Alternative to Server.Transfer in ASP.NET Core -

I am migrating an ASP.NET application to ASP.NET Core and they have some calls to HttpServerUtility.Transfer(string path). However, HttpServerUtility does not exist in ASP.NET Core.
Is there an alternative that I can use? Or is Response.Redirect the only option I have?
I want to maintain the same behaviour as the old application as much as possible since there is a difference in between Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect.

I see some options for you, depending on your case:
Returning another View: So just the HTML. See answer of Muqeet Khan
Returning another method of the same controller: This allows also the execution of the business logic of the other action. Just write something like return MyOtherAction("foo", "bar").
Returning an action of another controller: See the answer of Ron C. I am a bit in troubles with this solution since it omits the whole middleware which contains like 90% of the logic of ASP.NET Core (like security, cookies, compression, ...).
Routing style middleware: Adding a middleware similar to what routing does. In this case your decision logic needs to be evaluated there.
Late re-running of the middleware stack: You essentially need to re-run a big part of the stack. I believe it is possible, but have not seen a solution yet. I have seen a presentation of Damian Edwards (PM for ASP.NET Core) where he hosted ASP.NET Core without Kestrel/TCPIP usage just for rendering HTML locally in a browser. That you could do. But that is a lot of overload.
A word of advice: Transfer is dead ;). Differences like that is the reason for ASP.NET Core existence and performance improvements. That is bad for migration but good for the overall platform.

You are correct. Server.Transfer and Server.Redirect are quite different. Server.Transfer executes a new page and returns it's results to the browser but does not inform the browser that it returned a different page. So in such a case the browser url will show the original url requested but the contents will come from some other page. This is quite different than doing a Server.Redirect which will instruct the browser to request the new page. In such a case the url displayed in the browser will change to show the new url.
To do the equivalent of a Server.Transfer in Asp.Net Core, you need to update the Request.Path and Request.QueryString properties to point to the url you want to transfer to and you need to instantiate the controller that handles that url and call it's action method. I have provided full code below to illustrate this.
<h1>Page 1</h1>
<h1>Page 2</h1>
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
namespace App.Web.Controllers {
public class ExampleTransferController: Controller {
public ExampleTransferController() {
public IActionResult Page1() {
bool condition = true;
if(condition) {
//Store the original url in the HttpContext items
//so that it's available to the app.
string originalUrl = $"{HttpContext.Request.Scheme}://{HttpContext.Request.Host}{HttpContext.Request.Path}{HttpContext.Request.QueryString}";
HttpContext.Items.Add("OriginalUrl", originalUrl);
//Modify the request to indicate the url we want to transfer to
string newPath = "/example-transfer/page2";
string newQueryString = "";
HttpContext.Request.Path = newPath;
HttpContext.Request.QueryString = new QueryString(newQueryString);
//Now call the action method for that new url
//Note that instantiating the controller for the new action method
//isn't necessary if the action method is on the same controller as
//the action method for the original request but
//I do it here just for illustration since often the action method you
//may want to call will be on a different controller.
var controller = new ExampleTransferController();
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(this.ControllerContext);
return controller.Page2();
return View();
public IActionResult Page2() {
string originalUrl = HttpContext.Items["OriginalUrl"] as string;
bool requestWasTransfered = (originalUrl != null);
return View();
Placing the original url in HttpContext.Items["OriginalUrl"] isn't strictly necessary but doing so makes it easy for the end page to know if it's responding to a transfer and if so what the original url was.

I can see this is a fairly old thread. I don't know when URL Rewriting was added to .Net Core but the answer is to rewrite the URL in the middleware, it's not a redirect, does not return to the server, does not change the url in the browser address bar, but does change the route.

I believe you are looking for a "named view" return in MVC. Like so,
public ActionResult Index(string Name)
ViewBag.Message = "Some message";
//Like Server.Transfer() in Asp.Net WebForm
return View("MyIndex");
The above will return that particular view. If you have a condition that governs the view details you can do that too.

