to work around that, one being to capture the value:
(t (let ((val (positionRec c (rest l))))
(when val ;; Here we "pun" on nil being both false and the "not found" value
(1+ val)))))
Another would be to use a method amenable to tail-recursion:
(defun positionrec (element list &optional (pos 1))
(cond ((null list) nil)
((eql element (head list)) pos)
(t (positionrec element (rest list) (1+ pos)))))
The second function can (with a sufficently smart compiler) be turned into, basically, a loop. The way it works is by passing the return value as an optional parameter.
You could build a version using return, but you would probably need to make use of labels for that to be straight-forward (if you return nil directly from the function, it still ends up in the (1+ ...), where you then have numerical incompatibility) so I would go with either "explicitly capture the value and do the comparison against nil/false" or "the version amenable to tail-call elimination" and simply pick the one you find the most readable.

Palindrome check with recursion in Lisp

I have developed code to check through input to see if it is a palindrome or not but I am having difficulty figuring out how to print the output. I want the output to return "t" if the input is a palindrome and "nil" if not. Also a challenge that I wanted to give myself was to not use the reverse function so thats why my code is not as simple as it could be. Thanks in advance.
(defun palindromep(l)
(cond ((null l) nil (write nil))
(t (append (list (car l)) (palindromep (cdr l)) (list (car l) )))))
(palindromep '(a b b a))
(palindromep '(a b c b a))
(palindromep '(a b c))
(palindromep '(a (d e) (d e) a))
(palindromep '(a (d e) (e d) a))
Firstly, an empty list is a palindrome! If we reverse it, we get the same empty list.
Secondly, Lisp functions don't print their result values; they return these values.
In an interactive session, it is the listener which prints the resulting value(s) that emerge from the expression being evaluated. That expression itself doesn't have to print anything.
Therefore, we begin like this:
(defun palindromep (l)
((null l) t) ;; the empty list is a palindrome: yield true.
Note, by the way, that if we write this:
((null l) nil t) ;; the empty list is a palindrome: yield true.
that doesn't do anything. The extra nil expression is evaluated, producing nil, which is thrown away. The Lisp compiler will completely eliminate that.
What if the list is not a list at all, but an atom other than nil? Let's just go with that being a palindrome. A clarification of requirements is needed, though:
((atom l) t)
Now we know we are dealing with a non-empty list. If it has exactly one item, then it is a palindrome:
((null (cdr l)) t)
Now we know we are dealing with a list of two or more items. That is a palindrome if the first and last items are the same, and if the items in between them form a palindrome.
(t (let* ((first (car l))
(rest (cdr l))
(tail (last l))
(interior (ldiff rest tail)))
(and (eql first (car tail)) (palindromep interior))))))
The whole thing:
(defun palindromep (l)
((null l) t)
((atom l) t)
((null (cdr l)) t)
(t (let* ((first (car l))
(rest (cdr l))
(tail (last l))
(interior (ldiff rest tail)))
(and (eql first (car tail)) (palindromep interior))))))
Code golfing: in the cond construct described by ANSI CL, a clause is permitted to have just one form. If that forms yields a true value, then that value is returned. Thus we can remove the t's:
(defun palindromep (l)
((null l)) ;; t removed
((atom l)) ;; likewise
((null (cdr l))) ;; likewise
(t (let* ((first (car l))
(rest (cdr l))
(tail (last l))
(interior (ldiff rest tail)))
(and (eql first (car tail)) (palindromep interior))))))
Documentation about the functions ldiff and last can be found here.
Further golfing: if we have this pattern (cond (A) (B) ... (t Z)) we can just replace it by (or A B ... Z):
(defun palindromep (l)
(or (null l)
(atom l)
(let* ((first (car l))
(rest (cdr l))
(tail (last l))
(interior (ldiff rest tail)))
(and (eql first (car tail)) (palindromep interior)))))
cond is like a generalization of or that can specify an alternative result value for the each terminating true case.
To go on with code-golfing, since t or nil is expected, you can use only or and nil to express conditionals (and using short-circuitry of or and nil expressions).
Also it is good to be able to determine a :test keyword - since you want to control the crucial testing behavior.
To be able to use also inner lists, one could e.g. use equalp or even a custom comparison function.
(defun palindromep (l &key (test #'equalp))
(or (null l) (and (funcall test (car l) (car (last l)))
(palindromep (butlast (cdr l)) :test test))))
This evaluates
(palindromep '(a (d e) (d e) a))
as t but
(palindromep '(a (d e) (e d) a))
as nil.
Well, it is maybe a philosophical question, whether the latter should be t and the former nil.
To revert that behavior, we could write a custom testing function.
Like this:
(defun reverse* (l &optional (acc '()))
(cond ((null l) acc)
((atom (car l)) (reverse* (cdr l) (cons (car l) acc)))
(t (reverse* (cdr l) (cons (reverse* (car l) '()) acc)))))
(defun to-each-other-symmetric-p (a b)
(cond ((and (atom a) (atom b)) (equalp a b))
(t (equalp a (reverse* b)))))
Well, I use here some kind of a reverse*.
Then if one does:
(palindromep '(a (d e) (d e) a) :test #'to-each-other-symmetric-p) ;; NIL
;; and
(palindromep '(a (d e) (e d) a) :test #'to-each-other-symmetric-p) ;; T
Just to complete the other answers, I would like to point out that not using reverse will not only complicate your code enormously, but also make it far more inefficient. Just compare the above answers with the classic one:
(defun palindromep (l)
(equal l (reverse l)))
reverse is o(l), i.e. it takes time proportional to the length of the list l, and so does equal. So this function will run in o(l). You can't get faster than this.

