Spinnaker custom clouddriver - netflix

I'm trying to use Spinnaker to deploy applications to Mesos / Marathon. As this cloud driver does not exist, I'm looking at coding it myself.
I looked at spinnaker-clouddriver, and tried to get inspiration from azure, cf and google ones. But I think I miss some informations about how I is supposed to work.
Do you know any documentation about contributing to spinnaker-clouddriver ? Or could someone explain to me the steps to create my custom driver ?
So far I created :
class MarathonCloudProvider implements CloudProvider
class MarathonApplicationProvider implements ApplicationProvider
But I really don't understand what to put in here.

Kubernetes has a nice commit stream ( https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=kubernetes ) you can follow as examples.
This is the initial PR to introduce the cloud provider - https://github.com/spinnaker/clouddriver/pull/214/files
From there, you would need to implement all the operations and descriptions to fit this.
Essentially, to create a new cloud provider, you would need to do the following:
Sort out how you would map the concepts in your cloud provider to Spinnaker concepts of Server Groups, Security Groups, Load Balancers and Jobs. Some cloud providers won't have this, but you would at the very least have the notion of a server group you would like to index.
Implement caching agents and providers to get an internal cache of your infrastructure. Here is where you would map the existing infrastructure to spinnaker concepts.
Implement cloud operations ( such as deploy, enable / disable ).
Provide an UI.
Adding a new cloud provider is not really trivial, I wouldn't recommend it as an individual undertaking.


PACT - Handling provider service state and running actual provider with mocked or actual database

I am new to PACT and trying to use pact-net for contract testing for a .net microservice. I understand the concept of consumer test which generates a pact file.
There is the concept of a provider state middleware which is responsible for making sure that the provider's state matches the Given() condition in the generated pact.
I am bit confused on the following or how to achieve this:
The provider tests are run against the actual service. So we start the provider service before tests are run. My provider service interacts with a database to store and retrieve records. PACT also mentions that all the dependencies of a service should be stubbed.
So we run the actual provider api that is running against the actual db?
If we running the api against actual db how do we inject the data into the db? Should we be using the provider api's own endpoints to add the Given() data?
If the above is not the correct approach then what is?
All the basic blog articles I have come across do not explain this and usually have examples with no provider states or states that are just some text files on the file system.
Help appreciated.
I'm going to add to Matt's comment, you have three options:
Do your provider test with a connected environment but you will have to do some cleanup manually afterwards and make sure your data is always available in your db or/and the external APIs are always up and running. Simple to write but can be very hard to maintain.
You mock your API calls but call the real database.
You mock all your external dependencies: the API and the DB calls.
For 2) or 3) you will have to have test routes and inject the provider state middleware in your provider test fixture. Then, you can configure provider states to be called to generate in-memory data if solution 3) or add some data-init if you are in solution 2)
You can find an example here: https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-net/tree/master/Samples/EventApi/Provider.Api.Web.Tests
The provider tests are run against the actual service
Do you mean against a live environment, or the actual service running locally to the unit test (the former is not recommended, because of (2) above).
This is one of the exceptions to that rule. You can choose to use a real DB or an in-memory one - whatever is most convenient. It's common to use docker and tools like that for testing.
In your case, I'd have a specific test-only set of routes that respond to the provider state handler endpoints, that also have access to the repository code and can manipulate state of the system.

How to configure dynamic routing of gRPC requests with envoy, nomad and consul

We use nomad to deploy our applications - which provide gRPC endpoints - as tasks. The tasks are then registered to Consul, using nomad's service stanza.
The routing for our applications is achieved with envoy proxy. We are running central envoy instances loadbalanced at IP
The decision to which endpoint/task to route is currently based on the host header and every task is registered as a service under <$JOB>.our.cloud. This leads to two problems.
When accessing the service, the DNS name must be registered for the loadbalancer IP which leads to /etc/hosts entries like serviceA.our.cloud serviceB.our.cloud serviceC.our.cloud
This problem is partially mitigated by using dnsmasq, but it is still a bit annoying when we add new services
It is not possible to have multiple services running at the same time which provide the same gRPC service. If we e.g. decide to test a new implementation of a service, we need to run it in the same job under the same name and all services which are defined in a gRPC service file need to be implemented.
A possible solution we have been discussing is to use the tags of the service stanza to add tags which define the provided gRPC services, e.g.:
service {
tags = ["grpc-my.company.firstpackage/ServiceA", "grpc-my.company.secondpackage/ServiceB"]
But this is discouraged by Consul:
Dots are not supported because Consul internally uses them to delimit service tags.
Now we were thinking about doing it with tags like grpc-my-company-firstpackage__ServiceA, ... This looks really disgusting, though :-(
So my questions are:
Has anyone ever done something like that?
If so, what are recommendations on how to route to gRPC services which are autodiscovered with Consul?
Does anyone have some other ideas or insights into this?
How is this accomplished in e.g. istio?
I think this is a fully supported usecase for Istio. Istio will help you with service discovery w/ Consul and you can use route rules to specify which deployment will provide the service. You can start explore from https://istio.io/docs/tasks/traffic-management/
We do something similar to this, using our own product, Turbine Labs.
We're on a slightly different stack, but the idea is:
Pull service discovery information into our control plane. (We use Kubernetes but support Consul).
Organize this service discovery information by service and by version. We use the tbn_cluster, stage, and version (like here).
Since version for us is the SHA of the release, we don't have formatting issues with it. Also, they don't have to be unique, because the tbn_cluster tag defines the first level of the hierarchy.
Once we have those, we use UI / API to define all the routes (e.g. app.turbinelabs.io/stats -> stats_service). These rules include the tags, so when we deploy a new version (deploy != release), no traffic is routed to it. Releases are done by updating the rules.
(There's even some nice UI affordances for updating those rules for the common case of "release 10% of traffic to the new version," like a slider!)
Hopefully that helps! You might check out LearnEnvoy.io -- lots of tutorials and best practices on what works with Envoy. The articles on Service Discovery Integration and Incremental Blue/Green Releases may be helpful.

