RxAndroidBle rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic - rxandroidble

I am running the entire sample application provided in RxAndroidBle from scanning to discover services to writeCharacteristic. I am trying to debug into the flow and put a break point in onWriteClick() of the CharacteristicOperationExampleActivity.java file. Clicking the WRITE button does nothing. Break point wasn't caught.
Reading the instruction from the blog RxAndroidBle
Stating that discovering characteristic is optional for write. But the way this sample app's activities are setup, one has to go thru discovering the characteristics before the Characteristic Operation page will be shown. On the characteristic page, I selected the read/write characteristic entry to get to the Operation page. Isn't that the correct way to operate the app?
Also, is there a way to handle writeCharacteristic without having to discover its characteristics? I don't want to show the characteristic view and the user has to pick the correct characteristic to be able to read and write to the BLE device.
In any case, the sample app discovered my BLE device and connected to it but failed to write to it however. Does anyone have experience with RxAndroidBle, please help.

There seems to be a bug in the example - I couldn't make it to work (despite connecting the buttons were disabled) - will need to look into it.
As for the quick-fix you can replace the onConnectToggleClick() method with:
public void onConnectToggleClick() {
if (isConnected()) {
} else {
.doOnSubscribe(() -> connectButton.setText("Connecting"))
rxBleConnection -> {
Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Hey, connection has been established!");
The sample application is not meant to be run with any particular BLE device so to show possible BluetoothCharacteristics of an unknown device it needs to perform an explicit discovery to present them to the user. When using the library with a known device you can safely use UUIDs of BluetoothCharacteristics you're interested in without performing the discovery (it will be done underneath either way but you don't need to call it explicitly).


Is there a way to cancel all operations in the queue?

I'm writing an app using RxAndroidBle library (which is great) but due to a requirement of the Device vendor we must be able to cancel all operations after the device has reached a certain state. Is there a way of cancelling any read/write op that has been sent to the RxBleConnection?
Any ideas?
The library uses an internal ConnectionOperationQueue which tries to remove operations that have not yet reached execution state. A concrete implementation would vary case-to-case but using RxJava it should be fairly easy to achieve:
// First create a completable that will fulfil appropriately
Completable deviceReachedACertainState = ...;
// Then use it for every operation that you want to cancel (unsubscribe) when a certain state happens
Observable<byte[]> cancellableRead = rxBleConnection.readCharacteristic(UUID).takeUntil(deviceReachedACertainState);
Keep in mind that operations that were already taken off the queue for execution will not be cancelled.

Arduino WiFi shield stop working at WiFi.status()

I pinpointed where the problem is coming from. To avoid any complication, I'm using ScanNetwork example, so I don't even have to put in SSID. The code stops functioning on the board as soon as it hits WiFi.status().
I have a Serial.println before and after it tries to get a WiFi.status(), the serial.println after wasn't performed, and of course, I'm still not connected.
I've downloaded fresh copy of the code, and the situation remains the same. I've really run out of idea....
I'm using the official arduino wifi shield, and I have the following code:
status = WiFi.begin([ssid],[pass]);
Status is neither WL_CONNECTED nor WL_IDLE_STATUS, which are the two possible responses outlined in the official reference http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/WiFiBegin
Status is the number 4.
and of course, I couldn't connect to wifi.
What is this????
I've pressed the reset button a million times, is there a more powerful factory restore button?
I've figured it out.
Apparently, there's a jumper, that when you put it in, it'll kick the shield into a DFU-mode that enables reprogramming. And the shield wouldn't be present as a result.
According to WiFi.h The return values of the begin() functions (all three of them, one for each security scheme) are ints. It is not stated outright on this function but I believe that just as with the status() function the return type is a wl_status_t. wl_status_t is an enum declared in wl_definitions.h As:
typedef enum {
        WL_IDLE_STATUS = 0,
} wl_status_t;
So your 4 is WL_CONNECT_FAILED. Probably not surprising to you since, you know, you connection failed.
The hobbiest's debugger, AKA reset button, will only do so much. Printing the status was a good start. Be sure you are using the right flavor of begin() for you security type, you seem to be using the one for WPA. Consider shutting off you router's security completely (if safe to do so in your area), or using a spare router, to test the ability of the shield to communicate at all. Also this may sound obvious but check for a misspelling of the SSID.

Monitor own network traffic in java

I have a Java program which connects to the internet and send files (emails with attachments, SSL, javamail).
It sends only one email at a time.
Is there a way that my program could track the network traffic it itself is generating?
That way I could track progress of emails being sent...
It would also be nice if it was cross-platform solution...
Here's another approach that only works for sending messages...
The data for a message to be sent is produced by the Message.writeTo method and filtered through various streams that send it directly out the socket. You could subclass MimeMessage, override the writeTo method, wrap the OutputStream with your own OutputStream that counts the data flowing through it (similar to my other suggestion), and reports that to your program. In code...
public class MyMessage extends MimeMessage {
public void writeTo(OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList) throws IOException, MessagingException {
super.writeTo(new MyCountingStream(os), ignoreList);
If you want percent completion you could first use Message.writeTo to write the message to a stream that does nothing but count the amount of data being written, while throwing away the data. Then you know how big the message really is, so when the message is being sent you can tell what percent of the message that is.
Hope that helps...
Another user's approach is here:
Using JProgressBar with Java Mail ( knowing the progress after transport.send() )
At a lower level, if you want to monitor how many bytes are being sent, you should be able to write your own SocketFactory that produces Sockets that produce wrapped InputStreams and OutputStreams that monitor the amount of data passing through them. It's a bit of work, and perhaps lower level than you really want, but it's another approach.
I've been meaning to do this myself for some time, but I'm still waiting for that round tuit... :-)
Anyway, here's just a bit more detail. There might be gotchas I'm not aware of once you get into it...
You need to create your own SocketFactory class. There's a trivial example in the JavaMail SSLNOTES.txt file that delegates to another factory to do the work. Instead of factory.createSocket(...), you need to use "new MySocket(factory.createSocket(...))", where MySocket is a class you write that overrides all the methods to delegate to the Socket that's passed in the constructor. Except the getInputStream and getOutputStream methods, which have to use a similar approach to wrap the returned streams with stream classes you create yourself. Those stream classes then have to override all the read and write methods to keep track of how much data if being transferred, and make that information available however you want to your code that wants to monitor progress. Before you do an operation that you want to monitor, you reset the count. Then as the operation progresses, the count will be updated. What it won't give you is a "percent completion" measure, since you have no idea how much low level data needs to be sent to complete the operation.