I know that this is a very old question, but if someone uses Razor Pages and is looking to a Server.Transfer alternative (or a way to return a different view depending on a business rule), you can use partial views.
In this example, my viewmodel has a property called "UseAlternateView":
public class TestModel : PageModel
public bool UseAlternateView { get; set; }
public void OnGet()
// Here goes code that can set UseAlternateView=true in certain conditions
In my Razor View, I renderize a diferent partial view depending of the value of the UseAlternateView property:
#model MyProject.Pages.TestModel
#if (Model.UseAlternateView)
await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_View1", Model);
await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_View2", Model);
The partial views (files "_View1.cshtml" and "_View2.cshtml"), contain code like this:
#model MyProject.Pages.TestModel
Here goes page content, including forms with binding to Model properties
when necessary
Obs.: when using partial views like this, you cannot use #Region, so you may need to look for an anternative for inserting scripts and styles in the correct place on the master page.


Umbraco and dynamic URL content at root level

I need to port a website to and decided to use Umbraco as the underlying CMS.
The issue I'm having is I need to retain the URL structure of the current site.
The current URL template looks like the following{brand}/{product}
This is hard to make a route for since it mixes in with all the other content on the site. Like which is not a brand or product.
I've coded up a IContentFinder, and injected it into the Umbraco pipeline, that check the URL structure and determins if{brand} matches any of the known brands on the site, in which case i find the content by its internal route and pass along {brand}/{model} as HttpContext Items and return it using the IContentFinder.
This works, but it also means no MVC controller is called. So now I'm left with fetching from the database in the cshtml file which is not so pretty and kind of breaks MVC conventions.
What i really wan't is to take the url{brand}/{product} and rewrite it to{brand}/{product} and then being able to hit a ProductsController serving up the content based on the parameters brand and product.
There are a couple of ways to do this.
It depends a bit on your content setup. If your products exist as pages in Umbraco, then I think you are on the right path.
In your content finder, remember to set the page you've found on the request like this request.PublishedContent = content;
Then you can take advantage of Route Hijacking to add a ProductController that will get called for that request:
Example implementation:
protected bool TryFindContent(PublishedContentRequest docReq, string docType)
var segments = docReq.Uri.GetAbsolutePathDecoded().Split(new[] {'/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] exceptLast = segments.Take(segments.Length - 1).ToArray();
string toMatch = string.Format("/{0}", string.Join("/", exceptLast));
var found = docReq.RoutingContext.UmbracoContext.ContentCache.GetByRoute(toMatch);
if (found != null && found.DocumentTypeAlias == docType)
docReq.PublishedContent = found;
return true;
return false;
public class ProductContentFinder : DoctypeContentFinderBase
public override bool TryFindContent(PublishedContentRequest contentRequest)
// The "productPage" here is the alias of your documenttype
return TryFindContent(contentRequest, "productPage");
public class ProductPageController : RenderMvcController {}
In the example the document type has an alias of "productPage". That means that the controller needs to be named exactly "ProductPageController" and inherit the RenderMvcController.
Notice that it does not matter what the actual pages name is.

PRG Pattern in ASP.Net MVC?

