Strange autocompletion result in emacs + common lisp - common-lisp

I am using Emacs with SLIME for my development environment. When I type (write-to and then C-M-i I get the following autocompletions:
Click on a completion to select it.
In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.
Possible completions are:
I know Common Lisp is powerful, but I guess write-to-sting is not in the ANSI standard. Google didn't offer a single hit for this function. Then I tried to find it in the SBCL code, but alas
(documentation 'write-to-sting 'function) returns nil so it doesn't have a documentation string.
When I try to execute the function (write-to-sting) I get The function COMMON-LISP-USER::WRITE-TO-STING is undefined.
Apropos also finds an unbound function:
(apropos 'write-to)
My question is: What is going on? Does anyone knows the story behind this function?

At some point during your interaction with the Lisp environment, you wrote write-to-sting and it was read by the Lisp reader. The symbol was interned in the COMMON-LISP-USER package. After all, maybe you intended to implement a function that sends an email to Sting, who knows?
Auto-completion works by filtering the currently known symbols in the environment.
You can safely (unintern 'write-to-sting) (or implement it).


How can the mouse be moved programatically in Common Lisp?

The code should run on Windows 10. I tried asking on Reddit, but the ideas are Unix/Linux only. There's also CFFI, but I didn't understand how to use it for this problem (the main usability part of the documentation I found is just an elaborate example not related to this problem).
I also looked through the SetCursorPos of Python, and found that it calls ctypes.windll.user32.SetCursorPos(x, y), but I have no clue what that would look like in CL.
And finally, there's CommonQt, but while there seems to be QtCursor::setPos in Qt, I couldn't find the CL version.
The function called by the Python example seems to be documented here. It is part of a shared library user32.dll, which you can load with CFFI,
(ql:quickload :cffi)
(cffi:define-foreign-library user32
(:windows "user32.dll"))
(cffi:use-foreign-library user32))
The #+win32 means that this is only evaluated on Windows.
Then you can declare the foreign SetCursorPos-function with CFFI:DEFCFUN. According to the documentation, it takes in two ints and returns a BOOL. CFFI has a :BOOL-type, however the Windows BOOL seems to actually be an int. You could probably use cffi-grovel to automatically find the typedef from some Windows header, but I'll just use :INT directly here.
(cffi:defcfun ("SetCursorPos" %set-cursor-pos) (:boolean :int)
(x :int)
(y :int))
I put a % in the name to indicate this is an internal function that should not be called directly (because it is only available on Windows). You should then write a wrapper that works on different platforms (actually implementing it on other platforms is left out here).
(defun set-cursor-pos (x y)
(check-type x integer)
(check-type y integer)
#+win32 (%set-cursor-pos x y)
#-win32 (error "Not supported on this platform"))
Now calling (set-cursor-pos 100 100) should move the mouse near the top left corner.
There are two problems here:
How to move the mouse in windows
How to call that function from CL.
It seems you have figured out a suitable win32 function exists so the challenge is to load the relevant library, declare the functions name and type, and then call it. I can’t really help you with that unfortunately.
Some other solutions you might try:
Write and compile a trivial C library to call the function you want and see if you can call that from CL (maybe this is easier?)
Write and compile a trivial C library and see if you can work out how to call it from CL
Write/find some trivial program in another language to move the mouse based on arguments/stdin and run that from CL

How to get the stack-trace in several implementations in Common Lisp?

I'm trying to make a library that I'm writing portable between the different Common Lisp implementations, I need a function like SBCL called sb-debug:list-backtrace which returns a list with stake-trace, but I did not find any of them, I'm looking for your documentation, and I'll continue, and I'll update with what I can get here, but I ask for help from anyone who has already used it and you know which function of the implementations below can return me a stack-trace list.
(defun get-stack-trace ()
#+sbcl (sb-debug:list-backtrace)
#+clisp (?)
#+cmu (?)
#+mcl (?)
#+excl (?)
#+abcl (?)
#+cll (?)
#+clasp (?)
#+ecl (?)
#+mezzano (?)
#+mkcl (?))
True that I do not need all this portability, but since it's just this function, I do not see why not try to port for as many implementations as you can get.