Communication between two nodes

I have an assignment to implementation of communication between 2 PC terminals using Ethernet.
There is no big deal in establishing network between 2 nodes. but the the big deal is "8 bit data sent on one node is to be decoded on the other node & the same is to be displayed & if possible though a front end window."
the specs for the front end window on the receiving node is as follows , say for example 10110101 is sent from node 1 , the same is to be decoded & interpreted as below using a frontend GUI window , A-On
So please someone suggest me is any other application available to see the decoding process on terminal or what are the steps i need to intiate.
All your suggestions are appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
I guess your specific solution depends on if you are allowed to use existing libraries. Either way I would checkout networkComms.net, an open source network library written in C#.
You could achieve your basic goal if you modify the basic send example (11 lines of code) here. Instead of sending a random string, send your 8 bits, and on the receiving end, rather than just writing the string to the console do something cleverer:
if (recievedString == "10110101")
//Do this
//Do this instead
If you are not allowed to use existing libraries and have to write something from scatch perhaps networkComms.net could act as a good guide?

Correlation on MessageBox direct bound ports

I have an orchestration called MyUsefulOrch, hosted in an application MySharedApp.
MyUsefulOrch has an inbound messagebox-direct-bound port to receive requests, and after doing some useful work, an outbound messagebox-direct-bound port to send a message to the caller.
Now, I have another orchestration called MyCallerOrch which wants to benefit from the useful processing provided by MyUsefulOrch. However, MyCallerOrch is hosted in a different application, MyCallingApp.
I do not want to have any references to the assembly which contains MyUsefulOrch from MyCallerOrch.
My problem now is making sure I can send a message to MyUsefulOrch from MyCallerOrch and receive a response from it.
Ahah! Correlation should do the trick! But how do I go about getting correlation to work in this scenario?
For example:
Would I put a correlation id in a property schema and stuff a guid into the message context under this property from MyCallerOrch just before sending it to the messagebox?
How do I ensure that MyCallerOrch receives only the responses it needs to receive from MyUsefulOrch?
Do I need to put the correlation id value into the message body of the messages which are sent between the two orchestrations?
I would greatly appreciate any help, ideally as descriptive as possible, about how to acheive this.
Many thanks in advance.
If you use a two-way, request/response send port in the caller orchestration to send messages to the useful orchestration, then you can use correlation to route the relevant messages back to the userful orch from the caller.
The trick is that you will need to modify the useful orch (to make it more useful, of course).
If you do not/cannot control whether or not callers to the userful orch are expecting a response back, then you would need to make the inbound (request) port a one-way port. The orchestration would then complete by sending to a one-way outbound (response) port.
To ensure that messages received from two-way/request-response callers are routed back properly, the construct shape of the outbound message inside your useful orch will need to set the following message properties to true using a message assignment shape:
Before setting those two properties, though, also make sure to do something like msgOut(*) f= msgIn(*); in the same message assignment shape to ensure that other properties get copied over. If the inbound and outbound messages are not the same, then you have to manually set each of the required properties, one at a time.
Those properties, of course, in addition to the two above, are what help ensure that the result of the useful orch is properly routed to the caller. They should be inside your correlation set and are:
I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, however, as you assign the correlation set to the outbound send shape only if BTS.EpmRRCorrelationToken exists msgIn. This is critical. I have used a decision shape in an orchcestration, with the decision based upon that exact phrase. If the result is true, then send the previously constructed message out and assign the correlation set from above as the Initializing correlation set. This will cause BizTalk to route the message back to the caller as its expected response.
If the result of the decision was false then the caller of the useful orchestration was one-way. You will still likely want to send out a result (and just have someone else subscribe to it). You can even use the same send port as for two-way responses, just do not assign the correlation set.
You will want to thoroughly test this, of course. It does work for me in the one scenario in which I have used it, but that doesn't absolve others from doing their due diligence.
I think you are pretty much on the right track
Since the 2 applications are going to send messages to eachother, if you use strongly typed schemas, both apps will need to know about the schemas.
In this case recommend that you separate the common schemas off into a separate assembly, and reference this from both your orchestration apps.
(Schemas registered on the Server must have unique XMLNS#ROOTs, even across multiple applications)
However, if you really can't stand even a shared schema assembly reference, you might need to resort to untyped messages.
Richard Seroter has an example here
His article also explains a technique for auto stamping a correlation GUID on the context properties.
Edit : Good point. It is possible to promote custom context properties on the message without a Pipeline - see the tricks here and here - this would suffice to send the context property to MyUsefulOrch and similarly, the Custom context could be promoted on the return message from within MyUsefulOrch (since MyUsefulOrch doesn't need any correlation). However I can't think how, on the return to MyCallingOrch that the custom context property can be used to continue the "following correlation", unless you add a new correlating property into the return message.