I'm new to ASP.Net MVC. In PHP, I always use the PRG pattern even when the post request was invalid. It was pretty easy with session flashes (also user friendly).
In ASP.Net MVC, however, I don't see an easy way to do PRG when the request is invalid. I could think of some ways, but I don't think they are good practices and put some extra unnecessary work.
Moreover, from a couple of articles that I've read, a PRG when the request was invalid was discouraged. If it's a bad practice, then what's the better way to handle unsuccessful post requests? Is it really better off without the PRG? And should I just let the rather annoying browser warnings when a user tries to refresh the page?
In Mvc, it's normal practice to handle your Post Actions as it follows:
public virtual ActionResult LoginForm(LoginViewModel loginViewModel)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View("Login", loginViewModel);
return Redirect("/");
As you can see, the property ModelState.IsValid will tell you if the request is invalid, therefore giving you the ability to return the same view and display the error messages in the ValidationSummary when the Post request contains an error. This is the code for the View:
#using (Html.BeginForm("LoginForm", "Account"}))
#Html.ValidationSummary() // THIS WILL SHOW THE ERROR MESSAGES
#Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Email)
#Html.PasswordFor(x => x.Password)
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
We have been using PRG pattern in our mvc web apps for about 5 years. The main reason we adopted PRG was to support browser navigation (eg back, forward). Our web apps are used by customer and for front/back office operations. Our typical web page flow is starts with a login, then progresses via many list/detail view. We also incorporate partial views which also have their own viewmodel. List views will have links (GETS) for navigation. Detail views will have forms (POSTS) for navigation.
Keys aspects of our PRG:
We incorporate viewmodels so each view has a viewmodel (all data access is done in the viewmodel).
Each viewmodel has a set() & get() method to maintain the key data field values associated with the most recent instance of the view. The set/get values are persisted in sessionstate.
The set method has a parameter for each value that needs to be set. The get method is just called from the viewmodel constructor to populate the viewmodel's public "key" values.
The viewmodel will also have a public load() method that get all neccessary data for its view.
Our PRG pattern overview:
In controllers we have a separate GET method and a POST method for each action. The GET only displays a view; the POST processes the posted data.
For list (menu) views, the controller GET method calls the target view's set('item key values here') method, then invokes a RedirectToAction to to the target view's controller GET action.
The controller GET method will instantiate the viewmodel (thus causing get of set values), call its load method which uses the set/get key values to get it data, and returns the view/viewmodel.
The controller POST method will either have the viewmodel save the valid posted data then redirect to the next desired page (probably the previous list menu) -OR- if redisplay the current view if the data is invalid.
I have not documented all the PRG flow senarios that we implemented, but the above is the basic flow.
private void GetKeys() {
Hashtable viewModelKeys;
if (SdsuSessionState.Exists("RosterDetail"))
viewModelKeys = (Hashtable)SdsuSessionState.Get("RosterDetail");
EventId = (int)viewModelKeys["EventId"];
SessionNo = (int)viewModelKeys["SessionNo"];
viewModelKeys = null;
public static void SetKeys(int eventId, int sessionNo) {
Hashtable viewModelKeys = new Hashtable();
viewModelKeys = null;
public ActionResult MenuLink(int eventId, int sessionNo, string submitButton) {
if (submitButton == RosterMenu.Button.PrintPreview) {
// P-R-G: set called viewmodel keys.
// Display page.
return RedirectToAction("Detail","Roster");
if (submitButton == RosterMenu.Button.Export) { etc ...}

ASP.NET MVC 3 caching or not caching action strategy

I have an action, let's say /Foo/Bar with a GET parameter in this action,
get_cached, who define if we want to get the cached value or the "realtime".
This is made with the following code :
public ActionResult Bar()
var useCache = Request.Params["get_cached"] == "1" ? true : false;
if (useCache)
return RedirectToAction("BarCached");
return RedirectToAction("BarRealTime");
[OutputCache(Duration = 100, VaryByParam = "*")]
public ActionResult BarCached()
return Content("mystuff_cached");
public ActionResult BarRealTime()
return Content("mystuff_realtime");
No problem with this code, apart the url will be shown as BarCached or BarRealTime and i would get only Bar (the main action name).
I tried to change the RedirectToAction to the full method name like this :
return this.BarCached()
But this disable the cache capabilities !
So, how can render the ActionResult code from a method (render BarCached from Bar) using the OutputCache definitions on this method (OutputCache on BarCached) ?
Thanks by advance.
In the pipeline, ResolveRequestCache (which OutputCache relies on) occurs just after the request is authenticated. In your example above, by the time you have gotten to "Bar" it's too late to use output caching, as you have noted by saying that this.BarCached() doesn't recognize the cache attribute.
If your problem is the performance of whatever generates "mystuff_", could you not just save the result of that call to the application cache and return it in your Bar() method instead of the RedirectToAction objects?
Not much of a solution I know, but hopefully helpful just the same.
I ended using the System.Web.Caching namespace who is the base cache handler of MVC.
I can access the cache repository of Asp.NET MVC with System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache
Using that, I store the ActionResult of "BarCached" and then I can get the cache feature the way I want using something like this :
Add a value to the cache
And get value from the cache
var myvalue = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("mykey")

In MVC, how to determine if partial view response was valid (on the client side)?