Clisp : select sublists with a given length

Working on CLISP in Sublime Text.
Exp. in CLISP : less than 1 year
It's already for a while that I'm trying to solve this exercice... without success... as you might guess.
In fact I have to create a function which will modify the list and keeps only sublists which are equals or greater than the given number (watch below)
The list on which I have to work :
(setq liste '((a b) c (d) (e f) (e g x) f))
I'm supposed to find this as result :
(lenght 2 liste) => ((a b) (e f) (e g x))
liste => ((a b) (e f) (e g x))
Here my code :
(defun lenght(number liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((listp (car liste))
(rplacd liste (lenght number (cdr liste))) )
((<= (lenght number (car liste)) number)
(I don't know what to write) )
((lenght number (cdr liste))) ) )
It will be very kind if you could give me only some clue so as to let me find the good result.
Thanks guys.
Modifying the list does not make much sense, because it gets hairy at the head of the list to retain the original reference. Return a new list.
This is a filtering operation. The usual operator in Common Lisp for that is remove-if-not (or remove-if, or remove, depending on the condition). It takes a predicate that should return whether the element should be kept. In this case, it seems to be (lambda (element) (and (listp element) (>= (length element) minlength))).
(defun filter-by-min-length (minlength list)
(remove-if-not (lambda (element)
(and (listp element)
(>= (length element) minlength)))
In many cases, when the condition is known at compile time, loop produces faster compiled code:
(defun filter-by-min-length (minlength list)
(loop :for element :in list
:when (and (listp element)
(>= (length element) minlength))
:collect element))
This returns a new list that fulfills the condition. You'd call it like (let ((minlength-list (filter-by-min-length 2 raw-list))) …).
Many basic courses insist on recursively using primitive operations on cons cells for teaching purposes at first.
The first attempt usually disregards the possible stack exhaustion. At each step, you first look whether you're at the end (then return nil), whether the first element should be discarded (then return the result of recursing on the rest), or if it should be kept (then cons it to the recursion result).
If tail call optimization is available, you can refactor this to use an accumulator. At each step, instead of first recursing and then consing, you cons a kept value onto the accumulator and pass it to the recursion. At the end, you do not return nil, but reverse the accumulator and return that.
Well, I have found the answer that I was looking for, after scratching my head until blood...
Seriously, here is the solution which is working (and thanks for the correction about length which helped me to find the solution ^^) :
(defun filter-by-min-length (min-length liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((and (listp (car liste))(>= (length (car liste)) min-length))
(rplacd liste (filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr liste))) )
((filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr liste))) ) )
A non-modifying version
(defun filter-by-min-length (min-length le)
(cond ((atom le) nil)
((and (listp (car le)) (>= (length (car le)) min-length))
(cons (car le) (filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr le))))
(t (filter-by-min-length min-length (cdr le)))))
(defparameter *liste* '((a b) c (d) (e f) (e g x) f))
(filter-by-min-length 2 *liste*)
;; ((A B) (E F) (E G X))
;; ((A B) C (D) (E F) (E G X) F) ; -> *liste* not modified
For building good habits, I would recommend to use defparameter instead of setq, since the behaviour of setq might not always be defined (see here). In the link, it is said:
use defvar, defparameter, or let to introduce new variables. Use setf
and setq to mutate existing variables. Using them to introduce new
variables is undefined behaviour

