"E" and "I" symbols in istanbul HTML reports - istanbul

what do the "I" and "E" symbols with the black backgrounds signify in the HTML reports generated by the istanbul JS code coverage tool?

These symbols are in front of if-else statements.
As you can see in the image you have attached, 'E' is in front of an if-else statement in which the 'Else' block is not covered and 'I' is in front an if-else statement in which the 'If' block is not covered.


unusual characters when reading with read.csv

The file I'm reading contains one word per line.
I have issues with some of these words, as it seems some characters are unusual. see the following example with the first word of my list
stopwords <- read.csv("stopwords_fr.txt",stringsAsFactors = FALSE,header=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8")$V1
stopwords[1] # "a" , if you copy paste into R studio this character with the quotes around it, you'll see a little red dot preceding the a.
stopwords[1] == "a" # FALSE
How did it happen ? How can I avoid it ? And if I haven't avoided it, how do I convert this dotted "a" into a regular "a" ?
you can reproduce the issue by just copy pasting this in Rstudio:
"a" == "a" # FALSE
here's where I get the file from:
The encoding of the file, according to notepad++, is UTF-8-BOM. But using "UTF-8-BOM" as the encoding doesn't help. though it seemed to work in this answer:
Read a UTF-8 text file with BOM
stopwords <- read.csv("stopwords_fr.txt",stringsAsFactors = FALSE,header=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8-BOM")$V1
stopwords[1] # "a"
I have R version 3.0.2

How text-replace property work in css?

I was taking a test in upwork. There I got the following question:
Consider the following code:
body{text-replace: "a" "b" "b" "c"}
What will be the output of the following string if the text replace style is implemented?
andy lives behind cafe
ndy lives behind cbfe
cndy lives cehind ccfe
andy lives behind cafe
andy lives cehind bafe
I couldn't find any reference for the text-replace property in css.
Wow! You've stumbled upon a property that was last in the 2007 GCPM specification and removed in the 2010 revision. And in an online test at that! Either the test you're taking is several years out of date, or whoever set it was just pulling from random old revisions of W3C specifications and treating them all as relevant (as users have been known to do here on Stack Overflow).
Because of how esoteric this is I'm going to just answer the question. Needless to say, this answer is provided for educational purposes only. There is no text-replace property in any current CSS specification, and there hasn't been for almost a decade (neither in css-content nor css-gcpm). Don't put it in your CSS and expect it to work. It won't. If you need to do text replacements in an HTML document, use JavaScript.
The answer is #2: "cndy lives cehind ccfe"
The exact CSS sample appears in the spec, linked above, and the example is described as follows (emphasis mine):
The two rules below yield the same result. In the first rule all ‘a’ characters are converted to ‘b’. Subsequently, all ‘b’ characters are converted to ‘c’. In the second rule, all ‘a’ and ‘b’ characters are converted directly to ‘c’.
body { text-replace: "a" "b" "b" "c" }
body { text-replace: "a" "c" "b" "c" }
So the processing order goes:
andy lives behind cafe
bndy lives behind cbfe
cndy lives cehind ccfe

Using # number sign in "each" Meteor Jade

Is there any difference between this code blocks ?
each users
span #{username}
each users
span {{username}}
one thing I've found #{} can't be used in quotes (")
The #{var} syntax should only be used in text: reference
Inside a text node you can use both {{spacebars}} and #{jade}
expressions but the last one is recommended:
p Welcome #{player.name}

How to find start and end of IF THEN ELSE block in asp classic

I have been tasked to edit some classic asp pages(though I develop in C#). These were created 10 years back but are still in use. One of the file is very big spanning 5159 lines. It has got many nested if then conditions which I am unable to figure out .. which is this if , where it is starting or where next if is like that.
I have tried vs2010 but it also dosen't highlight start/end of if/else, I tried notepad++ also with the same story.
My question to asp developers is that which IDE they use or how they figure out the start of many nested ifs thens?
I like to use UltraEdit Professional Text/HEX Editor which can fold unfold blocks: http://www.ultraedit.com/
Also this could help: http://www.aspindent.com/?indent
Never used it but heared good things about it: http://www.aspdebugger.com/
A code folding feature is very helpful on such problems, but only if code is quite good formatted. But code folding is of no help if the nesting takes place within a line.
All IDE and most text editors have a Match Brace command or something similar. That command is usually best to find the matching brace of a condition in a not well formatted block with nested conditions.
UltraEdit and maybe also other text editors support even customizable strings which are applied to the Match Brace feature. Perhaps this is a help for you on the not well structured ASP code.
UltraEdit has several brace matching features. But for your problem the most helpful would be the commands Go to Matching Brace and Select to Matching Brace which are both in menu Search (traditional menus) respectively Go to brace and Select to brace on Codding tab/menu (ribbon mode/contemporary menus). With caret blinking at beginning of an If the first command moves caret to the matching End If and the second command additionally selects everything from If to End If. The commands can be used also in reverse direction from End If to matching If.
But before the brace matching commands can be used on your ASP files on If and End If, it is necessary to define the string If as opening brace and the string End If as closing brace in the syntax highlighting wordfile for ASP.
To do this open in UltraEdit from ribbon/menu Advanced the Configuration by clicking on Configuration (traditional menus) or Settings (ribbon mode/contemporary menus). Open in configuration tree Editor Display and click on Syntax Highlighting. Select the language respectively wordfile VBScript ASP and click on button Open. Exit the configuration dialog with button Cancel.
In the opened wordfile vbscript.uew search at top for the lines
/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" "<"
/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" ">"
and append on first line "If" and on second line "End If".
/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" "<" "If"
/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" ">" "End If"
Save the modified wordfile and close it. The modification is immediately active and you can use now the commands Go to Matching Brace and Select to Matching Brace in your ASP files.

XCode 4 - what is the "i" symbol

I know an "m" symbol next to a file is modified etc.
Now I'm seeing an "i" symbol next to a ".a" file that I got from an external library.
What does that symbol mean?
Just figured it out, it is the "ignore" symbol.
