some error of Wordpress with my IE - wordpress

When I use Chrome and Firefox with this website and it's work perfectly, but I move to IE all of my products is showed in 1 column as some small divices. How can I fix this?
Thanks a lot.

You need to provide folks with more info.
What version of IE are we talking about.
From a quick look, you are using flexbox which is not fully supported below IE11.


CSS Grid Browser Compatibility

I just completed successfully transforming my site to CSS Grid. It works fine in Chrome and Firefox but scrambles things a bit in Edge and IE. In Safari for Windows it is also not right, but I believe that is an old version of Safari. I don't have an Apple to try an up-to-date version. Chrome and Firefox seems to have the lions share of usage statistics, so I am probably OK, but I thought I would see if anyone
has other opinions before I publish the site. Thanks for any suggestions.
you can loook at the can I use it page.
For browser which not support CSS Grid u can try a Modernizr Script. Try to look in the docs here

css3 forcus not work in chrome browser or or something wrong?

I going to use this sample on my new design for website at mobile version
this is:
but this hide effect not work on chrome browser..
anyone can help?
thanks a ton
Your solution works only in Firefox as far as I checked (doesn't work in chrome, opera, ie, safari). To do such things it's much more preffered to use jquery or other javascript libraries.

my entire CSS dies in ie7 mode

It's bizarre.
This site works perfectly in all browsers but IE7. In ie7 NOTHING works. Most of the css just doesn't even render. IE8? Fine. Ie9 Perfect. Firefox and Chrome, of course.
Want to hear something weirder? this is a template site i have worked with before. Other sites built on essentially the same template DO work in ie7.
This is why i think whatever it is is simple.
I don't want to paste the code here - it's massive. But i'll give you a link to the site and to the css
Thing is, i have document standard set to ie9 It works fine in ie7 mode with doc standards set to ie9
But i have noticed that most IE browsers don't display default doc standards... this is obviously some sort of issue with IE itself. But it's frustrating.. most end users have no clue how to fix this.
Thanks in advance.
I think I may have found the reason. In your body-style (line 13), you have the following:
font-family: "Times New Roman;
See that unclosed quote? Seems like Chrome, FF, IE9 etc can fix that error, whereas earlier versions of IE read the rest of the CSS as your font-family declaration.
Try Modernizr, it makes a lot of things possible in older/less compatible browsers without a lot of trouble. Try the development version to see if it can help you and compose your own production version targeting your specific needs to minimize the size (and speed) of the javascript library.
Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
Thanks everyone. I actually found a solution. Look for a js script called ie7.js and include it with conditional comments.. it solves a LOT of ie7 issues

Dreamweaver CS5 - Error lines under CSS code

I have these squiggly lines under CSS code that isn't cross browser compatible. It's really bugging me. Anyone know how to turn it off?
Thanks in advance for anyone sharing ideas on how to remove!
Internet Explorer for Windows versions up to and including 6 do not support transparent borders.
Assuming you're not developing for IE6, you should can choose to ignore this issue from the compatibility check and carry on.

Internet Explorer Compatibility Issues (CSSPlay Menu)

I've been running into the age-old problem of cross-browser compatibility ever since I began making websites, but this time I'm stumped.
I have a pure-CSS and HTML menu that I used from CSSPlay. It works flawlessly in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer. Can somebody help me figure out why? It works fine in IE9 Compatibility Mode, ironically.
Edit: Forgot the link.
Also, I've been running into a lot of trouble with percentage differences between webkit and Internet Explorer browsers in general. While Webkit browsers also percentages to add up to 100%, IE seems to not do so. Does anyone have a resource for this so I can code to avoid it?
Thanks in advance. Merry Christmas everyone!
Nothing is wrong with your code, it's just something common with the examples from CSSPlay, check the last question in the FAQ:
10.The demonstration/menu does not work in IE8
IE8 is very temperamental when it comes to multi-level demonstrations
and menus (not just mine). I will be
going through my demonstrations over
the coming months to get them to work
in IE8 but in the mean time the
easiest way is to switch IE8 into IE7
emulation mode which will cures all
To do this add the following meta tag immediately afer the tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
here's the same exact code but with the meta tag added :)