I am new to MVC, so hopefully my question will be straight forward. I am thinking of a scenario where the user submits a form (that is a partial view) and it undergoes server validation. I am wondering how I will know the result of the validation on the client side (javascript) after the form is submitted. For example, if validation fails I will obviously want to return the partial view again with validation messages set, but if it passes validation I may not necessarily want to return the partial view. I may want to return a json object with a message or hide a div or something. I want to be able to determine the validation result on the client. Is something like that possible? Or can I approach this a different way?
The tricky part with AJAX is that the client and server both have to agree on what's supposed to come back from the server in any circumstance. You have a few options:
Your server will always return HTML, and jQuery will always replace the editor content with the HTML that comes back. If the model is invalid, you return a PartialView result. If the model is valid, you return a <script> tag that tells the page what it needs to do (e.g. close a dialog, redirect to a different page, whatever). jQuery will automatically run any script it finds in the results when it tries to insert them into the DOM.
Your server will always return a JSON object representing what happened. In this scenario, your client-side javascript code has to be complex enough to take the results and modify your page to match. Under normal circumstances, this will mean that you don't get to take advantage of MVC's validation features.
Same as 2, except that you use a custom utility method to render the partial view you want into a string, and you make that entire string part of the JSON that comes back. The javascript code then just has to be smart enough to check whether the JSON shows a valid or invalid result, and if the result is valid, replace the contents of your editor area with the partialview HTML that is returned as part of the JSON object you got back.
Same as 3, except you develop an event-based architecture where all your AJAX requests will always expect to get back a JSON object with one or more "events" in it. The AJAX code can then be consolidated into one method that hands the events off to an Event Bus. The event bus then passes the event information into callbacks that have "subscribed" to these events. That way, depending on what kind of events you return from the server, you can have different actions occur on the client side. This strategy requires a lot more up-front work to put in place, but once it's done you can have a lot more flexibility, and the client-side code becomes vastly more maintainable.
Partial views would not have a Layout page. You may use this code to check if the view is rendered as partial view.
#if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Layout))
// Do somthing if it is partial view
// Do somthing if it is full page view
If you are using the MVC Data Annotations for validating your Model, then the controller will have a property called ModelState (typeof(ModelStateDictionary) which as a property of IsValid to determine if your Model passed into the Controller/Action is valid.
With IsValid you can return a Json object that can tell your Javascript what to do next.
Here is a really basic example (USES jQuery):
public class SomeController : Controller
public ActionResult ShowForm()
return View();
public ActionResult ValidateForm(MyFormModel FormModel)
FormValidationResults result = new FormValidationResults();
result.IsValid = ModelState.IsValid;
if (result.IsValid)
result.RedirectToUrl = "/Controller/Action";
public class FormValidationResults
public bool IsValid { get; set; }
public string RedirectToUrl { get; set; }
var form = $("#myForm");
url: '/Some/ValidateForm',
type: 'POST',
data: form.serialize(),
success: function(jsonResult)
if (jsonResult.IsValid)
window.location = jsonResult.RedirectToUrl;

Is this the correct pattern to return different views from an ASP.NET MVC controller?

I have an application that has an public 'end user' mode and a 'back office' mode. Both 'modes' pretty much share the same controller logic but the user interfaces for these different 'modes' are radically different.
Using the out of box default routing that you get when a project is created for the first time I have something like the following:
In my HomeController.cs I have logic that looks like this:
public ActionResult Index()
var devices = DeviceRepository.FindDevicesByCustomer(100);
return View(#"~/Views/BackOffice/Index.aspx", devices);
return View(#"~/Views/Public/Index.aspx", devices);
Is this the correct way to be doing this or am I digging myself an anti-pattern hole?
I'm using ASP.NET MVC 2.
in your view folders you can place your BackOffice and Public in your Views/Home folder
and your return View should look like this
return View("BackOffice/Index", devices);
return View("Public/Index", devices);
the controller will always first look for the View inside the View Name folder of the controller. If your Controller is HomeController, it will always look for the View at first in the Views/Home folder.
I would say that if the data that both views need is the same, then it would be ok to use the same controller/route.
However, if they really are that radically different, then each view will likely need it's own set of data in which case, you may be digging yourself into a hole.
You might consider returning the result of another function instead of the view; something like this:
return IsBackOffice()? getBackOfficeView() : getPublicView() ;
This way you don't have a bunch of if/else in the same controller action.
I'd write a view engine to abstract that out. That way all your controller still has to do is:
return View(); //or one of the overloads