Find position of atom - return nil if not present

I am trying to find the position of an atom in the list.
Expected results:
(position-in-list 'a '(a b c d e)) gives 0
(position-in-list 'b '(a b c d e)) gives 1
(position-in-list 'Z '(a b c d e)) gives nil.
I have a function that gives the position correctly when the item is in the list:
(defun position-in-list (letter list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) letter) 0)
(t (+ 1 (position-in-list letter (cdr list))))))
The problem is that it doesn't return nil when the item is not present, as if it reaches (atom list) nil it will give this error: *** - 1+: nil is not a number as when it unstacks, it will try to add the values to nil.
Is there a way to adapt this function (keeping the same structure) so that it correctly returns nil when the item is not in the list?
I know that there is a position function in the library, but I don't want to use it.
I know my question is similar to this one, but the problem I mention above is not addressed.
* edit *
Thanks to all of you for your answers. Although I don't have the necessary knowledge to understand all the suggestions you mentioned, it was helpful.
I have found another fix to my problem:
(defun position-in-list (letter liste)
((atom liste) nil)
((equal letter (car liste)) 0)
((position-in-list letter (cdr liste)) (+ 1 (position-in-list letter (cdr liste)))) ) )
One possible solution is to make the recursive function a local function from another function. At the end one would then return from the surrounding function - thus you would not need to return the NIL result from each recursive call.
Local recursive function returns from a function
Local recursive functions can be defined with LABELS.
(defun position-in-list (letter list)
(labels ((position-in-list-aux (letter list)
((atom list) (return-from position-in-list nil))
((eql (first list) letter) 0)
(t (+ 1 (position-in-list-aux
letter (cdr list)))))))
(position-in-list-aux letter list)))
This RETURN-FROM is possible because the function to return from is visible from the local function.
Recursive function returns to another function
It's also possible to return control to another function using CATCH and THROW:
(defun position-in-list (letter list)
(catch 'position-in-list-catch-tag
(position-in-list-aux letter list)))
(defun position-in-list-aux (letter list)
((atom list) (throw 'position-in-list-catch-tag nil))
((eql (first list) letter) 0)
(t (+ 1 (position-in-list-aux
letter (cdr list))))))
Test function EQL
Note also that the default test function by convention is EQL, not EQ. This allows also numbers and characters to be used.
You need to check the value returned by the recursive call:
(defun position-in-list (letter list)
((atom list) nil)
((eq (car list) letter) 0)
(let ((found (position-in-list letter (cdr list))))
(and found
(1+ found))))))
Please note that this implementation is not tail-recursive.
In general, it's useful to provide a :test keyword parameter to pick what equality function we should use, so we do that. It's also handy to give the compiler the ability to tail-call-optimise (note, TCO is not required in Common Lisp, but most compilers will do so with the right optimisation settings, consult your compiler manual), so we use another keyword parameter for that. It also means that whatever we return from the innermost invocation is returned exactly as-is, so it does not matter if we return a number or nil.
(defun position-in-list (element list &key (test #'eql) (position 0))
(cond ((null list) nil)
((funcall test element (car list)) position)
(t (position-in-list element
(cdr list)
:test test :position (1+ position)))))
Of course, it is probably better to wrap the TCO-friendly recursion in an inner function, so we (as Rainer Joswig correctly points out) don't expose internal implementation details.
(defun position-in-list (element list &key (test #'eql)
(labels ((internal (list position)
(cond ((null list) nil)
((eql element (car list)) position)
(t (internal (cdr list) (1+ position))))))
(internals list 0)))

Recursion through nested lists in LISP

I am trying to find the other element in the nested list when querying the first one. Something like this. (findOther 'a '((a b) (b c) (a d)))--> b and d. I have done this so far: The problem is I only get b.
(defun findOther (elem L)
(cond (NIL (null L))
((eq elem (caar L)) (cdar L))
((findOther elem (cdr L)))))
First some comments on the original code:
(defun findOther (elem L)
;; NIL is always false, so you *never* end up using this
;; case. You probably want something like ((null l) '()),
;; NULL is still pretty common for this, but since you're
;; expecting a list, you could use the slighly more
;; descriptive ENDP.
(NIL (null L))
;; When you find an element, you immediately return its
;; counterpart, and don't collect it and continue on to
;; the rest of the list. It's also easier to read if
;; you use more descriptive names like FIRST and SECOND,
;; as in ((eq elem (first (first l))) (second (first l))).
;; It's worth noting that unless you have a specific reason
;; to use EQ, you might want to use EQL, which is the
;; default comparison in most CL functions.
((eq elem (caar L)) (cdar L))
;; Else, you continue to the rest of the list. In my
;; opinion, REST would be more decriptive than CDR here,
;; but recursing and returning the value *is* what you
;; want to do here.
((findOther elem (cdr L)))))
Taking some of those into consideration, we could do something like this:
(defun others (element list)
((endp list) '())
((eql element (first (first list)))
(list* (second (first list))
(others element (rest list))))
((others element (rest list)))))
All that said, the functions in the standard library
would make this much easier. E.g. using mapcan:
(defun others (element list)
(mapcan (lambda (sublist)
(when (eql (first sublist) element)
(rest sublist)))
(others 'a '((a b) (b c) (a d)))
;=> (B D)
I am not sure if you are looking for pair of two elements or may be more elements in list as well. Just in case you have more elements and you want all of them as well and also of some of them are not really pairs,
(defun pair-of (elem lis)
(let ((temp nil))
((and (listp lis) (not (null lis)))
#'(lambda (x)
((and (listp x) (not (null x)) (eql elem (car x)))
(push (cdr x) temp))))
(nreverse temp)))
USAGE:(pair-of 'a '((a b) (b c) (a d w) 1))
OUTPUT: ((B) (D W))
But in case you want them combined in one list,
(reduce #'append (pair-of 'a '((a s) (a 3 8) (2 5 1))):initial-value '())
=> (S 3 8)