Defining aliases to standard Common Lisp functions?

Lisp is said to enable redefinitions of its core functions.
I want to define an alias to the function cl:documentation function, such that
(doc 'write 'function) === (documentation 'write 'function)
How can this be done and made permanent in SBCL?
Creating an Alias
You are not trying to redefine (i.e., change the definition of) the system function documentation, you want to define your own function with a shorter name which would do the same thing as the system function.
This can be done using fdefinition:
(setf (fdefinition 'doc) #'documentation)
How to make your change "permanent" in common lisp
There is no standard way, different implementation may do it differently, but, generally speaking, there are two common ways.
Add code to an init file - for beginners and casual users
The code in question will be evaluated anew every time lisp starts.
Easy to modify (just edit file)
Takes little disk space
Normal lisp invocation captures the change
Evaluated every time you start lisp (so, slows start up time if the code is slow)
Save image - for heavy-weight professionals
ECL - not supported
The modified lisp world is saved to disk.
Start uptime is unaffected
Requires re-dumping the world on each change
Lisp image is usually a large file (>10MB)
Must specify the image at invocation time
Even though #sds has already answered pretty thoroughly I just wanted to add that the utility library serapeum has defalias
I use a simple macro for this:
(defmacro alias (to fn)
`(setf (fdefinition ',to) #',fn))
(alias neg -) => #<Compiled-function ... >
(neg 10) => -10
Other answers include detail about how to make this permanent.

Redefine generic function with different lambda list

I've made a mistake and forgot to specify keyword arguments in defgeneric the first time I've compiled it. Now I really don't want to restart SLIME only to redefine this one defgeneric to include more arguments. Is there a way to "undefine" it somehow?
Oh, sorry, never mind, after removing all methods defined for that generic, SBCL redefined it, so it's all good now:
(remove-method #'some-generic
(find-method #'some-generic '() (list of method types)))
For posterity.
See fmakunbound.
(fmakunbound 'some-generic)
SLIME has the command Ctrl-c Ctrl-u to undefine a function. Set the cursor on the function symbol and then type the sequence.
Another possibility would be to compile one or more methods with the additional arguments and then, after your Common Lisp implementation "complains" about the unknown parameters, select the restart which updates the arguments available in the generic function.

Customizing the ESS environment for R

I am trying to optimize my ESS - R environment. So far I make use of the r-autoyas, I set intendation and stuff following style guides, in the mini-buffer there are eldoc hints for function arguments, and I have the option to press a key in order to find information about variable at point (more here).
Are there any other things you use in order to have a nice R environment? Maybe non-ESS people have some nice things to add (I got that info of variable at point from looking at an Eclipser). One example could be an easy way to insert "just-before-defined" variables without typing the variable name (should be something for that?).
(Please help me to change the question instead of "closing" the thread if it is not well formulated)
I am not using autoyas as I find auto-complete integration a better approach.
Insertion of previously defined symbols is a general emacs functionality called 'dabbrev-expand' and is bound to M-/. I have this in my .emacs to make it complete on full symbols:
(setq dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp "\\sw\\|\\s_\\|s.")
(setq dabbrev-case-fold-search t)
Another thing which I use extensively is imenu-based-jump-to-symbol-definition. It offers similar functionality to emacs tags, but just for open buffers in the same mode as the current buffer. It also uses IDO for queries:
Put imenu-anywhere.el into your emacs load path and add this:
(require 'imenu-anywhere)
(global-set-key [?\M-o] 'imenu-anywhere)
Now, if I do M-o foo RET emacs jumps to the function/class/method/generic definition of 'foo' as long as 'foo' is defined in one of the open buffers. This of course works whenever a mode defines imenu-tags. ESS defines those, so you should not need to add more.
There is also somewhere a collection of R-yas templates. I didn't get around to starting using them but my guess is that it's a pretty efficient template insertion mechanism.
[edit] Activate tracebug:
(setq ess-use-tracebug t)
