Is there a way to specify default reviewers in Arcanist? - phabricator

I use Arcanist and Phabricator at work and constantly have to manually specify the reviewer field whenever I do arc diff. 95% of the time I use the same reviewer value, which is my current team. I wonder if there's a config somewhere to pre-fill this value such that I do not have to manually fill it up every time I do arc diff?
I read about the --reviewers flag but for some reason it does not work for me. Doing:
$ arc diff --reviewers john.doe
I get:
<<Commit message>>
Test Plan:
The reviewers field does not get filled in.

Just use an alias?
alias newdiff="arc diff --reviewers bob"

just execute a command
arc diff --reviewers 'brijace, john'


How to programmatically run arc diff --verbatim if test plan is required

We want to run arc diff using a jenkins job which will put out a diff programmatically.
We can use --verbatim option, but it's complaining about Invalid or missing field "Test Plan". We don't want to disable test plan requirement but arc diff doesn't seem to have an option to provide test plan from cli. So the question is how do we prevent arc diff prompt window?
to have arc diff --create --verbatim to work, the last commit before you create the revision must have all the needed fields, eg. :
Title of commit
Summary: Summary of commit
Test Plan: A test plan
Say, if you want to do all of that programatically, you have to create this commit first.

How to log the commits between two release tags with JGit

I have one case which is for example to run git command like
$ git log 1.0.201802090918...1.0.201802071240"
to get a differed commits list between release tag 1.0.201802090918 and 1.0.201802071240 under my repo. So I wonder how to code with JGit to gain the same here.
The LogCommand allows to specify the range of commits that it will include. The range need to be given as ObjectIds. And if tags mark the start and end points, the commit IDs that they reference need to be extracted first.
The snippet below illustrates the necessary steps:
ObjectId from = repo.resolve("refs/tags/start-tag");
ObjectId to = repo.resolve("refs/tags/end-tag");
git.log().addRange(from, to).call();
If annotated tags are used, they may have to be unpeeled first as described here: what is the difference between getPeeledObjectId() and getObjectId() of Ref Object?

How to change reports or output saving location in robot framework from RIDE

When I run test cases from RIDE the reports are saved in the below path.
I want save reports in specific path. Can I do this from RIDE? Is there any setting to change the reports location?
Can anyone please suggest the way to do it.
Look at the --outputdir command within the Robot Framework Documentation:
Here is what I use:
--outputdir C:/Robot/AutomationLogs/etc/etc --timestampoutputs
You use this one liner on the "Arguments" Field, right on the top of RIDE within the run tab.
From Wamans comment you can add formats to the end of the argument, to also change the dir name dynamically. See the 2nd answer within that SO question. This should be enough for you to get what you're asking for.
There is no way to set this within a UI.
Just set it by pasting that argument option within the "Arguments" Field at the top.
use below code in command line
C:\Tests\> robot -d C:\Test_results Test.robot

How does one create optional command line arguments in oozie workflow xml

Please bear in mind that I'm a complete rookie with oozie. I know that one can specify command line arguments in the oozie workflow xml by using the arg tag. I wondered how it is possible to specify an optional command line argument such that oozie will not complain that a required parameter is missing if the user doesn't specify it?
Many thanks in advance. If the information I've given is not specific enough, I can provide a concrete example when I log into my work machine tomorrow. We use apache commons CLI options to parse the options.
E.g. I want to make the following argument optional:
In your workflow wherever you would use ${myparam}, replace it with ${firstNotNull(wf:conf('myparam'), 'mydefaultvalue')}
In theory you should be able to use a "config-default.xml" file next to your "workflow.xml" file to give default values to the params in the workflow (see but I couldn't get it working.

Lotus Notes #formula language: Order of Actions wrong?

I have defined an action with the following two commands:
#Prompt([...]; "1");
#Prompt([...]; "2");
#Prompt([...]; "3");
But with the #Prompt commands I found out, that first of all each of the #Promptmessages (1-3) are displayed and after that the AGENT runs. But as the AGENT manipulates the LENGTHfield, the #IF statement compares an 'obsolete' value.
Maybe each statement is executed at once? If yes: how can I prevent the agent from this behavior?
I would appreciate any help!
The [ToolsRunMacro] command will always run after all #Functions have executed first. There is no way to change this.
You can get a list of what commands will execute straight away vs after other functions that execute at the end, in the infocenter documentation.
Also something to be aware on your code is that Profile documents are cached. So you might not in all cases see any changes made to the document straight away.
