How to send a http response with "Transfer-Encoding: trunked" in GO - http

I want to send my response data to to client with "Transfer-Encoding:trunked".
But I do not find the way to do it with Golang.
Is there any example for this?

The net/http server does not allow the application to control the transfer encoding.
The net/http server automatically uses chunked encoding when the application does not set the Content-Length response header and the connection can be reused (http/1 client requested keep-alive or http/1.1 client did not request connection close).


If client sends connection close header could server to resonse with payload?

I am testing my proxy server and have got a problem with connection close header from the client. If I try to response from the server with identity transfer-encoding it's limited with 390 bytes. After reading wireshark I decided that the my problem came from the limits of the tcp.reassembled.length and 390 payload is matches for the 512 of tcp.reassembled.length. Chunked responses doesn't work at all.
As I understand, if the client sends connection-close header the server should answer with only one packet and the sending payload is an undefined behaviour?
"As I understand, if the client sends connection-close header the server should answer with only one packet and the sending payload is an undefined behaviour?"
Not, it means that the server should send the full response and then close the connection.

Is there an error in these HTTP request headers?

I'm trying to write a .NET web API that will receive HTTP requests from some devices and handle the data sent. I know the exact format of the data being sent and the ip/port that the data is sent to. The problem is that the API does not even seem to respond to the request as the controller method to handle the POST is never called.
I have tested the API with Postman; using the correct data format and host information and it works as intended. In order to ensure some kind of connection attempt is being made by the device, I listened to the port using a nodejs TCP server. There is data being sent and this is the header info that precedes it:
Host: xxx
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: xxx
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Transfer-Content: chunked
I can't post the body data, but it is in JSON format as expected (but separated into chunks).
Since there are requests being made, data being sent but the API doesn't acknowledge it despite working when tested using Postman, I'm wondering if there is an issue with the head. I've been researching about the headers and I did read that HTTP 1.0 doesn't support chunked transfer-encoding. Could it be that the devices are making erroneous requests? Or are the headers fine and the problem could be elsewhere?
Thank you for your help.

HTTP 1.1 TE header

While reading RFC2616, I came across TE and Transfer Encoding headers for chunked encoding. I have following question on these:
If a HTTP Server rejects a request because of presence of TE header, is it RFC compliant?
If a HTTP Client sends a request with TE header and list of t-codings and q values and once such q value is 1, is it mandatory for HTTP server to send the response data with that encoding, for eg: TE: deflat;q=0.5 gzip;q=1 (Does this mandate server to compress entity data in gzip and send it or can server ignore that and send data in normal way?).
If a HTTP server does not support reception of chunked data (I am aware that it goes against RFC, but is intended), what could be the right error response code to be sent back to the client so that client next time does not send PUT request in chunked fashion.
Thanks in advance for your valuable inputs and answers.
In RFC 7230 it says,
The "TE" header field in a request indicates what transfer codings,
besides chunked, the client is willing to accept in response, and
whether or not the client is willing to accept trailer fields in a
chunked transfer coding.
This infers that TE is simply a declaration by the client and can be ignored by next server. There should be no reason for a HTTP server to reject a request with a TE header. If a server does not support chunked then it does not support HTTP 1.1 and therefore should interpret the incoming request as if it were a 1.0 request and respond accordingly. See here.

When does an HTTP 1.0 server close the connection?

Background: I am trying to get ApacheBench working on my custom server. I tried issuing ab -n 1 -c 1 http://localhost:1337/index.html and I sniffing the connection (with wireshark) I see wayyy more than one request is sent.
Example Request:
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
Host: localhost:1337
User-Agent: ApacheBench/2.3
Accept: */*
(repeats more times than I care to count)
I assumed as RFC 1945 says "Except for experimental applications, current practice requires that the connection be established by the client prior to each request and closed by the server after sending the response." This works with ApacheBench when I request one page. However, if I up the number of requests to 10, I get "Connection reset by peer." This makes sense considering that I closed the connection.
I tried the same procedure with Google, however, and it works fine there for both cases. So, how am I supposed to know when to close the connection for HTTP 1.0?
In HTTP 0.9, the server always closes the connection after sending the response. The client must close its end of the connection after receiving the response.
In HTTP 1.0, the server always closes the connection after sending the response UNLESS the client sent a Connection: keep-alive request header and the server sent a Connection: keep-alive response header. If no such response header exists, the client must close its end of the connection after receiving the response.
In HTTP 1.1, the server does not close the connection after sending the response UNLESS the client sent a Connection: close request header, or the server sent a Connection: close response header. If such a response header exists, the client must close its end of the connection after receiving the response.

Should a server adhere to the HTTP Connection: close header sent from a client?

I have a HTTP client that sets the Connection header to the following value when I make a request:
Connection: close
However when the server sends a response, it is setting the header to Keep-Alive:
Connection: Keep-Alive
This seems intuitively wrong to me, and I am wondering how the client should handle such a response from the server? Also why would a server respond with Keep-Alive, when the client has asked for the connection to be closed, is this valid?
According to the HTTP RFC:
"HTTP/1.1 defines the "close" connection option for the sender to signal that the connection will be closed after completion of the response. For example,
Connection: close
in either the request or the response header fields indicates that the connection SHOULD NOT be considered `persistent' (section 8.1) after the current request/response is complete."
That's fine. You are telling the server you don't support persistent connections and it's telling you it does. Either party is completely valid in closing the connection - it's more of a message about what both supports rather then a YOU MUST CLOSE THIS CONNECTION command.
The client says I will close the connection when the current request/response is finished,or in other words , said you don't support persisten connections. That is, it doesn't tell the server to close the connection. The server replies that it supports persistent connections(keep-alive).
As you've told the server that you don't support persistent connection, you should close the connection when you've read the response.