Asynchronous Database Access Layer in PureMVC

I'm trying to refactor an existing project into PureMVC. This is an Adobe AIR desktop app taking advantage of the SQLite library included with AIR and building upon it with a few other libraries:
Paul Robertson's excellent async SQLRunner
promise-as3 implementation of asynchronous promises
websql-js documentation for good measure
I made my current implementation of the database similar to websql-js's promise based SQL access layer and it works pretty well, however I am struggling to see how it can work in PureMVC.
Currently, I have my VOs that will be paired with DAOs (data access objects) for database access. Where I'm stuck is how to track the dbFile and sqlRunner instances across the entire program. The DAOs will need to know about the sqlRunner, or at the very least, the dbFile. Should the sqlRunner be treated as singleton-esque? Or created for every database query?
Finally, how do I expose the dbFile or sqlRunner to the DAOs? In my head right now I see keeping these in a DatabaseProxy that would be exposed to other proxies, and instantiate DAOs when needed. What about a DAO factory pattern?
I'm very new to PureMVC but I really like the structure and separation of roles. Please don't hesitate to tell me if this implementation simply will not work.
Typically in PureMVC you would use a Proxy to fetch remote data and populate the VOs used by your View, so in that respect your proposed architecture sounds fine.
DAOs are not a pattern I've ever seen used in conjunction with PureMVC (which is not to say that nobody does or should). However, if I was setting out to write a crud application in PureMVC, I would probably think in terms of a Proxy (or proxies) to read information from the database, and Commands to write it back.

Understanding Symfony2 services

I'm quite new to Symfony 2 and I'm moving to advanced topics like services. When should an object be a service?
For example, say that you have a facade object for making a call to a REST service. This class needs a username and password. Would it be correct modeling that class as a global service? Even if it's used only in a portion of the whole project?
# app/config/config.yml
my_proxy.username: username
my_proxy.password: password
class: Acme\TestBundle\MyProxy
arguments: [%my_proxy.username%, %my_proxy.password%]
Definition taken from the Symfony2 glossary:
A Service is a generic term for any PHP object that performs a specific task. A service is usually used "globally", such as a database connection object or an object that delivers email messages. In Symfony2, services are often configured and retrieved from the service container. An application that has many decoupled services is said to follow a service-oriented architecture.
I think your example is a perfect candidate for a service.
You don't want to copy construction code to all places you need your API client. It's better to delegate this task to the dependency injection container.
This way it's easier to maintain (as construction happens in one place and it's configurable).
It's also more flexible as you can easily change the API client class without affecting code which uses it (as long as it implements the same interface).
I don't think there's a golden rule. But basically all classes implementing a task are good candidates for a service. Entities on the other hand are not as they're most often just data holders.
I always recommend Fabien's series of articles on the subject: http://fabien.potencier.org/article/11/what-is-dependency-injection
Yes, because this will spare you the configuration part. You're not going to fetch the username and password and give it to the constructor each time you need this class.

How to access 'templating' service not in controller

Ok, so the problem is:
I've got some 'order' entity, and it has 'status' property. On changing status, i wanted some other objects to be informed of this event, so i've decided to use Observer pattern. One of the observers notifies clients via email. Now i want to render Email text's from some of the twig templates. As i get from the Book, rendering templates in controllers are done with 'templating' service.
So the question as it follows: How can i access 'templating' service in my Observer class?
I was advised, to implement my Observer as a service, but i'm not sure 'bout that. I've tried to solve this problem, and here is my options:
Use Registry. Solution that is straight and hard as rail. I guess it misses the whole point of DI and Service Container. Huge plus of this solution, is that i can access all common services from any point of my application.
To pass needed services from the context via constructor, or via setters. This is more like in Sf2 spirit. There comes another list of problems, which are not related to this question field.
Use observers as a service. I'm not really sure 'bout this option 'cos, in the book it is written, that service is a common functionality, and i don't think that observing entity with number of discrete properties is a common task.
I'm looking for a Sf2 spirit solution, which will be spread over whole project, so all answers with an explanation are appreciated.
As with any other service in a Symfony2 project, you can access it from within other classes through the dependency injector container. Basically what you would do is register your observer class as a service, and then inject the templating service into your observer service. See the docs for injecting services.
If you're not familiar with how Symfony handles dependency injection, I'd suggest reading that entire chapter of the documentation - it's very helpful. Also, if you want to find all the services that are registered for application, you can use the console command container:debug. You can also append a service name after that to see detailed info about the service.
I read your changes to the question, but still recommend going down the DI route. That is the Symfony2 spirit :) You're worried that your observer isn't common enough to be used as a service, but there's no hard rule saying "You must use this piece of code in X locations in order for it to be 'common'".
Using the DIC comes with another huge benefit - it handles other dependencies for you. Let's say the templating service has 3 services injected into itself. When using the DIC, you don't need to worry about the templating service's dependencies - they are handled for you. All you care about is telling it "inject the templating service into this other service" and Symfony takes care of all the heavy lifting.
If you're really opposed to defining your observer as a service, you can use constructor or setter injection as long as you're within a container-aware context.
